Material things are way below what God planned for man.
Man (Body + Soul) was meant to be like God (NB God is not material) (in a good way).
The Bible is not meant to be a physics textbook.
Nevertheless, God owns everything. So things were talked about here and there...
I am not lousy.
You need a fresh moral training.
The earth is flat.
When people use sphere or say the earth is a globe, do they include differences in elevation?
70% water maintains its level. 30% earth have a common (boundary) level with the sea (sea level).
But rain can cause overflow.
If you want to carry your argument further, you can say that no object is flat under a microscope.
Sorry, I hope by conversation ended doesn't mean friendship ended.
If it doesn't mean that, then one is allowed to end a conversation she doesn't want to accept.
If you have time, watch this:
You do not really love him then (even though, even though you've heard it a bajillion times!)
Where there is love, it will please your hearth even when he slaps you.
'Love covereth a multitude of sins.'
Not every animal adapt in cold climates.
Cats are not meant for the north pole.
Water is contained by ice wall.
Egypt is desert because that is where the sun mostly pass (overhead).
The latest video on that channel:
Many things were revealed to Moyses by God Himself.
St. Paul was wrapt to the third heaven.
Also in the book of Job, we see God speak in first person.
Also there are prophets.
You are marvelled at what we can do with matter. You little knowledge of what man can do with God.
In our modern day, we had the Dancing Sun of Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima).