[-] [email protected] 2 points 40 minutes ago

no matter what please dont use a llm like that

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago

I moved my dead name to my middle, but my old middle name always caused intense emotional distress and in hindsight it's almost certainly because of how masculine it was. It never felt like me, way before those feelings had a deeper and more understood origin.

My old first name isn't quite gender neutral, but it's rare as a femme name, and it's normal enough as a feminine middle name and it shows up hyphened a bit - desiring to have my transition mark an evolution, a metamorphosis rather than like, a stark death/rebirth, and keeping the old name but deprecating its primacy was the fitting move for me.

I spit on my dead middle name though. Awful. Fucking disgusting.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 10 hours ago

It won't be leftists celebrating empire collapse that will be going after people. When these institutions fail, the power sources most likely to be able to carry on, are also incidentally, exactly where a lot of conservative social and economic power is concentrated - these will use fascistic methods, because they are the methods of that class, they will justify leaving the weak to die, or actively killing them so as to justify the proscription and hoarding of resources and what will assureidly include a robust violation of of other social norms - everything that's been politely hidden behind privacy laws and norms will be actively destroyed, the scapegoats will be the people on the periphery that are least able to comport to whatever game of musical chairs that powered elite will want to play, which is gonna include the unhoused and the gender strange (it scares me quite a lot as a transfemme ngl)

and leftists being glad that maybe the beast will be too busy re-growing limbs and heads to do another genocide abroad - are not going to be the enemy, but their status as useful friends will come down to how they are also reacting to that moment, because anybody going ~WoOp wOoP D2A~ and otherwise sitting on their ass and trying to figure out how to comport to the new normal, are useless.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

phallocentrism is a scourge

[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

probably some rite with a bunch of fucked up components, i wouldn't worry about it

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

left hand path buddhism dead???

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

for adults i am perfectly ready to fire off any number of silly/burn ward responses, depending on severity, but when like, 17 year olds are throwing that shit, the winning move is probably holding my tongue and wishing for death, and that was the case there.

in the end my girlfriend and I opted for making loud raptor/squawking noises once we were 50 or so feet away, but it still withered me massively. it's still kinda in my head a day+ later

[-] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

As with the phallic-obsessive throughline of the post, the bigger the gear, the lazier and more incompetent you can be providing a serviceable ride. Anybody can build a gmer rig in an atx case. You can shit out a steamdeck without needing to order too many specialized parts or actually figure out what you're doing, and gmers are by nd large hogs hooked on the easiest available dopamine supplying skinner box so it makes sense they'd give in to the thickness

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

I think most people are self interested. That's not an innate matter - we could be raised to be better, we can learn to unlearn the worst things capitalist society imparts to us - but most people are self interested, and Natalie comes from a cohort economically that is insulated from the consequences of the status quo, and even benefits thereof - they were never going to be a proper comrade, and any vision of Natalie as this, was predicated on a misreading of the things she said, and also built from incorrect assumptions about elements of her identity (this idea that trans women are de facto comrades does a lot of harm to trans folk tbqh).

Even in properly left circles, there can be extreme hesitance to surrender to a collective identity and a collective interest, due to any number of things ranging from trauma to just pathological chips on shoulders, to the flatly self-interested seeking to exploit people, but even outside that context, it's just weird anybody ever thought the bougie, well-off white lady was gonna have the life experience needed to be what some leftists saw in her.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 1 week ago

She was always lib and her content has been stylishly devoid of substance for years now but hopefully this nonsense will continue to make her a non presence in trans community discourse going forward

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

It is. I am so fucked off right now but in the end being myself is worth it . In a dark way it's affirming - misogyny be like this. I can't lwt external behavior stifle me, I'd emphasize that to you as well :)

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Jort grease.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hey so, i'm a transfemme, i have trouble getting work on a good day. It's july, and I need any financial help that can be spared. I've been out of work a while. I get interviews, at a rate of about 2 a month, with daily applications over several apps and honest to got footwork and old school physical applications.

It has never been this hard to get a job, my physical body hasn't changed, my demeanor is what it always has been, but these interviews go nowhere. There is never followup. I am never selected to move forward.

It's extremely demoralizing, and I've more or less exhausted the good will (and economic ability) of my family and friends after needing help for this long. I'm embarassed. Capitalism expects us to work, and I'm even willing, but the work isn't coming and I guess to most people it starts to seem like a personal issue. Maybe it is? But I'm genuinely trying everything I can, and I'm still on the fucking precipice.

phone is $80, i need at least $50 on electric, but the entire bill is $300 rn. I can go without cable, but that's another $100 to keep on

If you can help, it would mean a lot. I can't reasonably expect anything, but I have to try.

venmo is @ktkatte, pm me for any other apps

Thanks for anything. Love you all.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First of all, I wasn't really a big kojima gal? I had played the first and a bit of the fifth MGS until earlier this year, where i finally finished MGS V

i realized it is an extremely precient and political game, and I think i like kojima's brand of crazy.

So then I read about death stranding. I saw the promo footage years ago, and it followed that cutscene where Deadman finds himself on that combat beach, and I assumed it was more action heavy bs that I was growing out of (hormones change your tastes what can i say), so i completely ignored it until i grabbed it on a whim recently

and anyway, WOW! so I fucking love this game. Everything is so weird. Astrology and esoterica are canon, everything is a fucking insane metaphor for something else, the world has been utterly bent the fuck over by cataclysm, and you're just a dude out there with your artificial womb, making deliveries and linking up the remnants of humanity.

I love the vibe of these little communities and holdout preppers coming together, sharing what they have to move forward into a post-cataclysmic future. I love all the stupid shit with Lockne & Malingen, I love the bridge babies, i love that one of the most potent weapons in the game is made by running around until you're so tired you piss blood, and that bloody piss gets turned into a grenade. I love having weaponized body fluids. This shit owns.

I'm not even sure death stranding 2 can live up to this.

also the multiplayer features can be a bit much (I have it set up to log in offline and to not automatically share structures because people will just spam structures in the most annoying fucking places, but they're also awesome.

I love how much cooperation and community effort is the front and foremost thing, to the point it's literally one of the stats the game tracks.

Sorry, I needed to gush about how rad this game is, years after its heyday

edit: Also if anybody is currently playing and wants to form strand contracts, i'm on the Steam PC version. I'd rather see like, specific people's stuff in my game world than like, random people's.

Right now i use strand contracts with inactive friends to sort of make it less likely i get six bridges in a forest when i go online, but i'd actually enjoy building the world map out with some people. Not gonna put my steam id out in public though, pm me for all that

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

a caveat that maybe state and municipal government is still somewhat democratically functional, like at that low level enough of the day to day of administering people's lives is delegated to actual democratic authority maybe

but then i look at stuff like the debate (i didn't actually watch the debate i respect myself too much) and i look at how stuff happens and how it like doesn't seem to matter at all who is in power for the average person. Like it's pretty obvious that there is corporate and wealth buy-in for domestic policy, and think tanks and stuff that set a social agenda to some degree, and I guess the democratic apparatus serves to enable that buy-in, but on the federal level it really feels like voting happens at all merely to provide a democratic legitimacy to stuff that's actually decided entirely by unelected bureaucrats and moneyed interests that are either employed by the state or privately, right?

everything connected to voting is there to give social consent right? if you vote you assent to the legitimacy of the government - and this is like, its sole function? because if not enough people did that, and people actually didn't believe in the legitimacy of the government, there might actually be a problem I guess?

Like how can we think it actually matters which of these guys [the goo brain prez candidates] ends up elected from the pov of an average person? womens and queer rights are dissolving before our eyes regardless in most places, labor rights movements get stomped the fuck out the second they start to do anything interesting, and the few state bastions of safety come from the fact that local governments still sometimes represent citizen priority in some limited sense.

like foreign policy is gonna be the exact same in most cases, like there's no voting mechanism that will end the genocide in gaza - there's no mechanism to get the MIC to stop bombing random places and sending demonic spec ops raids wherever, nor will the steady stream of funds that go into toppling any government that so much as hesitates in its fealty to the us - so ideas that democracy is the answer is meaningfuly deluded, right?

federal politics feels like a really boring kind of WWE thing where the stage are national elections and their personalities and horse races, the kayfabe is the idea that a vote translates into anything meaningful other than the governed consenting to the process, whereas WWE's actual function as entertainment and a RNC pipeline is somewhat obvious, liberals are an entire class of people who actually stake their identity on its sincere legitimacy.

I know this post is long and probably sucks, but this all reeks to me and I'm so tired of seeing people care when the actual options for positive change are narrow, unpleasant, and sometimes illegal to voice.

I want people to disengage, start building parallel structures and outright refusing to live as if this farce is legitimate and even if i'm wrong about the particulars, that feels unreproachably noble and needed.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey there. I'm a trans girl, queer+autistic; I've been looking for work since fucking October, and nothing has gone past the interview stage. Even for someone like me, the job market has never been this bad.

I've had a lot of help getting by since then, but my normal avenues are dried up. I'm getting really desperate, and I have no assets to speak of that I can just sell.

in the immediate term, my phone bill is $80, due tomorrow, and I have nothing to pay on it. My Electric bill is three or four months behind, but even making my payment arrangement, is $15 that I don't have, and the balance continues to leap by $100 every month anyway.

I have cable due as well, but I can let that drop and it would merely kinda suck.

I am behind on rent, as understanding as my landlord has been, I don't know how long his good will is going to last.

Everything that can be turned off, is on the threshold of doing so. It's kind of an emergency, as I can't even continue seeking work without at least my phone service.

In the long term, my disabled mom is also drowning financially, is permanently, severely disabled, and I'm looking at trying to get her up to Washington state to live with me so we can share costs and I can look after her. Those moving and onboarding costs are going to be huge but I can't even think about that right now.

I would not be making this post if i weren't desperate.

my venmo is @KtKatte, my cash app is $KTBentle, paypal is https://paypal.me/KtKatte

Sorry to bother you all. Please PM if there are issues

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