[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 hours ago

It's not just helping, by giving her a cart, instead of returning it and making sure she pays, he'd be breaking a rule. You NEVER stick your neck out for entitled people, they're the ones that throw you under the bus at the first opportunity. "Last time your employee over there gave me one for free, why should I have to pay this time" and now you have to have a conversation with your manager.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago

Compromise? Like by giving them only SOME states to do heinous shit in?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 12 hours ago

Why would I be in favour of a fascist federal government? Where did I say something to support that? Have we completely given up on not having federal fascism already?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 12 hours ago

Context doesn't matter when all it does is attempt to justify heinous decisions like allowing states to restrict abortion and other fundamental rights. When it does that it's just rambling.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

You literally used the fact that states are currently undoing abortion access in your argument that you support states right to choose!

Edit here are some quotes, all I removed was rambling

The third option is we split up, and go our separate ways. Personally, I prefer the third option, and I think it's already happening.

Take abortion, for instance. The overturning of Roe v Wade didn't make abortion illegal throughout the whole country, it simply returned the matter to the states.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think it's better to have a weaker federal government and for more power to be returned to the states

[-] [email protected] 16 points 14 hours ago

He should have fucking LAID INTO Republicans. They've been publicly inciting political violence for nearly a decade now and THIS is the result. It's their fault and the only redeeming feature was that this was an own goal. We're all lucky they haven't attacked Democratic politicians yet.

Violent Republican rhetoric is not acceptable. If they don't stop NOW this is only the beginning. Let out Dark Brandon and let them hear the fucking truth instead of this weak "violence isn't acceptable" shit. Of course violence isn't acceptable, we're the party of "violence isn't acceptable". Republicans should stop inciting political violence and maybe this would stop. Trump has even promised a secretary of retribution and half of the list is OTHER Republicans. It's no surprise the people attacking him are other Republicans.


[-] [email protected] 25 points 15 hours ago

WOW, I love that you're argument in favor of states rights is "sure women in all these states completely lost their bodily autonomy, but I'm not a woman so I think it's the way to go!"

Watch him respond with "if they don't like it they can just move to a state with abortions" as if poverty and other mechanisms that restrict mobility don't exist. Absolutely WILD!

[-] [email protected] 0 points 15 hours ago

I can't believe you're being downvoted for this. The only alternative to government monopoly on violence is that corporations and other citizens are free to interpret laws and use violence to enforce them. You really want Walmart running their own armed police squad? You want the kkk running their own legal military? You want your neighbour able to legally shoot you because they thought your tree was dropping leaves on their property?

It's absurd that ANYONE would support broader adoption of legal violence. These people have lost their marbles.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I'm not in your situation, but I've been living with suicidal ideation for most of my life so I get the feeling on that front.

I can't say what will help you, but I know mushrooms was practically a miracle for me. I hate the trip, and since I usually take them when I'm feeling low it's not a good set/setting. But science says the trip quality has no effect on the ability to treat depression. What it does is give you some neuroplasticity, and that a godsend when you're stuck in these loops of dark thought. I usually don't have ANY suicidal ideation for MONTHS after taking shrooms, and even though the situation I'm in at the time sucks, I feel like a new person again. I come out of the trip with the energy and creativity I need to make the best of the situation and make some progress in my life, without constantly being ground down by hopeless thoughts.

There is a lot of science behind it too I'll add a few links at the end. If you do try it, do it during the day, nature is always good, you'll likely get nauseous and gravol or pot can help with that with some impact on the experience. Some people throw up during come up and report euphoria after so it's not all bad if you don't take anything. Try to get an open minded or experienced friend to trip sit if it's possible at all. There is also a playlist put together by researchers at John Hopkins on spotify to do psychedelic research that I find helps guide the trip. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7aVExA8Lb72NFNbRBZfJLJ

Normally I wouldn't recommend for a stranger to try psychedelics, but in this case, of you feel like you have nothing left to lose then you could have a lot to gain.


Whatever path you take, your life is worth living even if it doesn't feel like it now. Just being transgender these days shows you have taken on bigger challenges than this and come out ahead, regardless of any setbacks you'll run into. Just the information in this post shows you have a lot of life in you that's currently being expressed as anger and frustration and a desire to leave a mark in the world. Life has a lot of pain, but you obviously have the spirit to find happiness in it too.

I wish you luck and the good, long life you deserve.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

"it was bad before so no point fighting now"

That's what you sound like. Not to mention it's undeniable that Twitter has more hate speech after apartheid emerald mine oligarch Musk bought it with Saudi money.


[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

That's not what I said. In neither situation does the deal enforce that the person HAS to use the loudspeaker for hate speech. I wish I could blame your reading comprehension but it's painfully obvious you're arguing in bad faith since this is the pedantic detail you're stuck on instead of the rest of my argument.

Every Twitter user makes a deal with Twitter to get an account. This deal includes what's acceptable behaviour. If Twitter's policy allows hate speech then it's Twitter's fault their platform is spreading hate speech. If Twitter's policy prohibits hate speech then it's still their fault because they're not enforcing their policy. This is something Twitter had no problem with before their degenerate new owner fired the enforcement team.

Now let's see what pedantic detail you get stuck on this time instead of facing the fact Twitter is liable for enabling hate speech to spread faster than ever before!

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

What's confusing you?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I saw a convoy of about 30 cars on the highway back in October. I looked it up and found nothing. Then I see a Reddit post in /r/vexillollogy with the same flag and no useful answers.

It's so weird that people bought like 100 of these flags and there is no info on them at all!

I flipped the picture to make the flag the right way.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The laughable Bank of Canada report even includes the line

Why did this increase in markups not contribute significantly to inflation? We show that markup growth reached its highest level because of a contraction in firms’ costs [...] during the pandemic-related public health interventions

So when their costs go down they keep the prices the same and pocket the difference, BoC report verdict "profit growth without inflation". So what happens when costs go back up?

We observe a mild contribution of markup growth to inflation in 2021, partially explained by demand rebounding faster than costs. However, the fact that markup growth fell to zero the following year indicates that firms were likely smoothing out their price increases [...] rather than leveraging increases in market power.

So when the costs go back up, they pass 100% of the cost to the consumer and keep their new higher profit margins (no change in markup). BoC verdict "the inflation has nothing to do with profit growth". Amazing!

If industry follows this "price ratchet" mechanism profit margins can go to infinity "without causing inflation" according to BoC. Absolutely galaxy brain levels of economic genius.

They really think we're idiots.

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