submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello users of Hexbear, I am making this post to notify all users of the following:

Going forward comments giving unsolicited advice will be removed, comments that are critical of any mutual aid post or user will be removed, posts containing opsec leaks will be removed, posts containing payment links will be removed.

Posts containing personally identifiable information (PII) will result in a temporary ban from the mutual aid community

Posts or comments that state specific amounts received will be removed, please consider editing the title of a mutual aid post to include the mutual aid request has been received.

We strongly advise you ask people to send you a direct message to obtain information regarding payment.

Consider not make comments about getting large anonymous donations or about what the money gets spent on.

If you want to make a meta comment, provide advice/resources or hold another user accountable, then please make a separate post in this community but do not ping them or specifically/explicitly link their hexbear account to another hexbear account.

Users cannot assume that any post has been vetted and must do their own investigation.

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Even my leather jacket. I don’t have razors. I can’t wash my face. I can’t listen to fucking music. I’m sober right now but why fucking bother being sober when you don’t even have fucking socks? One person sent me $5 yesterday. One person.

CashApp/Venmo are the same as my username.

Please help. I’m out of food stamps too.

submitted 23 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I really thought I had a job lined up. I was supposed to show up to sign papers and make things official last week and simply never heard back. I tried calling the stupid place and can't get anyone on the phone who knows what the hell I'm talking about, so it looks like I'm in limbo again.

Getting ghosted in your personal life is sad, but getting ghosted by supposed professionals while looking for work is both infuriating and sad.

Looking for about $30 today, but any amount is very helpful. My venmo and cashapp are both under the handle cosecantphi. DM me for paypal info.

I appreciate you, donors and bumpers of c/mutual_aid. The one place on the internet that cares about people who are struggling.

EDIT: Reached my goal for today, thanks so much to the two donors who helped out!

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So once again there's more issues with my donation... They had to take a sample to test the protein levels, thought no biggie cool cool, asked the front desk how long that should take, was told 7 mins, turns out after they drew the sample, that it was actually 7 days because they need to send out the sample... Partner is able to donate tho so that's good but we were really counting on both of us being able to donate. Again if any of y'all can spare anything it's, like always, very very VERY appreciated.

https://hexbear.net/post/2907805 og post


Apologies for being jokey but it's better than anything else right now.

(Btw as an aside just in case any queer folks are considering donating plasma, you do have to pretend you are cishet which is unfortunate but usually some of the workers couldn't give a shit. I have let it slip that I wasn't a straighty once and nothing had came of it but ymmv so if you need that extra cash you got to be able to hide in plain sight and be careful to not let something spicy slip out.)

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

All my things, except my backpack, which was bike-locked to the fence. Everything. My sleeping bag. My leather jacket. My hygeine/shaving stuff. Everything.


CashApp and Venmo are allthetimesivedied.

Why is this happening to me.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hey so, i'm a transfemme, i have trouble getting work on a good day. It's july, and I need any financial help that can be spared. I've been out of work a while. I get interviews, at a rate of about 2 a month, with daily applications over several apps and honest to got footwork and old school physical applications.

It has never been this hard to get a job, my physical body hasn't changed, my demeanor is what it always has been, but these interviews go nowhere. There is never followup. I am never selected to move forward.

It's extremely demoralizing, and I've more or less exhausted the good will (and economic ability) of my family and friends after needing help for this long. I'm embarassed. Capitalism expects us to work, and I'm even willing, but the work isn't coming and I guess to most people it starts to seem like a personal issue. Maybe it is? But I'm genuinely trying everything I can, and I'm still on the fucking precipice.

phone is $80, i need at least $50 on electric, but the entire bill is $300 rn. I can go without cable, but that's another $100 to keep on

If you can help, it would mean a lot. I can't reasonably expect anything, but I have to try.

venmo is @ktkatte, pm me for any other apps

Thanks for anything. Love you all.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2907805

(Took about 2hrs to write and honestly could add more but I won't blame y'all for not reading it all)

Currently funemployed because I had quit a shitass job that didn't pay well enough to warrant the toxic work environment and busy workload. Been donating plasma to buy groceries (and MJ to keep myself sane and not be half-cocked as per my partners judgement), haven't worried about rent for about 5 months because my landlord had let the living space spiral into disarray from neglect and currently not worried about a phone plan because I use wifi. But. Yesterday afternoon I was pulled off to the side and told my proteins were too low and I'm at risk of being deferred from that center if it comes back low again, and it's unable to be clocked properly by their initial testing, it's how I was able to donate but later the donation was no good and or it's a health risk.

So went into the fridge and borrowed the LL's beyond beef without asking and cooked some beans. But I'm not sure it'll be enough and tbh I think donating has been a contributing factor in thinning my hair ( and it's been fucking with my self esteem and image heavily especially since I've been undecided with whether or not I want to start hrt at 30 and well... I'd rather be a bald dude if I'm gonna lose my hair, so it's very disheartening and just sux...) . There's that, I've had several teeth break and have dealt with that for about 4 years now with and without pain.

Partner is also funemployed but recently found something he just hasn't started yet and the rate will be a little low because it's training first and all that. I myself have looked but I have been pretty pessimistic about work culture , pay, etc. Been kinda hoping I just don't wake up vs having to be abused as a worker. Gaslit, guilt tripped, and squeezed dry. Done. But I know I need to find something, I just don't have a degree or a trade, and my experience is in customer service and hospitality so everything is gonna suck, holy shit balls.

I only smoke weed if substance is a concern, poppers (amyl nitrate) as well, but that's been awhile and tbh if I had my way I'd be sober, but sober me is an ass without the therapy I desperately need.

I've just been letting myself go to waste I guess. Not working, not working out ( hard to do with a barebones shit diet, partly due to my partners aversion to beanis and taste for b.s. ez to make processed foods, I've also been just letting them make decisions on food because I don't have many preferences, but I should fix that. Hard to do with someone who thinks they know everything and honestly we've had plenty of arguments about it...), letting my room get pretty bad with clothes strewn everywhere, dishes not getting done or done very slowly, at least showering semi regularly though like once every two or three days at the worst. I think if me and my current s.o. were in a different spot it'd better, but technically he shouldn't be here and the LL has made it clear they don't want them here, so he's been hiding when LL/Roommate is home, and he doesn't have a place to go since his parents house has been taken over by his siblings that have ignored him and his parents wishes in order to do as they please, and he called his older brothers probation officer because of his abuse of fent and by extention neglecting his 4 children. So kinda a narc but at the same time reasonable since he's been more of a dad than the actual dad.

The LL has also given me a silly written notice asking for the back pay which he settled on 1,510 that he wants by july 10th(I've been putting off making a post like this for awhile)(rent is $400, good on paper, but my room has a tin roof that turns it into an oven from 10-6) with ways to lessen the amount and potentially be paid but I'm still checked out of the situation and couldn't care less. Add to that, the floor that was water damaged was replaced, BUT the moldy subfloor was not. There's dry rot and mold under the kitchen sink, front porch light still doesn't work since hurricane Ian(2022), the lights don't flicker as bad in the kitchen anymore but the breaker trips every once in awhile while using the microwave, the bathroom still has a weird gap after the tub was replaced and the floor is still bare poured concrete where the toilet is at from when they fixed the outside plumbing and laundry room outlet for the washer.

Way back in 2018 I totaled my car with no insurance and as of right now have no valid drivers license and feel as though if I had that reinstated and a reliable car I wouldn't be in this mess.

If there are any class traitors willing to risk a modicum of their income to help me get out of this big ass hole I've fallen into, I think about 6 or 7k would barely cover every little thing that has gone wrong the past 6 years 10k to be absolutely safe and to be able to make strides after what seems like an eternity in purgatory.

Now for the comrades who aren't as financially able but still want to help, anything helps. It really does considering I lost out on $45 yesterday and by extention I won't hit the $100 for donating twice in a week.

After what's happened with a user here ( imo it's not their fault at the end of the day, but can't say one way or the other since I can't know the whole situation) idk what kind of rules or systems are in place now vs when I last posted on an account I no longer have access to, when I needed a new bike, groceries and a cheap phone. But I'll put my Cash app at the bottom and if there's anything y'all can spare, again it's greatly appreciated.

(NGL Reaaaallly hoping someone too generous for this world and their income bracket makes my day because on top of all this my mom and her bf(situationship partner? Idk...) have been homeless and she's developed melanoma and has been having identity theft issues along with just not having money and getting screwed over by clients with any painting jobs they line up. And it'd make me feel waaay less of a shit azz child despite the tenuous relationship she's fostered because of the shit azz relationship she's had with her mother and family...sigh and so on. Shit sucks yo, kinda why I don't want kids despite wanting kids of my own since I was little so I could be the one to get it 'right'...)

If anyone has any leads, job opportunities, resources, anything for (doxxing myself a lil) Pinellas county fl, more specifically St Petersburg that'd also be appreciated. Been using indeed and getting the same jobs over and over and no interviews or calls. Have thought about working on a cruise ship but reading job reviews and then seeing news articles about being left in port is giving me 3rd thoughts about it despite how much I could potentially squirrel away.


Listing my partners cashapp in case there's any issues sending it to HexBeara: $scherermatthewd97

Gotten $10 so far, from Seeking_Perhaps, which will help get both of us to the plasma center today to donate and get some groceries, but currently starving and needing more to be on the safe side and potentially pay back rent if need be if we're able to reach that amount (although not an obligation since technically with the moldy subfloors i could continue to withhold rent, but trying to be amicable and live in a cheap ass place still and not have him move forward with an eviction) Also don't know how to cross post properly using only the hyperlink I've seen in some posts. posting problems I guess

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

But Creamsicle is safe and that’s cool.


I spent 17 fucking dollars on a really good Belkin cable. That’s gone. All my good wall boxes were taken by that piece of shit old man who threw away my things—my very last one was taken the other day along with the cord.

I also lost a pair of headphones, a laptop, three portable chargers, a JBL speaker, and a bunch of fucking tools, and a torch lighter that looks like a gun, and a cool knife, but I need the charger and box.

I’m tired of this shit.

CashApp and Venmo are the same as my username. DM me for my friend’s PayPal handle.


submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Please. If anyone is able to send me just a few bucks for food I would very much so appreciate it. Thank you. My cash app is $KodyMartinGerba.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Took about 2hrs to write and honestly could add more but I won't blame y'all for not reading it all)

Currently funemployed because I had quit a shitass job that didn't pay well enough to warrant the toxic work environment and busy workload. Been donating plasma to buy groceries (and MJ to keep myself sane and not be half-cocked as per my partners judgement), haven't worried about rent for about 5 months because my landlord had let the living space spiral into disarray from neglect and currently not worried about a phone plan because I use wifi. But. Yesterday afternoon I was pulled off to the side and told my proteins were too low and I'm at risk of being deferred from that center if it comes back low again, and it's unable to be clocked properly by their initial testing, it's how I was able to donate but later the donation was no good and or it's a health risk.

So went into the fridge and borrowed the LL's beyond beef without asking and cooked some beans. But I'm not sure it'll be enough and tbh I think donating has been a contributing factor in thinning my hair ( and it's been fucking with my self esteem and image heavily especially since I've been undecided with whether or not I want to start hrt at 30 and well... I'd rather be a bald dude if I'm gonna lose my hair, so it's very disheartening and just sux...) . There's that, I've had several teeth break and have dealt with that for about 4 years now with and without pain.

Partner is also funemployed but recently found something he just hasn't started yet and the rate will be a little low because it's training first and all that. I myself have looked but I have been pretty pessimistic about work culture , pay, etc. Been kinda hoping I just don't wake up vs having to be abused as a worker. Gaslit, guilt tripped, and squeezed dry. Done. But I know I need to find something, I just don't have a degree or a trade, and my experience is in customer service and hospitality so everything is gonna suck, holy shit balls.

I only smoke weed if substance is a concern, poppers (amyl nitrate) as well, but that's been awhile and tbh if I had my way I'd be sober, but sober me is an ass without the therapy I desperately need.

I've just been letting myself go to waste I guess. Not working, not working out ( hard to do with a barebones shit diet, partly due to my partners aversion to beanis and taste for b.s. ez to make processed foods, I've also been just letting them make decisions on food because I don't have many preferences, but I should fix that. Hard to do with someone who thinks they know everything and honestly we've had plenty of arguments about it...), letting my room get pretty bad with clothes strewn everywhere, dishes not getting done or done very slowly, at least showering semi regularly though like once every two or three days at the worst. I think if me and my current s.o. were in a different spot it'd better, but technically he shouldn't be here and the LL has made it clear they don't want them here, so he's been hiding when LL/Roommate is home, and he doesn't have a place to go since his parents house has been taken over by his siblings that have ignored him and his parents wishes in order to do as they please, and he called his older brothers probation officer because of his abuse of fent and by extention neglecting his 4 children. So kinda a narc but at the same time reasonable since he's been more of a dad than the actual dad.

The LL has also given me a silly written notice asking for the back pay which he settled on 1,510 that he wants by july 10th(I've been putting off making a post like this for awhile)(rent is $400, good on paper, but my room has a tin roof that turns it into an oven from 10-6) with ways to lessen the amount and potentially be paid but I'm still checked out of the situation and couldn't care less. Add to that, the floor that was water damaged was replaced, BUT the moldy subfloor was not. There's dry rot and mold under the kitchen sink, front porch light still doesn't work since hurricane Ian(2022), the lights don't flicker as bad in the kitchen anymore but the breaker trips every once in awhile while using the microwave, the bathroom still has a weird gap after the tub was replaced and the floor is still bare poured concrete where the toilet is at from when they fixed the outside plumbing and laundry room outlet for the washer.

Way back in 2018 I totaled my car with no insurance and as of right now have no valid drivers license and feel as though if I had that reinstated and a reliable car I wouldn't be in this mess.

If there are any class traitors willing to risk a modicum of their income to help me get out of this big ass hole I've fallen into, I think about 6 or 7k would barely cover every little thing that has gone wrong the past 6 years 10k to be absolutely safe and to be able to make strides after what seems like an eternity in purgatory.

Now for the comrades who aren't as financially able but still want to help, anything helps. It really does considering I lost out on $45 yesterday and by extention I won't hit the $100 for donating twice in a week.

After what's happened with a user here ( imo it's not their fault at the end of the day, but can't say one way or the other since I can't know the whole situation) idk what kind of rules or systems are in place now vs when I last posted on an account I no longer have access to, when I needed a new bike, groceries and a cheap phone. But I'll put my Cash app at the bottom and if there's anything y'all can spare, again it's greatly appreciated.

(NGL Reaaaallly hoping someone too generous for this world and their income bracket makes my day because on top of all this my mom and her bf(situationship partner? Idk...) have been homeless and she's developed melanoma and has been having identity theft issues along with just not having money and getting screwed over by clients with any painting jobs they line up. And it'd make me feel waaay less of a shit azz child despite the tenuous relationship she's fostered because of the shit azz relationship she's had with her mother and family...sigh and so on. Shit sucks yo, kinda why I don't want kids despite wanting kids of my own since I was little so I could be the one to get it 'right'...)

If anyone has any leads, job opportunities, resources, anything for (doxxing myself a lil) Pinellas county fl, more specifically St Petersburg that'd also be appreciated. Been using indeed and getting the same jobs over and over and no interviews or calls. Have thought about working on a cruise ship but reading job reviews and then seeing news articles about being left in port is giving me 3rd thoughts about it despite how much I could potentially squirrel away.


back again (hexbear.net)
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm sorry to be back so soon after my last post. But rent is almost due, and I only got 20 dollars from the previous post. Luckily I have a job, but it's not enough atm. Hoping for more money this time around, though I'm not one to impose.

paypal: [email protected] cashapp: $steelsorcerer

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have been so extremely grateful for all the help. I am in need of some emergency dinner cash tonight as I have literally not eaten yet today. Please help if you can. My cash app is $KodyMartinGerba. Thank you.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Find myself needing a few things around the house, including food. Unforfunately, i don't get paid until tomorrow or Thursday, and im diggign myself out of the hole of rent and bills I'm in. Paypal and Zelle are best, holler at me for info!

Thanks comrades Care-Comrade

Thank You (hexbear.net)
submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just wanted to make a post saying thank you to everyone. Life has been really hand-to-mouth for me for the last year, since I lost my last job and found Hexbear.

The help this community has provided me has been literally life changing. Nearly without fail if I have a need, it gets met, and I've needed a lot.

I just wanted to give my sincerest thanks to everyone here. This community is incredible and I can't wait to give back.

Be well my friends!

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There is a new ordinance in Portland Oregon that states that it is an arrestable offence to camp in a tent. No bullshit. So naturally this freaks me out. Please help me out if anyone is able to. I'm trying not to be arrested for camping. I really need to find an affordable used van. I would very much so appreciate any and all help. My cash app cash tag is $KodyMartinGerba. Thank you

Rent Help (hexbear.net)
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Need met. Thank you so much comrade!

I miscalculated or fucked up somewhere and I'm about $50 short of rent, due by close of business July 3rd. If anyone could help out I'd appreciate it. If I have to pay it late next check the late fees would be about $100 and I'd be a week behind.

Thank you all!

Edit: DM or see past posts for PayPal, please.

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi there comrades - I'm posting because I'm in serious need of financial assistance. I have a phone bill due soon, and several hundred worth of bills that must be paid in order to tread water. It's also another week until food stamps are refilled.

I'm autistic, trans femme, and unemployed. I just wrapped up a program to become a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) but I'll be waiting a while to get the physical license, and I can't even look for work in the field until I have it.

Until then, I have no way to stay afloat without help, and this ship really is scraping the sand bar here - I don't want to lose everything while I'm on the cusp of maybe finding myself in a better situation.

my money app handles are as follows:

Paypal - paypal.me/MykahOrshelack

Venmo - @Orshelack

CashApp - $Orshelack

Thanks to anyone and everyone for any support you can provide, hopefully I can pay it forward some day soon.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

my goal is met!!!!!! I love this community so much. y'all have helped me in more ways than y'all will ever know

hi hexbear friends

i'm getting pretty desperate to pay my bills after losing my job last month. i was pressured to quit my job after coming out as trans. i worked in a very public setting and my employer wanted to save face

i'm so fucking scared of being homeless and not being able to take care of my disabled partner

i need 250 dollars to make it through the month. it would buy medicine and food for the both of us

any help is appreciated

please DM me if you can support through zelle, venmo, or cashapp

thank u

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Creamsicle get down from there, you aren’t a hat or other hangable garment!

Yeah, someone—who has my fucking PIN—absconded with my card and the $100 I had left on it for last month. That I still have yet to report it stolen and have it shut off is a testament to how much of a stupid failure I am. The good news though is I can get a new one tomorrow on the spot and I’ll have a fresh $291 (my card reloads on the 2nd of each month).

The bad news is I like to eat food, and have about 14 hours before I can eat food again.

So yeah. Anything helps. My CashApp & Venmo @‘s are the same as my username. If your only option is PayPal, DM me for my friend’s @ (because I’m locked out of mine).

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am in serious need of some food cash. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. Even just a couple of bucks. I seriously have not eaten jack didely squat in like three days. My cash app cash tag is $KodyMartinGerba. Thank you.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This community is fairly limited in scope of what it can provide directly to people. Any funds you get here should be seen strictly as a stop-gap measure.

I've mostly been lurking here until recently, and with recent events it's become increasingly apparent to me that while it can provide monetary aid to people in need, there are certain individuals here who need aid that isn't strictly monetary.

This being the case, I would like this post to serve as a compiled list of resources people can utilize in order to access more tangible assistance.

This website can help those who are in need of not only shelter, but also food, clothing, and health clinics:


For those whose concerns are primarily food related:


And if you're struggling with drug addiction:



Also, as I work in a casino, gambling addiction is a common problem with people I interact with on a regular basis. Luckily, I don't have an addictive personality myself, but it's fucked up the lives of a lot of cool people I know. So I'm providing a link to assist people who may have a gambling addiction


If anyone has other resources that can be utilized by members of our community, please drop them down below. I have no idea of the efficacy of these sources, as I have not had to use them myself.

Also, I would like people to avoid any drama in this thread. I want this to solely provide resources.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Realized that my dog is starting to run out of food. The money I have in the bank will cover my internet bill when it hits, some gas until my next paycheck, and any odd expenses that may crop up.

If I get any extra before I have the chance to update my post, it will go towards bills.

Cashapp is $SpicySerenade

Update: My mom gave me enough dog food to last a until my next payday.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Still a couple weeks out from finally having a source of income again and I really appreciate having this place to fall back on for small things like this. I can't tell you how much it helps my anxiety that paying for food and other daily necessities is not constantly at at the forefront of my mind. Thank you for that Hexbear, any amount no matter how small is very helpful!

DM me for paypal information, my cashapp and venmo are under the same username I use here.

EDIT: Goal reached! Thank you!

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

And because I know I fucking suck at holding onto money, I’m having a trusted adult (who isn’t my dealer) hold onto the money for me—when you DM me for payment info, I’ll direct you to their CashApp, etc., and if you send to me directly I’ll pass it along to them for safekeeping.

The least I can expect to pay for a decent used vehicle is $1,000, if I’m lucky. Prospects are better in the $1,500-$2K range.

Registration and DEQ I’m not terribly worried about because I’m gonna try to find a vehicle with good tags and that’s passed DEQ, since I don’t really know how to do those things and I know I’ll fuck them off somehow. Insurance however will probably cost a couple hundred for X months.

I’m going to set up a GoFundMe if it seems like I should even bother, because I’d be lying if I made it sound like I had any confidence at all.

So yeah, DM me for payment info.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've avoided trying to rely on mutual aid as I know there's countless others out there who need it more than I do. But my bills are starting to overwhelm me and I feel like I can barely afford to live. I live alone and a roommate is not a feasible option as I do not have enough space for them, and I can't find a bigger apartment because I'm not renting. I managed to use my credit while it was still good to buy a house (putting myself into massive debt for a house barely over 500 sq feet) but hey, I don't have a land bastard, and the more time that passes, the more relatively affordable it should be compared to renting.

But for now I'm a broke bitch who's barely scraping by and in need of assistance. I'm starting to be forced to make late payments, which means MORE payments and I feel like if I don't get a handle on it soon, it's going to spiral out of control. Any assistance would be appreciated until I can figure out a better long term solution.

Cashapp is $SpicySerenade

Update: I've managed to pull some financial witchcraft so my bills are a little lessened and I won't bleed out financially as quickly.

While more assistance would be nice, I have a few more resources I can tap into. It'll just take a while before I'll have access to it, and that should help me catch up.

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