I'll PM you!
on the topic of programming languages, I'm seriously stuck with some school work in C. Anyone have experience with it here, or have experience with paying others to help them do their programming homework, and where one might find people willing to do that for pay?
Need that OG image of jesus serving burgers so bad (without text or hunter biden) (actually maybe with hunter biden but without text)
Worst part of it is probably his family learning of his death through social media.
anyone else like the mountain goats here?
Why would I get a haircut to lose like 1.5 years of hair growth right after realizing I'm trans? The haircut I have is so shit too so I'm getting jealous whenever I see someone with good hair now
I was at this big convention today for sweden's left party. Our party leader, Nooshi Dadgostar, gave a great speech which included talking about how we're taking on the world's richest man, Elon Musk, and she said to our boys at IF Metall and all the people striking in support: "Give him hell". Badass.
No worries, I hope you get good sleep! And I'm not in a big rush, I have a while left before I have to turn it in. I'll do a nice clean writeup of it and send it to you later!