this post was submitted on 28 Aug 2023
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some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don't know what's serious and what's irony

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Trump is a grotesque monster, but he’s hated by libs not for vile actions, but because he was rude. We don’t value civility here, so we can laugh at him when he’s funny, but he and every living American president deserves to be tried in The Hague

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (10 children)

See, this is why I don't trust y'all. How can you pretend to be leftist when to you the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he's rude.

How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

If none of that means anything more than being rude or not, you're not a leftist. You're a cosplayer.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

from the rights of workers

Who crushed the rail strike

of oppressed minorities

who let roe v wade expire

protection of the environment

how many oil drilling licenses were given out in the last 4 years

access to health care and education


All presidents are bad, and all advance the cruelty of the previous president. Are we still ignoring covid? are we still imprisoning people at the border?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Who was a vocal supporter of segregation?

Democrats and Republicans exist as two parts of a rightward political ratchet system. Biden as VP was only run because he was the more right wing counterbalance to Obama's "radical socialist agenda" We get one cheeto-man in the white house and suddenly Biden is the "most pro labor president in history"? Come the fuck on.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

And this is why we don't trust libs. Because as soon as a blue candidate gets into office you become blind to the problems in america

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

His policies and the continuation of them under Biden are no fundamentally different in scope or malaciousness than any other previous president. Trump is the most exagerrated symptom of American political rot, not a new disease process.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Here’s one more difference between trump and other presidents: he was less harmful than bush and probably Clinton and Obama. Clinton was responsible for turning the Democratic Party into the neoliberal garbage it is now, bush killed hundreds of thousands of people and devastated multiple countries, and Obama oversaw one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the poorest to the richest the world has ever seen

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

also what Obama/Clinton did in Libya is an unspeakably horrifying crime. just thinking about it makes me shake with rage. also Yemen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Absolutely. All of them have so much blood on their hands and I will celebrate their deaths with glee. It will be a small pleasure compared to the countless lives they extinguished and cast into poverty but it’s all I can expect when it comes these monster

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

you are forgetting clinton war crimes in europe (serbia) and obama war crimes in north africa (libya)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

You’re absolutely correct. There’s probably even more, I was trying to highlight what I think were their most influential actions of each of their terms. It’s a bleak exercise though

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

they're saying the only difference between him and any other liberal. you forget that imperialism and white supremacy are the defacto policy of the US government, regardless of the views of any president.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Rights of workers: Biden literally busted Unions. Come on man biden-alert

Oppressed Minorities: Biden quite literally continued Trump's migration policies when he first entered office. There have been some marginal improvements, but as someone who worked directly in migrant communities and legal aid during the time, I can confidently say his policies have been nearly indistinguishable to the masses of people hurting and need help. There are administrative changes he could make with the wave of a pen to make the process easier, but there's no desire for it in the actual rooms of power within the Democratic party.

Plus, Biden and other mainstream Dems fought against defund the police almost harder than the right wing did. Funding for the most oppressive institution in this country has increased dramatically. biden-harbinger

PLUS the fucking democrats never codified Roe v Wade despite having all 3 branches of government.

Protection of the environment: Driving off a 100 foot cliff at 60 mph is quite frankly just as bad as driving off at 75 mph. The Democrats engage in soft climate change denialism. They say vapid shit like "believe the science," but then completely ignore what the science says we have to do which is stop fucking drilling for more Fossil Fuels and switch as fast as possible to renewables. Instead we get weasely promises about investing in green technologies that may or may not actually work out of one side of their mouths, and a dramatic increase in fossil fuel production on the other. They're just green washing their anti-environmental ambitions so useful idiots feel warm and fuzzy.

Access to education: you're going to have to point to something you think is good, because I literally can't even begin to imagine what you're thinking is going well in this regard.biden-forgor

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

How were any of the things you listed helped by Biden being in office? Are any of those things better in this country now that he's gone?

We don't support him, he is awful on all these aspects, but so are all US admins, because they all serve capital.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he's rude.

Every single other president in history is a war criminal murderous bastard.

The libs didn't like this war criminal murderous bastard because he made it incredibly obvious while doing it, when the operating procedure is supposed to hide it behind a layer of ""professionalism"" (liberal culture).

All of them are bastards, barring none. All of them are responsible for the countless deaths of thousands upon thousands of people all over the world. They're all murdering bastards of empire reaping hell upon the entire world.

You just ignored it until this particular one made it too obvious.

How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

Lmao absolutely none of these involve foreign policy. It's very telling that you're a nationalist who is ok with the hell america reaps everywhere else. Let's go through them one by one though eh?

Workers rights - lol, like any president in history has ever been pro workers, including Biden who broke the rail strike

Minorities - lol, like any president in history has ever been pro minorities

Environment - lol, lmao even

Health - lol dems have always been great on health right? That's why america still has no fucking healthcare system. Fuck me how naive are you?

Education - 21% of americans are illiterate

It's fucking wild that you people only attribute this to republicans, you're completely fucking blind to the fact that the ruling class owns both of these parties and that they use them both to continually fuck you over while somehow fooling dipshits like you into thinking one half of the capitalists is good actually if only it weren't for the mean half of the capitalists. Fucking open your eyes for fucks sake.

May as well throw Chomsky on the crimes of every US president here too since it's relevant.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

How has Biden meaningfully and systemically improved any of those items? A small tax credit to pell grant recipients who have 3 or more children is not systemic. Trying halfassedly and failing to forgive student loans is not systemic. Giving everyone $600 is not systemic.

Please give meaningful, concrete examples of systemic items that Biden has resolved? Systemic is the key word here. I'd love to hear what you think Biden has done to systemically address literally any of the items you laid out in your post as leftist ideals. Because you're right, they are leftist ideals. It's just that the Biden admin and the entire Democratic party hasn't done a single thing to solve any of the systemic issues behind those items.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

Get back to us when Dems do anything about any of that?