[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago

Well either that or your ghola dog needs to have really kinky sex. Look, I don't make the rules

[-] [email protected] 25 points 2 days ago

I'm officially demanding that we scribble PPB everywhere as graffiti if we get caught up in some large civil war. We need to leave signs for each other

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Mine will slowly morph me into one big worm-man hybrid and I'll rule over the galaxy with great skill and generosity, but also an iron fist. Everyone will be very well fed and housed but also deep down very angry because people don't like being "controlled" even if they live in a peaceful post-scarcity world. Look, it's worm logic, I've gotta lotta holes up here, ok?

[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 days ago

Who doesn't want microplastic-filled glow in the dark, radioactive testicles?!

[-] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago

It's become so derivative and tropic, it's hard for me to believe anyone likes this drivel but apparently a lot of people just want a nonstop deluge of moe garbage, pantyshots, and isekai power fantasies and they cannot get enough. For an industry thats already about grinding their workers down to dust it sure is sad to see them also choosing to just play it completely safe

[-] [email protected] 11 points 6 days ago

Pop on smash bros melee, pick peach and immediately as the match starts do forward+b

Checkmate libs, that's a big ol butt

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Honestly the original really has aged so poorly. It's very reflective of its time (in terms of what people thought was good)

[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

I commonly refer back to a mushroom trip my friend had where he was locked in in a tent while we backpacked as this same kind of riff. Half the time he reminisces about the past I look at him with a complete deadpan face and tell him "you're still in the tent".

And honestly, we wish lol

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Update: someone here covered me, thank you so much. It really means a lot (and hopefully I can get a new job soon and get a little more stability)

Hate to ask here again but I managed to fuck up again this month and overdraft myself, with the main issue that I need to get some gas so I can get to work. Honestly really stupid because I told myself a few months ago when this last happened that I would keep some kind of backup money in cash or something and I didn't/forgot (I really need new work too).

Anyways, 10-20$ would probably be enough to get me through if anyone can spare that. If not I'm going to have to pawn something.

PayPal: [email protected] (I can just use PayPal balance at a station)

Also want to reiterate to whomever it was who helped me last time: you literally saved my skin, thank you

[-] [email protected] 42 points 1 week ago

No, I need a Hillary vrs Trump retry that ends in another Hillary loss.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

She was also a believer of eugenics (which is fucked), at least for a time

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Yeah really I think it’s not good that this cuisine that’s so meat/diary focused is elevated to this status of being sort of revered. Like conceptually I think French food is all about taking these base flavors that were available in the west and figuring out how to dial them up to a 10, and you can still keep that spirit, but the sort of reverence for how is it has to be done “right” keeps people from experimenting.

And yeah people also just suck. I did a French night at my house with my roommates and decided to do ratatouille in the style of the movie and I had one friend just fucking hate it and shit on it. And then he said he hated French food and I told him I could’ve easily just done meat in a wine sauce and you’d love it but you’re not even giving this a fair chance. Like try not to be pissy because we didn’t have some stereotypical meat centerpiece

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

Out of like classic western foods it’s pretty good, lots of focus on fresh bread, wine, and cream. Personally I think it’s pretty overrated but I think a lot of westerners with underdeveloped palates are happy to land on the sort of rich and creamy bases that a lot of French food has. I do think that it really has created a concept of high-class dining that seems to preclude the use of animal product (I love cooking and it wasn’t until I start cooking more Indian and Asian food that I realized that a lot of my ideas of incorporating meat and animal product into my diet was simply due to this).

Good now! Ty (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

~~I don't even need that amount covered, I just have no way to fill up on gas right now and really need at least 25-35$ so I can continue to do some gig work to make up the balance. Any amount helps, I think I'll be able to just use PayPal to fill my tank and that'll be enough on its own to keep me working. Can obviously pay people back if they would like that too.

[email protected]

that's my PayPal (don't laugh, it's an old stupid email lol)

Update: down to my last 30 miles of gas, probably will have to come home at around 15miles left. Please if anyone can spare a little that would help a lot, at least to keep me working for the next few hours~~

Update 2: one of you kind souls sent 20, PayPal let me use a digital debit card and actually fill up with a bit more than that 20$ (lol), so I think I'm good now. Just gotta get up early tomorrow and bang it out. Thanks a ton everyone

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wanted to punch Algus so bad. Guy was just a superb classist prick.

Honestly wish they would've returned to doing stories that included the kind of nuance/class warfare that FF Tactics had but I don't think the people writing these games in the PS1 era continued to really have much influence (xenogears was a particularly fun one).

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Decided to play again after a year hiatus, was wondering if anyone else was here

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently an online game I play revealed much of their changes for the next patch. For the specific content that I like to interact with, it seems like theres a rather large (and probably not intended) change to this content that is not only a big "nerf", but also seems to go against the studio's design philosphy. I've made posts and comments talking about it, but the thing I keep running into is people just downvoting what I'm saying into obscurity. I have people interact and with people that are dismissive I iterate exactly why, which very specific information, its not just some small change... and what I get back is a downvote, and really nothing else. I literally upvote everyone that responds, no matter how antagonistic, simply because I want to talk about it and appreciate the interaction, but it seems like people when confronted with information that makes them feel like they had it wrong just reflexively downvote.

Its incredibly infuritating. So yeah, thanks hexbear for doing away with fucking downvotes, this shit seems so toxic and I'm glad I've always relegated reddit into mostly a space where I look up relevant info for whatever hobby, or information about products that I need.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just read someone claiming mao was an imperialist and I think it's doing real psychic damage

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Step one: buy some wheatgrass seeds (also known as berries). You can find them at pet stores but health-focused grocers will probably sell them two.

Step two: get a pot with a drainage hole and some potting soil that drains well. If you want you can just grab some dirt from outside (as long as it's not very clay based) and use whatever pot you have on hand, but better drainage will help prevent over watering

Obviously you should have some sort of drip catch on the bottom on the pot if this grass is growing indoors

Step three: put the soil in the pot and don't pack it down at all. Lay a heavy amount of seed on the top layer, and then cover the seed with a paper towel. Use a dedicated water bottle with a mister and keep the paper towel lightly moist.

4: Cover your pot with a little towel or whatever you want. The idea is to keep the seeds in the dark while they germinate. Within a few days you should see the seeds sprouting, at which point you remove the paper towel and whatever you are using to block light and continue to mist, but now directly on the seeds. At this point you need to either leave the seeds somewhere with plenty of direct sunlight, or you need to buy a little USB growlight to keep them happy.

Do not even think of watering until these sprouts reach 5-6 inches of height, just mist them (more heavily over time if you need) to prevent over watering. If it's above 80f where you live you want them inside. 90f and above will kill them outright.

5: Within a week you should have some very aggressively growing wheatgrass. If you are using a growlight... Congratulations! You can now touch grass right at your desk. Take that you smarmy bastards. NO I WILL NOT LOG OUT, YES I AM TOUCHING GRASS.

6: After about two weeks of growth you may find the grass beginning to look less happy. This probably means that your soil doesn't have enough nutrients. Luckily there's this awesome fertilizer called PISS. That's right, just dilute your piss at a 10:1 ratio with water and you'll be giving all the nitrogen those bad boys need (feed them piss maybe once every two weeks, or dilute 20:1 and give it with every watering). Any fertilizer with a heavy nitrogen amount will do well, and generally anything sold for a lawn that's got most of its nutrition base in nitrogen will be great. Fish emulsion works well too, but will not smell good so yeah... Keep in mind.

There you go, now you can touch grass right at the comfort of your desk. Logging off is for smucks. Also, your indoor cat will thank you.

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