
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

It's the same principal as police brutality here in America. This does not only affect a certain group of people, you just choose to believe that because it's convinient. You really think an entity that is explictly planning on conquering everything nearby and absorbing it will just stop?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

It really is disgusting because tweets like this just show that the government considers Palestineans to be their playthings. It's okay to kill them, to bomb them, but if the reverse happens it's all hands on deck.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They're not all bad, but some of them are just too far gone

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Talking politics with right wingers is like trying to teach a pig math. They live in their own little world and then get violently angry when you tell them what's really going on.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The best part about NAFO is that they're so vile and annoying that all they do is make you sympathize for Ukraine less

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

I love blatant propaganda

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The optics of this happenening after just sending off billions to Ukraine could not be worse.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Good luck with that

[–] [email protected] 47 points 2 days ago

The "nothing ever happens" meme crowd is in full denial mode. Iran launching missiles directly at Tel Aviv without even bothering with proxies is pretty historic

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ah, so Hezbollah is like a plausible deniability thing so they aren't officially at war?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah, I can't think of a single society that was improved by mass murder. It's not really efficient you know

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Isn't Lebanon an actual country with a military?


I've been in Uni for a few years now and I have to say the "weird kids" to me aren't the ones with dyed hair, the ones that play their Switch on campus, or even the guys who don't shower.

No, the weirdest kids are the ones who show up to class everyday just to talk their heads off in the back of the room. Can you imagine that? Imagine spending 10K to dick around instead of actually pay attention.


Just when you thought you couldn't take things less seriously.


Very strange things are going on in Japan, worth keeping an eye on.


I was watching Jurassic Park 3 today and I was reminded that all 3 of those movies had the black guy die. Horribly. It can only happen so many times before you start to think something's up. It happened all over, action films, horror, thrillers. The worst is when the black guy goes to get himself killed and then none of the other characters even comments on it after he disappears.

The word "representation" gets a lot of flack, but when I was growing up it was really demoralizing to watch film after film where the black dude was either a clown or was horribly killed a few minutes into the movie. Unless it was a hood movie anyway, but there's an obvious problem there.

Anyway, this isn't one of my more thoughtful rants, but just something I actually do like about modern film.


Insane article to post.


I wonder what Bor, norse king of the gods, has to say about Isr*el that warrants mentioning.


Yes Kira, that guy who posted about babies and breast milk from penises. You look in the comments and you just see the most delectable rage.


I see the appeal of being a conspiracy theorist. Sometimes a social trend is so bonkers or out there that you have to believe that it's completely artificial and being pushed by some shadowy group. But reality, I've found, is much more simplistic.

It's that time again, where Rings of Power is getting it's second season and Tolkien fans the world over (on social media at least) are pissed off about it. They swear up and down that anyone who likes it is either a shill or a fool because the alternative is too horrifying to comprehend. I'm not into ROP myself, because I'm not giving Amazon Prime a fucking dime of my money after being ripped off last time, but I've observed the fanbase and it feels natural to me. Plenty of fanart, fanfictions, character studies, the works. RoP has all the hallmarks of something people would be into. It's an adapatation of a popular fantasy series, it has a colorful cast of characters, beautiful men and women, and Orcs. Who doesn't love orcs? This is exactly how Game of Thrones and The Hobbit got off the ground back in the Tumblr days.

Another example is Velma, which got a second season. Twitter was alight with instructions begging people not to "hatewatch" and just let it rot. Then it became one of the streamed shows. At that point, I have to ask: Is it more believable that 10s of thousands of people watched Velma just to make mean reddit posts about it, or that a lot of people just wanted to watch Velma? Velma's a really funny case because it's not a great show, it's like 3/5 but the hate is so exaggerated and manufactured that you'd never know it. If you google it right now, you'll see thousands and thousands of 1-star reviews made by people who just did what they were told.

So to conclude, modern society really needs to grow up and stop thinking everything popular that got a bad video essay review is a scheme.


Hello friends, if you're a Zoomer like me (Well maybe, I was born in '96 so I'm either the last Millennial or the first Gen Z) you may have noticed that we're often the butt of many jokes. "The worst generation of snowflakes ever" or something of that nature. I will admit, we seem a little strange compared to old folks but when you actually take a step back and look at the facts it makes perfect sense.

  1. Zoomers have dumb language. One of the biggest things Zs get mocked for is lingo: Skibidibop rizz with the gyatt, deadass smh at my goofy ahh uncle. Took me a while to realize it, but when's it's not just memespeak the reason there are so many nonsense words floating around now is because big tech and social media has become so ludicrously censor happy that you need to talk like a fucking baby to avoid getting your post flagged for one reason or another. Even saying too many normal words in the "wrong order" is enough to get shadowbanned these days.

  2. Kids are inside and on their phones too much. What the fuck else are you expecting them to do? Putting aside the 2 year lockdown due to a pandemic, there's not many options for outside activities. Parks and playgrounds and other things just aren't safe a lot of the times. Whether it's animals, shady characters, or the jungle gym being delapidated. Teens can't go to the malls anymore because they're all closing and anywhere they gather is immediately swarmed with the cops. Nowadays, you go to any big city and the most happening spot is a McDonald's or something because at least you can eat and socialize without getting dirty looks.

  3. Z's are immature and rely on their parents for everything. I had a professor tell me that a not insignifigant amount of zoomers show up to job interviews with their parents and that's bad. I'll admit that everyone needs to grow up eventually but...when did attentive parents become a bad thing? Most older people I know had a bad relationship with their folks or they passed away early, so they were forced to mature sooner. Now this one is purely subjective because I can't speak for every 20 something and their parents but this just seems like another generational gap that's caused by shifting social values.

I can go on but I just had to jot all this down. The kids aren't crazy, you're just just not noticing how hard they've been hit by the downward spiral of the western world.


Not even going to post a particularly cringe and creepy NAFO meme I found but that's what sealed it. Acknowledgement is confirmation as far as shill sccounts go.


I don't doubt it, but I think what's really happening is that they're getting rid of spam reviews by people who don't actually own the game and just leaving negative feedback for culture war purposes.

A lot of outrage over Kill the Justice League. Just imagine how much better life would be if young people could get this spun up over real problems like, you know, genocide or gas prices.


This shit is only going to escalate now that soldiers are able to come back from the genocide with absolutely zero reprecussions. The fact that this isn't front page news, that two foreign military personnel just carried out a chemical terrorist attack, is insane.

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