[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Your first three could be considered factually correct but the last is pretty easily disproved. High heels make your legs stand more taught and generally makes you claves, thighs, and ass look better. Plus it's a general rule of thumb that humans like people who are tall. People will gladly trade inconvenience to improve their appearance and the fact that high heels have persisted seems to imply people think they look better in them

Here's an example of the same woman in various types of shoes and while this is a matter of opinion, I think she looks best in the block heels followed by the kitten heels:

5 frames of the same woman wearing in order: flats, kitten heels, block heels, platform shoes, and tennis shoes

If you disagree then you're in the correct place, but it's really less about the feet and more about the change in posture

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

This feels like a pretty arbitrary distinction to me. Marvel movies are basically animated films, Pokémon is the most profitable franchise on the planet spanning every form of media, and Avatar makes more money per movie than a lot of countries' gdp. I don't really know what this achievement is

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Scoredle 3/6*


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[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Damn. Even with the crazy high heat you're basically parking the food right in the danger zone for bacteria growth. Mailbox lasagna: busted

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

That's my point about civility. I think you can have the conversations, but almost every parent I know says that their children are their greatest achievement and that they are the best part of their life. You're inviting people in who fundamentally disagree with that and a lot of people take it pretty personally when you call the most important thing in their life a moral failure. I just don't imagine /c/parenting users come here to be lambasted and I doubt it's good for growing the community as well

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

As a child free person myself I don't think you want to invite that here. Not to say it'd be uncivil but some of our reasons for not having children will be inherently offensive to people here and I don't think it'd be good for the general vibe. Just an example, I'm not certain I'm going to live the rest of my life free of major strife (the global rise of fascism, climate change disasters, globe trotting plagues, etc) and I think it's morally irresponsible to bring a child into the world. Are those conversations that you want to have here or do you want to talk about the difficulties of raising kids, the surprising joys, and the unexpected milestones?

[-] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

Well when I purchased my car he hadn't done that, so it didn't factor into my decision. To your second point. That's literally what they just did, I mentioned that in my comment. A bunch of auto manufacturers are switching their primary port, that's another way of fucking your charging network. However, to my benefit, they'll probably be picking up some of Tesla's slack on NACS charging stations. Finally, worst case scenario it's not like Tesla disappears off the face of the earth. If Elon fucks it all to hell they'll break the company into pieces, sell the various pieces to other auto manufacturers and life will move on

[-] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago

I agree with Iger that this probably will be the biggest MCU movie in a long time. However I'd argue that's in spite of the MCU not because of it. They're simultaneously cashing in on Deadpool hype and bringing the primary X-Man into the MCU. Obviously we don't know what direction it's going to to go in until the movie comes out but I have a hard time imagining that if it tries to merge into the "main" MCU world that it'd make sense tonally. If it fucks off into the weird "multiverse" stuff that Dr Strange, Loki, and Wanda seem to be doing I have to guess subsequent stuff will be more nothingburgers that people are apathetic about

I personally think people liked Deadpool being mostly it's own thing. I think keeping him only tangentially involved is going to be the key to success but I doubt Disney's ability to be restrained enough to do that

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

No, just that you're probably a degenerate. We all know strip clubs exist and people go to them, nobody was talking about that, you just immediately assumed that we were

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Maybe let's chill on comparing people who don't want to be annoyed by babies on airplanes to nazis?

[-] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago

I think you're telling on yourself a little here. If someone says "adults only space" and you immediately go to strip club instead of bar, club, comedy clubs, lounges, etc. then maybe that's about you

[-] [email protected] -3 points 5 days ago

I'm an adult with adult responsibilities and obligations. Occasionally I do have to be on a plane. That child's presence is almost certainly not required somewhere with such urgency that they simply must be on a plane. Also I can and do behave myself so I don't need to be justified. Babies usually can't and don't, which is why we're having this conversation in the first place

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When someone links to a community if you open the post and then follow the link it works fine. If you're browsing with cards and try to follow the link from the card without opening the actual post it attempts to open the link in a browser which fails because the link is not the full URL. It would be nice if clicking the link would take me to that community on that instance, which is what it does when you open the post and click the link

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