
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Today’s been a good day. I say this with the wholehearted knowledge that my life will be very different and yet all too familiar at the same time.

Finally had a proper conversation with my parents since I was alive.

No more hiding. No more “negative peace”.

I told them how I felt. How they treated me throughout my childhood and teenager years. The religious trauma. The corporal punishments.

My dad’s a tougher nut to crack but I think in the end he understood and respected my feelings. It feels like a whole chapter of my life just closed in an instant. Just from one talk.

I know that may be the optimist in me speaking but I think I can finally slowly move away from the past and look forward to the future.

I can finally be at peace knowing that my relationship with the family is finally moving to something I can be happy with.

13 year old me would have not imagined this day whatsoever.

My friend joked that this isn’t how “normal” Asian parents would have reacted. Well I wouldn’t know, my experience is that everyone’s parents are different. We won’t know until we try.

I guess I did live up to my childhood name after all - “the destroyer”. To ashes the trauma burns, and in the soot a new tree sprouts.

Funny that this had to take place on October 7. I guess I can say many good things have happened on this date.


Crying on the street after confronting the private, outsourced visa company was not on my bucket list. It would be funny if it was not so mundane - but I had to overanalyze every slight body language and had to realise then and there that I had to travel to fuck all and be all alone again. Had to stutter with my words and feel like a tied knot because I had the audacity to stand up for myself and complain that I have waited way too long to get my fucking passport back.

Crying because I feel like my stimulant isn’t working. Which fucking sucks because I spent a large sum for travelling. The fucken meds. Makes me calm sometimes, but sometimes just makes the self-hatred more lucid and center stage. And the “crash”, - reminded me of my lowest days in high school. I told myself, it’s fine, I just have to tolerate its side effects until my supply’s done and can try another.

Crying because I crossed a boundary that my therapist had tried to push towards: opening up and accepting support from the people that hurt me the most: my own parents.

Crying because I feel both like a kid and an adult at the same fucking time.

And yet, feeling like shit, my heart breaking - realising I may have to actually be fully vulnerable with my parents for once - and the drug-fuelled anxiety simmering beneath, I still don’t wanna escape this life I live in.

Why the fuck would I? My own life, the only thing I have. Still feels shit most of the time, but there’s that annoying shithead voice that says: so what? You had a tough life. This is apart of it. You have handled worse. Still would not want it any other way.

For most of my life I dissociated. Life was merely a series of pictures and I was the audience. From birth to now. Never felt like I was in the driver’s seat.

Adult diagnosed Autism and ADHD. Figured that out just this year. Before, I “just” had GAD and SAD - which I also had to practically self-diagnose and asked to see a doctor.

The shrink said crying is a good release. Figures I had to do it in public. And yet, the world continues to spin, everything feels bad now, but apparently I am too stubborn to go back to feeling nothing and holding it all in.

Clawing on the floor and struggling, but I know it will happen. I will change. I will improve.

And I know it to be true because I already have.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

They can speak and understand Hindi/Urdu and Tamil.

Read and speak Standard Chinese, Malay and English.

They said it’s normal in their country.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I have a close friend that can speak 5 languages (most major Asian languages + English) while I am out here struggling with 2.


They are way too OP on geoguessr


[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

Bombed my driving test, eating sushi to cheer myself up.

Maybe I should fail more driving classes shrug-outta-hecks

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

Just finished playing the main storyline of Hades and it makes me… sad. Because I just relate to the story.

If you talked to my pre-teen self I would have been like a Zagreus copy. I wanted to runaway from home. I thought about it almost everyday.

It became a goal in my mind that guided my entire life choices from middle school to graduation. And when I graduated, and was able to get some independence - nothing seemed better. A lot maybe turned for the worse really.

I was and still am stuck. Always felt like I was never given a choice in my own life.

Some things went on the past couple of years, lead to me formally being diagnosed with ADHD (in addition to my previously known anxiety disorders)… tough luck as they say.

It’s been a short while since the diagnosis. I don’t know how to feel about it still. Explains certain things of course but I don’t even know how to proceed.

The therapist said I exhibit some autistic symptoms too.

And now I am here, learning more about myself and yet at the same time not knowing anything at all. Still feeling like that kid that wanted to run away from home but never managed or was able to.