
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Except it is the specific idea that compels them to resist their occupiers. Because they say it is. Saying otherwise is doing literally exactly the same thing that white Americans did that caused indigenous native Americans to have to change their practices, which they did not see as religious, to fit into the western white European understandings of the word 'religion' in order to receive government funding. Even if a Marxist or materialist analysis of the situation says in general that oppressed peoples 'usually' or 'always' react a specific way because of a specific force, you're missing the point that that is a scientific theory. It is an abstraction. That does not mean it is reality or the only way of viewing a situation.

Your understanding of the situation and how it fits in with your worldview is different than the point of view of the Palestinians actually experiencing the situation. Again, I want to point you to the broad literature of the study of religion that shows just exactly what happens when dudes with white, western ideas of how the world works try to impose those on native indigenous populations.

Your point of view of how the situation works, or your understanding of the powers at play, is not reality. That is your interpretation of reality, a very useful abstraction that is very usually right. But that abstraction has contexts where it is appropriate to apply it, and contexts where it is inappropriate to apply it. And trying to apply it to deny the very real primary motivation that Palestinian people say is motivating them is not a great place to apply that abstraction.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (6 children)

I mean no, it's not. The main anti-colonial group left in Gaza, which is massively popular, is an organization whose primary driving force is Islam. Religion is an incredibly important cultural force that is a key driving factor for Gazans and other Palestinian people in this fight. That is a materialist analysis of the situation lol because that is what the Palestinians themselves are saying. Just look at the wording used by the people there: the dead aren't the dead but 'martyrs', and this isn't just a conflict but a 'jihad' (righteous fight).

Hakim is very correctly noting the obvious here in that a vast majority of the Palestinians are Muslim and that their faith is a primary driver of this conflict for them. Painting in broad strokes isn't denying that there aren't any secular Palestinians, but talking about how Palestinians are fighting back and resisting in aggregate / at a zoomed out level.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The only anti-colonial group left in Gaza that is actively fighting back against colonialist oppression is Hamas, an Muslim organization whose religion is their primary guiding force. If you read their 2017 charter they very much have demands and a strategy that agree with a materialist understanding of the situation (as close as it matters). As a people and an organization indigenous to the area, it is important to understand how they specifically think, and their religion and religious thought is an important part of that.

Just because something "isn't materialist" doesn't mean that "it doesn't work". I would highly recommend you take a course or two on the study of religion, because that kind of phrasing and thinking has been used to ignore, oppress, and extinguish very useful and valid cultures, traditions, and ways of viewing the world from native indigenous populations. I don't have the book name on me, but I did a course on the medical and religious traditions of various African cultures and how those indigenous traditions solve shortfalls that allopathic medicine even today is still struggling to fix. For example, one tradition had a very big emphasis on understanding the person as a whole, within the community they interacted in. This stands in stark contrast to allopathic medicine's view of "solving medical problems as they come up", and we're realizing now that that has limits.

What I'm trying to say is you can come to the same answer through different means. We have lots of historical examples of native indigenous people coming up with something without 'science' or materialism that white European settlers wouldn't come up with until centuries later. A materialist analysis of history proves this is the case. Materialism may be more likely to come to a correct answer, but it's reductionist and frankly just asshole-ish to be like "hurr durr religion is when ur dumb" when religious traditions are so much more rich that than. Materialism and Marxism are a single way of looking at and analyzing the world. If you are dismissing any other method of analysis solely because it does not agree with western European notions of what 'materialism' is, you are going to miss a lot of beauty and nuance in the world, and frankly people just aren't going to want to talk to you.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

Too much reading /j

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

The 'capital' in 'capitalism' means nothing and is there for no reason

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Why do you argue so fucking far past the point it's obvious you're wrong? You're an entire branching comment tree in this post. You never give up on a single point but you're getting bodied left and right.

I'm laughing so hard I almost shat my pants reading this thread

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"All the they/thems in this thread are bigots, they're actually right-wingers!" - WTF is this take

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

To be clear in the dunking threads folks are not usually engaging in good faith with us. When I was on another server and replied with actual questions to stuff everyone was incredibly nice to me and explained stuff super well. Can agree though that folks can see dunking as alientating. I promise though if you can get past that it's one of the friendliest communities I've found on the web.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

took public transportation to get there

We have /c/urbanism so this is doubly true lol

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I mean that's fair, but what you're doing is like going into a public library and throwing a rave party.

Have you read any of the threads on here? Y'all are absolutely vitriolic against Hexbear users. That is not a 'public library' lmfao


It's a nonbinary person and their brother discussing different leftist theory and history each week. They start from first principles and the nonbinary person not knowing anythinggg about communism. They start out reading the communist manifesto, then state and revolution, then some anarchist literature, and so on and so on. I think they lean a bit ML, but they cover both anarchist and Marxist literature.

They've done this completely free for the past 3+ years, almost every single week. There's more than 160+ episodes. They have notes on their Patreon that they write and they donate all the money from their Patreon to a mutual aid fund. They literally earn nothing from it.

I started listening to it when the pandemic came out (was one of the earlier listeners) and it turned me into a leftist faster than any book or Twitch streamer or YouTuber ever has. The format of one person not knowing anything and asking questions while the other person 'teaches' in a chill way works wonders and makes me understand everything so much easier.

It's such a huge resource and not enough people know about it!! I wish more people would recommend it to newbies or folks starting out.

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