
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Seriously who the f is this girl

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

I genuinely have to play Fallout New Vegas before I die. That and Skyrim. It's a good thing they cannot survive as physical artifacts, or the historians of the future would have to assume that they were some sort of religion.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago (2 children)

"I'm so jealous of your bottomless cash flow"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Uhhhhh, yes?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The face of a very serious man who knows exactly how funny you think his name is.

For real, though what IS it with people having goofy ass names and heading straight to politics demanding that you vote for Dick Butts as mayor?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

Yeah, he couldn't get away from the line.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 months ago (5 children)

This is the fundamental problem with protecting a candidate whose entire base is really big on guns, big on having guns on them, big on using every inch of their already permissive rights, and no matter what, the candidate's rally is a highly likely place for them to flex their pieces, even if they can only wave them around in the parking lot.

You can't just do the obvious thing and put rounds in everyone you see with a rifle. White girls are going to be out in the parking lot doing influencer dances with AR-15s. The muzzle might wave in Trump's direction while she boot scoots. We don't know what kind of orders that sniper had, but probably something along the lines of "look all these fuckers are going to be strapped if they can be strapped, stay chilly on the trigger and think twice, take no shots without orders."

By the time anybody acted like a clear threat, the bullets were already flying. So what if he had a rangefinder? That doesn't count as a "pull trigger now" level threat, not with this crowd. What an absolute bastard of a thing to provide overwatch for, you know?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

I think the cool kid stance is just actual ownership of the medium at this point, anything that the platform can't yank from your collection as soon as their licensing changes is A-okay.

Also, vinyl is immune to bit-rot, so there's that.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 3 months ago

The problem with this kind of talk is that it refuses to acknowledge how much of X's traffic - all the social media traffic - comes from outside the US now, from non-English speaking countries who don't care about your bullshit, so long as the platform keeps working for them. Americans are having a very hard time with that.

So you shake your finger at the people whose language you speak, but it doesn't matter if all of them decide you're right and drop the platform. There will still be millions of users. Your shaming act is not appropriate.

Even ignoring that, a lot of these people have no business model without X, specifically. I've heard tons of them moan about not finding another platform like it. You need both reach and the ability to post furry wolf cock drawings without consequence. These parasites would all have to drop their bullshit and go get punchclock jobs if they didn't have X, they would have to give up their parasocial position over others without it, which means no amount of your liberal white woman shaming is ever going to be enough.

The really ugly truth is that all the normal-ass people who don't make their money online have abandoned X already, all that's left is this huge army of grifters and whoever is still there for the porn. It makes me mad, because I deliberately left the site before Elon even breathed a word about buying it, but it follows you everywhere like a disease wanting a host.

All these pricks went to Mastodon and brought their Twitter shit with them. They even bullied somebody into giving them an algorithmic feed. Now Mastodon is shit, too, and this woman is part of the problem. Shut up. Stop farming attention and leave an inch of space for the people who don't want to be part of your personal business model. Fuck you, as well, lady. Fuck all you parasocials.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

Yeah, that's a Blue Checkmark, that means the opposite of what it used to mean, I'm going to assume none of this happened, it's not like any of these people can be held accountable for lying to get clicks.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

Most of the memes come from communities where the typical user is way too comfortable with things like photoshop, so they can crank out a gag before it suddenly seems like a waste of time. Even the "slapped together" looking stuff takes longer than you think. This skill set - funny but also has casual graphic design skills - is narrow enough that even their throwaway jokes tend to get passed around and around and around for years.

This community is more, uh, engineering focused, so they're doing pretty good to find reasonably funny people to screenshot. For what it's worth, I agree with you, but the internet always has some tiresome gotcha post to shut you down with, lest you set any boundaries for yourself, so everyone's stuck with whatever people feel like calling a meme.


Big moon outside




Japan has no significant lithium deposits, and little oil. They rely on imports for both oil and lithium, creating a national security issue. Like China, they are at latitudes with high climate change impact, so they take that problem seriously, and fossil fuel is out, eventually.

They're between a rock and a hard place. If they build their transport system on lithium batteries, they can be cut off from lithium supply by adversaries.

They have a fantastic public transport system and do not rely on the car, even their kei cars are a luxury. Most Japanese can get where they want without a car, and those who insist on a car are often well-off enough that it's Ferrari or nothing with them.

Japanese car ownership is a big fat hairy deal, again, even a little kei car is like buying an American house, a huge investment in more than just the car. License tests are strict. You often must prove to the government that you have a place to park the car, in Tokyo, before they issue a plate, with all the real estate investment that implies. All Japanese cars are luxury cars. What's a few more yen in fuel costs? If it's too much, take the train, which is world-class.

The best future option for Japan is local hydrogen generation for non-train vehicles. Toyota, the "eldest son" of Japanese carmaking, has been tasked with putting together respectable hydrogen cars.

Toyota knows that the cars will not make much sense outside Japan, but hope to sell them as luxury vehicles to those, especially Americans, who do seem to love Toyota cars and ICE engines, offering them the vroom they like with carbon friendly fuels. Hopefully it keeps the fuel infrastructure alive in the West, and thus the market for future cars. The Americans will reliably buy much larger engines than the ones they normally sell in Japan. Large engines are the point.

The luxury cars, just the Murai, really, are a proving ground for technology that will ultimately power Japanese heavy trucks that currently rely on diesel. Honestly, if you've ever spent time around LNG forklifts, Japan is going for that, but carbon-neutral, because hydrogen. They already have enough technology to make cars go, it's just a matter of changing the fuel.

The trains can also be hydrogen fueled, with the expense spread across many passengers, though Japan has just enough oil for the trains, if needed. They'd rather that all their native diesel production go to trains. All the flagship trains are electric, anyway, but much of the Japanese train fleet is just plain old diesel, and perhaps that can be upgraded to hydrogen if necessary, or not, if that's the only diesel they need. Outside Japan this hydrogen doesn't make much sense. Inside Japan, it does.

Japan is a ship forever at sea, and it values fuel that can be produced on board than it does any fuel, oil or lithium, that must be dragged across the waves. Of course it is Toyota who has been called before the government and voluntold to sort something out for passenger cars, and trucks. Especially trucks.

Other nations are in similar positions to Japan, lacking lithium and oil, and worse, wealth to buy their way out. They, too, can build out train networks for efficient public transport and minimal use of oil, while the remaining luxury of personal cars and the necessity of heavy trucks can be met with locally made hydrogen fuels. The high fuel cost of hydrogen powered trucking can be split across many customers, making it make sense. Toyota has its eyes on these nations as customers in the future.

Of course, to us in the wealthy West, it all seems a bit silly, as though Toyota has gone mad. They have not. Somehow, the Americans have massive lithium deposits in the desert just when they need them. Just like they magically had oil, too. But Japan is not so fortunate, nor are many others. Toyota knows what they are doing.


pickles n fuckin mayonnaise don't hate


I guess we got rules, huh, this post was always a good one so I'll spread it around

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