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[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago (1 children)

This actually is a Venn diagram, which already puts it above so many similar things used both on-line and off-line. It's not just an Euler diagram masquerading as a Venn diagram.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Mitä positiivista siinä on? Tai kysytään toisin päin: mitä negatiivista siinä olisi, jos NGT:itä ei tarvitsisi merkitä? Samoja kasveja ne kuitenkin olisivat muutenkin, niin miksi sillä nyt on niin väliä, että pakkauksissa lukee, että ne ovat NGT tai että ne eivät ole?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Vois tässä itsekkin osallistua kerrankin. Elikkäs mä olen viime viikolla aloittanut vähän ton GNU Guix'in kanssa. Eli sitä tässä varmaan voisi pistää eteenpäin. Että tyyliin saisi oman levykuvan luotua, jossa on vähän noita epävapaita ajureita ihan vaan sitä varten, että kaikki toimii niin kuin pitää.

Mutta mites noin muuten? No, pyykkiä ei tarvitse onneksi nyt pestä, mutta suunnitelmissa on ihan videopelit, kuten aina. Äänestys onneksi tapahtui jo perjantaina niin ei tarvitse sitäkään enää miettiä.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Sähän tosiaan taisit siitä mainita tuolla Mastodonin puolella. Toivottavasti toimii hyvin!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Well I personally range from distaste to absolute loathing of socialism in its many forms, although of course some are more tolerable than others. I find Marxism to be a bunch of pseudoscientific drivel (it is, after all, Hegelian), the utopians are... well, utopian which is also meh, and anarchists lack realism. So I have ideological disagreements with Vas.liitto even outside of any specific policy disagreements. For example, I'm not really convinced about their idea of "a world with justice, equality and sustainability for all, not for the few." and what that would actually mean. Also, the general populism is just annoying although it's ideologically consistent, I suppose.

It's not like I like the right-wing parties either, but at least they're (mostly) capitalistic, although they're not really for actually free markets which is of course annoying. And I feel that there are others that are in a similar bind as me, where there really isn't a good party for them. It's frustrating.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 7 months ago

Then again, at least in C, the mantra is "declaration follows usage". Surely you don't write pointer dereferences as * ptr? Most likely not, you most likely write it as *ptr. The idea behind the int *ptr; syntax is basically that when you do *ptr, you get an int.

And with this idea, stuff like function pointers (int (*f)(void)), arrays of pointers (int *a[10]) versus pointers of arrays (int (*a)[10]) etc. start making sense. It's certainly not the best way to design the syntax, and I'm as much a fan of the Pascal-styled "type follows the identifier" syntax (e.g. let x: number;) as anyone, but the C way does have a rhyme and a reason for the way it is.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (2 children)

The annoying reality is that there really are no centre parties here. Either one is for some sort of social democracy (eugh) or socialism for corporations/big business (bleh), there's really no in-between.

Would be nice to be able to have a party that's both fiscally responsible while also not being a corporate stooge which wants to make things actively worse for folks.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago

Oman alan liitto sanoi että tähän ei osallistuta. Noh, täytynee katsoa miten perjantaina pääsee toimistolle kun Turun joukkoliikenne ei kulje.

Noh, onpahan mielenkiintoista nähdä että miten tässä käy.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Let's remember that the presidential veto is only a suspensive veto. So if the parliament sees no reason to change the bill, it will go through even without presidential approval. The veto will also only suspend a bill for three months.

And, well, just because the president can veto a bill doesn't mean that they will do so. It'd certainly be unpopular, so such a measure would be quite extraordinary.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Workers still have rights (and there's nothing in the program of the government that suggests that workers wouldn't have rights by 2027) and while there are certainly problems with the direction of social security programs, they're by no means being abolished.

Also, with what would Stubb damage the well-being of "the people"? The president of the Republic of Finland is basically a figurehead. At most he might say something that offends some proportion of the population (to be expected, hell, even Niinistö has been careless enough to do that) but you'd really need to give some basis for what kind of harm he'd do whilst President.

And because I'm obviously biassed, I'll also clarify that this is a thing no matter who'd be president, whether the title was held by Stubb, Haavisto, Halla-Aho, Rehn, Andersson, Urpilainen, Essayah, Aaltola or even Harkimo. None of them would be even able to cause harm to the citizenry as a result of being the President. To suggest otherwise would require quite a bit of sourcing and evidence to the contrary.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 7 months ago

Noh, nyt on tietysti eri tilanne kuin viime kerralla. Kuten artikkelin ingressi sanoi, viime kerralla ennakkosuosikkina oli toista kautta havitteleva Niinistö, joten ihmiset eivät selkeästi nähneet tarvetta äänestää kun Sauli voitti muutenkin.

Ja no, nykyään presidentin ollessa voimaton, niin ihmiset äänestänevät vähemmän kuin esimerkiksi mainitulla 90-luvulla. Toivottavasti ihmiset äänestäisivät europarlamenttivaaleissa tällä vieteetillä.

Ja tähän loppuun vielä oman tiimin hehkuttamista:

HYVÄ STUBB! JATKOSTA KRUUNUNHAKAAN NIIN KUIN OLIS JO! Halla-Ahot, Anderssonit, Essayahit ja Harkimot yms. jäivät pohjalle juuri niinkuin pitikin! Haavisto on hyvä haastaja, mutta luulempa että saadaan oikeasti kansainvälinen presidentti!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Siinä on tilaa venkoilla, kyllä. Mutta toisaalta, en usko että Turkin parlamentti olisi tätä ottanut edes käsittelyyn ellei se olisi Erdoǧanille OK.

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