
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 hours ago

And the Pax Americana claimed that Communist countries made Communist leader into cult worship in their double standard...

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

If the Pax Americana think that authoritarianism and racism are best option for peace, then they should leave the British diaspora and Western Europe where people supposedly support racial equality and democracy.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago (1 children)

So support to diversity of transgenderism and sexual orientation is 'leftist' to socially conservative European diaspora who only want transgender and homosexual people to exist solely as fanservice to heterosexual men?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

At least that propaganda admits that Israel headquarter is in the target of attack contrary to the accusation towards Dombass rebels.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Is the measurement of success against rebels by the number of murder of innocent people the policy of Colombian army?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

The red scare indoctrination is similar to witch hunting apart from its greater irrationality in a time when scientific thinking dominated. While a person could justify belief of witchcraft from hypothesis that science could not prove, the belief that a scary red Soviet could be so hard working and innovative that the invisible hand would place Soviet agents in management position of Pax Americana is absurd especially from the indoctrination that Communists should offer equal reward before the progress to the final economic stage of Communism. In the first place, it is ironic that the Capitalists rule over people through fear and ignorance when the Capitalists accuse Soviets for this authoritarian practices.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 3 days ago

Israel and Pax Americana only oppose attacks against civilians and civilian property when it convinient the European and European diaspora. They will freely engages in property destruction and mass killing of civilians when it harm people of non-European origin, so that the Liberals could lure displaced people of color into slavery in the Western European diaspora. That is why the Western European diaspora condemn Nazi Holocaust against Europeans, but hypocritically continued the Indian Boarding fake school genocide which operate secretly after 1997, the Federal Reserve concentration camps in North American, and the numerous death camps in Western European colonies.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago

"But Hamas terrorists made me kill innocent people in the West Bank" <- Zionists who blame others for Israel's own violent behaviors in their double standard

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 days ago

Today (September 30th) is the celebration of Truth and Reconciliation day in Canada to provide fake apology from Stephen Harper's speech that state that the fake school death camp Holocaust against Indigenous First Nation people of British diaspora only consist of the mild "cultural genocide" that hide all form of unspeakable savagery and demonic worship that the European immigrants commited. Despite the condemnation of the "Indian Residential schools" which are still called real schools despite the many obvious evidences that they are death camps in disguise, Stephen Harper also boosted that the fake school survivors are so indoctrinated in the savagery and cannibalistic practices of the fake schools that they wish for the return to the fake school savagery without mentioning the indoctrinated desire for savagery. The governments of British immigrants and Catholic churches who perpetuated the fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Holocaust could still continue to evade consequence for their crimes against humanity.

Despite their claim that the European immigrants magically stop persecution of Indigenous people 100 years ago, they secretly continue their Indian Residential fake school genocide secretly after 1997, inheritance thief of abducted from fake cultural assimilation, Federal Reserve concentration camps, planned starvation, planned chemical attacks, and violence against Indigenous women. Despite their condemnation of their fake school indoctrination and slogan feminism, the European immigrants continue their harassment, assault, and assassination of any successful outstanding virtuous Native American women that make achievement to return the matriachy or gender equality of their ancestral cultures.

The European immigrants cover up their ongoing daily violence against Indigenous people with their control over mainstream media that distract people from the Anti-Christ who work through white supremacists and the victim blaming policy that does not apply to Israel, Ukrainian Nazis, victims of Communism, Vuvuzela who are spoiled rich white kids that free ride on Venezuela, or Uyghur terrorists. They also hide the fact that European immigrants could illegally trespass into federal reserves to attack, rape, rob, and conduct business operations under the support of corrupted white authorities or use their absolute authority to ban law enforcement by the local Indigenous government in concentration camps.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

And I could suspect that the US would defend their corrupted government despite their demand to coup any governments that do not follow Pax Americana brutal authoritarianism...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

Like the Western European diaspora who create dependency on authoritarian colonial free riding, debt trapping by Bretton Woods institutions, puppet governments by Pax Americana, Indian residential fake school slave camps that secretly continued after 1997, and the inheritance thief of Indigenous children from the fake cultural assimilation projects that force the elites of Western European diaspora to replace their own race with immigrants of non-European origin just to survive from their wasteful lifestyle and poor management?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

Like the scapegoating and slander against any people who whistleblow on the continuing concentration camps, continue lands thief to create 'natural parks', violence by white rapists, and slender against any Indigenous First Nation People of North America who demand the return to traditional gender equality or the reparation for fake school death camps?


Happy Canada Day when we celebrate the independence of Canada so the Canadian government can copy the Indian Residential fake schools system from the USA to enslave Indigenous First Nation Children in fake schools to commit war crimes that the Nazi German would later copied in their Death Camps for the Holocaust. The fake schools enslavement allow forced child labor, inheritance thief of Indigenous children, violence against children to please the psychopathic enjoyment of white savages, savage indoctrination, rampart raping of underaged girls which could gave birth to the anti-christ, and real murders under the pretense of cultural assimilation.

The Western European immigrants in Canada now still slander and imprison Indigenous First Nations in Federal Reserves where they suffer from planned poverty, planned poisoning of water supply, planned poisoning of food, landfill dumping in their property, and toxic chemicals from nearby factories for planned chemical weapon attacks until the First Nations surrender their land ownership and reparation money from the 100 years of fake schools savagery. The conservative racist white parasites are lying that the overdue rent payment, paid government services, and reparation money are 'free' money that will 'spoiled' the victims of war crimes in their projection.

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