[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

Tomorrow Never Dies (The second Pierce Brosnan Bond film).

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago

So is it safe to assume that alternate builds of Firefox (Pale Moon et al) will be probably removing that "feature" ?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Lol, and here's me with my non-Prius hybrid evening that out:

A whole bundle of paper straws in a glass of milk

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Ha, probably, and it'd be my own fault. Having custom embroidery done is like ordering a cake with a message on it: they'll write it out exactly as you put it on the form.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

A security researcher who assisted with the deal says he believes the only copy of the complete dataset of call and text records of “nearly all” AT&T customers has been wiped—

Uh, huh.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago

Yeah, and we're all using paper straws now, so it's double evened out

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

I want that embroidered on my throw pillows.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago
[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

I mean, I will be from now on 😆

[-] [email protected] -2 points 1 day ago

Nah, go ahead and say it.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A recent study has exposed a method of artificially inflating citation counts through "sneaked references," which are extra citations included in metadata but not in the actual text of articles. This manipulation, uncovered in journals by Technoscience Academy, distorts citation metrics that are critical for research funding and academic promotions. The Conversation reports:

The investigation began when Guillaume Cabanac, a professor at the University of Toulouse, wrote a post on PubPeer, a website dedicated to post-publication peer review, in which scientists discuss and analyze publications. In the post, he detailed how he had noticed an inconsistency: a Hindawi journal article that he suspected was fraudulent because it contained awkward phrases had far more citations than downloads, which is very unusual. The post caught the attention of several sleuths who are now the authors of the JASIST article. We used a scientific search engine to look for articles citing the initial article. Google Scholar found none, but Crossref and Dimensions did find references. The difference? Google Scholar is likely to mostly rely on the article's main text to extract the references appearing in the bibliography section, whereas Crossref and Dimensions use metadata provided by publishers.

To understand the extent of the manipulation, we examined three scientific journals that were published by the Technoscience Academy, the publisher responsible for the articles that contained questionable citations. [...] In the journals published by Technoscience Academy, at least 9% of recorded references were "sneaked references." These additional references were only in the metadata, distorting citation counts and giving certain authors an unfair advantage. Some legitimate references were also lost, meaning they were not present in the metadata. In addition, when analyzing the sneaked references, we found that they highly benefited some researchers. For example, a single researcher who was associated with Technoscience Academy benefited from more than 3,000 additional illegitimate citations. Some journals from the same publisher benefited from a couple hundred additional sneaked citations.

We wanted our results to be externally validated, so we posted our study as a preprint, informed both Crossref and Dimensions of our findings and gave them a link to the preprinted investigation. Dimensions acknowledged the illegitimate citations and confirmed that their database reflects Crossref's data. Crossref also confirmed the extra references in Retraction Watch and highlighted that this was the first time that it had been notified of such a problem in its database. The publisher, based on Crossref's investigation, has taken action to fix the problem.

To combat this practice of "sneaked references," the authors suggest several measures: rigorous verification of metadata by publishers and agencies like Crossref, independent audits to ensure data reliability, and increased transparency in managing references and citations.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For real though, I get goosebumps every time they come up with some novel use for the navigational deflector and save the day.

OC in that I made it just now, but it's very likely not the first time this comparison has been made.

👍 Maximum Star Trek 👍 (tesseract.dubvee.org)
submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Office/Houseplant Problems [OC] (tesseract.dubvee.org)
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They only seem to travel solo, and as soon as you smack one, another one immediately takes its place.

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

After teasing support for the fediverse earlier this year, the newsletter platform and Substack rival Ghost has finally delivered. "Over the past few days, Ghost says it has achieved two major milestones in its move to become a federated service," reports TechCrunch. "Of note, it has federated its own newsletter, making it the first federated Ghost instance on the internet."

From the report:

Users can follow the newsletter through their preferred federated app at @[email protected], though the company warns there will be bugs and issues as it continues to work on the platform's integration with ActivityPub, the protocol that powers Mastodon and other federated apps. "Having multiple Ghost instances in production successfully running ActivityPub is a huge milestone for us because it means that for the first time, we're interacting with the wider fediverse. Not just theoretical local implementations and tests, but the real world wide social web," the company shared in its announcement of the news.

In addition, Ghost's ActivityPub GitHub repository is now fully open source. That means those interested in tracking Ghost's progress toward federation can follow its code changes in real time, and anyone else can learn from, modify, distribute or contribute to its work. Developers who want to collaborate with Ghost are also being invited to get involved following this move. By offering a federated version of the newsletter, readers will have more choices on how they want to subscribe. That is, instead of only being able to follow the newsletter via email or the web, they also can track it using RSS or ActivityPub-powered apps, like Mastodon and others. Ghost said it will also develop a way for sites with paid subscribers to manage access via ActivityPub, but that functionality hasn't yet rolled out with this initial test.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They used to put the affected versions in the email, but that stopped a few months ago. Now it's just a vague "product is affected, click the link to learn more". Every. Time. the support part of their site gets hugged to death as if the uptick in traffic to it is completely unexpected.

So now I have Schrodinger's vulnerability until whatever potato-class servers they have their support bulletins running on frees up enough slots to render a frigging static HTML page.

It's almost as bad as news teasers that are like "Is something in your house going to kill you in the next 30 seconds? Find out more at 11!"

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://dubvee.org/post/1463905

1.4.1 is mostly a bugfix / under-the-hood release, though there are some new things as well as several refinements to old things (see Misc Changes below).

This is the first of a few releases that's going to focus on addressing some feedback I've gotten that basically boils down to "too many buttons". I agree with that completely, and this release eliminates at least one of them.

Say Goodbye to 'Community Menu' and Hello to Community Modals

The "Community" menu button on posts has been completely removed, and all of its features (and more) have been moved to the newly created Community profile modal. When you click on the community name in the post header, instead of being taken to the /c/ community page, it brings up a modal with the community icon, banner, description, moderators, and a list of action buttons. It does for community links what the user profile modal did for user links in the last release.

Another benefit to this is allowing access to the community details / sidebar info while on mobile. It used to have that ability, but it was ugly and kludged on, so I removed it several versions ago. Now it's available again, and implemented in a way I like.

Community profile modal

Community profile modal with the community details/sidebar info expanded.

Moderators are shown in the bottom of the community details accordion.

Post Flairs

There's a new user option, enabled by default, that will extract any [tag] items from post titles and convert them into flair badges. Anything in [] in the post title will be converted into a flair tag, and the [whatever] removed from the displayed title.

Clicking a flair badge will perform a prepared search for other posts with the same flair (e.g. search?type=Posts&q=[tag]). They work more or less the same as hashtags do (if you have those enabled).

This had been half-implemented in a branch for some time now, but I wasn't sure if other front-ends were handling them in a similar way. Saw an post from the Photon dev saying they're adding them, and it's compatible with my implementation, so figured it was time to dust off that branch and merge it in.

It also supports nested flairs: if there are multiple, comma-delimited words in the brackets, each one will be applied as a flair.

Debug view showing original post title for the above:

1.4.1 Changelog


  • Update SvelteKit from 1 to 2 and update underlying dependencies
  • Update other project dependencies to latest versions
  • Update NodeJS from 20 to 22
  • Update lemmy-js-client to 0.19.4 so latest features can be utilized.
  • Removed svelte/adapter-auto and only use Node adapter.
  • Remove some discrete, one-off logic and replace with shared/standardized components


  • Fixed modlog action menus clipping
  • Fixed reactivity and blocked/unblocked status on profile modals and user pages. Added a call to getSite after blocking/unblocking to update person blocks list.
  • Fix mobile reflow in modlog
  • Fixed bug with non-default instance not showing site icon/banner correctly
  • Fixed bug with re-authenticating to the first profile (index 0 was getting ignored and creating a new profile vs reauthorizing)
  • Fix heading/icon in "Create" menu not being properly justified
  • Fixed bug when inline images are disabled, the link isn't shown
  • Fixed bug when refreshing profile page, sometimes the wrong comment data would be shown in the edit of another comment (added index to 'each' iterator)
  • Fixed bug where setting the guest instance required clicking it twice to update the site info / logos.

New Feature: Community Profile ModalsWhen clicking on a community in the feed, instead of taking you directly to the /c/ community page, a modal will pop up with relevant options for the community. Works the same way as the user profile modal.

  • Browse Community
  • Create Post
  • Modlog
  • Favorite/Unfavorite Community
  • Add/remove community to group
  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe
  • Block / Unblock Community
  • View Community Details
  • View Community Moderators (click the mod username entries to bring up their profile modal + options)
  • Zoom in on the community icon

Misc Changes

  • Removed Fediseer badge option for posts (rarely used and Fediseer is accessible via Instance menu and from instances page)

    • I'm assuming rarely used. I don't (and won't) have any kind of telemetry, but from the instances I have seen running Tesseract in the wild, none have had those badges enabled.
  • Removed the "Community" menu from posts; all of those options are now available in the Community Profile modal (access by clicking the community name in the post heading)

    • Also allows accessing these options from comments (such as on profile pages) which normally do not have the "Community" menus.
    • The option "More from {user} in {community} has been moved to the post action menu.
  • Removed "Block {user}" from post action menu; access it from the user profile modal by clickin the user's name in the post/comment header.

  • Changed the button layout in the User Profile modal.

    • "View User on Their Home Instance" button has been shrunk to just a "Home" icon and is in the same row as "Go to Profile"
    • Added a new, small button (also inline with "Go to Profile") that will open the profile in a new tab/window
    • Same as above, but for user modlog
    • Shrunk "Copy Lemmyverse Link" button to just a "Share" icon button, moved inline with "Search for Alts" button.
    • Added new button to copy the actor ID (rather than Lemmyverse link). It is the "Link" icon next to the Lemmyverse button
    • Block User button now fully reactive
  • Add dark/light theme switcher to sidebar footer (near logo/version and Lemmy/Matrix/Github buttons)

  • Removed background on image zoom toolbar

  • SettingEditArray component is now filterable and can accept a comma-delimited list of entries

  • De-cluttered main menu (top right).

    • Removed User Settings Button
    • Removed App Settings Button
    • Added "Settings" button to go to /settings, moved to old "User Settings" slot
    • Moved "Manage Accounts" out of profile submenu and into main menu
  • Added user profile settings to /settings in addition to the application settings

    • Still accessible from Profile->Settings
  • Slight updates to admin panel

    • Changed layout of tagline editor
    • Taglines are now previewed as markdown (as they would be elsewhere)
    • Federation block/allow list configuration now uses the SettingEditArray component rather than being a discrete editor.

Get Tesseract

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

3x04: Who Watches the Watchers.

Pamela Segall (Adlon)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Is OC in that I made it after thinking of it, but it's not super creative and was likely done before)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

1.4.1 is mostly a bugfix / under-the-hood release, though there are some new things as well as several refinements to old things (see Misc Changes below).

This is the first of a few releases that's going to focus on addressing some feedback I've gotten that basically boils down to "too many buttons". I agree with that completely, and this release eliminates at least one of them.

Say Goodbye to 'Community Menu' and Hello to Community Modals

The "Community" menu button on posts has been completely removed, and all of its features (and more) have been moved to the newly created Community profile modal. When you click on the community name in the post header, instead of being taken to the /c/ community page, it brings up a modal with the community icon, banner, description, moderators, and a list of action buttons. It does for community links what the user profile modal did for user links in the last release.

Another benefit to this is allowing access to the community details / sidebar info while on mobile. It used to have that ability, but it was ugly and kludged on, so I removed it several versions ago. Now it's available again, and implemented in a way I like.

Community profile modal

Community profile modal with the community details/sidebar info expanded.

Moderators are shown in the bottom of the community details accordion.

Post Flairs

There's a new user option, enabled by default, that will extract any [tag] items from post titles and convert them into flair badges. Anything in [] in the post title will be converted into a flair tag, and the [whatever] removed from the displayed title.

Clicking a flair badge will perform a prepared search for other posts with the same flair (e.g. search?type=Posts&q=[tag]). They work more or less the same as hashtags do (if you have those enabled).

This had been half-implemented in a branch for some time now, but I wasn't sure if other front-ends were handling them in a similar way. Saw an post from the Photon dev saying they're adding them, and it's compatible with my implementation, so figured it was time to dust off that branch and merge it in.

It also supports nested flairs: if there are multiple, comma-delimited words in the brackets, each one will be applied as a flair.

Debug view showing original post title for the above:

1.4.1 Changelog


  • Update SvelteKit from 1 to 2 and update underlying dependencies
  • Update other project dependencies to latest versions
  • Update NodeJS from 20 to 22
  • Update lemmy-js-client to 0.19.4 so latest features can be utilized.
  • Removed svelte/adapter-auto and only use Node adapter.
  • Remove some discrete, one-off logic and replace with shared/standardized components


  • Fixed modlog action menus clipping
  • Fixed reactivity and blocked/unblocked status on profile modals and user pages. Added a call to getSite after blocking/unblocking to update person blocks list.
  • Fix mobile reflow in modlog
  • Fixed bug with non-default instance not showing site icon/banner correctly
  • Fixed bug with re-authenticating to the first profile (index 0 was getting ignored and creating a new profile vs reauthorizing)
  • Fix heading/icon in "Create" menu not being properly justified
  • Fixed bug when inline images are disabled, the link isn't shown
  • Fixed bug when refreshing profile page, sometimes the wrong comment data would be shown in the edit of another comment (added index to 'each' iterator)
  • Fixed bug where setting the guest instance required clicking it twice to update the site info / logos.~~~~

New Feature: Community Profile ModalsWhen clicking on a community in the feed, instead of taking you directly to the /c/ community page, a modal will pop up with relevant options for the community. Works the same way as the user profile modal.

  • Browse Community
  • Create Post
  • Modlog
  • Favorite/Unfavorite Community
  • Add community to group (not yet plumbed in)
  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe
  • Block / Unblock Community
  • View Community Details
  • View Community Moderators (click the mod username entries to bring up their profile modal + options)
  • Zoom in on the community icon

Misc Changes

  • Removed Fediseer badge option for posts (rarely used and Fediseer is accessible via Instance menu and from instances page)

    • I'm assuming rarely used. I don't (and won't) have any kind of telemetry, but from the instances I have seen running Tesseract in the wild, none have had those badges enabled.
  • Removed the "Community" menu from posts; all of those options are now available in the Community Profile modal (access by clicking the community name in the post heading)

    • Also allows accessing these options from comments (such as on profile pages) which normally do not have the "Community" menus.
    • The option "More from {user} in {community} has been moved to the post action menu.
  • Removed "Block {user}" from post action menu; access it from the user profile modal by clickin the user's name in the post/comment header.

  • Changed the button layout in the User Profile modal.

    • "View User on Their Home Instance" button has been shrunk to just a "Home" icon and is in the same row as "Go to Profile"
    • Added a new, small button (also inline with "Go to Profile") that will open the profile in a new tab/window
    • Same as above, but for user modlog
    • Shrunk "Copy Lemmyverse Link" button to just a "Share" icon button, moved inline with "Search for Alts" button.
    • Added new button to copy the actor ID (rather than Lemmyverse link). It is the "Link" icon next to the Lemmyverse button
    • Block User button now fully reactive
  • Add dark/light theme switcher to sidebar footer (near logo/version and Lemmy/Matrix/Github buttons)

  • Removed background on image zoom toolbar

  • SettingEditArray component is now filterable and can accept a comma-delimited list of entries

  • De-cluttered main menu (top right).

    • Removed User Settings Button
    • Removed App Settings Button
    • Added "Settings" button to go to /settings, moved to old "User Settings" slot
    • Moved "Manage Accounts" out of profile submenu and into main menu
  • Added user profile settings to /settings in addition to the application settings

    • Still accessible from Profile->Settings
  • Slight updates to admin panel

    • Changed layout of tagline editor
    • Taglines are now previewed as markdown (as they would be elsewhere)
    • Federation block/allow list configuration now uses the SettingEditArray component rather than being a discrete editor.

Get Tesseract

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

2x19 Manhunt

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In every other way, though, it's probably best to keep me away from command.

Environmental Systems Officer: Inertial dampeners are down, sir.

Me: Uh.....full stop!

Conn: Sir?

Me (trying to sound confident): You heard me.

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joined 1 year ago