Boot camp isn't kitted out with suppressors and NVG's, I'd bet carrying your rifle like that would involve pushups
No one would carry a rifle like that, FYI.
It is twice the size of a small helicopter pad. It is on the high point in the area, and there's a large commercial for building just to the SW. I'm not disagreeing, but I'm at a loss othwrwise. Missle silo?
Yep, vast majority is foreign actors is my guess. Trying to get us to tear ourselves apart
At least 90% is my guess. MANY foreign countries are trying very hard to ensure we tear ourselves apart from the inside
See my comment about Resilio sync above
Resilio sync works great for that since syncthing is on the out. I actually prefer Resilio anyways
I know I'm in a different situation here but i buy all my server drives off ebay. Just got ~60TB worth of SAS drives for a little over $200 USD. Ive never had an issue. Most of these places are where business sell their drives to be wiped. Then they just put them up on ebay
Edit: bad autocorrect
I was going to say #2 is definitely Capocolla so looks like we got it, thanks for the info on the other two, didn't know those.
Yes the Bill of Rights are specifically what the government can not do to / take away from you. They are individual rights and liberties.
I have two new P1 Gen 7's coming today, i hope they have fixed that