Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
Welcome to Lemmygrad's corner dedicated to anime memes and discussion! (manga/manhua/manhwa/donghua/aeni count too)
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Try to keep it left; memes don't need to be socialist in nature, but it'd be nice if we could keep the discussions that way.
Posts do not necessarily need to be about anime memes, they can also be about other things related to anime, or having an 'anime' art style.
Try to provide sources for the images you post.
There's nothing else for now. We hope you have a great time!
Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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Hell, they've even found a way to monetize the censoring part. They have people pay premium to see a couple more pixels on their screens
I genuinely feel sorry for these people who've reached such a low point that paying more money for a representation of some sexualised person is considered a better, more achievable thing to do than making meaningful relationships.
I saw that, why are people like this so much? Why can't there be art without incel bullshit? Can we just enjoy it for its complex story, or drawing visuals, themes, even just characters? Why does it have to be so grossly capitalist? Damn them all! how glorious japan and it's art would have become if the communist party of japan was able to overthrow the government! The first industrialized country to become communist! The death of western influence in the area! South Korea would most likely fall! THE ANIME!
Eh, It only takes 30% of a sympathetic population with enough weapons to make socialism great!
The JCP nowadays pales in comparison to what it was 60-70 years ago. It used to take the fight right to the government. Now it's just another social democratic party, ironically preserving these rotten industry practices under the guise of "muh freeze peach", with them even stating that they're willing to keep the Imperial family if they play nice