
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Care to cite any examples in the US of prosecutions or civil cases that weren't immediately tossed within the last 30 years? This was once a problem. Good Samaritan Laws were passed to fix it, probably before you were even born. You're just making stuff up.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Lot of people get CPR when in reality they’re dehydrated, ODing, or something similar

If you don't have Narcan on hand, and they're not breathing, rescue breathing might keep them alive until the EMTs come. If they don't have a heartbeat, chest compressions might keep them alive until the EMTs come. CPR's rate of success isn't great in most circumstances, but it's much better than nothing. No pulse, no breathing, their chance of death by the time EMTs arrive is essentially 100% without CPR.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

The only actual high speed portion of Acela is in MA, and the time savings from Boston to NYC is a bit more substantial, accordingly.

I managed to snag a $70 round trip ticket from DC to Boston, months in advance, during 2021. Only time I'll probably ever justify taking it. As a nerd that likes trains, it was fun.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

He's allowed to campaign from prison if convicted, too. Eugene Debs did it, after all. Logistically, I'm not sure how it'd work with a former president. If he's ever locked up, it's going to have to be in a supermax, for his own safety. The Unabomber's old cell in ADX Florence will be the perfect fit for the needs of a former president and fellow Ivy League graduate! But at any rate, there's no law stopping him from campaigning by mail.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Obama did an extrajudicial killing by drone of Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen who was (allegedly) an Islamist stochastic terrorist. Obama also murdered his 16 year old son as collateral damage in the assassination of al-Awlaki by drone. Seems to me there's laws on the books banning stochastic terrorism if you're a Muslim. Also if you're black, see the MOVE bombing and Fred Hampton.

Stochastic terrorism is only legal if you're a white supremacist or a neo-Nazi.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Just look at Quora, you have your target nationality wrong. It'll be flooded by Indian gold farmers. The vast majority of Chinese people don't speak English. China has a parallel, disjoint internet to ours. India has the second-largest English speaking population in the world, due to British imperialism, and no Great Firewall.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It blows my mind that this is both spez and Elmo's best idea for what to do with their respective hellsites: what if we made a shittier Quora? Because Quora's such an enviable business, right guys? Quora's right up there with Apple and Microsoft!

The Metaverse pivot by Zuck was only marginally less stupid. This is why HBO had to cancel Silicon Valley, the show: you can't parody Sillycon Valley anymore. ByteDance and WeChat are going to devour these clowns alive, now that the money printer stopped going brrr. They never had any plan to ever be profitable. Their business model was just to continue scamming investors with fake users and keep raising more billions, like the Pied Piper bot users. These are zombie companies, propped up by negative real interest rates for a decade. Let them die already.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

I pay my taxes and you should, too. I have no sympathy in general for people not reporting income from PayPal etc, but I'm struggling to think of a less sympathetic subgroup of tax frauds than ticket scalpers. They're not getting special treatment here, it's any 1099 income via the payment apps, but I really wish that wasn't the case. These crooks should be taxed out of business.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

When dealing with unhinged users, white lies are often helpful...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You need to log off, call a doctor, and get a script for antipsychotic meds ASAP, my dude. Like, my first instinct is to say something snide about how pathetic Reddit jannies are, but this is unhinged schizoposting. The FBI could not care less about your jannie drama. You don't have contacts with the FBI. You almost certainly hallucinated these conversations. These are delusions of grandeur. You're a Reddit moderator, anything but dogwalking is above your paygrade. If you had contacts with the FBI, and this was an active investigation into a semi-famous multimillionaire engineer, they would've told you in no uncertain terms to keep your mouth shut. You wouldn't be spamming the Internet with your baseless conspiracy theories. Either you're lying, or you're completely detached from reality.

No one cares if someone's creating sockpuppets on Reddit. Reddit's TOS is useless except as toilet paper. Unless the sockpuppets are recruiting terrorists for ISIS, the Feds don't care. Any cop would've told you to turn off the computer and go for a walk or something. You want protection? From what?! Jesus Christ, man. No one's out to get you. You're a Reddit mod. You're the epitome of an NPC.

I can assure you, Wayne Westerman doesn't even know you exist. He doesn't know your name, he doesn't know your Reddit username(s), and unless he has Google alerts setup for his name, he doesn't know that some random shut-in is schizoposting about him on forums. How could he have the time to? Quick internet search on him: he's in his 50s, he started a successful company that got acquired by Apple, he's been name-dropped in the NYT, he has a PhD, his startup exit made him rich-rich. Unlike Reddit mods, I'm sure he has much better things to do with his time than to waste hours every day on pointless internet arguments.

Please get help, before your delusions escalate into stalking this random stranger or something horrible... I don't respect Reddit mods, clearly, but everyone goes through some rough patches in life, you're redeemable. Whatever you're going through will pass, you just have to ask for help. There's a hotline now: just dial 988. I'm serious.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is solely designed to make their immigrant workers more reliant on the company than they already are

Tell me you know nothing about the H1-B program without telling me... If Google terminates an H1-B worker, they get at most 60 days to find a new sponsor or they get deported. It's already an extremely exploitative situation.

Housing precarity is the norm for every renter in that area, unfortunately. This is not moving the needle at all. Hell, I'll take it a step further: not being stuck in a lease is actually a good thing in this situation. They were living in a furnished hotel room, probably literally out of a suitcase. They have minimal things to pack. They can find a cheap short term rental in the Central Valley. They don't need to be paying $4k a month for a 1br apartment in Mountain View while job hunting 12 hours a day. All that's doing is digging them a deeper hole. They also don't have to pay thousands of dollars (that they might not have) to break a lease if they find an employer to sponsor them in NY or TX.

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