[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 hour ago

your customers on a boston to west palm beach flight were perplexed to see your flight attendant adorning a flag of palestine pin, and then utterly rapt by his dreamy eyes when he asked if i'd like any snacks or something to drink

[-] [email protected] 21 points 2 hours ago


[-] [email protected] 21 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 22 minutes ago)

early color photography experiments date back to the 1840s, a color photo from 1896 is plausible, it was just prohibitively expensive for most uses for a long time.

similarly, italian inventor stefano lavori began working on early versions of what would become the iphone (shortened from italian telephone) in his workshop in ragu, italy in 1864 while attempting to devise a tomato sauce recipe that doesn't require glue.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 22 hours ago

We are talking about geopolitical changes on the scale of decades

smuglord but by tankie logic, decades happen in weeks, so the fact that it's been several weeks and u.s. hegemony hasn't collapsed proves you're wrong!

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

it's a common misunderstanding and it's actually something of an in joke with the fandom. there's a really good edit someone made that basically changes the canonical order to be:

The Mechanic (2010)

The Mechanic II (2013)

MECHANIC III: New Dawn (2022)

The Mechanic 3 (2015)

MECHANIC 2 (2020)


The Mechanic: Revelations (2014)

which works remarkably well. they actually brought back the original director from the first two the mechanic movies for new dawn, so stylistically it fits better even though it was made a decade later. the end result is a sort of rashomon version of the mechanic narrative. it's really a must watch for mechanic fans.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of bread.

--Michael Scotus

[-] [email protected] 43 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

All simulations are ultimately constrained by their creators’ assumptions: They are self-contained universes ticking along to preprogrammed logic. They don't necessarily reflect anything fundamental about the world as it is, much less how we may want it to be.

cereal1 exactly. the map is not the territory. no simulation could possibly capture the complexity of an entire neoliberal capitalist economy and predict the long-term equilibrium outcome of such a system.

An artist named Vincent Ocasla, for instance, created a city with a stable population of 6 million. The only catch? It was a libertarian nightmare world. It had no public services—no schools, hospitals, parks, or fire stations. His dystopia had nothing but citizens and a concentrated police force populating an endless plain of one bleak city block, copied over and over.


[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

Without a monopoly or oligopoly, high fixed cost + low marginal cost businesses almost always see prices competed down to marginal cost (e.g., airlines).

true but the airline industry still consolidated into an oligopoly through control of their own currencies (redeemable miles)

might see something similar with gpu computing where the nominal prices are driven down to marginal cost but the real profit comes from control of the supply of tokens that can be redeemed for gpu time

but that still assumes there's a real profitable use for this shit besides ever more individually targeted advertising and various flavors of outright fraud

[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 days ago

calling him "one of our colleagues, the former president" and then adding, "probably shouldn't say, at any rate"

did he also drop kayfabe and admit they're all working together?

[-] [email protected] 22 points 2 days ago

oh no! you're probably accidentally entering the wrong plu code by accident! these stores should hire someone properly trained to stand next to each self-checkout machine to make sure customers are using them correctly.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 2 days ago

i'm shamelessly cribbing from wikipedia's on this day page, but here's a few:

1977 – The George Jackson Brigade plants a bomb at the main power substation for the Washington state capitol in Olympia, in solidarity with a prison strike at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary Intensive Security Unit.

1961 – On its maiden voyage, the Soviet nuclear-powered submarine K-19 suffers a complete loss of coolant to its reactor. The crew are able to effect repairs, but 22 of them die of radiation poisoning over the following two years.

1951 – William Shockley announces the invention of the junction transistor.

1946 – After 381 years of near-continuous colonial rule by various powers, the Philippines attains full independence from the United States.

1943 – World War II: The Battle of Kursk, the largest full-scale battle in history and the world's largest tank battle, begins in the village of Prokhorovka.

1910 – The Johnson–Jeffries riots occur after African-American boxer Jack Johnson knocks out white boxer Jim Jeffries in the 15th round. Between 11 and 26 people are killed and hundreds more injured. [fucking wikipedia "riots occur" like it wasn't a bunch of salty crackers attacking black people]

1827 – Slavery is abolished in the State of New York.

1054 – A supernova, called SN 1054, is seen by Chinese Song dynasty, Arab, and possibly Amerindian observers near the star Zeta Tauri. For several months it remains bright enough to be seen during the day. Its remnants form the Crab Nebula.

babies are hatching (hexbear.net)
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2733501

it's about danged time, that egg sac has been there a while, i was getting worried

babies are hatching (hexbear.net)
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

it's about danged time, that egg sac has been there a while, i was getting worried

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If the leaks and rumors are true, Beijing stands ready to launch a new and radical solution to the economy’s property crisis – a government takeover. What the authorities refer to as “a new model” would replace the old emphasis on ownership with more rentals and use government funds to buy up bankrupt properties so that in time the government’s role in real estate would rise from 5% of the market at present to 30%. Such an act would surely take the nation back to its communist roots if not quite the days of Mao Zedong. If it would veil the property crisis for a time, it would in the long run do tremendous damage to China’s economic prospects.


submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

share your own stories if you like!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hey there hexbear nd gang! it's that time of year for the first time ever!

here we are once again approaching the end of the year according to the roman imperial calendar that we all have to use for some reason. it's the winter holiday season in the global north, a time of great symbolic significance to many people.

and so, i want to solicit your thoughts about this community, what it means to you, how you'd like to see it evolve, changes in moderation policy, suggestions for thumbnail and banner images, or anything else related to the comm or neurodiversity in general.

or just come hang out!

i also want to invite applications for new moderators for this comm. what would you like to do as a moderator for c/neurodiversity?

personally i've largely been a placeholder, but i do love this community and i want to see it grow as a shared and safe space for our neurodivergent comrades to talk about ourselves and with each other. i also want to do better and want your input about what that means.

c/nd has a well behaved user base so we don't need extra mod help for enforcement or anything like that. what i'm mainly looking for is fresh perspectives on community engagement and growth.

there is absolutely no requirement to disclose any personal information about yourself, just to make that clear. but if you're interested in moderating this community, please contact @[email protected], myself, and/or the other nd mods with an application.

if deadlines help motivate you, you have 3 days from the time you read this.

if deadlines harm your motivation, don't worry about it. if an application comes in a month or two from now of course we'll still consider it. this isn't a job, i'm just asking for volunteers to help moderate a small internet message board.


What is your Hexbear username?

Do you have any preferred pronouns?

What are your thoughts on capitalism?

What are your thoughts on imperialism?

What are your thoughts on trans rights?

What are your thoughts on racial justice?

What are your thoughts on neurodiversity?

What do think about current and previous protests around the world?

What are your thoughts on Veganism and Animal Liberation?

Do you have any experience with other leftist online communities? What did those experiences teach you?

What is your approach to moderation, and how do you work with teams?

How do you deal with online drama and people who try to start things for the sake of it?

Do you have any ideas for c/neurodiveristy community engagement?

What is your general time availability? (amounts, common browsing times, etc)

Element information

Element is a messaging app that lets you talk to people over the Matrix protocol.

To get started, check out this link, where you can choose to either download Element for your platform or, if on a computer, open it in a browser ("Launch Element Web").

The instructions that follow are for the desktop application and the web application, but the process is similar on all apps:

  • Press "Create Account"
  • We host our own Matrix server, so if you want you can change matrix.org to chapo.chat. This is completely optional; users who sign up with a matrix.org username can still talk to people with chapo.chat username. (Note: It is chapo.chat, not hexbear.net. Also, registrations aren't always open on chapo.chat; if they're not, just create an account on matrix.org)
  • Fill in a username and password
  • Hit register, and you're done!

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

thistles are an herbaceous variety of porcupine and i think they're pretty

share some good news, happy thoughts, optimistic prognostications, or other assorted benedictions

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

it doesn't seem to let anyone but me post in there right now but i don't know how to change that

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

share some good news, hexbears!

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joined 3 years ago