
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

Jews can’t turn on the lights every Saturday because god said they can’t, the Amish dont have lights not because of anything god said, they just don’t like modern technology.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 months ago (1 children)

You comrade, shall inherit the uranium salted earth and everyone not like you shall die, for you are the pineapple of the human condition.


A not real thing people believe is real, seem likes a meme to me.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

The word spook was only racist for a very short period of history, I mean it’s still racist but it’s very archaic. Most people don’t know what it means, it’s best we censor it though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I don’t care when my side does crime


In america a suicide hotline number is more likely to kill you than yourself, Regan was a bad person obviously but it’s a good thing the shitty mental healthcare we have isn’t another branch of the prison industrial complex. Do you have any faith in the government in doing it right? If not perhaps the left should advocate against such things. We should only be advocating for imprisonment politics if he had full control over the nation itself.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

They already think the us is bad, they’re in Guantanamo, do you trust them to just attack the us?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Is it in Cuba’s best interest to release Bin Laden when he is an anti communist? Any country that wants him is either a us ally and can’t have them, or would not prosecute Bin Laden and he would surely do another terrorism. The only question is, do you think he’s not going to harm Cuba or it’s allies?


Imagine after 9/11 Bin Laden gets taken alive and sent to Guantanamo Bay, many years later the Us abandons Guantanamo and Cuba assumes control of it, including the prisoners. Now whatever Cuba does with the prisoners the Us cannot object to, Cuba has a nuke for deterrence, what would Cuba do with Bin Laden?

Now imagine the Us had a whole bunch of political prisoners in Guantanamo before abandoning it, just imagine what Cuba would do to any hypothetical person that the Us might have deemed bad enough to send there, but also what Cuba would do to this prisoner. Ask yourself, would Cuba pardon them, keep them imprisoned, kill them, deport them?

The meat of the question is, is the enemy of my enemy really my friend?. Do you think a person would have the critical support or unconditional support of Cuba despite being in Guantanamo Bay? Would someone being dangerous make them less valuable as an asset for Cuba?

I want to hear what all of you think what Cuba would have done if they got their hands on Bin Laden and their decision is independent of what the Us wants.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago (5 children)

This is why we got to make a Faustian bargain with the billionaires that we will let them have New Zealand if they help us crush the middle class. One mega yacht is better than a thousand little boats.




L bozo

[–] [email protected] 26 points 5 months ago

No. The manifesto accuses the elites of being secret fascist kleptocrats and claims that crypto currency was made to crash the economy, that media is purposely devisive and pessimistic because the secret fascist kleptocrats want people to feel defeated, and there’s some accusations that the republicans and democrats are preforming a sort of kayfabe with each other and that biden and trump are in fact working together, which is a bit too far fetched for me. I’m going to need to see some evidence that they both met in a dark room and planned it out. But this actual schizophrenic man may have uncovered a genuine conspiracy theory involving Epstein, Clinton, or Peter Thiel.

The man might be crazy, he might be saying stuff that is old news to people, his politics might be in the radlib/socdem category, but I wouldn’t say I disagree with him, okay maybe I wouldn’t catch myself on fire over this, but I’m willing to look into what he had to say because he doesn’t seem like a chud. He said nothing of Palestine though so who knows, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 5 months ago (3 children)

The Internet is saying that this person self immolated to protest against crypto currency.


Do you need to release some pent up revolutionary energy baby? Need a daddy thot leader to direct that energy towards something other than posting online? Want to go to Columbia and smuggle cocaine up your ass? Visit www.directmatchaction.com for the most controversial communist despots to pledge your life too, find a leader bankrolled by the cia, not on the cia watchlist!


Gaddafi was right about the Swiss. Like we should start it out as a joke but have it get incredibly serious once we have enough people joking about it. Maybe you shouldn’t have been neutral with Nazis motherfucker! Switzerland has lost existing privileges.


The NCR being a radically egalitarian yet xenophobic society that hates ghouls and supermutants on a starship troopers level would have made the legion more morally ambiguous and less comically evil than they are now. The legion would still be misogynistic slavers but if they were genuinely the only faction that treated nonhumans as people it would have made picking what faction to side with harder. Mr House would have been the shitty compromise between the two, he may have female sex slave robots and alienate poor people from the strip both human, ghoul, and supermutant alike, but he is more than willing to take everybody’s money. Meanwhile the yesman ending would have been a burn everything down without thinking about the consequences ending like it still is and turning New Vegas into a post apocalyptic Syria. Is the legion still bad even if they are the only faction that is cool with ghouls and supermutants. Yes, they own slaves, but it would also make the NCR bad if they are trying to commit a genocide against ghouls and supermutants. And the NCR needed to look bad in New Vegas, if there was more development time they absolutely would have added more content painting the NCR as not the good guys.

Also if the legion was an ever expanding military force that defeated and assimilated 87 tribes, did the ghouls and supermutants not have tribes? The word tribe is loaded with all kinds of real world colonialist terms but there was ghoul and supermutant tribes and settlements all throughout the fallout games. And the legion being based off rome did assimilate some of the people it did conquer, I’m not saying the romans didn’t treat conquered people like shit, but they had assimilated some of those people into their military force and government. I just see not having ghoul and supermutant legion troops as a missed opportunity, imagine if Lanius was a supermutant, Ceaser’s right hand man, imagine if Caesar called himself the successor of Master, if non-humans were intergrated into the legion in new vegas in the highest and lowest positions of their society it would have made destroying the legion a much tougher moral decision, because not siding with the legion would have been the worst possible outcome for anyone who wasn’t human.

Also there’s some stuff about supermutants being genderless so that would have been very interesting to see how the legion rationalize treating them as people but women not. I don’t think the legion is morally good, I wouldn’t want to change it too much because if they were too sympathetic it would be much like fallout 4 where the moral dilemma was, is slavery bad? But the legion are good villains, and if they had this one good character trait with them, I think it would have added a lot more nuance to the game. Because the choice wouldn’t be slavery or genocide, it would be these factions are evil, picking the third or fourth option somehow makes things worse. Also the only good things you hear about the legion are from Danny Trejo’s character so I just wish they went down the Legion being pro-ghoul route.

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