Me back when I needed HDR and Linux didn’t have it 😭
Can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m gonna read the shit outta whatever comes next (EDC stuff, swords, or the flavour of crayon colors). Also, have you considered a one-time payment platform to go along with patreon? I know it’s not as appealing from a creator perspective compared to known recurring income, but you might get a different audience - can confirm you’d get at least one donation on a kofi or something if you went that route
Fuck that platform, if it dies right now the world will be a better place overnight. That being said, I’m against it being banned - imo if we’re petitioning for anything, it should be to get governments off of it and onto better alternatives.
Yeah those are fair points, I don’t use any of them so when I say better I mean purely from the perspective of “it can’t be owned”. Mastodon has the option to just make your own server, or worst case even your own fork of the project, and the other two afaik just don’t have either/both so will always be vulnerable to enshittification.
I’m so torn between wanting people to get on the better platform (mastodon) since they’re already migrating and not wanting to disrupt this beautiful (but way late) exodus from shitter
For anyone else who was using the /etc/environment hack to reenable nvidia or intel HDR, it’s okay to remove it now
I know nothing about it as a series, but the DQM Joker games were great and I honestly still replay them sometimes. The storylines are pretty bland but the synthesizing monsters mechanic makes them like a more fun Pokémon imo - and your post is the first I’ve heard of birthrights or bloodlines even after playing all the Joker series, so if it has anything about that I missed it (luckily).
If you wanna give it a try I’d probably recommend joker 1, it’s got the best gameplay (although QoL improves in 3) and the single good character in the trilogy (she’s such a massive bitch, truly an icon). 2 is skippable but not bad, and 3 is a real change with some new and fun mechanics but kinda cursed to get it working in English.
Arch user and I don’t own a mug (it was bloat)
Seems to be the uncompressed version
Endless sky is really fun, and might scratch the same minmax itch as thrive.
One of my favourite games out there - not just open source ones specifically, but like all games included.