[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

It ended up being an accidental duplicate, comment exists still here :)


[-] [email protected] 4 points 7 hours ago

Oh yeah, for sure.

It's undeniable that sometimes producers will intentionally choose to "spread out" an idea into multiple movies when it could be one, specifically because they know it's a lucrative IP and they figure they can make more money that way.

I didn't touch on that because my comment was getting long enough already, but personally I'd consider those as something of a 'middle ground' between an unplanned and financially motivated sequel, and a truly planned and needed continuation.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 10 hours ago

I guess I should stop wearing my black hoodie and dark sunglasses indoors

[-] [email protected] 17 points 10 hours ago

The implication is whether it's a standalone story or not.

As example, Alien 3 is certainly a sequel to Aliens, because at the end of Aliens the story wraps up nicely and is "finished" - we don't need more.

Dune 2 is more of a continuation of Dune, however because it's the next part of the same unfinished story.

The important part from the planning and development perspectives is that Avengers, Dune, and Lord of the Rings etc were always written to be several parts from the beginning.

Its the difference between "That movie made loads of money, let's make another one" and "This story is really long, we need to do it in three parts"

[-] [email protected] 30 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

I was working on my own laptop in a cafe, and someone who was sat near me went to the bathroom without saying even a word, leaving their laptop open and logged in with company excel sheets up of whatever they were doing and I'm like are you kidding me?

I wonder if they expected me to protect it without them asking because I was working too and its like laptop solidarity? Either way, it was dumb on too many levels.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Star Wars had exactly the same problem in the newer movies too, where they kept wheeling out Han and Leia and Luke who have no damn business being there, because the producers can't just let go and move on.

It's like the execs think if they change characters it will scare the audience off, and we won't feel like it's Star Wars anymore (and they won't make as much money...)

Star Wars: Andor showed the solution to this problem, and Terminator is crying out for exactly the same - content set in the same universe, but wih all-new characters we've never seen before, and a totally original plot. That's what we want.

So yeah, I hope it's good too and that they take a fresh direction.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 11 hours ago

You haven't unlocked that character yet

[-] [email protected] 11 points 21 hours ago

Nice answer.

To put this into real-example terms, when you buy something like a box of name-brand cereal, that will have the same barcode everywhere it is sold in the country, because it's literally printed on the box from the factory, and it is unique by manufacturer so there is no reason to change it.

But when you buy a head of broccoli, the product has come from lots of different farms, and if it has a barcode at all it would be applied by the store themselves when it's prepared for sale. This means Safeway would probably have a different product code for broccoli than Walmart does, but all Safeway stores would use the same for broccoli as they belong to the same chain.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago

Same here in the UK.

No matter what a party says before they are elected, as soon as they are in power then suddenly they are the ones with the most to lose from Proportional Representation, and nothing to gain. So they won't do it.

Really illustrates that political parties (at least the two major ones) are only motivated by getting in power and staying in power - never mind what is actually good for the people they supposedly serve.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

He is singing the song of his people

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