submitted 10 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Seems to care less about "saving democracy" than many of his most ardent supporters

submitted 15 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

oh it's so joever


submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Can't find an official source for this but it's in their latest campaign email

Concerning. (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm sure some Matt rant has covered this but it isn't enough for the dems to do absolutely horrifying shit, crushing or tearing apart the bodies of thousands of children and so forth. After they do this, they turn to us, crouched over the mangled corpses, eyes gleaming with strange light, and say: You wanted this, didn't you? This is what you want. You consent to this. You want this to keep happening. Go on, say it. Vote for this. Say it. You want it. I will hear you say it.

JEZZA WINS (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

they all seem so fucking useless. only the sinn féin/SNP seem even vaguely based and i can't vote for them.

on the "left" in my area we have a candidate for labour, green, lib dem, social democratic party, and the worker's party. ngl i didn't know those last two even existed.

i was going to vote workers party, because they're ostensibly socialists and they're the only party that's loud about supporting Palestine, but apparently they have some sus views on lgbt people and climate change :doomjak:

so then what? the soc dems and greens seem pretty limp, the lib dems are liberals (and fucked their entire voter base last time they were in lmao), and labour are fucking open blairites now. honestly at this point i'm back around to feeling like, since they'll never get any power anyway, the most impactful thing i can do is to vote for the worker's party anyway just to send a message on palestine ukkk isntrael

UK comrades, who are you voting for? (or are you not voting?)

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since a Biden replacement is increasingly likely, I need to start preparing my reasons why every individual alternative besides DotP is bad

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I was thinking - what exactly is it that liberals find so exceptionally scary about Trump? Well, the obvious answer is that he's rather far to the right. And I do think it's reasonable to say (correct me if I'm wrong) that Trump is the furthest right GOP candidate for at least several decades. But a lot of liberals seem to see his influence as sort of unprecedented, which you can see from their apparent nostalgia for the "good old days" of sorts when the big bad evil guy was Mitt Romney or George Bush. I think liberals have a tendency to think of Trump as a fluke, a flaw in the system of sorts, who by all accounts should never have been a mainstream politician. I also don't think this way of looking at it is correct. Trump seems like the culmination of where the GOP was already headed before him, with the final nail in the coffin being how much he appealed to the older, whiter, more racially resentful coalition who were fired up from the Obama years. In short, the system is what brought us Trump; he is a symptom of a flawed system, not a flaw in an acceptable system.

So this brings us to the upcoming election. As everyone knows, liberals have been begging people to vote for Biden, using the "lesser of two evils" and "most important election" rhetoric a lot. I'm starting to wonder if the implicit assumption here is that if Biden wins, Trump and his base will be essentially defeated. And yeah, they won't get the presidency, and Trump will probably die before the next election, but it's not like the supporters and the ideas will just go away. When Biden became president-elect liberals were saying things like "the nightmare is over", only for Biden to basically continue a lot of Trump's policies with better optics and for Trump and his goons to continue trying to reclaim power with Biden doing little to stop it. Likewise, if Biden wins again, it's just going to be four more years of the status quo with the MAGA types struggling for power. And if things keep going in this direction, Trumpists are going to get that power back eventually. (Democrats haven't won three consecutive presidential elections since the 1940s.) Suddenly its not project 2025 but project 2029 or 2033. You can vote for Hindenburg and Hitler might lose but he's not going to give up there.

And the worst part about this is that liberals will cling onto the "lesser evil" argument to the point of excusing Biden's support of Israel despite their atrocious actions (which many libs even openly recognize as such!) as well as his fulfillment of the core promise, "nothing will fundamentally change". For the former they usually claim Biden is actually sympathetic to Palestine (see this comic) and for the latter they usually fool themselves into believing the "most progressive president since FDR" line by pointing to things like the IRA, completely ignoring the lack of any meaningful change. All of this because "he's better than Trump" despite everything in the second paragraph and the absence of substantial policy differences.

So to summarize, liberals see Trump as an exceptionally extreme figure despite the rise of such a figure being unsurprising in retrospect, and use that to justify supporting a man with policies that are hardly any better, despite neither that man nor liberals themselves doing anything meaningful to fight back against Trump and the far right.

What do you think? Have I generally reached a good conclusion here or am I mistaken on some points? Perhaps both? Please inform me, I am relatively new to leftism and only recently escaped the liberal mindset I have attempted to describe.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

vote Healthcare/Debtrelief '24

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

To qualify, candidates had to be on enough state ballots to reach 270 electoral votes, or enough to win. They also had to receive at least 15% in four separate national polls, among those specified by the network.

Kennedy had reached that threshold in three polls, but was on the ballot in only 10 states, short of the 270 electoral votes, according to NBC News. The Kennedy campaign had said that it had enough signatures in 23 states, with 310 electoral votes. But those signatures still need to be verified by state elections officials.

Kennedy will have more time to qualify for the next presidential debate, scheduled for Sept. 10. ABC News is hosting that debate with similar criteria to CNN’s guidelines.

The last independent candidate to participate in a general election debate was Ross Perot, who took part in the 1992 debates along with Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. Perot ran again in 1996 but did not qualify to the debates that cycle.

They never respond (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I get 1-2 of these per day, paste in my question, and never hear back.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I will do everything you want

Ha-ha dnc machine goes brrrr


submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

fair is doing fundraising now Care-Comrade

and they have mastodon account lemmitor

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Two options really:

  1. Neoliberal parties don't know this and need to be convinced
  2. Neoliberal parties do know this and welcome the phenomenon
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


For years, Hexbearians have wondered - "Who is the type of guy who has supported Trump for years, but will refuse to do so a bad paperwork conviction?"

A New York Times/Siena College Poll study of nearly 2,000 voters found modest good news for Mr. Biden. While the vast majority of people had not changed their position on the two men, more voters moved away from Mr. Trump than toward him.

Follow-up interviews with these post-verdict switchers offer a window into the minds of still-persuadable Americans.

The best they can do -

  1. A small business tyrant who's pro-choice and doesn't seem to have voted for Trump in the past (he may now go for RFK Jr.)

  2. A tech guy who voted against Trump twice but is pissed at Biden for not forgiving student loans

  3. Someone who "volunteers with people trying to rebuild their lives from addiction and prison sentences" and never would have voted for Trump in the first place (but may still vote for Biden despite the genocide)

  4. An account executive who voted for Biden but "watched Mr. Biden perform the job as president and could not envision voting for him again."

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Source - Green Party campaign email

The last few years there has been a dark cloud hanging over Pride Month as we’ve seen an alarming escalation of legislative attacks against hard-won 2SLGBTQIA+ rights.

The full scope of this assault is difficult to measure. The ACLU is currently tracking 515 pieces of anti-LGBTQ legislation across the country, yet Trans Legislation Tracker has clocked nearly 600 bills attacking the trans community alone.

The vast majority of these bills fail, but that isn’t the point. The constant drumbeat of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric is fueling a toxic environment that openly encourages physical violence and social isolation of our friends, neighbors, and loved ones.

As a result we’ve seen increasing rates of self harm and suicidal ideation, particularly among young people. According to the Trevor Project, as many as 70% of LGBTQ+ teens reported symptoms of anxiety within the past year, and 57% symptoms of depression.

They are aching for mental health support but the majority of them can’t get it – whether it’s too expensive or their state has literally banned the gender affirming care they need.

This is a national public health crisis, and as your president, I would treat it accordingly.

My administration will leverage the full powers of the executive branch to guarantee the human rights of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

I will pressure Congress to pass the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to instill ironclad protections for LGBTQ+ rights at the federal level – effectively ending the vast majority of the attacks from these radical, right-wing lawmakers and their weak liberal enablers.

We will support legislation that expands healthcare access for vulnerable populations and continue the push for universal healthcare – which is a top priority for my administration.

We will develop and implement a broad scale public education program to counter the extremist, right-wing rhetoric fueling many of these bills, and direct the Department of Education to develop curriculum and support school programs to protect LGBTQ kids.

We will declare trans murder and suicide rates a national public health emergency – which they are – and instruct the DOJ to track and investigate hate crimes against the LGBTQ community at the federal level. This will help us better identify trends and spot early warning signs of new attacks BEFORE they can escalate to the levels we currently see.

These are just a few of the solutions our administration will pursue. You can read my full platform on LGBTQIA+ rights here (you’ll find it under “People”).

Jill's Policy copied from campaign page


A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee the human rights of the 2SLGBTIQIA+ community.

Violent attacks on transgender women (particularly Black and other transgender women of color), recent stripping of state protections, lack of legal protection after negative court rulings, and long-standing historical inequities continue. We will end the acceptance of a violent culture that devalues the humanity of our 2SLGBTIQIA+ siblings. We will fight for the liberation of 2SLGBTIQIA+ people around the world.

Here’s how:

  • Support the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to prohibit discrimination by the U.S., the military, state or local governments, or private industry

  • Support the PrEP Access and Coverage Act (until universal healthcare is implemented).

  • Develop and implement 2SLGBTIQIA+ inclusive public education to combat bullying

  • Include 2SLGBTIQIA+ history in school curricula, provide school and community trainings and 2SLGBTIQIA+ specific school counseling

  • Federally prohibit the harmful practice of “conversion therapy”

  • Fund housing relief programs for 2SLGBTIQIA+ youth, who are disproportionately represented in unsheltered populations

  • Remove punitive and cumbersome legal name change requirements and fees Declare trans murder and suicide rates a national emergency

  • De-gender or add nonbinary gender options to all Federal public documents

  • De-gender school dress codes, and guarantee protection from discrimination as a result of dress in workplaces

  • Publish the original Equal Rights Amendment in the National Archives, effectively bringing it into law.

  • Prohibit insurance companies from denying trans-affirming procedures

  • Remove “transmedicalist” language from all educational materials relating to trans individuals

  • Specifically prohibit disciplining or firing trans employees for acknowledging their gender/pronouns with customers, clients, or other individuals in the workplace

  • Legally prohibit mutilative surgeries on intersex infants

  • Pass legislation to mandate that police adopt policies to ensure fairer interactions with transgender people, especially transgender women of color, who are disproportionately impacted by disparities in policing

  • Outlaw misgendered imprisonment nationwide and end “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses for violent crimes

  • Prevent and repeal any legislation that purports to protect religious liberty at the expense of the rights of others

  • Ours is the only campaign that will be on the ballot across the country this November that is fighting for people, planet, and peace – and the only credible challenge to empire, genocide, and hate.


Remember: the first Pride was a riot. Patrons of the now legendary Stonewall Inn stood up to continuous harassment and police brutality targeting New York's thriving LGBTQ community.

From the beginning, Pride Month has been about challenging structural hate and dismantling systems that exclude, silence, and sideline people because of who they are and who they love.

It is long past time the LGBTQIA+ community had a true ally in the White House.

We will end the acceptance of a violent culture that devalues the humanity of our LGBTQIA+ siblings. We will fight for the liberation of LGBTQIA+ people around the world.

In solidarity and gratitude,


submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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