submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3263878/chinese-scientists-report-world-first-they-cure-patients-diabetes-cell-therapy

In a related topic, most of us never saw chinese blockbusters https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films_in_China (, and usually not movies from other countries)

But we're a democracy fighting for freedom while they're an evil dictatorship whose citizens are praying to be liberated.

Also(, it's (kinda )out of topic but on my mind currently), as Zak Cope pointed out in « The wealth of (some) nations », so called "communist" western political parties aren't internationalist/humanist :
And if the last communist countries can't realistically help other countries even more than they're currently doing because it may 'weaken them'&'cause their destruction', then they only have to make public declarations that, once certain metrics are realized ensuring their long-lasting survival, then measures of wealth equality among countries will then automatically be taken, it's not hard to do better than those/westerners/nationalists who aren't even trying(, on the contrary, i'm often remembering that Thomas Jefferson tried to prevent the publication of Ricardo's Principles in the u.s.a.(, Reinert 1996, p. 5) ; even if 'free trade'//protectionism and the principle of infant-industries is only a part of neo-colonialism, it's good to remember that « throughout the nineteenth century and up to the 1920s, the USA was the fastest growing economy in the world, despite being the most protectionist during almost all of this period »).

edit1 : « Important as tariff protection may have been in the development of most NDCs[, Newly Developed Countries, from XVIIIth-century Britain to XXth-century Korea], it was — I repeat — by no means the only, nor even necessarily the most important, policy tool used by these countries in promoting infant industries. There were many other tools, such as export subsidies, tariff rebates on inputs used for exports, conferring of monopoly rights, cartel arrangements, directed credits, investment planning, manpower planning, R&D supports and the promotion of institutions that allow public-private cooperation. ». Zak Cope talked about colonial tribute, monopoly rent, and unequal exchange(, and value transfer, e.g., « For every dollar’s worth of goods exported from the Philippines in 1961, approximately five times as many hours of labour had to be invested as in a dollars worth of goods exported from Canada. »), while other authors added other factors(, as an other example, Lenin's (old )view is famous and his 5 points were updated here by 8 authors starting from scratch at each chapter with their own view). Their description of the causes/consequences/context aren't incompatible, nor are Jason Hickel's arguments, or Samir Amin, nor is adding our nationalism/'lack of humanism/good-will' in the balance, etc.

edit2 : (ITT : International Trade Theory)
« According to Maddison's estimate, throughout the nineteenth century the ratio of per capita income in PPP terms between the poorest NDCs (say, Japan and Finland) and the richest NDCs (say, the Netherlands and the UK) was about 2 or 4 to 1. Nowhere is this as big as the gap between today's developing and developed countries.
When in the late nineteenth century the USA accorded an average tariff protection of over 40 per cent to its industries, its per capita income in PPP terms was already about three quarters that of Britain ($2,599 vs. $3,511 in 1875).
Compared to this, the 71 per cent trade-weighted average tariff rate that India had just prior to the WTO agreement — despite the fact that its per capita income in PPP terms is only about one fifteenth that of the USA — makes the country look like a veritable champion of free trade. Following the WTO agreement, India cut its trade-weighted average tariff to 32 per cent, bringing it down to a level below which the USA's average tariff rate never sank between the end of the Civil War and the Second World War. »

i.d.k. but it's at least suspicious

And Israel can still bomb defenceless civilians under the absurd impossible goal of "destroying" anti-zionists, after oppressing them for almost a century, and being the main/only obstacle to (the unilateral palestinian loss of )a two-states solution(, along the 1967 borders obviously). It's apparently easy to switch from victim to tormentor when given the opportunity, i think that they're acting out of greed(, for more territory), not self-defense, they're not victims ; and, 3 generations later, we don't owe the current awful beings any "free pass" for the victims of ww2, nor do we owe anything to the current russians for the many soviet deaths. If they don't trust that allowing a palestinian state will ensure their safety, then they have a problem and need to find a solution, a world army is less far-fetched than overthrowing every neighbor that is still pro-palestinian, but are they even searching for a way to ensure their safety, and is it the real reason for their refusal ? A first step would be to publicly explain why they're refusing a "two-states solution" instead of assuming(, in secret like a good head of state, westerner or not,) that there's no answer to their objection, most of the world want to help them to make peace, it's not like in the case of Russia-Ukraine where the n.a.t.o. refuses to 'change their mind'/'abandon (the anti-russians/pro-western in )Ukraine'(, which would solve everything,) and nobody can 'do anything'/'force them', here there're more than one solution and it's mostly Israel that is refusing to go back to the 1967's borders among other things for reasons that can be solved if they share it with (tens of )thousands of researchers ready to debate and offer innovative/new options to solve their preoccupations/'causes of refusal'.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

An outdated flag of Afghanistan, here's the current one, which says : "I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God."

I'm naturally opposed to their sexual apartheid denying girls the right of education(, they can still read though, and don't have to work), but they've been among the 20 poorest countries for decades, and i can only dream about their honesty towards God's research/worship/enlightenment/direction/...
I'd need to live among them before ever hoping to understand/judge them adequately, and they can become many great things(, if worthy and که خدای کول evidently/rationally/logically/mystically/really/.. ), it wouldn't have been the same with a country as wealthy as Iraq.
But i don't know the future, perhaps was it for the best, probably not, i'm an outsider and shouldn't talk about what i don't know, it feels like they were right. People dying while shouting/affirming God's eternal Greatness/Glory/.. makes me shiver, it's perhaps even sadder than thinking about the millions/billions of non-humans currently mistreated, at an industrial scale larger than any human tragedy(, i would hate to have their life, but fortunately they're only machines without the aptitude to suffer i guess, and they don't know that they could expect more, we had a duty/power/responsability, we could do more and care for their well-being, invent new ways of making their lives as enjoyable as possible, instead of aiming for a lower selling price, &).
Let's say that we're gradually evolving towards less evil and that i'm misrepresenting the virtues of the past(, they did many mistakes but wars were less murderous, people were trying, nobles wrote better than nowadays, non-humans were less objectified, etc., the colonization&'many genocides' as well as the most awful form/scale of slavery came afterwards or at the end of this period, but i know it was far from being a blue sky, just that nowadays is so artificial/dishonest, i.d.k., i'm probably wrong,), if so then i hope we'll continue to progress and soon stop with thefts, lies, ..., and live united in diversity finally learning that hegemony isn't a desirable goal, nor is it necessary. There's so much to do and also quite a lot of paths to be afraid in front of us, stopping the possibility of wars/conflicts is probably less than 10% of the problems we're facing.


[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Palestinians could have killed the hostages before being killed, but didn't. There's still more than a hundred and they're still being taken care of.
It's my personal belief that unfair(, because they could have negociated a ceasefire, and i don't see us supporting a killing of hundreds of israelis in order to liberate palestinian prisoners/hostages, which is arguably what happened the 7th of October since they asked for an exchange of prisoners as if it was their only goal,) massacres like this happened many times in the Middle-East(, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, ...,) but we've never heard of them, not sure why it's different now. It's certain that many massacres in south Asia were hidden, african and south-american dictators were also covered as long as they fought communists/utopians.
I'm not going to excuse myself for eternally regretting that they weren't united, and being banned for that would be one of my proudest accomplishment, lies are fucking everywhere, i'll never trust what we're being told about designated enemies, people dying for God and calling for a more virtuous life can't possibly be the opposite of what they're preaching, they're all dead now anyway(, 🇦🇫).

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Which would usually mean almost 300.000 more injured(, minor and major). And 400.000 victims represents 20% of Gaza's population(, a percentage which hasn't been attained since Vietnam), so i hope that this analysis is wrong.
Apparently Israel's throwing bombs of 2 tons each, and they destroyed a lot of buildings, so there's still hope.

But the "polemic" last month when the UN revised the numbers down reminded us of the way that numbers are counted, some are identified, some are reported missing, and it's unfortunately likely that there's more deaths not taken into account, still buried under the rubbles without anyone to signal their disappearance.


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here : https://x.com/NimerSultany/status/1798264979445207286

I just realized that Caitlin Johnstone also retweeted this. If you haven't read this post from her, then i think you should. Israel's trying to pass as the victim when every metric points to them as the tormentor, who clearly doesn't need to be so cruel, and (the current government/population )doesn't even seek/'believe in' a two-states solution, they're overthrowing&killing everything in the name of their survival(, and lying, so many lies, if this isn't the proof that they're ashamed of the truth...).
I'm sure that they can't really believe that they're "fighting Hamas", and certainly should consider Hamas' revendications as legitimate since palestinians are right to ask for more than what they're currently getting, i'm certain that palestinians could end up agreeing with Israel's existence as their goodwill was proven more than once since the Oslo accords(, and before). Antisemites could embrace the challenge of converting anti-muslims living in Israel, cohabitation is clearly possible. I think Israel prefers to kill&overthrow everyone because they're afraid that even the atomic bomb won't protect them, that making peace will only give time for their enemies to gather their forces. Which is why they should support a world peace(, world army, supranational institutions, ...), as well as making sure that they're forgiven for stealing the Holy lands, and doing what they can to be integrated with their neighbours, etc. Peace isn't impossible, yet they&we(sterners) have chosen the continuation of the archaic war that never made anyone safe : https://x.com/caitoz/status/1797585791989985668

(edit : sure, it's good and all to forgive this(, and even to accept that ?), but killing innocent israelis indiscriminately isn't less awful than killing clearly innocent palestinians, i'll trust the lex talionis to say that they're not terrorists but victims/resistants, and that this collective "punishment" is yet another stain on the name of Israel, and, more importantly, there's this unilateral loss of a two-states solution, while waiting for a day when borders wouldn't mean much anyway, a common state with jews, muslims, christians and whatnot, something perpetually better than yesterday is the goal i guess. Ukraine/'Anti-russians ukrainians' should give up on their pro-western stance because it obviously endanger n.a.t.o.'s ("strategic"🙄 )enemies(, or Russia should give up on its non-western partners), it's easier to do than giving up on a multi-millenial religion(, not that 'muslims gave'/'converting to islam would mean giving' up the jewish religion, even traditions could be kept by forming a new sect, oh well...)
(And she's decidedly very good

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I only knew this one from him, prior to Lemmy(, even if i still haven't seriously read any of his essays), worth a look, what sucks is that we could live in peace, help each other, etc. : https://dessalines.github.io/essays/us_atrocities.html

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

List of Audiobooks : https://dessalines.github.io/essays/audiobooks.html
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@dessalines6388/videos

Don't miss out on his essays : https://github.com/dessalines/essays, https://dessalines.github.io/essays

It's just a little appreciation post, now you know if you didn't already

(and his username quite probably comes from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Dessalines)
(If i'm adding a bit of stalking : he was a mod of /r/LateStageCapitalism if i'm not mistaken, under the username /u/parentis_shotgun)

... (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here's the rest(, source)

Among other things : https://www.iranintl.com/en/202403233923

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Two examples among many to point out that the orders come from above(, or, as they may admit on the occasion, public-private partnerships), hate Youtube all you want but don't be blind to their pressure(, you could also remark that the government itself is taking orders/"advices" from other people, i.d.k.) :

I'm sure that you could find many more people than these, as well as examples of bot armies and wikipedia editing, but here's some other recent examples :

Of course, yeah, even if i regret that things aren't better, i'm also glad that things aren't worse. Unfortunately they're progressing towards the latter.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here's the article.
The African Growth and Opportunity Act(, A.G.O.A.,) aimed to increase their exportation(, duty-free entry into the United States for certain goods), and create a leverage( as all aids are), even if the results aren't really there unfortunately :

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

According to the Gaza government media office, Israeli forces have destroyed more than 390 schools and universities in the first 100 days of war.

Gaza was home to seven universities, all of which have either been destroyed or severely damaged.

Israel has also destroyed Gaza's main courthouse, legislative building, and Islamic university, and dozens of other centres of administration : https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-destroys-gaza-courthouse-dozens-govt-buildings

195 recognized historical heritage sites have been destroyed by Israeli forces, including an ancient harbour dating back to 800 BC, a mosque that was home to rare manuscripts and one of the world’s oldest Christian monasteries : https://imemc.org/article/israel-detonates-last-university-in-gaza

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


We've made many anti-terrorist laws to deprive supporters of their most basic rights, because the old word "enemy" wasn't apparently strong enough to act correctly, for w/e reason.
C.Johnstone is even theoretically liable of terrorism apologia for this tweet.

We've made these laws while thinking specifically about 9/11, or about a stereotypically crazy i.s.i.s., but we'll be applying these laws for every opponent that annoy us(, including domestic terrorists).

We, freedom-loving people, will stop any resistance, even to a genocide in Gaza, because in that case they're subhuman terrorists and terrorists are evil by definition, QED. They should hence be killed&tortured, and trials are out of question, as good guys do.

Saying that terrorism never meant anything is probably too much of a common knowledge to even talk about it(, but not in the eyes of the law though, which shouldn't be suprising i guess).

Addition :

Or https://lemmygrad.ml/post/3358499

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Random thoughts, sry i guess 🤷‍♂️

I'm always making mistakes, so feel free to add a correction if you'd like

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

God(&gods)( in the material world, but also) in the world of Idea(l)s(, and probably other worlds inaccessible to humans as well) :

[-] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Yet, correct me if i'm wrong, but in my memories ~90% of the redditors used "social justice warrior" as a.n insult/criticism(, against someone who's acting excessively nice in defense of someone when there's no need, like the expression "white knight" for those men on the Internet excessively defending other women, underlining that "social justice" deals with psychological "injuries" and not real injustices, the correct term should have been "societal justice" though since it never dealt with socio-economic matters), while nowadays only conservatives use "woke" as an insult towards other people, sometimes with a larger focus than the previous SJW, targeting everyone believing that some things ought to change in order to make a better world(, while conservatives generally don't think that such things should improve/change[1]).
Well, i.d.k., not that it matters but would you agree with this impression that "social justice warrior" was used all over the political spectrum ~ten years ago ?

[1] : Far-right political parties want some things to change b.t.w.(, as well as parties unaligned with left//right such as separatists, ~ecologists, ~democrat{for a direct democracy with referendums}, ~royalists, ~theocrats, ...).
If conservatives are only defined with their unwillingness to change the current direction, then centrists are the real conservatives. Center-left and center-right bourgeois political parties were elected everywhere in the west(&'most of the world') for the last decades(, and had disappointed a hundred years ago in Germany leaving only two alternatives).
We(sterners) saw a lot of societal changes in the last 70 years though(, not so sure for socio-economic changes however, once the productivity increase and its expected consequences for the workers are taken into account).
If people don't vote(, in the primaries in the u.s.,) for "extremist" parties that's because we'll vote for whom we're being told to vote, and won't stop trusting our (billionaires-owned )medias as long as we're personally satisfied with the current situation.
The problem is that our consent isn't real/informed/enlightened, and we don't use our collective intelligence, so we may collectively 'agree with falsehoods'/'make mistakes', and it doesn't feel like our republics represent the will of their population.
If our government represented the will of the people then they wouldn't hesitate before putting any important decision through a referendum, and having 3-4 of them every year(, emerging from the population instead of the government,) wouldn't make our "representatives" afraid(, and if we're realising our mistakes afterwards then there's usually nothing that another referendum can't fix).
Beyond direct/real democracy, we'll still say that it's our duty to "democratize" the rest of the world, otherwise dictatorships would bloom everywhere and freedom would die, chinese people are happy but we(sterners) have to save them and paint a dystopia instead of rejoicing and teaching mandarin in american schools as a second language.

interesting (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Arab League : Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation :

(i stumbled upon this criticism a few days ago(, here), thought such info also kinda had its place here perhaps)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

They're also saying that these talks about inclusion are racist because positive discrimination is still discrimination. However, when you end a race second-to-last with weights around your feet you probably have more merits than the one ending in third place. Moreover this is about ending social reproduction more than rewarding personal merit, apparently India is the example of a long&successful experimentation of positive discrimination for their castes, of course that rich kids are better at school but that's not justice.
And while black neighbourhoods have the same results as white urban neighborhoods of the same level of poverty(, or arabs in France, etc.), and that the main reason is that they were raised by poor parents with friends of the same mentality, in a school for children like them, in a neighbourhood and an environment very particular, and while it isn't genetic since their lives would be totally different if they were adopted, i could envision like 1-5% of their situation being related to a collective psyche, like you don't want to do a shitty job for a white country, in comparison to asians who are excited to seize the occasion to rise again while it seems possible, it's a different mindset but this kinda stupid/'outrageously wrong' racial explanation is marginal if it ever exists, and makes much less sense in my eyes than the environmental determinism that made peasants of the past engender peasants, and nobles engender nobles.
Which would be good news since we could give everyone the same education as such nobles and that'd be good in theory.
Minorities and people considered abnormal can be disliked and unjustly oppressed, perhaps not a lot in some cases ; in comparison normal people are privileged(, perhaps not a lot but, relatively, they are).
Well, i don't really care about these questions and there's no point in talking about that here/'with people that'd agree'. Woke seems like the new term for SJW

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

with a 1W battery planned for 2025

I don't know if you have the answer but, if i understood correctly, such 1W "battery"/generator would produce/refill 24Wh every day ?
If we put 10.000 BV100 in parallel(, to obtain 1W at the same 3V), that'd theoretically be 10 000 * 1125mm^3 = 1,125.10^7 mm^3 = 11L for 24Wh and 110L for 240Wh filled per day ? Ah well, w/e 🤷‍♂️. (edit : thanks for your answers though !)

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It'd be very interesting to think of an hybrid system in which the betavoltaic cells are coupled with lithium batteries to give them some kind of natural regeneration over time(, a phone or computer could recover go from (50, or 20, or )0 to 100% overnight/'when it's not used')

This current model only gives 8.64 joules per day, but that's because 86400 is the number of seconds in a day, so if i divide 8.64 per 86400 i obtain 10^-4 W(, P=E/Δt), and the official/rounded number is 100μW.
Its volume is 1125mm^3 (15*15*5mm)

So, to drive 100km in an hour(, without the need to take into account accelerations for now), we'd need 100*200W=20kWh, or 2.10^4 Wh.
Most electric cars would only enable 4 hours at this rate with an 80kWh battery, but since this nuclear "battery" needs to be able to deliver 24h a day, we'd need 24 * 2.10^4 = 4,8.10^5 Wh

Hence, if we need 4,8.10^5 Wh and we have 100.10^-6 Wh for 1,125.10^3 mm^3 , a rule of three would give us 4,8.10^5 * 1,125.10^3 / 100.10^-6 mm^3 , that's 5,4.10^12 mm^3 , which is indeed 5400m^3 and not realistic.

Even a 200Wh computer would still need 54m^3 , and a 10Wh phone would need 2,7m^3 , the size of a car.

If the output was mutliplied by a thousand(, 100mW instead of 100μW,) then it'd be 2,7dm^3 , the size of a bottle and still a bit too big for a phone, but a "free" energy for 50 years, and if i'm keeping the thought above of an hybridation as a self-regenerative battery it'd refill 240Wh every day(, 24*10Wh,) but that's only if the output was multiplied by a thousand, which is unlikely.

Thank you very much for the correction, i didn't know that.

I wonder if i haven't made a mistake somewhere though, does it make sense that i'm obtaining 100μW by using seconds, and then comparing it with Wh ? If i had to multiply by 3600 before making this rule of three then that would change the conclusion.
8,64J/day would give 0,36J/h = 0,36Wh ? And would also give 100μJ/s = 100μW ?
I.d.k. anymore, but if i'm right this time then we'd need a 75cL bottle to refill 240Wh every day(, and for electric cars only 75L to refill 24kWh). I wouldn't be surprised if i made mistakes elsewhere so tell me what you think.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

You're probably right but(, the energy density being a hundred times better than hydrocarbons, we'd roughly need the space for 6 months of fuel(, 50 years divided by 100), and) if your only argument is knowing how to get rid of the excess heat then i can hardly see that as more than a moderate security hazard towards users removing the protection(, and it could even generate money by connecting it to something while unused !)

Furthermore if this technology encounters enough success then we'll probably find a way to have an impact on the rapidity of the reaction chain, as we do with nuclear reactors, but on a microscopic level, perhaps with a material that can emit the equivalent of carbon atoms, i.d.k., it doesn't seem impossible.

But yeah, once again you're probably right, we'll see 🤷‍♂️

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Oh yeah, i wouldn't advise anyone to take this breakthrough as a promise for the future(, as someone who used to read futurism.com i'm well aware of that).

But i could counter your objections if you're interested :

  • it can already be done currently : David Hahn built a nuclear reactor with the radioactive material extracted from clock hands. The nickel-63 is already present elsewhere(, armour plating, boat propeller shafts, ...), as well as many other radioactive materials ;
  • but it's probably not feasible : A stronger argument is that the radioactive material is composed of a layer only 2µm thick, in between two layers of diamond, i don't know enough about the subject to confirm or deny that such extraction would be too difficult/expensive ;
  • and even if it were other materials would be a better choice : Finally, at first sight and in my ignorant opinion, i don't think it'd add much to a bomb, it seems like it'd only infect people in the vicinity, and is only described in the first scenario here(, see the article titled "Terrorism: Nuclear and Biological Terrorism"), which considers it more useful for polluting water reserves for instance, contrary to ^137 Ce, ^131 I, ^32 P, or ^67 Ga. It'd be cheaper/easier and possibly more effective to steal such materials from hospitals rather than extracting it from batteries.

You'd probably have to drill through more than a few of them to have enough radioactivity leaking, at this point the number of people dying because of their stress testing would probably be equivalent to those dying because of chemical batteries explosion. It'd be up to the authorities to estimate the risks correctly and, as you said, we'll see how much a battery made to last 50 years will cost.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It'll possibly be commercialised in ~2025, but they announced this week the first model : the BV100.
It gives 3V(, only 100μW but it's very small and can be used in series and parallel, they're aiming for 1W as soon as next year). 1gr. can store 3.3kWh(, ten thousand times more than lithium batteries, and 100 times more than hydrocarbons) !
It doesn't need to be charged for 50 years, which means a truly zero-cost car for instance, even more reliably than by using solar panels ; or a phone/drone/.. with infinite battery.
Furthermore, it doesn't even produce radioactive waste since the nickel-63 turns into stable copper, so it's even more easily recyclable than current lithium&chemical batteries, as well as more stable, being able to withstand temperatures between -60°C and 120°C.
It very likely intends to be affordable if it's intended for commercial use, but we'll see if they will be able to.
There must be a catch somewhere though, we'll see in the future.

to read more : https://www.laitimes.com/en/article/6d8um_6tl5g.html

just to 'talk about'/perceive something else than wars(, waged because of our 'hegemonic desire'/'opposition to peace/coexistence',) in the future.

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