[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah, LaVey (Church) had a bunch of weird stuff in his writings, including the salad dressing test in The Satanic Witch.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

It is?

I've heard "spill the beans", but never "spill the tea".

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

So you're agreeing that the message you're sending is that you're totally cool with fascism and an effective end to the legitimacy of elections.

Noted and thanks for the confirmation.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago

One more - tankie accelerationist who thinks that there will be some mythical bloodless uprising or just outright doesn't care that hundreds of millions would die in a collapse of the US.

Which I guess fits as a mix of 1 & 2, with a sprinkling of tankie on top?

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Who cares?

Locally, I have third party candidates that have made it to various offices. Do you think a new federal level party just magically appears?

Seriously, what part of this do you not understand? Because I don't think you're jumping to wild conclusions here, I think you're achieving teleportation levels here.

The DNC does not matter.

You have TWO choices for president. Full stop, no discussion, that's reality.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago

Local elections.

No one is getting a 3rd party candidate in the Presidential office today. Full stop, totally ridiculous idea, an absolute waste of a vote. Yes, a waste. It's a vote that will do nothing but help Trump win.

Meaningful reforms don't happen overnight, don't happen with magical ghost candidates that don't exist, or by "showing the Democrats you aren't happy by voting against them".

Meaningful reforms take time. Look at marijuana legislation. Incredibly popular support for, at a bare minimum, medical uses. We are talking nearly 50 years of fighting at a federal level, but local compassionate use has been around since the 1970s, despite efforts at the federal level to constantly make all marijuana use criminal. By the 90s there were several states with compassionate use ballot initiatives (though it took until 2000 for a state to legalize it through the legislature - Hawaii).

Despite democrats that were out there against use of cannabis for medical purposes, and the many, many, many Republican administrations who put up as many barriers as possible, we are now trending toward full legalization.

Should everyone have just given up because only some supported legalization, even medical-only? And let it be banned outright?

It's the same with climate change legislation, it doesn't have to be all at the federal level. And abortion access, protections for minorities, police reform, and so on, and so on.

So let's be clear about one thing. The choices this election are Trump and Biden. You're not getting any others.

You can vote for Biden with a chance for the future, or Trump where the platform explicitly goes against these concerns to the extreme, and outright going full throttle for fascism.

You want to signal to the Democrats? The only signal you'll be sending anyone is that fascism is A-OK, because you're not getting another chance at democracy.

So you send that signal locally. The other option is, for lack of any better way for me to phrase this right now, the absolute stupidest fucking idea I've ever heard.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 week ago

One option, and that's a possibility.

The other, and that possibility disappears.

The fact that you don't recognize that is, to me,a huge problem for the upcoming election.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Most mobile clients you're going to get your search and browsing through OPDS - so a library and a search function, but no tag support. Just (afaik) author, title, publisher, year, etc.

So that kind of fuzzy sorting is, at best, limited to the web interface for servers that support it (like Kavita). Which means browsing in almost any context native to a reader device/app is not going to support tagging.

If that changes, then sure, it could be plenty useful as a single giant list with neatly browsable tags. As of what's out there now and usable (again, afaik) it is not.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Kavita does that, which is what I use (though through the web interface, not using opds on an android app for example), but it would still make browsing just a giant single list.

And I agree, fuzzy has value, which is why I don't want to separate major things like Science Fiction vs Fantasy. But there isn't exactly going to be significant overlap between historical romance novels and an instructional book on erlang, so that book on erlang is just going to get lost in the library.

That's why I separate, it's just too much for a single large directory.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

The software is kind of irrelevant for the sorting though. I use calibre as part of the import process to grab metadata, but it's how it's saved after that I'm talking about here.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Straightforward, and I like it. Thanks for sharing!

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