
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

Yeah, that's a company server, specifically for the local network group

It IS in my normal range, but it is NOT listed on my Router’s DHCP client list.

Why would an internal server change IP all the time? DHCP is for silly things like laptops that turn on and off eleventy times a day

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago

So, as a non-autistic person, something I've noticed, is that people with autism can't handle anything that remotely describes them as stupid and useless (exaggerated sense of self/narcisism). This wouldn't normally be an issue however, except it compounds with this other thing I've noticed, that people with autism have this intense urge to reach 100%, and anything less than that is actually 0% (in other words, yall see things in black and white).


This interaction produces this awkward logic where anything negative (including personal mistakes) is taken as a personal insult, which produces one of two results, A (you have personally insulted me, that means I get to personally act like a complete asshole on purpose and/or meltdown), or B (somebody/or myself said something negative about me, and that means I'm stupid and useless and sad now).


Since tone is something that asian cultures have built in to their language, and the lack of ability to understand tone and its effect on communication is incredibly obvious from my standpoint.


Anyways, long story short, purely neutral descriptive language and judgemental language are very different. Purely descriptive language, especially scientific, often tries to describe a thing in as many words as possibly allowed, because otherwise you run into information compression loss (too much jpg). If you want to be accurate, and accuracy is tantamount in any scientific field, then every possible description from every possible viewpoint is required. This is the opposite of what people with autism like to do, which is "efficient". Yall gonna end up describing a moon rock like, "it is grey and dusty", which is severely useless. Sometimes you cannot describe an object in less than 20,000 words, especially if you've never seen it before.


Autism being a spectrum of traits in variable degrees of effect, I would expect such 20 page papers when trying to formally diagnose someone.


If you wanna see some judgemental language and the difference between such and anything not, go on r/roastme and check out the roasts.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Ehh.. it's approximately in line with source material ratings. On the other hand, if the community is small, there would be some odd tilts due to a lack of total variety, so the people who have watched four seasons of Date A Live would obviously know to recommend the fifth season.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You've uhh..never watched The Fifth Element (1997) have you?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (3 children)

To add to this, here is a rough explanation of why "average" people still exist.


If you take every job in the world, and group them up, you're gonna get significantly more maintenance type jobs, time-gated jobs, tetris type jobs, and basically every job that requires about 2 brain cells to perform perfectly, than any job that actually requires critical thinking.


So we can either take you, the smartest ~~meat popsicle~~ man on the planet, and make you stand there and hold a stop sign in the middle of traffic in 100F/38C weather for 10 hours straight six days a week,


we can give that job to somebody else and have you design highway interchanges.


Take your pick.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

I have this hypothesis that masking their authenticity in order to fit in with their respective social group is the normal way also in NT people.


This is not correct. A "neurotypical" (term is terrible, there are good reasons) does not "mask" in most situations. They are simply using their own personality. People with autism have this nasty habit of trying to find "the correct answer", which is something that simply doesn't exist most of the time. If a normal person is masking, it is likely that they are doing so because they are still trying to maintain some image of civility.


The other part of this is that a question with no correct answer, however, still has wrong answers. If someone asks you what you are doing this weekend, "researching goatse" is a most certainly a wrong answer. All of this is dependent on the other person. In the case of a random person, it's easier to just leave out everything longer than a single sentence, which is why talking with strangers always feels oddly hollow.



TALK: "[person you hate] died yesterday."

Normal: "Good, fuck that guy in particular."

Masked: "That's ... unfortunate."


It is true, though, that an average person doesn't have to think about every sensory input. That's the only real high-level difference. Most people are also incapable of focusing on more than one task. It just seems like multitasking or speedy processing because they can drop tasks at a moment's notice. For someone who actually does have hardware multitasking, high process speed, and acute sense of time, interacting with an average person feels like an eternity. If I had to fancy a fat guess, I'd say this is why people with autism seem to prefer online interaction -- because there's no timelines for said interaction, and the lack of the information that they have to track makes interacting much faster.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Did you do teenager k, work k, or spouse k?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

To me it's not actually an apology

Then stop doing it. An apology is for when you did or could have fucked something up. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply sooner" means you are aware of a deadline involved for the other party and that deadline may have been fucked by your untimely response.

when they reassure me I don't need to apologize

This means there was either no deadline involved or the deadline did not pass or nothing was fucked as a result. Also means that you may have incorrectly assumed information about the existence or properties of a deadline.



Knowledge and skill level can be divided approximately by degree and type of brainpower used. In this manner, Unconscious Use > Conscious Use.


Think about it this way: You've blocked everything out so you can dice an onion perfectly. If one thing distracts you, the dicing is gonna get fucked. Meanwhile, Sous Chef-san can dice an onion with his eyes closed and yelling at the new guy because he's about to dump the wrong spice into the soup. Who one do you think is better at chopping onions?


Memorization is not learning. Learning is the ability to cross-reference information, and intelligence is the ability to select the appropriate knowledge to apply for the situation.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago (2 children)

It said too many local connections, not enough long range connections, ie get stuck on details and no big picture. It's pretty close to what I know as autism, but in medical jargon. It doesn't state an important known part though, in that autistic left/right hemisphere utilization is the opposite of a normal brain. Normal is something like 45 left/55 right, autistic is 55 left/45 right. If you'll notice, autism causes issues with all skills considered to be right brain (language, emotions, spatial, etc)...

tl;dr overthink step 1, forgot step 2 though 9, last step failed, meltdown

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago (5 children)

Figure out whether your circadian time is set for early morning (~5AM wake up time), day (~10AM wake), or night (~2PM wake). Despite what most people think, it's incredibly hard for one type to adapt to another.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

"I have autism"

uh..don't open with this..

-The perception of autism has been ruined by being popular. Since very few of the nonphysical autism symptoms are unique to autism, you can maybe try showing the bits that are normal first and explain at some point when they notice differences? I myself did not know there were physical symptoms until I read the Wikipedia entry.

What's a good way to phrase this so a person knows I'm not being snarky?

-A large portion of comedy is just timing. As such inappropriate timing will bomb really hard. It's also quite common for a person's personality to not match their physical appearance or language use. If you mention things early and often, and not after issues arise, it should be okay. Also, mention if you have trouble with tones and inflections. (This made me think of the Johnny Carson tomahawk bit, where he kept his mouth shut for a solid half minute before saying his line)

But isn't someone informing them also how people learn?

-There are multiple ways to learn, and that's actually one of the less common ones, especially if it's just a flat "don't" without an actual answer. The most common method being things exploding in your face.

-It's rather easy to learn from prior knowledge, but all of human knowledge had to be discovered at some point, which means somebody had to fuck it up repeatedly to get there, because they sure as hell didn't get perfect completion on the first try.

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