[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

biden won both humboldt county and mendocino county pretty handily in 2020 and i would bet real money he will win them again this year. my guess is that the real heart of reaction in norcal is in ranching and ag, just like elsewhere in the west

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago

by any sensible definition of northern california, yes, easily and obviously, since it includes the bay area. if you are only talking about the state of jefferson area in the far north then he would probably lose but idk there are still lots of libs in those parts

[-] [email protected] 21 points 3 days ago

maybe that's whats happening here, logically you would think that hunter would want to do whatever he could to get out of the spotlight. secret republican agent hunter is making 4D chess moves, he knows that any non-senile dem would probably do better than his dad against trump

[-] [email protected] 55 points 4 days ago

Biden’s family is urging him to stay in the race despite last week’s disastrous debate performance, even as some privately express exasperation at how he was prepared for the event. The strongest voice for staying in has been Hunter.


[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

new consoles push the technological limits -> game dev costs more money and takes longer -> fewer games coming out -> fewer people bothering with buying new consoles when there are so few games -> less money to keep up with ballooning costs of game dev -> layoffs in the industry -> games take even longer to come out

haven't actually looked into the sales numbers to see if any of this is actually correct but it's how it feels vibe wise

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

i figured things were trending this way when i tried to play a dvd on a laptop a few years ago and it turns out they don't include the software to play dvds anymore and msft just took me to their store page where i could buy it. thankfully i knew about vlc player but i wonder how many people get swindled every year from shit like that

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

the dispossessed by ursula leguin mentions a character having fur or something similar like halfway through the book and until then i thought all the characters were humans living on other planets, not aliens. got a kick out of me

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

had a work conference thing last week where this random dude, who was the opening speaker for some reason, spent like 20 minutes bragging about his career and the only thing he said that was even remotely relevant to the conference he admitted he got from chatgpt. lol. he gets to talk to the governor on the phone every now and then though so i guess that makes him important. suck off me

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

it was actually kellogg the kellogg's guy, not the oatmeal guy (william penn)

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

i remember seeing a chart with quality of life on one axis and sustainability on the other and cuba was already in a league of its own. hopefully there will be many more of these solar parks and other renewables to come

[-] [email protected] 49 points 3 weeks ago

Armed conflicts hit post-WWII record in 2023

More armed conflicts took place in 2023 than in any other year since the end of World War II, a new study has found. The Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) said 59 armed conflicts took place worldwide last year, led by the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Twenty-eight of the conflicts were in Africa, followed by Asia with 17 and the Middle East with 10. Just three conflicts were recorded in Europe and a single example in the Americas. Although the number of conflicts grew last year, the number of countries that experienced conflicts declined from 39 in 2022 to 34.

Peace Research Institute of Oslo sounds like a typical western scam NGO but i haven't actually looked into them. even if it isn't 100% accurate it does feel like the amount of violence around the globe has been increasing, and with climate change and declining capitalism/american imperial position i worry it's gonna get worse before it gets better

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

the post of the guy with the milk has me thinking. has anything written anything at length about how RWers in the west seem to have a lot of hangups relating to childhood? there are a bunch of weird things that they have done/picked up on that seem childish to me, or seem to display an inability to move past childhood:

-the brief milk obsession that seems to rear its head again every now and then (oedipal?)

-the frequent focus on what's going on in schools and colleges, often in lurid terms: furry hysteria, transphobes often discussing locker rooms/bathrooms

-obsession with gaming, anime, star wars, etc. hobbies/interests that most people pick up as kids

-charlie kirk's diaper thing a while back, i think crowder has also dressed up as a child/baby in public too?

-doubling down on things instead of confronting them, like going on all-meat diets as a reaction to more people questioning the ethics of animal agriculture, and then doubling down on THAT and going on an all raw meat diet. also the pro-tobacco fringe that seems to be especially popular among red scare, "post left" types

-aversion to sex and sexuality

-"this is what they took from you" captions accompanying images of kids playing N64 or riding bikes, nostalgia more broadly

-"trad" stuff presenting essentially a dollhouse version of motherhood

idk if there's anything there but it seems like enough that someone could write an interesting essay about it. tie it into alienation and the nuclear family/suburbanization and the end of the american dream maybe. like all these people want to live life like a 1950s burger ad, the only time in their life where they've felt close to that was in childhood, and now as adults they see that the whole one-income, two kids in the suburb thing isn't possible anymore so they just retreat into memories of childhood (consciously or not) and get angrier and angrier about it

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

An easy pick for me but it captures the last decade so well. Lincoln looking at the noose/halo is what sends this one over from being just a funny picture into being genuine art. It should be in a gallery. It should be in the entryway to the White House.

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