[-] [email protected] 1 points 22 seconds ago

No. I’m saying not involving an ocean and being right next to Ukraine is a lot closer


In both cases Russia and Israel are partly invading to get ocean access, but you're coming out of nowhere with that...

Like, none of what you're saying is making any sense.

Did you mean to reply to someone else?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 34 minutes ago* (last edited 31 minutes ago)

And you’re ignoring literally everything else I said

I mean, when talking about geopolitics, the "geo" part is fundamentally important...

It would have been nice if you apologized, but fine we'll move on to the next sentence:

Meanwhile in Sudan, Ukraine, China, Myanmar, etc. there are millions more people being killed/impacted by genocidal governments and these don’t even make the list of anyone giving a shit when it comes to presidential choice.

In which of those is the US providing munitions to the attackers against international and domestic laws for them to carry out a genocide?

Quick edit:

Were you going to answer this:

And why are you calling a genocide a war? Because the victims have been resisting?

There's just so much wrong with your first comment, it's hard to address it all.

But I'm willing to help explain it so you can understand. This is pretty important stuff. We cleared up that Israel isn't in Europe pretty quickly. So I'm optimistic on the rest.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 37 minutes ago

It’s on the same continent

Just about 50% further away than America is wide...

Like, did you think putting something in all caps meant sarcasm?

Usually people do it to show that they're being literal.

Did you just not know and instead of admitting it you're trying to say that you knew it was 3,700 miles away and intentionally said that was close?

Pissing them off may not be a good formula. Even if they are doing shitty things.

  1. Genocide that we're violating international law to supply munitions for is not "shitty things"

  2. Pissing them off? By telling them to stop the current genocide or not to attack another foreign government at the same time that's allied with multiple nuclear powers?

It’s not a black and white decision to stop helping when they have been receiving it for 50 plus years.

Well, that's sunk cost fallacy... And over those 50 years almost every US president has had to threaten to cut off aid to prevent it from progressing to this. It wasn't till Biden came into office after 50 years of saying he'll always support Israel for them to take it this far. Biden isn't going to stop, and neither is Israel

I'm just trying to get your pov, but I can't follow it logically

[-] [email protected] 4 points 53 minutes ago* (last edited 49 minutes ago)

Except Israel has been talking about starting another invasion against Hezbollah...

Who have a defensive treaty with Russia, Iran, and a couple others.

An ally that starts wars isn't a good ally.

They're not providing a strategic advantage, they're dragging us into large scale multi-country war.

It would likely get tied up with Ukraine as well, and get us to a legit WW3.

Because Biden won't cut weapons to Israel and has spent 50 years saying there's no line that Israel could cross



I googled it...

Israel is 3,700 some miles away from Russia. That's wider than America

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

If any GenZ want to know why I do uncool things even though you’ve attempted to educate me:

Unless you're talking about your own kids, why are so many kids trying to "educate you"?

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 hour ago

99% of the time with this shit no one's heard of it because it's not happening.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

Not even an hour and almost a million views...

The video isn't great, but whatever it was gonna be was gonna be huge.

Big fan of how he used the sound from the concert for some lines. Just thousands of people:

A minooooooooooooorrrrrrrrr

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

parallels with Idiocracy

Bro, life's been like that for some people, for forever.

A 145 IQ isn't that crazy, like 1 in 1200 people. About the same frequency as someone transitioning.

But an intellectual deficiency is defined as 30 points lower than frame of reference, which is normally 100.

For someone at 145, about 84% of humanity is at least 30 points lower. And in your day to day life, you're not gonna run into that other 16% often

So if one of them was the reference point, like Not Sure in Idiocracy, then this is already idiocracy.

"Ignorance is bliss" isn't just a saying, being intelligent fucking sucks.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Do you think Palestine is in Europe?

And why are you calling a genocide a war? Because the victims have been resisting?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Could've sworn you said you didn't want a political debate?

Is this one of those things where you always have to reply?

And your link is just Biden v trump head to head?

What's going on here?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

Do you think it's easier to convince 10s of millions of voter's minds?

Or get Joe Biden to understand that polls show people don't want him and that the best thing he can do to prevent trump is step aside.


[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago

The funniest part is when they pivot to Biden not being important because staff does everything...

Every argument for Biden being the candidate, comes down to Biden having zero power or importance as president. But also trump can do anything he wants if Biden loses.

Like, why the fuck are we plowing ahead with 34% approval rating incumbent if he literally brings nothing to the table? And if Biden as president is powerless, the only way Trump could be so dangerous is Biden chooses not to act.

The more people talk about Biden, the less sense he makes as a candidate to voters.

And getting more votes (in the right states) is what matters most short term. Biden isn't up to it.

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