
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 18 points 7 hours ago

Creamsicle is borrowing my noise canceling headphones.


It’s still wearing on me psychologically but I will give them a taste of their own fucking medicine so help me God.

Taking a break right now. Only got minimal sleep last night. Fun.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 23 hours ago

True facts people first started sending me money because they liked my posts/tweets about being homeless and shit. I keep forgetting that a lot of things that are banal to me are really fucking interesting to normies—just blogging about my life would draw an audience. I haven’t been doing that lately—I’ve become more withdrawn than ever before and that’s likely a major aspect of what’s hurting me.


I fuck myself over by sharing things I don’t need to, and being too honest regarding those things. Sucks that it took this for me to finally learn my lesson. I’ve really fucked myself over this way.

Couple months ago I was sent $4K by someone who just wanted me to be happy. I had literally never in my entire life had money to spend like that. It was a once in a lifetime kind of thing—I know that all too well now.

I almost bought a really fucking nice Jeep Grand Cherokee, with tags good for a whole year, already passed DEQ. Then I listened to a friend who said I should buy a car made by a Japanese company (Honda, Toyota, etc.). So the opportunity passed and never repeated itself. It was only $1,700.

I didn’t spend it all on drugs. I spent maybe a quarter of it just helping my friends out—I sent $400 to an old friend who’s homeless in Austin, TX; I ordered a fuck ton of DoorDash for my friends and I.

I also wasted a lot of it. I’d go buy something stupid, break it or lose it and buy another one. I was careless.

I loved being, for a brief moment in time, like my friends who have seemingly endless money either from rich parents or ripping off Uncle Sam.

It’s my dream to be some sort of content creator—I’ve always had a thing for writing that’s never been executed beyond just like, a private hobby. Like an old friend of mine who draws and makes art and doesn’t really show anyone. Making videos or whatever, too. That’d be cool. Then I can live off Patreon (even if it isn’t much, I’d still be happy—the things I hate about being homeless aren’t the being homeless part, per se).

I believe I deserve a second chance and I know that if I were given one, I would be way more responsible.

But that’s never going to happen. Everyone knows what a fuck up I am now and as winter approaches, I’m legit scared.

I’m sorry.

I’m not trying to fuel my drug abuse and party and shit (tbh right now I don’t even need money for that bahaha). Meth is fucking lame and I hate it anyways.

I just want my knees to stop hurting like fuck whenever I stand up and sit down. I want this brain fog I get from not eating to clear. I want a cozy sleeping bag, clean clothes and facial cleanser. I want to fill in these sunken cheeks and smooth this dry nasty skin. I want to be able to just chill and read or sew or something instead of trying to find breakfast at 4PM. I just want to have a life again.


So for about a month now I’ve been getting paid to watch a friend’s van while he’s crashing at this kind-of-a-squat down the street. I’m not making this up.

He pays me $20 every couple days (we’re both homeless, and I also get paid in other cool things + I get to crash in a tent next to the van, so it’s whatever). Today he paid me $10, with the promise that more would come later.

And so of course, I lost the $10.

I was planning on buying a few groceries—the squat might be getting evicted today so I’m raiding the kitchen, yoinked some instant coffee, need to buy some sort of creamer because I can only drink coffee with a fuck ton of cream and sugar.

I also owe a very sweet, amazing friend $10-20 for an insanely awesome speaker he found dumpster diving. We agreed on $10 but I think it’s worth more like $20. He’s an awesome person and deserves it.

Oh yeah and I need more butane for the awesome stove you guys helped me buy.

CashApp/Venmo: allthetimesivedied


Why isn’t important right now. But this is important (not really).


[–] [email protected] 34 points 1 week ago

Fuck America.


* I ate half a piece of cake and some crackers and artichoke dip this morning.

I just need like, $20-30 to grab some snacks, or do DoorDash. Maybe since I have a mini stove and cooking paraphernalia now I’ll do something economical, maybe even something I can make enough of to share (since I have a lot of other homeless people stopping by the tent/van I’m babysitting).

Oh and look who it is!

Creamsicle! What’s up buddy?

He says, “Every morning my mom and dad send me $5 so I can go buy a donut and a chocolate milk for breakfast. They said I can’t share with anyone, not even my friend, and it felt really bad not being able to share today. Please help my friend.”

Thank you Creamsicle.

CashApp/Venmo: allthetimesivedied


In particular I want to buy a jacket—a leather motorcycle jacket like the one that was stolen from me a couple months ago.



These fuckers are usually expensive—the cheapest option at Fred Meyer’s (Kroger) is $40. Having one of these bad boys will enable me to cook my own food, and thus improve my nutrition significantly. And as you probably know by now, I am chronically malnourished.

I would also need to get cookware. I had some, sourced from a free pile, but then I threw them out because the prospects of getting my hands on a camp stove seemed unrealistic, LOL.

CashApp: allthetimesivedied

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Basically the only thing I ever did wrong is really, really miss them. I lost them because of mistakes and misunderstandings and my own stupidity, and I’d give anything to have them back, and that’s “creepy” and “stalkerish.”

They were the coolest person I’ve ever met, and I haven’t met a single person since who comes even close. Everyone else is so disinteresting—I’m supposed to shrug and go “Oh well” and find someone else. They’re the only person I’ve ever cried over and the only person who makes me smile when I think of them—and that’s just a figment of my imagination.

How do you think it affects my mental health when I get called creepy and insane if I dare talk to anyone other than a therapist about this?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

I don’t get WiFi at the new spot where my friend is paying me to watch his shit, and it’s pissing me off.

He is also routinely staying up for too long and then conking the fuck out randomly and it’s annoying as fuck. His girlfriend called like 8 times and I couldn’t get him to fucking wake up. And now I have a friend who really needs his help and he’s asleep again. He was supposed to grab something for me and he fucked that off.

I like him. He’s closer than I’ve ever thought I could find to my ex-friend, in the sense of being a drug user who isn’t a disgusting piece of shit. But sometimes I kinda hate him.


cross-posted from:

Homeless trans/non-binary person, trying to raise funds for winter/cold weather gear

I was hoping to have a van by now but I’m not very smart or good at anything.

I need, among other things, an actual good sleeping bag, thermal underwear, socks, a camp stove, and gloves. I’m too delirious to do the math but all this will probably cost at least $200.

CashApp/Venmo: allthetimesivedied

DM me for my friend’s PayPal (since I don’t have one of my own).



I was hoping to have a van by now but I’m not very smart or good at anything.

I need, among other things, an actual good sleeping bag, thermal underwear, socks, a camp stove, and gloves. I’m too delirious to do the math but all this will probably cost at least $200.

CashApp/Venmo: allthetimesivedied

DM me for my friend’s PayPal (since I don’t have one of my own).


[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago

Also someone SWAT’d me yesterday. Or tried to trololol.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

I’m watching a friend’s van while he’s staying indoors temporarily. He’s actually paying me in cash (and other things) and I basically get room and board in the form of a cabin-style tent next to the van.

Mention of drug useHe’s also really cool. First homeless person I’ve met in a long time who isn’t either racist nor extremely nihilistic about racism. He’s the first person I’ve met in a long time who does drugs and doesn’t twack out and say stupid shit. He really likes me for some reason.

HornyBut his girlfriend—who’s also really cool—is really hot and not only looks like my ex-friend but sounds like them and has the same biting sarcasm as well.

This kills the crab.

But this cushy deal might be ending in a few days. Sadface.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

My ex friend is obsessed with Legend of Zelda. :(


CashApp/Venmo: allthetimesivedied.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Alright, I’m joining the Taliban.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I don’t. I typically don’t have dreams at all most nights because of all the stimulants I abuse (I’ll sleep but not experience REM sleep or something).


My friends are hungry too, and I want to share with them.

My CashApp/Venmo is allthetimesivedied.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I’ve read (Reddit comments and shit, never any “official” or scientific source) about people having dreams like this, where they’re so organic and detailed and seem to last long spans of time; AFAIK there isn’t a term for it and I wish there were/hope there is.


Like this really fucking sucks. I still have 6 fucking blocks to go because I volunteered to go run an errand, not fucking realizing the contents of my gut would uncomfortably slosh around. I was sad a minute ago when I thought I was going to throw up—because I actually ate a lot, when normally I barely fucking eat hardly anything.

I’m sitting down and taking a break now though.

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