[-] [email protected] 6 points 8 hours ago

Yeah this one’s me, I only wake up ~15 minutes before work starts and usually get sidetracked catching up on stuff. I’ll then take a shower some time during the day when there’s a lull, about to take one right now lol

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

For what purpose? Making your own fun? I don’t have much experience with FDM or resin fun but have a proper CNC I’ve made some projects on (purely for personal use of course). Really depends on the use case, if you just want some cool minis of your blender models structural integrity isn’t really a concern like it may be for other things. There are a lot of inherent limitations with 3D printing so I’d advise against it if it’s purely for fun. Pro tip: you can bend a flat for Mikhail’s masterpiece into shape with just a vice+jigs if you don’t have access to a full machine shop

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

My ex and I had a rule to never order anything from a restaurant we could make at home. Quite conveniently, she was an incredible cook that could make damn near anything and I’m not too bad myself. The only time we’d ever eat out was for birthdays/anniversaries or sushi once every few months or so. Spending $50-$100 for us both at “fancy” places felt like an exorbitant luxury but I realize now that’s not far off from what many people spend regularly on meals.

The combination of very rarely eating out and then living outside the US when I did eat out slightly more resulted in me being absolutely shocked at prices recently. I went with a friend to a greasy small town diner and was in utter disbelief at $14 for an omelette. He assured me that it was pretty normal and it like short circuited my brain. I just couldn’t comprehend paying that much for a few eggs prepared so simply, easily 10x the cost of the ingredients. Paying that kind of premium regularly, especially scaled up on more expensive dishes, is so far outside of what I consider reasonable or even somewhat financially responsible that I’m shocked anyone does it. But the fact that the diner was PACKED with a line out the door made me feel like I was the one that’s out of touch with reality

[-] [email protected] 43 points 2 weeks ago

I can understand the sentiment that Covid is “over” since absolutely nobody takes it seriously or takes any preventative measures now. The media has completely stopped reporting on it and the CDC has even stopped counting COVID related deaths. Society seems to have decided to just move on, consequences be damned.

However, it still hurts every time I hear people completely dismiss it as a thing of the past when my own mother fucking died from it just six months ago. Yeah, please let her know that it’s over and not to worry, that’s what killed her. Sure, the average young healthy person has been vaccinated and/or already had it multiple times so it’s no big deal to them but there are still a LOT of other at risk groups that could easily die. It’s not like the virus has been eradicated, we’ve just collectively decided that those people’s lives are worth less than going to a packed Taylor swift concert.

So no, it’s not unreasonable at all to ask your friends to show some basic fucking respect and wear a mask around you and your partner. People are still dying from covid every day so I don’t question the validity of your concern in the slightest. If your friends are actual comrades and capable of understanding the way Covid deaths have been politicized perhaps a gentle reminder that the current administration is doing its best to sweep ongoing Covid deaths under the rug to give Biden a “win” would help

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

I know this is a bit but holy shit imagining libs co opting Deleuze is hilarious. Would love to see some real schizo posting

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

I'm surprised to not see more posts about this here, not only has brandon let Roe v. Wade be overturned but now this shit too? I'm not saying that the EPA and other federal agencies are even remotely effective at controlling corporate malfeasance but damn, they're not even going to pretend to try any more. Now our lovely panel of unelected geriatrics can completely disregard all evidence and basic logic their own stooges are permitted to put forward in favor of whatever "special interest group" "lobbies" them hard enough. It's so funny to hear libs keep repeating that trump will DESTROY democracy when things like this that actively undermine their own internal logic of "justice" and "democracy" are constantly happening

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

If you're on pc there's a lovely little mod that adds every item to the first merchant in the game, it's a game changer for experimenting. I found some cool bow talismans late in the DLC and wanted to start a new character to play through the whole game again but the prospect of having to go through 90% of it just to get an integral part of the build got me to finally "cheat" and I am I never going back. I've been able to just play the game and have fun doing the parts I actually want to instead of hunting down every bell bearing again and consulting the wiki constantly to ensure I don't accidentally break some obtuse npc quest chain that gives me an item I need. I also used it on my level 200 character so that I could play around with different weapons without grinding out a million+ souls to buy the stones and level them, having an infinite number of respec items is also great. The game clearly doesn't respect the player's time so why respect it at this point? I've already had "real souls vets" tell me that uncapping the framerate and playing in ultrawide is cheating so fuck it


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