submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Pride’s over everyone! It’s now illegal to be gay again.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to get as many resources possible for myself and other gender-queer folks who frequent here.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tennessee has recently passed a bill, effective July 1st 2024, declaring it a class-C felony to "recruit, harbor, or transport an unemancipated minor within this state" for transgender healthcare procedures, carrying a sentence of 3-15 years in prison. This applies over state lines and states that do not have anti-extradition laws relating to trans rights can extradite you to Tennessee.

Notably: the bill is vague. This means: telling stories of your own transition, describing your healthcare experiences to an open group chat, describing your trans experiences on a public website, creating trans health guides online, describing how you have gotten DIY HRT, describing anything to do with trans healthcare, even as a cis person, can result in a class-C felony conviction.

Given that being arrested in any capacity for transgender people can be an incredibly dangerous experience (CW: SV), I strongly suggest you begin caring about opsec, stop referring to where you live, use VPNs, stop using apps like Discord, and stop using social media sites that track your IP or user agent fingerprint while unprotected. Remember that for a bill like this to be challenged in court, you have to be arrested first.

Will discuss creating / linking to a transgender matrix chat so that we can help people to move off of things like discord.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Earlier this year, I bought estradiol enanthate (EEn) from Dragon Ordnance ( dragonordnance.io or dragonordnance.com ; .io seems to be down but they’re run by the same people). Shipping was expensive ($50 I think) because they are located in China, but the prices are low ($5 for a gram that will last over 2 years). You have to email them for information on how to send payment, either sending cryptocurrency or a cash transfer via the Wise app. The people are really nice too; the person processing orders had COVID when I ordered and my order was delayed a week or two so they sent me double my order. I’m sitting on a 25 year supply now so I’m going to be giving away a lot of E to friends.

I also bought MCT oil as a solvent for the injectable solution and benzyl alcohol as a preservative from Dragon Ordnance. I used a volumetric flask to make a 50 mg/mL EEn solution with 2% v/v benzyl alcohol, but if you don’t have access to volumetric flasks you can make a vial with 500 mg EEn, 0.2 mL benzyl alcohol, and 9.35 mL MCT oil. This wiki is a good resource for DIY MtF HRT, but the owner of the group is an outspoken anti-communist. I plan on injecting 0.3 mL (15 mg EEn) every 14 days, but this wiki recommends 0.22 mL (11 mg EEn) every 7 or 10 days. Use distilled water to determine which liquid is MCT oil and which is benzyl alcohol. The MCT oil will float on distilled water, while the benzyl alcohol sinks. Also, 1 mL of benzyl alcohol will dissolve in 25 mL of water if you mix it thoroughly, while MCT oil will not dissolve in water.

I happen to be a chemist who has access to a variety of analytical instruments so I ran UPLC to test for purity and GC-MS to verify that the chemical is actually estradiol.

The UPLC chromatogram indicates very high purity (>99%), as only one peak was visible.

The extracted UV-Vis spectrum of the UPLC at 8.429 minutes (the sole peak above) was consistent with the expected UV absorption of estradiol esters.

The GC-MS chromatogram similarly indicated the presence of just one compound at 26.628 minutes (the first peak is the solvent I used, and the following two peaks are solvents commonly used in our lab and are likely only present in this chromatogram due to residue on the sample injection needle). The small peak between 14 and 15 minutes is likely a breakdown product formed in the harsh GC conditions.

The mass spectrum at 26.628 minutes indicates the compound is estradiol enanthate. The NIST library we use indicated a >90% chance that the compound is some estradiol derivative based on the fragmentation. The base peak at 384.3 m/z is sufficient evidence to identify the compound as estradiol enanthate, which has a molar mass of 384.56 g/mol.

I am confident that the powder sent by Dragon Ordnance is high purity estradiol enanthate and would highly recommend this vendor for their low price, quality product, and good service.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

this product sold by EstroLabs, a company started by nazis for the express purpose of selling fake HRT to desperate trans women, taken at the recommended dosage on the packaging is potentially fatal and will definitely make you sick. DO NOT BUY THIS.

submitted 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) by Grimm to c/[email protected]

I reported them for harassment with the following statement:

The purpose of this group is to review bomb any game that has gay representation. Their discussion threads talk about using other platforms to discriminate against LGBTQ+ communities and individuals to circumvent Steam's TOS policies. This type of behavior promotes discrimination, review brigading, and toxicity. It is surprising Steam is tolerating such open homophobia on this platform.

submitted 12 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
there is still time (hexbear.net)
submitted 22 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

not the u-haul because she cant afford one negative

ba dum tssssss (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

nothings happened yet wtf! where’s my instantaneous magical girl transformation?

seriously tho, i expected some mental change based on how ppl describe the euphoria of being on E, but ig that takes time just like the physical changes.

i can wait tho, i was so indescribably happy last night after injecting. i was tearing up and cuddling with my gf and had amazing sleep. it feels like a new chapter of my life that im more optimistic and joyful for than ive ever been! been waiting almost two years for this moment 🥹

thank you hexbear! i dont know how much longer it would have taken for me to discover my transness if i wasn’t a part of the site with the best trans community on the internet!

and im going to grad school in a medium sized city in a month so ill be in a good place to transition compared to the rural area where i live

i am DIY and made four vials a couple weeks ago. then yesterday i sterilized them at 130C for 30 minutes, pretty easy in oil if you have a digital probe thermometer (i think ppl call them candy thermometers).

my regimen is 11 mg estradiol enanthate stabbed into my butt every 14 days. im planning on getting a blood test in 3 months and adjusting. p sure ill have to up the dose bc im 6’ and 200 lbs. prob gonna try to add progesterone in 6 months to a year even tho the studies on that haven’t been too promising in it helping transfems. prog can actually be pretty cheap if you DIY and mix a powder with coconut/cocoa oil and take it rectally.

pog (hexbear.net)
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


some people upvoted a post that was very transphobic bridget-pride-stay-mad

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Like I've known since the early-mid 10's, but I've only really ever been trans online.
I've just stagnated in boymode for years taking shit dosages of HRT cuz I'm poor.

Seeing people's eggs crack in real time and then a year later they are a woman is like a surreal and painful experience.
On one hand it feels like I have been trans longer than all these people, but on the other....have I?

I see people make timelines like "5 months on HRT vs. 2 years on HRT" (or stuff like that) and know I could never do one of those because my relationship to HRT has been so chaotic and inconsistent.

I just feel so alienated from the trans community, or at least the one that constantly gets pushed into my face on Twitter.

I'm making an active effort to be better, to push myself and escape this purgatory, but it's hard when you feel so by yourself.

I feel like the last couple years would have been so much worse if I had remained an egg, but at the same time I wouldn't have this guilt and shame and regret for wasting so much time that I know is completely my fault.

Idk why I am making this post


submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

anyway, here is the democrats acquiescing to right-wing framing on the issue this very election year.

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Been watching this funny video from one of the channels people gave me on my sloptube post, and I kinda like the way she talks about past experiences and stuff, feels very healthy. Idk who needs to hear this but maybe somebody??

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This post is a discussion of Shou Arai’s manga, “At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender.” However, feel free to just answer the question in the title if you’re not interested. I’m wondering if anyone here transitioned in their 30’s or 40 plus.

Shou Arai is an intersex person from Japan who is somewhat well-known in the local queer scene. Arai lived the first 30 years of his life as a woman before transitioning into a man. I’ll be using he/him pronouns to describe Arai, as those are the ones he uses in the manga. The LGBT movement in Japan is obviously different than it is in the West, so some terminology doesn’t fit exactly. Arai is physically intersex, having physical characteristics of both sexes. He is also described as trans, non-binary, or agender at times; however, in this case agender is translated from something that more closely resembles “between genders.” Having read the manga, I personally feel that the term agender doesn’t really fit in the Western sense, and I believe the title is more in reference to “I am without gender because society doesn’t have a name for people with genders like me” rather than a true absence of gender.

Like Poppy Pesuyama, Arai considers himself a manga essayist. This means that the manga is primarily expository rather than narratively driven. Unlike Pesuyama, who wove their exposition into an overarching narrative, Arai foregoes narrative all together. Instead, each chapter of the manga is based on a topic or anecdote. Some chapters are even just Q&A sessions with other queer people. Often times, Arai is just giving practical advice about being queer. Despite the title of the manga, Arai actually wrote it when he was nearing 50 years of age, so he 30 years of female experience and about 20 of male experience by that time. Quite a veteran queer!

Here's a list of the topics he covers:

As you can see, the majority of the manga is devoted to aging while queer, which is why I was drawn to it. Frankly, I think some of the advice that Arai gives might be a bit antiquated, but he is real af. I think that some of the chapters were hard to read for me not because the subject matter or presentation is heavy but because he clearly voices a lot of the small things we worry about when aging and queer. In particular, the chapters “If I had aged a woman” or “Is it impossible to be a young girl” are a little rough if, like me, you’re transitioning late in life. Other chapters just discuss aging in general like body measurements, choosing glasses, facial sagging, or having a big head lol. In general, he’ll discuss an issue and then provide a way to try to mitigate it or think about it differently, and he’s always real about what’s actually achievable.

The manga is a real grab bag of tough thoughts, which I’m gonna list here:

mild dysphoriaHaving smile lines, growing unwanted facial hair, trying to manage your aging so people don’t just identify you as male, wishing you had transitioned sooner so you would’ve had better skincare, being jealous of people who started hormones early, having no memories of being young in the gender you want, being easier to present masculine when you’re older, having a weird mismatched body, using clothing to present femme but feeling dysphoria when you take them off and see your masculine body, changing your clothing style just so people identify you correctly, having a non-binary heart while still presenting in a binary manner, confusing looking femme with looking young, getting too old for sex, and many, many more!

Overall, I think that the manga is rather formalistically boring. There’re really no characters, and the art is fairly basic, so there’s nothing really to latch onto. Unlike other queer manga I’ve read, this one didn’t really move me; however, I think it’s bursting with important and helpful content, so it’s worth a read if any of this interests you.

personal dysphoriaTo be honest, despite the fact that it’s really light, I found myself quite bothered by a lot of it. For me, a lot of my dysphoria comes more from my age than my gender. I’m closer to 40 than 30 these days (much older than Arai when he transitioned), and sometimes I can’t help but think I’m a man playing dress up or that I missed my window to transition or that I’m going through some midlife crisis to make me look younger. I also acknowledge that there’s more to being trans and queer than being pretty, and a lot of transfemmes are really obsessed with youth and beauty, and then I just feel guilty for boiling down gender to being pretty. Anyway, I know all of these things aren’t true, and it’s just societal ideas that I’ve internalized that are causing me dysphoria. I can’t help thinking it would be easier to just age male, though. I wish I had the awareness that kids nowadays get, but back in my day (at least where I lived), trans literally wasn’t a thing. We had no language or conception of it. In fact, I'm remembering now that when I came out to my wife while bawling, I kept repeating, "I just didn't know we could do this [transition]" >.>

Anyway, I wanna hear from the younglings too, but this post is for the geezers like me. Have any kind words? chomsky-yes-honey

Les Bean (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

mikhail @PolposLighter

introducing a flag for queers who EAT URANIUM! for when youre a queer and you love to eat uranium! rt if youre one of them queers who loves the taste of uranium

3:48 PM • June 6, 2023 • 1.5M Views

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
real (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

there should also be a trans flag hanging up in that room

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2844166




Laughingfish, more like fucks

I have never been so compelled to watch so many smelly shows.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


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