Men will do anything except go to therapy
The entire motivation of AI dev afaict is to have a new mommy to take care of you, I guess this is one way to do it. 🙄🙄🙄
Vivek “I gave birth to myself” Ramaswamy, to form GAS
Man now I’m thinking about AI written PIPs. God if I got an AI PIP I’d self immolate on company grounds.
Best case scenario they are using a loose definition of AI to mean any code generated by other code in order to signal to investors that google isn’t the hulking, sluggish monolith that it is and is agile enough to use AI.
Worst case scenario: “hey chatgpt pls write me new search algorithm to print money, thanks, sundar”
To signal their foray into NFTs they should drop the FT from the name. Ubiso. Short for, U should Bi So lucky we make any games for you at all, peasant.
Your family wants to see you
Maybe get them to fight by suggesting the involvement of a bank implies the crypto is becoming centralised and defeating its own purpose? The depth of my buttcoin knowledge is lacking so there might be a better wedge to use.
Oh it was for the KPIs? All is forgiven then. /s
I had heard a bunch of positive press about him (the trees stuff, etc.) but didn’t look into him because why should I care about a youtuber? Then I found out he was part of the ghost kitchen craze and was selling candy bars. I saw his face on a supermarket standee and thought: that is mason verger after consulting a PR firm. That’s the pre-evolution of mitch mcconnell. Of course he does squid game shit to entertain children.