[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

OP described something which conflicted with my direct, personal experience with that thing. I offered up my perspective. You responded with your perspective, based on your own anecdotal evidence. Yes, I could have run off to Google to fact check you and learn of all of the types of BFA that are out there. I chose not to. Why? Because we're in the comment section of an article that has NOTHING to do with blank firing adapters. I assumed, and I guess you're just going to have to forgive me for not researching in advance enough to not make this assumption, that, in responding to my post, you might be interested in further expounding upon the statements you made and answering questions I had about how your devices worked since they were clearly of a different design than what I had experienced. On the topic of assumptions, I was very clear that I was making an assumption so as to make it painstakingly obvious that I wasn't trying to say you were WRONG ON THE INTERNET, but just that I wasn't clear on how the device you were describing could be functional, given my previously stated understanding. I even attempted to reinforce that I wasn't trying to invalidate your assertions by stating I was certain that wood tipped blanks were a real thing, I just had no personal experience with them.

So, I dunno what to tell you man. I tried really hard to be as non-confrontational as possible in my comments. I'm tempted to say that I clearly failed in my ambition there, but no, I don't think I will. You responded like a dick, and I think you ought to ask yourself what you're doing in a discussion forum if your first response to a comment asking for you to clarify some of your statements is "fuck you, Google it."

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I'm a little confused by your response. Everything in my post was written from the perspective of firing the type of blank I described (no bullet, balsa wood or real) with the BFA attached. While I have had that type of blank cycle the weapon without a BFA attached, it's the exception to the rule.

Furthermore, would you clarify the use of these balsa wood bullets for me? Because, given my understanding of BFAs and what you described, I don't see how those two concepts would work together. As you said, the principle behind BFAs is plugging the barrel so more gas is directed to the action, rather than our of the system. If you had a BFA fitted to a weapon that was firing blanks which were tipped with wood or some other fake projectile, my assumption would be the debris would collect in the end of the barrel behind the BFA post. Hell, that's why we always hated training with blanks, it was always a nightmare to clean out the carbon buildup in the weapon after since none of it was expelled in the firing process like it would be in normal operation. Compacting a shit load of debris in the barrel of your weapon does not seem like it would be the intended outcome of a training event, but dumber shit has happened.

I am sure that there are blanks (especially in the context of a Hollywood armory) which are designed in such away to more closely resemble real ammunition, I've just never worked with something of that ilk, and it doesn't jive with my (limited) understanding of how firearms work.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

You might be getting confused with the circumstances around Brandon Lee's death on the set of the Crow, which makes sense since that has been a hot topic when discussing the situation on Rust's set. As I understand it, in the case of Lee's death, they had taken live rounds and "converted" them to dummy rounds by removing the bullets, dumping out the gunpowder from the cartridge, and then reinstalling the bullets. However, they did not remove the primer from the cartridges, because they wanted the bottom of the cases to look pristine for shots where the revolver was loaded.

At some point, one of these "dummy" (but still very much not inert, thanks to the primer) rounds was accidentally fired. Because they had removed the propellent, only the primer detonated. This provided enough force to dislodge the bullet from the case, but not enough to expel it out the barrel. No one checked the barrel before a blank was loaded into weapon for the scene where Lee's character was shot. Blank detonated, dummy bullet is dislodged, Lee is killed.

So, while both productions are staggering examples of safety protocol failures on film sets, the circumstances are differ in the details.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

That's not really what BFAs do, at least not the models I've used. You seem to imply that weapons with BFAs fitted are still firing real rounds, which are rendered safe by hitting the adapter. That's not true. They are firing blanks, which are cartridges with the bullet and some of the powder removed. Pull the trigger, you get a pop, a flash, and some smoke. Yay!

Pull the trigger again though, and you're very likely to have a misfire because the next round failed to feed from the magazine to the chamber. This is because most semi or fully automatic weapons use some of the energy of a fired round to cycle the action which expels the spent cartridge and feeds a fresh round into the firing chamber. When you fire a real bullet, it actually acts as something of a plug in the barrel for the very brief period of time it travels through it. This allows the pressure to overcome the resistance of the weapon's action, and thus operate.

When you fire a blank, there's no bullet. No bullet means no plug, which means that all of the gas from the explosion just rushes right out the end of the barrel and is not enough to cycle the gun. This, you have to manually run the action, turning your scary big black assault rifle into a quaint bolt action rifle.

So, how do you solve this problem? You make your own plug and stick it on the end of the barrel to redirect all of the energy through the weapon system rather than expelling it. That's a all a BFA is, a metal post matched to the diameter of the barrel that screws into place to plug it. This has the additional positive of preventing anything from exiting the barrel accidentally while firing blanks, which is useful in the training contexts that you often see these devices, because you're often "firing" on other people.

If you were to use a BFA in the manner you describe, i.e. with a real bullet, you're certainly going to damage the shit out of your weapon, and possibly wind up in the Emergency Room because you caught some metal splinters in the face when the end of your weapon exploded.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

Then you leave me no choice. I hope you stub your toe. Not the big one. The lil guy. Just remember, you've brought this curse up on yourself.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

I mean, if they spill enough Amish blood to the point where sailing and docking is involved, don't you think someone should stop them?

[-] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago

I had almost managed to scroll away before I remembered what soaking was, and now I want an apology for the image that you've placed in my head

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

Depends on your bunny rabbit stance, I reckon.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Oh my goodness. Thank you for pointing out the different VA. I knew something felt off, moreso than the new character models.

Also, I can't help but feel like the updated Frank wandered out of the basement tier of fighters from a Street Fighter title. I feel like he should be chubbier and ruddier. I can't speak for the direction they took the character in later installments but he always felt like kind of a goober schmuck whose "instincts" finally paid off. I like that characterization, especially in light of the game's satire of clueless Americans.

I'll keep an eye on this one. I never did get that achievement for killing the 53,000 zombies in a playthrough...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Not that it really matters one way or another, since I'm sure this proposal would be ignored no matter who the author is, but I feel like having an undergraduate student be responsible for your call to nationalize the public railways is not great for your credibility.

Of course that's not really fair, and homey is a research fellow at an Ivy League institution, so it's not just Bubba from the local frat house's senior project, but still.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

What are the general contents of a typical journal entry for you? I hear the concept bandied about frequently, but I've never understood the relation between journaling and better mental health.

The toxicity I bring to the table is that it feels, to me, indulgent at best, egotistical at worst. Which is its own kettle of fish I need to do something about, but, hey, one issue at a time.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 2 weeks ago

Bro, maybe the Wally world clientele is different in your neck of the woods but seeing someone with makeup on, or their hair did (leaving aside the question of quality for the time being...) is the exception to the rule.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Cross posting for lack of a better term from [email protected] for visibility.

I hope that this doesn't result in accelerated enshittification. I've been upgrading my home theater set up over time and I was finally ready to start building my collection of titles. Criterion factored heavily into my shopping list.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I hope this is allowed. Seems like a lot of books / content for a steal of a price.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I haven't checked in on this game since around launch. Anyone want to bring me up to speed on what's happening? I gather the latest expansion pack is priced differently than prior DLC?

Also, that line about discussion being a privilege seems icky.

Steam Strategy Sale (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone pick up anything good during the sale over the weekend?

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