submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

Got several kids at regular public schools (not in US) and their policy never allowed phones during school hours from the start. It is pragmatic and doesn't cause any drama. The kids get messages home if needed and can collect phones when they leave. It is a relatively normal society where kids walk and ride to school by themselves and parents aren't obsessed with stalking kids or bubble wrapping them.

Schools have a duty of care and sadly are as much baby sitters for working parents as they are places of learning and phones create more problems than they introduce opportunities.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago


We're on phase 2

[-] [email protected] 68 points 1 week ago

Because the little shits (affectionate) don't want to put them down when appropriate

[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 week ago

Am I the crazy one? Millennial myself. We had cell phones and got detentions for using them in class. When did that stop being a thing? Why is this a question at all??

You're there to learn. You sneak texts between periods. If we were caught our phone was given to the principal

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago

In the 2000s and early 2010s, less of your life was lived on a cell phone or smartphone.

For kids now, it’s 100% of their lives. Post-COVID, the majority of social interaction between peers is through a social media app.

That means that close to 100% of kids are on their phones during the school day. If you aren’t, you run the risk of social isolation and FOMO.

Administrators can’t send a kid to detention for using their phone because ALL kids would be in detention every day.

Here’s one article that examines the problem

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 week ago

As long as the phone isn't used in class I fail to the the issue. There's no need to ban phone use in general while on school premises.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Phones in pockets are damaging, too, FYI. Children 15 and under shouldn't have smart phones at all, ideally, but definitely not at school

[-] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Read the article, the problem is that kids don't care and don't listen. Teachers asking kids to take their airpods out during class, and receiving harassment back when asking. To me the kids proved they couldn't handle it (not their fault, it's an addiction device), but the school had to step in or it wasn't doing its job

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

And the kids that are this brazenly disrespectful and disruptive would be disrespectful and disruptive without phones too. Most kids aren't though, no matter how much alarmist media wants them to be. It's a good old fashioned moral panic. Punish the actual wrongdoers, leave the test of the kids alone.

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[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Schools are literally mini-prisons that feed into actual prison.

The important thing is not reasonable control but complete control.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago

There's a fine line between being allowed to have your phone in school and mitigating its usage. I don't entirely disagree with you, but I do think you're being a bit too... Strong, about your stance.

When I was in middle school, phones were banned through and through. Weren't allowed to be on, weren't allowed out, etc. One day I think at lunch period, I was digging through my backpack while walking and the phone flew out of the bag. It was confiscated by the jerk volunteer and given to the principal, and I had to get it with my parents after school. It's was embarrassing and I knew it was wrong because I had done nothing wrong. This fits to your point.

Everyone involved with a rational mind knew it was bullshit. However, this was also the same school that had major issues with gang violence. We had a (pretty reasonable) dress code policy that involved no local gang colors - no red, no blue, no purple. Phone were banned because there had been a driveby shooting that was called in by a gang affiliated student who got into an argument. From their perspective, they wanted to take no chances from insane 11-13 year olds who were already smoking weed and active in gangs.

I grew up in the ghetto where school is the only opportunity for people to get out of a terrible situation. My high schools graduating class was the first to have reached over 74% graduation rate in over a decade. This school (literally nicknamed Jail For Kids), had actual students with probation officers. We had multiple lockdowns monthly, almost all of which were due to people with weapons and police activity nearby.

The point I'm getting at is that, to an extent, schools absolutely mold and shape the status quo. However, it's completely wrong to make the assumption that all schools feed into the prison industrial complex. In my area, school was the one chance a kid who grew up slinging had to get out, and for many in my class it was.

I agree with you that schools have a number of issues, but from what I've read here today I don't entirely agree about your stance, from having grown up in and worked with schools like this as an adult. And to get back on topic, students not being allowed to use their phones during class is not a bad thing. During lunchtime, I agree a ban is too much, however I can also understand wanting to keep students socialized with each other. That 30 minutes during lunch doesn't need to be spent on your phone, when you have the rest of your day at home to do so.

After Covid, in my area, this dynamic changed entirely. By the time I came back from college and started working, kids weren't involved in that anymore. Middle school was completely normal, kids weren't affiliated with gangs, had no idea what weed was, let alone the other stuff. But the one thing they all had in common was the debilitating addiction to their phone. You can't go 5 minutes without seeing a child smashing their finger on the screen, in classes, during lunch, after school, on the bus. Just walking around with their eyes glued to their phone.

And I get it, I've been a screen kid too. I've always loved tech and games, still spend way too much time on it. But as a kid we had more options, our entire lives weren't spent engaging through the phone, whereas now that is how you have to engage with others. When we had playtime growing up, only a portion of it was spent on the PlayStation and a majority of the rest was imagination and exploring. Then when we were done, I'd explore the Internet on a laptop with Neopets, Gamefaqs, or Gaia Online.

To me, it seems that the intent is pretty obvious. Students have had a really difficult time being properly engaged in school due to how poor quality the level of schooling had become from the changes after 2016 that were made from the Secretary of Education, then further floundered through Covid. When schools came back into session, the level of dependency to phones has grown exponentially, and these students abilities to go without have been shortened drastically.

If the one common trend among all these students is that poor support during a critical period of education led to the overabundance of cell phone dependence, doesn't it make sense to consider banning it, to at least try and see if it results in a positive change?

From what I've read from you, it seems like the answer would be no, because it's taking away the freedom. Which, sure. But shouldn't we also make as many efforts as possible to prepare our students? If the options are 1) teach people or 2) let them ignore it and spend all their time doing nothing, wouldn't we choose to avoid option 2?

The way I have experienced it, we need to allow for healthy technological exploration while encouraging the focus on school studies. Right now, I'm honestly more on the side FOR banning phones from schools because I've seen firsthand the way students use them. When I was in highschool, it was common for people to put in headphones and ignore the teacher, and it was common for the teacher to put them on blast for it. When I go to do my job at the schools, it is a majority of the students using headphones or their phone during class to ignore the teacher. The teachers can't do anything about it, the parents don't care, and so what options are left? We just let our youth grow up going to school for 12 years ignoring every part of it?

That's a recipe for disaster. We're already seeing the effects of this with Gen Z entering the workplace (and I don't mean your standard retail or 9-5, I work in performing arts) and while many have been beyond amazing, there are a few who clearly are struggling. I worry this will be the case as more younger generations begin trying to navigate their career choices. As I said at the beginning, there is a clear line between trying to motivate the usage of phones in spaces where their presence isn't needed, and outright controlling people. In my opinion, mitigating cell phone usage in students isn't an attempt at control. It's an attempt at giving students a chance to thrive.

Btw: I definitely think we should adjust curriculums to allow for more engaging education. For some odd reason, the usage of cell phones in certain classes is way, way down. For example, yearbook, art, music, and digitally related classes (hardware/software) almost none of the students pull out their phone during class. Almost as if having students engaged in something they are interested in is a way to mitigate them using their phones to entertain themselves. I can't imagine why. (/////S)

Instead we are seeing further funding cuts to these programs, so that's great...

Tl;Dr I don't disagree, but I also do.

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[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

It makes sense, I really like what this principal did, and he was fully aware that kids were addicted and were going to go through a withdrawal period. I think the pouches are a good thing, they may have gotten addicted during covid, but now is the time to end that and make sure the next wave of kids don't suffer the same. I really liked the results:

Gabe Silver, another eighth-grader, echoed that sentiment. When the pouches first arrived, “everyone was miserable and no one was talking to each other,” he said. Now he can hear the difference at lunch and in the hallways. It’s louder. Students are chatting more “face to face, in person,” Gabe said. “And that’s a crucial part of growing up.”

Some students hadn’t realized how much their phones diverted their focus. Nicole Gwiazdowski, 14, followed the earlier rule not to use her cellphone in class. But even in her pocket, it was still a distraction. Her phone would buzz five to 10 times a day with notifications, she said, prompting her to take it out and check it.

Everyone is paying more attention in class these days, she said. And it turns out that being separated from your phone for the day isn’t as big a deal as some students feared.

“People thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to miss so much,’” Nicole said. “You don’t miss anything. Nothing important is happening outside school.”

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[-] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago

The lack of etiquette is really frustrating. Had a tech student that was always putting in both earbuds as I was speaking. Had to walk over and wave my hand in front of the screen to get their attention.

When they graduated they said they were excited to get a job in the industry. Internally can't help but think "with what knowledge or experience? You spent the entire class blocking it out."

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[-] [email protected] 34 points 1 week ago

I usually let my students keep their devices, but I had one student… I had asked everyone to write 5 sentences about a made up place. The kid was on his phone, showing things to his classmates while assuring me he was doing his work. Everyone finished but him, with nothing. I let every other student share their answers first to buy him time, then when it was his turn, nothing. I took away his phone and he had it done in less than a minute.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Sounds like you should have taken his phone away when everyone else had finished, or before that, since he was distracting others. Also sounds like the assignment wasn't challenging enough for him.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

You’re right on that I should have taken his phone away sooner, but he was the weakest student in class. Three of his sentences were the same sentence said more and more poorly each time. Not sure what he thought he was getting away with there. Of course I did a peer correction check of his presentation and had him do it again.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Ouch. So he didn't actually complete the assignment in a minute...

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Technically, no. In fact, if you want to be a stickler for details, it was actually 8 sentences, not five, and it was absolutely longer than a minute, but I encouraged the class to help him. It’s a 1-2 week ESL program in the Mediterranean, and he was an Italian 12 year old who likely signed up for girls on beaches than speak English. The Italian government is apparently paying students’ ways into programs like the one I teach at in order to improve general English proficiency across the country, so we end up with a lot of kids who just come to party.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It's disappointing but not surprising to see so many people (on lemmy) willing to violently control children and their access to tech, information, etc.

It's pretty telling when people don't want to do anything about the many other much bigger causes of psychological harm. Where's the law that stops cops from harassing minority youth? Yeah right.

Peeps are literally upvoting Ron DeSantis. Fascism is not the goal here. Wake up, y'all.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago

Come off it, not being allowed to be on your cell phone during school hours isn’t the same as KOSA.

The APA document you linked even specifically discusses the effects of social media (what do you think they’re using their phones for?) on mental health.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago

Christ almighty, that was dramatic.

Not being able to use your cell phone for the duration of the school day is fascism.


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[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago

Anecdotally, yes it does improve attention in class. I have friends who are teachers here in Australia and they are all massively in favour of the bans after a year of them being in place. The problem with the scoping review quoted in the article is that it conflates several different issues and suggests phone bans in schools are supposed to be a silver bullet for all of them. You are never going to solve the mental health and bullying problems with a phone ban that only lasts half of the day, five days a week. Those problems require much broader policy and greater responsibility from parents. Another problem is that research into the effect of smartphones on schooling (which does actually suggest improvements) generally focuses on test or exam results, which are not a reliable indicator of whether students are actually learning or gaining anything from the experience of school.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

To add to your last point, academics aren't even the biggest problem: it's youth mental health that's in a crisis right now. Focusing on academic "success" itself is a problem. Academics will come if students have mental health and resilience.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

I agree with the conclusion of the article:

“School’s the same for 120 years, where kids go nine to three, have long holidays, sit at desks and have to regurgitate what the adults tell them to learn, basically all over the world. We’re blaming kids for falling academic standards, we’re blaming the rise in mental ill health, we’re blaming the rise of cyberbullying. Oh, well, it all must be the fault of the mobile phone,” Marilyn Campbell told Al Jazeera.

“I mean, what a simplistic view of how we are educating our children in a different world and taking away that main tool that we’re all using in society and saying, ‘No, the kids can’t have it now’.”

A balanced approach, involving regulated use and clear guidelines, may be the most effective way to harness the benefits of smartphones while minimising their drawbacks, experts say.

The general recommendation of Campbell and Edwards, who carried out the scoping review in Australia, was to leave it to individual schools to determine smartphone use and to focus on helping children to use smartphones positively.

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[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

I am in full agreement that cell phones should not be out of the backpack or pocket unless there is an emergency or it’s lunch time / outside of class.

But for the love of critical thinking, also please ban the teachers from using ChatGPT to create their tests for them. I was appalled at finding out teachers at my kid’s school are doing that. While I support any tool (and funding!) that can make the lives and jobs of teachers easier, using a tool like ChatGPT is as irresponsible as telling kids to just Google it. And teachers/administrators should damn well know better.

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this post was submitted on 07 Jul 2024
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