Please let this be real.
Good memes, bad memes, unite towards a united front.
at least the crypt keeper dropped some good puns
this fucker just drops bombs on kids
When will we have a president that calls us "boils and ghouls" instead of "fellow Americans"?
This admunintelligible accomplgurgling I was the first black female president unintelligible jack!
Remember when western countries maked fun of Tito, Breschnew and so on, because they are sooo old? Hahaha, look at those old apparatchiks in the CCCP, Breschnew was 76 years old when he died! But look now at Biden and Trump.
nobody is forcing your to vote for either
Bu... but democracy is on the line this time!!!!
You know that Pax Americana is found on hypocrisy when each generation of US presidents depends on lying, deceit, violence, coercion, bribery, personal cult, reign of terror, and other acts that are contrary to their Liberal doctrine. The irony is that China is doing a better job in the principle of mutual cooperation for mutual interest as shown by their interaction with the African nations ( compared to the USA who takes the old colonial approach of authoritarianism, narcissism, and imposition of political ideology that the USA did not actually practice.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Biden would be a felon if US law applied to him. He's currently breaking US law every time he sends weapons to genociders.
And he would certainly be a "felon" if there were any punishment for white nations committing international crimes.
I can see that tax evasion and paying hushmoney to a sex worker is something important that you feel is a political "red line".
Allow me, then to point out a few things which are objectively NOT political "red lines" for you:
- Directly arming, funding and cheerleading the occupation and genocide of indigenous Palestinians trapped in the world's largest concentration camp.
- Blocking food, water and humanitarian aide to a captive population that is presently starving to death.
- Blocking all attempts by the rest of the world to force Isn'treal to stop an active genocide.
- Lying and covering up the death toll in Gaza. (aka holocaust denial)
- Directly bombing and murdering the Yemeni people who are blockading weapons shipments to a state actively committing genocide.
- Supplying illegal chemical weapons which are currently being used by Isn'treal to murder civilians in southern Lebanon.
- Directly arming, funding and supporting the planned invasion of Lebanon.
- Directly arming, funding and supporting the planned proxy war with Iran.
- Allowing zionists to threaten use of nuclear weapons on Iran and the population of Gaza. ^1^
- Bombing the Iranian embassy in Syria and assassination of Iranians.
- Funding and supporting horrific torture programs carried out by IDF forces and in the Isn'treali prison system.
- Supporting the mass extermination of Palestinians incarcerated in Isn'treali prisoners.
- Allowing unregistered foreign agents of a fascist colonial state unlimited access to US politics and dictate US policy.
- Directly arming, funding and supporting a Banderite neo-nazi client regime which has been engaging in the violent oppression and ethnic cleansing of Russians in Ukraine since 2014.
- Directly arming, funding and supporting an US-backed coup governement in Ukraine to use as a proxy force against Russia.
- Directly arming, funding and supporting an unelected fascist military dictator in Ukraine.
- Repeatedly threatening to use nuclear weapons on Russia. ^1^
- Positioning and aiming nuclear weapons at Russia. ^1^
- Launching missiles at a civilian beach in Crimea, murdering and hospitalizing Russian civilians, including children.
- Supporting and encouraging the Kiev regime to violate the Minsk accords, forcing Ukrainians into an unwinnable proxy war.
- Blocking the Istanbul peace agreement, which Ukraine was going to accept and would have prevented the conflict before it began.
- Stealing $300 billion USD in sovereign wealth that belongs to Russia.
- Bombing the Nord Stream II natural gas pipeline (which released over 300 million pounds of methane into the atmosphere).
- Running international propaganda campaigns to support Banderite neo-nazis.
- Stealing $175 billion USD from US workers and using it to fund a proxy war.
- Violating the One China policy to provoke a war with a peaceful nation. ^1^
- Engaging in economic war with Russia and China, which is mostly just hurting workers in the US and Europe at this point.
- State-backed racist anti-Chinese propaganda to trick Amerikkkans into supporting a planned war against China. ^1^
- Interfering with internal elections and backing militant right-wing separatists in China in attempt to steal the island of Taiwan as another client state. **
- Invading Chinese territory and stationing US weapons and soldiers inside Chinese territory. ^1^
- Deploying US weapons in Chinese territorial waters. ^1^
- Engaging in HOT electronic warfare with China, inside Chinese territory. ^1^
- Refusing to follow International Law.
- Running the worlds largest imperial propaganda machine.
- Violent state oppression and criminalization of protest movements which oppose US war crimes.
- State oppression of anti-imperialist and anti-zionist political speech.
- Literally starting WW3 ^1^
^1^: Things which could result in the nuclear extinction of all human life.
All of the points on your long list of objectively not red line actions are presidential, so of course they're fine. The only issue people have with Trump is his loud mouth, and I'm even starting to doubt that given the things Genocide Joe has said.
i don't care about the end of the world,I just don't want to be so embarrassed by my brezidend
Maybe biden turning orange and becoming less coherent than trump will at least force dumbfuck libs to come up with some new material
The USA had never confessed to their invention of the concentration camps in the form of federal reserves and death camps in the form of Indian Residential fake schools; the refusal to even mention their continued atrocities against their Indigenous population obvious implies that Pax Americana is willing to stage the very atrocities that they complained about in their hypocrisy. The concentration camps still continues in the British diaspora against the Aboriginal people who refused to surrender their inheritance, the fruit of their labor, and the reparation for the fake school genocide. Contrary to the promise to provide all the daily necessity in the federal reserve concentration camps, the British immigrants even decided to engages in illegal occupation, chemical attacks, and planned starvation against the Aboriginal people. The fake school death camps, child slaves, illegal human experimentations, infanticide, savage indoctrination, and inheritance thief of murdered children had continued ten years after the cold war against the Soviets and operated in secret after 1997 although the current huge dependency of immigrant of colors in the Western European diaspora indicated that they had depleted their source of Indigenous child slaves and stolen inheritance from theabducted children in the fake cultural assimilation projects. They even continued to steal the remaining well-maintianed land from hard working Indigenous groups to create 'natural' parks and plagiarize the amazing environmental conservation work of Indigenous people.
Trump did each and every one of the things you listed save maybe two.
Both of these pieces of shit are going to hell.
Which two?
Mostly the specific crimes that happened during the Ukraine War, such as the beach bombing and Istanbul Accords. All the others could be easily applied to both Trump and Biden.
They would have acted identical to one another in each one of these points though. They are the two sides of the American State Department coin.
Trump did each and every one of the things you listed save maybe two.
Which TWO did he NOT do? Specifically. Quote the two lines, please.
Are you alright?
I told you, the Crimean Beach Bombing and disrupting the Istanbul Accords. Can you read? It’s not that hard to know which two points I was referring too. All I said was that both of their crimes were identical save two of them that were hyper specific to Biden’s presidency.
Launching missiles at a civilian beach in Crimea, murdering and hospitalizing Russian civilians, including children.
Blocking the Istanbul peace agreement, which Ukraine was going to accept and would have prevented the conflict before it began.
Why the hell are you so tilted?
If you can't find a better option than someone literally doing a genocide then you haven't even looked.
Not sure this is the rhetoric you think it is. Sounds like you're saying that in order to keep Trump out, you would vote for... an inanimate object, if you had to. Which in effect, starts sounding like you'd vote for someone/something that has no chance to win. Not unlike the 3rd party candidates the "vote blue no matter who" people say "leftists" are wasting their votes on. So it's like... you're looping around to implying Biden is a crap candidate and is going to lose, but you're going to vote for him anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense at that point to go for someone who isn't a terrible person, if they're going to lose anyway?
the felon
your biggest issue with trump is that he's been convinced of a felony?