[-] [email protected] 14 points 4 days ago

maybe-later-kiddo : They're basically a type of Mongolian.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

I just go through and start clicking everything, then un-click it if it's libshit.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

I pray for the liberation of South Korea.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 4 days ago

I was thinking about how the most fucked-up perceptions of homeless people are pretty easily debunked if people look at information about systemic poverty, the causes of homelessness, etc., but how it basically doesn't matter because we have so many people who want to believe that there are subhumans among them who need to be culled.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 4 days ago

Honestly he should just hang dong publicly. As in, he should just show his cock. Make it about cock. Goad Trump into showing his cock, maybe Biden's is bigger, and he could win entirely off of USA being fucking stupid.

I'm only 1/16th joking.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Alfred was always depicted as competent, never as senile. Even if they did an "Alfred gets Alzheimer's" story arc, Batman also has Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, and whichever Robin he has lying around to watch the cave.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 5 days ago

K-pop to me is like the musical equivalent of extremely over-processed cheese. It's so corporate I feel like I can hear the execs jacking it to CP in the background of every track.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Smaller communities strike me as more "natural" to engage with, by which I mean, the human brain (or mine at least) seems better equipped to engage with small groups of familiar people than a sea of usernames I don't know and have no real rapport with.

but when people say they create their own echo chambers Yada Yada thing, even though I would agree with that, it's interesting to see how people who believe different things, are just amongst eachother.

I think being exposed to the cacophony of "sound" online had given a lot of people strange ideas about "echo chambers." To me it's extremely natural and obvious that most people would gravitate towards people they actually like and broadly agree with, rather than toss themselves into online spaces where they're constantly at odds with the other users. Depending on one's perspectives and political persuasions, finding those spaces can be fairly easy, or very hard.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

Hell, even without the leak, the case started in December of the previous year, so he and the democratic majority in the house and senate had half a year to work on something even before the verdict was delivered. And they should have expected and prepared for a conservative-majority court to deliver such a verdict.

There's really no viable excuse, they just failed everybody.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 5 days ago

Fuck 'em. If Joe / Democrat replacement does lose, be sure to personally take credit.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 5 days ago

Pushing a candidate/party to the left (if such a thing were possible) requires leverage.

They didn't understand this with the whole "Bernie or Bust" thing in 2020 either. Or maybe they did, but either way, they chose to characterize it as petulant. "Taking the ball and going home" was a common way they'd try to deride it.

[-] [email protected] 45 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The parliamentarian is the one I always remember whenever they pull the condescending "do you know how your own government works?" lines, since the president had the power to unilaterally (without any other input from anyone else) fire and re-hire a new parliamentarian that was more amenable to passing his agenda.

There was even historical precedent for it thanks to good old George W. Bush doing it for exactly that reason: the guy they had wouldn't do the job, so they shit-canned him and got somebody who would! My god, look at that ruthless efficiency! He had the power to solve the problem he was faced with, and he did! With Joe Biden, everybody just whined about the parliamentarian keeping poor Joe from passing his agenda (with democratic majorities in the house and senate) until media moved on, they eventually rotated villains to Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema, etc.

Liberals are fucking jackasses. They understand this shit worse than anybody, but they're so condescending and up their own asses that they'll just keep burping up these thought-terminating cliches like they're making a point.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The PC version of Space Marine fundamentally fucked up the gameplay -- the execution system works differently (and worse) from the original console release, and nobody has ever talked about it somehow.

Alternatively, it's possible the game always sucked and I had the only good version of it due to a unique bug on my 360 disc. Like, that shit ain't the same way it was on my 360 version. I checked. It's different.

Space Marine requires the player to use special "execution" moves on enemies to regain health, like DOOM 2016, but years before that. A key detail is that you are not invulnerable while you do the kill animations. This brings us to the key difference that makes the game dookie on PC:

On the 360 version, or at least the particular disc I have, you cannot outright die during the animation. You can still take damage, and you can still take so much damage that it ends up being a bad choice, so there's still a worthy risk-reward consideration, but you can't outright fucking die during the animation.

It was still totally possible to die literally seconds after the animation finished, such as if you regain less health than you lost during the animation, but the animation had to at least finish.

This created exciting battles where you'd be basically riding a wave of execution moves to keep yourself alive while under constant assault. Like, you're barely keeping your head above water, chaining from one "safe" point to another -- just gotta stun somebody and reach them before you outright die and you're secure for another few seconds. It felt really cool actually.

On the PC version, you can and likely will die frequently during the kill animations, making it shit. It's just annoying shit now, and feels super cheap and unfair, especially since the kill animations have different lengths, and you can't choose. Best is when you die right before it's about to finish and give you the health you wanted in the first place.

This doesn't even start to become too noticeable until the second half of the game where the Chaos dickheads start showing up, and the little renegade guardsmen absolutely light your shit up with their rifles even on normal -- they're scarier than the chaos marines or the demons.

And the protagonist has to drop some fucking Dove chocolate-ass "live-laugh-love (The Emperor)" line every time he dies, making it take just a little bit longer than it needs to to get back into the game.

With this change (or bug, or lack of a bug, whatever causes this) the second half of the game (which used to be my favorite part) goes from being a solid action beat-em-up affair to a 3rd-rate 3rd person shooter with no cover mechanic against enemies that start Gears-of-War-ing your ass.

If this is how the game was always supposed to be, good god what a turd. If they changed the game, good god what dumb-asses. Did I seriously get the only good version of the game years ago, due to a unique bug on the 360 disc? I have no clue, it's so fucking weird.

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