
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Any links handy?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Canada isn't even better than the US. Getting hormones in Canada takes some jumping thru hoops.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What would be involved in converting them back into flood plains?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I live near a lake that was partially drained so they could add room for a golf course. It makes me so mad

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yeah, it isn't Lopunny

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've only sampled Pokémon Unite and it felt slow and grindy. I'm not sure what's normal for mobas, but does this game feel fast and reactive, or does it feel like memorizing cooldown timings and rotations?

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 week ago

I am intfuriated every time I see an understory choked with buckthorn

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

establishing a “buffer zone free of enemy population.”

"The Mice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the Cat. At least they wished to find some way of knowing when she was coming, so they might have time to run away. Indeed, something had to be done, for they lived in such constant fear of her claws that they hardly dared stir from their dens by night or day.

Many plans were discussed, but none of them was thought good enough. At last a very young Mouse got up and said:

"I have a plan that seems very simple, but I know it will be successful.

All we have to do is to hang a bell about the Cat's neck. When we hear the bell ringing we will know immediately that our enemy is coming."

All the Mice were much surprised that they had not thought of such a plan before. But in the midst of the rejoicing over their good fortune, an old Mouse arose and said:

"I will say that the plan of the young Mouse is very good. But let me ask one question: Who will bell the Cat?"

It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's sad because there are SO MANY people who would love to be park rangers.

I recently visited a small patch of primeval wood maintained by a private trust from a long dead rich person, and it was breathtaking -- So different from the surrounding woods. What have we done to this land?!

[–] [email protected] 55 points 1 week ago

It's Times of Israel. Of course it's bullshit

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Video has cinvinced me Norm MacDonald was cool and wise, but I still don't get his humor at all.

But yeah, the moth joke was excellent though


That was pretty funny

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

S+: In midnights
S: In 525,600 minutes
S-: In sunsets
A: In daylights
B: In inches, in miles
C: In 525,000 moments so dear
D: In cups of coffee, in 525,000 journeys to plan
F: In Laughter, In strife, in the life of a friend, in truths that she learned, in times that he cried, in bridges he burned, in the way that she died, in love

Edit: Added more ways to measure, measure a year


I've only skimmed this so far (It's meaty), but it looks like it really touches on a lot of topics important to the left right now:

  • The diamond trade is run mosty by pro-apartheid forces Israel and the DeBeers family from South Africa
  • Russia has a ton of diamond reserves, but is struggling to break in due to sanctions and the dirtiest sort of competition
  • A lot of diamonds come out of the Congo, which is notorious for their brutal slavery in mining
  • The entire business has been hated for a long time by the left.

If anti-"Israeli" sentiment can be leveraged against thr Diamond industry in general, this could move things forward in a number of places. Is there an opportunity here to cause this terrible industry some trouble right now?

Essex beard eyeing? (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



I don't really know much about him except that everyone seems to hate him too.

Unrelated ramble: This election reminds me of the leadup to the election that Ventura won in Minnesota with 2 guys everyone hated leaving it ripe for a weird third party to win. I don't suspect RFK could pull it off, because I think Ventura's celebrity and centrism was an important part of that formula.


Following up on the HSA post someone made earlier, FSAs (Flexible Spending Accounts) re an optional medical thing some employers offer. They are never a replacement for insurance, but are intended to be supplemental.

They're a temporary use-it-or-lose it fund you pay for (and your employer can but probably wont contribute to) with a current maximum contribution limit of 3200 (some funds alow limited rollover, but it's capped by law, and not required) that you can use to cover some medical expenses insurance wont cover. That's a bunch of stuff, but the big ones are these:

  • Deductibles: The amount of money you have to pay out of pocket before insurance will spend a penny to help you.
  • Copays: Flat fees you might have to pay out of pocket per medical proedure or bill .
  • Coinsurance: A percentage of a medical bill that insurance requires you to cover (20% coinsureance means you pay 20% out of pocket and they pay 80%.
  • Some prescription meds.
  • Dental
  • Not sure about vision

You can choose at the beginning of the year how much money you intend to put into your FSA, and then your employer deducts an amount from each paycheck to fill that fund. This money is non-taxable going in and out, which is the primary form of savings.

The catch? Twofold:

  1. As mentioned, it is use-it-or-lose-it. The employer pockets what you can't rollover.
  2. You have to guess how much you will spend by how much you're declaring at insurance re-up time. Under or overguessing leaves money on the table.
  3. If you are terminated , whether you get fired, quit, or get laid off, the employer keeps everytjing you've put in. I lost 1200 dollars this way is how I know. I don't recall how this interacts with COBRA, but you can't afford COBRA anyway.

So how can you make this shit deal possibly wothwhile? You can use ALL of it up front. So if you just started and you've gotten one paycheck and have FSA and put in 5 bucks, you can INSTANTLY use the ENTIRE amount of your election. So if you elected for max FSA, you can get a 3200 dollar procedure done on day 1, and the employer pays it all, even if you haven't paid anytjing in yet. Once that's done, if you quit or get fired, they cannot come to you to cover what you haven't paid in yet. That's money they spent that they can never get back.

So if you have a covered procedure that you know you need done, you can fuck over an employer with this one cool trick. Capitalists HATE this. But mind that it will probably take some time to get your appt scheduled and your procedure done, so you might have to work until that happens.

The other cool thing about this: It covers dental expenses INCLUDING ORTHODONTICS. For those of you who havent been working long, insurance that covers ortho is unicorn territory. In an ideal scenario, you get hired, FSA kicks in, you call to get an appt and get in the next day for an ortho consult, buy the high end ortho they are offering (make sure to get them to bill it all up front), then quit and get ortho for free.

Is it worth it if you plan to stay at a company? That's complicated and highly individualized, but youre bound to need at least some small amount even if it's just for a physical, assuming you dont forsee getting fired. If you're young and healthy and wear a fucking n95 lile you should, you probably don't need to risk FSA at all. If you have rollover (ask HR of you do), that might be worth going up to if you're not sure, since you get 2 years of coverage then, assuming you stay employed.


A major apartment company in Colorado is charging a Greeley family more than $4,000 in fees after their mother died in her unit, something the family feels is "unethical." This comes in the same month as the company was sued in Denver court for allegedly charging illegal fees to tenants across the state.

In October, Leticia Farrer had just moved in to the Avenida apartment complex in Loveland, managed by a major apartment company called Greystar.

Farrer had dementia, but her family says she was still quite independent.

"She was so fun, very fun, and very family oriented. She loved her kids, loved her grandkids, she was always there for them," recalled Farrer's former daughter-in-law of 25 years, Kelly Gantos. "We thought we would get her into a place that was 55+ community. They had lots of events that were supposed to be able to get the seniors out and, you know, mingle so she could have friends."

But in early January, Farrer passed away unexpectedly. Just a couple days later, Gantos says the apartment complex sent her family a bill for $4,140 in penalty fees, because she says the complex claimed that her death meant that she broke her lease early.

"It's completely unethical," Gantos said. "I mean, everyone says, well, unethical isn't illegal, but taking advantage of people is wrong."

On top of that, Gantos said the company kept Farrer's security deposit.

Gantos says her family does not plan to pay the fees charged against Farrer's estate.

"We were shocked," Gantos said. "It's not right, and we feel that if we stand up, others will be able to follow... So we want to set that example that says we're not going to do it, and neither should anyone else have to."

Colorado law says a lease is nullified after a tenant dies, unless the lease says otherwise, then the lease prevails. In this case, Farrer's lease did stipulate that she would be held to the lease terms even in the event of a death.

"The manager did offer her condolences. Said she was sorry for our loss, but the lease is the lease, so there wasn't really any compassion," Gantos said.

Gantos says her family wants to see Colorado laws changed to make sure no other family has to face similar headaches. They have even already reached out to their local state representative.

Her family's not the only one having trouble with Greystar.

A class action lawsuit filed earlier this month in Denver District Court alleges the company has charged potentially thousands of tenants with "unlawful... junk fees."

Jason Legg with Justice for the People Legal Center is the lead attorney on the case.

"They're junk fees, either for things that aren't legitimate or wouldn't be chosen by a tenant if they had a choice, or for things that, you would expect to be included in kind of the base price you're paying for, and certainly that are not adequately disclosed to Colorado renters," Legg said.

He says Greystar's actions against Gantos' family are "predatory."

"You have what's fair and just and allowed by the law, and then you have another actor, this company using that situation to try to extract more money, and that seems very predatory to me," Legg said.

He encourages anyone experiencing potentially unfair fees to file a complaint with the attorney general's office, and to seek help from legal organizations like his.

"There's power in numbers and organizing your community to talk about common issues like that helps to build power and push back on these issues," Legg said. "I would very much encourage them to talk to their neighbors. They have a right to do that in the state, to organize and to work on building that power, forming tenants unions and associations to help push back on some of these practices themselves."

So far, Greystar has not responded to CBS News Colorado's requests for comment.

In the meantime, Gantos says she's going to continue to take a stand.

"This is not something that we're going to tolerate," said Gantos. "We're going to do something about it."


I'm not saying that things were hunky-dory by any stretch, but looking at the horror stories from most of the world, Japan seems tonhave been considerably less fucked over. Why?


I had a post removed for "Patsoc bullshit," and I freely admit I didnt fully understand the body of the work I was reposting (I posted it here in hopes that more savvy people could provide me some context). What is PatSoc, how do I recognize it, and why is it bad? Also, who is Haz and why is he bad?


The billionaire who wants to live forever just admitted he has long covid. Specifically, covid wrecked his lungs.

If you haven’t come across him, Bryan Johnson is a 46-year-old tech bro who cashed out a few years ago and now spends all his time trying not to die.

He has been interviewed by most mainstream news outlets where he has documented his extreme and bizarre quest for immortality. From a story in The Guardian:

“He rises at 4.30am, eats all his meals before 11am, and goes to bed – alone – at 8.30pm, without exception. He ingests more than 100 supplement pills daily and bathes his body in LED light. Two of the three meals he eats every day are exactly the same: boiled broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms and garlic, nuts and seeds. He takes 54 pills in the morning, and the rest in between skin treatments and red-light therapy. He doesn’t drink alcohol, and doesn’t go out in the evening. He experimented with injecting himself with blood plasma from his 18-year-old son Talmage.”

Lol, and indeed, lmao


Are they cops?


Summary of video:

  1. Put a pro-Palestine sticker on a business window
  2. Take a picture of this
  3. Post or have friends post on social media congratulating X company for supporting Palestine
  4. Let company PR sweat and struggle as theyre forced to either affirm or disavow this.


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