[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

like legit what does she get out of this? it seems like an awful trade deal. she gives up a perfectly pleasant night to herself doing shit she cares about and in exchange she gets to spend $80 on drinks/transport/etc for no reason.

or my long distance friend: he loses a nice night relaxxing and playing video games, and replaces it with video games but Worse because you're constantly worrying about Conversing Correctly and you can't quite breathe or relax for 5 hours.

i feel like i'm a fucking alien for not getting this lmao

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago

i got invited to a night out :/

i haven't seen this friend in like 6 months and she's reached out (which i literally never do) and i feel like i Have To Go, in the same way that i Have To talk to my closest friend on discord about once a month despite the fact that i never want to. i feel like theres something fucking busted in my instincts as a member of a social species. But my grandma made me promise when i left home that i would try to have friends, so for the last 5 years i've been putting in some (usually minimal) effort but god i always fucking dread it, like this invitation has ruined my day. but we do what we have to.

i just wish i understood why the prospect of occasionally interacting with one of the few people i know makes me feel nauseous despite the fact that we are literally an animal specifically evolved to be friends with eachother wtf

AND its going to cost like a day's wages fml

.i'm like, damn why have i never had a relationship thonk hexbear-lesbian (hint: the idea of going out makes me want to die lmao)

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

> early morning

> looks inside

> midway through the workday

.no i don't know what a timezone is and i hate fun, why do you ask

[-] [email protected] 21 points 3 days ago

"china wants to take over the west philippine sea - i mean, obviously china wants to take over the world, but right now its the west philippine sea"

^^ a sentence said with absolutely no irony at work and met with general murmurs of "well obviously". why the fuck are Anglos so braindead about the rest of the world jesus christ

[-] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago

my area of science isn't space, but yeah that is genuinely and unironically my life plan. Xi please

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

yeah this is the first general election i've been old enough to vote in. i didn't realise just how fucking bleak it is stress

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

i wanted to vote northern independence but we don't have a candidate here powercry-2 we are objectively northern wtf

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

they all seem so fucking useless. only the sinn féin/SNP seem even vaguely based and i can't vote for them.

on the "left" in my area we have a candidate for labour, green, lib dem, social democratic party, and the worker's party. ngl i didn't know those last two even existed.

i was going to vote workers party, because they're ostensibly socialists and they're the only party that's loud about supporting Palestine, but apparently they have some sus views on lgbt people and climate change :doomjak:

so then what? the soc dems and greens seem pretty limp, the lib dems are liberals (and fucked their entire voter base last time they were in lmao), and labour are fucking open blairites now. honestly at this point i'm back around to feeling like, since they'll never get any power anyway, the most impactful thing i can do is to vote for the worker's party anyway just to send a message on palestine ukkk isntrael

UK comrades, who are you voting for? (or are you not voting?)

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

but it makes my back ache kitty-cri

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

Teach me your ways, placid people

you just have to realise that nothing really matters, the vast majority of life is basically random, and you can't change shit. when everything is bleak and pointless and grimdark to the point of being fucking comical, it suddenly becomes incredibly easy to be laidback agony-deep

i think the term is "learned helplessness" - i'm sure this approach is extremely healthy and people should follow my example /s

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago
[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

literally. the fact that they got some random actor to play the war doctor in the 50th special rather than you know, the dude that actually played the doctor that fought the time war was such a slap in the face wtf. mcgann day of the doctor is canon to me angery

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've never touched SQL but some friends said that its a language you can basically learn in an afternoon, so I put it on my CV and applied to some jobs that say they want SQL lol. But now I've actually gotten an interview and I'd like to not get caught out as bullshitting - is it as easy as my friends say and do any of yall have some good resources about learning/using it? In the past I've had pdfs that take you from nothing to profiecency in a language and I'd love something similar, but now that I've graduated I don't have access to stuff like that anymore. I have a shittonne of experience in python if that helps (although at a glance nothing i'm seeing online looks much like python, but i'm told that you can implement it through python or something?)

Most stuff I can find quickly either try to make you pay for it or they're videos instead of text and that doesn't really play well with the adhd. Do you guys have anything? Thanks for the help scamming a corporation comrades meow-hug

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

like i know these people are technically meant to be our allies because they don't own the means of production, but how the fuck do you spend more than my family's annual income on fast food? how are we meant to find common ground with people who are able and happy to do this? visible-disgust

edit: turns out this is a repost. sorry. but still, i standby my disgust

submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

corbychev pls come back :kitty-cri: :long-corbyn:

imagine if the tories were tearing themselves apart like this while he was still in charge. at this rate their self destruction is just going to get fucking blair 2.0 in office :angery:

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