[-] [email protected] 6 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

Alt-right is dead (in the US) and they were just (petty) Bourgeois intelligentsia coat tailing Trump's settler populism. The most successful pivot from those politics are the christo-fash "groypers". In the end Alt-righters were just Liberal elites opportunistically trying gain leverage against their own class competition with Trump's populism but are dorky snobs who clearly despise Trump's poorer voters.

I agree that both the settler-populist and Christo-Fash groups are going to be further agitated.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

puts on conspiracy hat: inb4 shooter is Uke agent

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

You're already underselling the level of crosstalk between US white labor unions and the KKK. The St Louis "Soviet" formed a lynch mob during WW1.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Yeah colleges were heavily subsidized and California had one of the largest public systems in the country. That system also gave Bobby Seale and Huey Newton an education so it's not a coincidence that 1969 was when college prices started to spiral.

The colleges themselves are racketeers, I recommend Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris who writes about the creation of Stanford U and its subsequent role in Colonialism and Anti-Communism. Stanford's campus land houses all of the big weapon makers and it produced Herbert Hoover, the man responsible for mining gold during Australia's genocide, modernizing the March on Africa, and the modern semi-state food cartels and housing policy.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The supply and demand angle is only half-right. There's an intent to raise the costs to control the amount of people entering college as wages rise, it's supposed to be a class barrier. Combined with admissions tests (which literally started as "IQ" tests) having the scores to gain funding opportunities for education is a eugenic test. It's class-eugenicist poll-tests and poll-taxes performed nationally.

Also much of these schools are funded directly by land thefts in the US: https://www.hcn.org/issues/52-4/indigenous-affairs-education-land-grab-universities/

The University of Minnesota founders started a war to create the school (and the state): https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/great-university-land-grab

This was during the US Civil War. The Dakota uprising was punished by Lincoln with the largest mass execution in US history, of 38 Dakotas, down from the original 200 captured for execution.

The endowments many of these schools have are predominantly funded from these land cessions. Washington State University's land cessions of PNW nations funded enough to fill its entire endowment with royalties from logging leases. Texas A&M and Arizona are funded by active subterranean oil drilling rights.

The other reason is because the jobs college degrees provide are getting higher wages and the schools can charge that much and someone will take it, and the banks have the surplus funds from Imperialism and the housing racket.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Weaken an economy until it's cheap and easy to purchase labor-power and mining/farming rights

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

If I don't respond directly respond to a point I think they are fair. Inflation eats at the super-profits in wages and eats into the super-profits in greater proportion the smaller the wage. That being said I would put the limit of boojified to be the point where they cross into genuine exploitation (but this does need to be factor in time, segments with long breaks between sources of income would be falling fast into lumpen: unemployed, health/body reasons, discrimination, national oppression). In reality we generally skip over realizing an exploited proletariat due to moving straight from semi-proles to lumpen-proles, this is somewhat problematic for economic organizing and this relationship should be focused on rather than one of the loot share struggle between semi-proles and bourgs (petite and haute). Organizing as anti-inflation attracts strata with interests against national liberation and the bottom 20%, and these cannot be organized as a single mass without convincing the these strata to commit class suicide (challenge level extreme). So far the loot sharing struggle remains as no real exploited prole exists within citizenship standards (outside of some children), so we need to be careful who we are organizing, because just as quickly the balance can swing back towards the boojified workers if they are able to co-opt the energy for their own selfish reforms, (much of the bottom would like it too, pushing us further from agitating towards revolution and prole internat). I want to be clear that my disagreement with your original post is that this strata of people "losing" is growing. I don't think this is the case, "racial" and gender wealth gaps are increasing which points to privileges growing for white-men. Gender oppressed whites could be on the decline as it seems white-men are desperate to maintain monopoly on income streams "for the sake of the white nation". That's certainly a contradiction worth digging at to lop off the white gender-oppressor strata.

White collar work rises over time in every country country as development occurs and the societal needs for social labor increase. That’s just a factor of development, it’s not a sign of bourgeoisification.

Yes but ratios of physical commodities to services do matter globally (the nature of Imperialism). The US workforce is predominantly service facing. If the world was to be equalized, it would be noted that the US has too many of such workers than would be valued by equal exchange. The point is, radical change would happen in the economy if the economy was cut off from physical inputs, including much of the factory work. This would cause internal pressure in the US's near environment, heightening the settler relationship to the extreme. This is already the scenario Magacoms dream of, being able to "re-industrialize" with all all these natural resources "available to us". That being said the US white-collar industry has specific anti-communist goals as well. Growing a Labor Aristocracy encourages "brain drain" from all other states and forces even Communist ones to adopt this model of valuing labor, creating Semi-Proles if not LA classes in their countries. It is a sign of bourgeoisification when these workers are paid significantly higher wages than primary and secondary industries. I only mean to say lower wage office workers are pushed from their role as equal users of the MOP, as in paid the same for even less access to it, like in terms of proximity, when looking at the global context in a fair LTV world (e.g. it's not natural but policy that these workers maintain wages well above global standards). The bulk of office workers are being privileged with increased pay and benefits and this gives them interests that put them at odds with the global proletariat and in the case of Socialist countries with their own proletariat. China has been clamping down on housing speculation and tackling wages for white-collar workers to keep them in check and the current TikTok debacle has Chinese employees potentially benefiting from ByteDance entering the US exchange, likely to be the biggest IPO of all time and the workers own 20% of the company. This leads to the increased stock ownership of unions and unorganized white-collar work in that apparently some 72% of companies offer equity, most give bonuses (which shouldn't be directly compared yoy but happen often as carrot sticks), and some 19% of employees individually own their employer's stock. Now stock grants are simply a sleight of hand keep a share of an employee's wages, but that also means that total compensation is the more accurate number in terms of labor costs and carries with it some stake the employee has in the company. US wide stock ownership dipped in the early 2010s but has since raised back to over 60%. There are not many Capitalists in terms population points, and about 1/5th is considered petty business owners, so much of the stock owners are wage workers who do not own direct productive assets. More households own stocks than ever before. That being said, in general, the top 4/5ths of USian workers are gaining bigger shares of global production (though there might be tugs and pulls in the innards of this mass), the bottom 20% are (slowly) falling behind and here the bulk is oppressed nations. The value of the bottom mass has never been understated though its improvement directly contradicts the global proletariat and indirectly themselves with increased eugenics and increased incarceration.

The colonial police are being transformed into colonial soldiers by the heightened contradictions, but yeah, they were always meant to keep the peace for settlers.

But in Algeria the colonial police did, eventually, start torturing and killing white Algerians. Who gets to be a settler changes as conditions worsen for the empire.

For example, I get to be a settler as long as I stay white passing and am not visibly trans. That goes away if I don’t do my makeup or get literally any Sun etc etc but soon enough that shit isn’t going to protect me because the knives are out for trans folk, and I blame imperial decline. Who gets to be a settler will be winnowed away.

I would not premise Algeria as a model for WITBD in the Americas. The land relationship in the US is essentially one big "tourist sector" that would be visible in Algiers but gone from the rest of the country. Much of the land in the US is run by settler kulaks, and settler claims for domination of land are much greater in the US. The US settler regime has always harmed the bottom of settlers, it seems this does not matter much to the vast majority self interested mass, besides that they are given much lighter treatment if not loopholes to avoid punishment from civil society. Again I strongly put primary fear of oppressed nation led lumpen revolt in the cities, and Indigenous land protection all over, as the reason why police and settlers are getting more militant (only a continuing trend of the last 70 years of continued Jim Crow).

That being said I agree that gender oppression is packaged into settler-nationalism through colonially imposed gender domination. Certainly there is a struggle as strata of settlers are more obsessed with the nation (settler-nationalist sexual politics, white anxiety) than others, the recycling of petty bourg settlers during the growth (and decline) of Imperialism I think holds contradictory seeds for gender liberation and increased gender oppression (combined form assimilation). So I think, motion in Imperialism whether up or down fans the flames of the gender struggle. I believe this also reflects in other eugenic regimes of social control ("ability", "race" -- which is obfuscated national character). Having an antagonized position in the gender structure certainly reduces national ties, often to the point where it's easy to sever, this is why it's more important to stress the nat-lib struggles who do not uniformly adopt settler gender norms (certain class-strata may) and are often antagonized by them as policy (ON lumpen "surplus males", state enforced "single-motherhood", forced adoptions, and gender oppression in the carceral system). We should not be scared of calling national and gender antagonisms, class antagonisms, and in that sense in certain contexts they can become primary antagonisms in a decisive moment, superseding other class identities including settler and bourgeois. All of these oppressed classes have interests to agitate and form lines on. The support we get at CLN from settlers is already showing strong correlation to certain gender and sexual demographics, regardless of "economic class" background, and our opponents are more often than not bigots towards them. Just as WITBD with the Feminism movement, Marxists must be able to slice the economic sources of Revisionism and solidify a line that is revolutionary even if that means being less "popular" than bourgeois lines, we don't need a majority.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

No, but you’ve as much said that you avoid agitating among settlers and are content to ignore them until they spontaneously join the anti-colonial struggle. You literally said " Wake me when they turn on themselves." How else am I to interpret that but you choosing only to react to spontaneous solidarity among settlers?

None of them are acknowledging the need to give up their settler society, you're telling me to value the statements on Israel that don't mention settler-Colonialism. Settlers are national oppressors as a class. In a context with no Colonialism, we still wouldn't ally with the petty bourgs as a class and center their demands, we have to slice them up and pick friends from foe. We shouldn't care about the demands of an oppressor nation unless they are in line with ours: prisoners, the homeless, and people oppressed for their bodies are people we intend to work for. If you want science on the settler question hit the books sibling, become an expert on colonial history in your immediate realm. Chunka Luta library exists for free.

No, but you’re saying they’re unproductive, even though they use their labor to produce a service.

Why does it bother you so much? Does it change that these goods and services are being paid from value stolen overseas? Quit projecting workerism onto my line.

The so-called War on Terror was a reaction to the decline of the empire and in response the police had to become more violent and more invasive and more lethal and more secretive etc etc in order to control the proles. The police became occupation soldiers to fight “terrorism” and this has been boiling over into more and more massive uprisings against them.

Maybe you won’t wake up until the streets run red, but I think it’s worth trying to anticipate what comes next.

The streets are already covered in my peoples' blood, quit playing with me. Read Blood in the Land, Fire this Time. You gotta be kidding me if you think my sense of urgency is lagging when y'all don't notice shit until you think it might be affecting you and your kin. Thinking the police presence is for you is absurd, the conditions for our oppression has already been here. The cops are killing us now, and most of us aren't Communists, square that.

Btw lets zoom in on that wage chart, looking at median wage (where half of wage workers do better), It has been increasing in the recent decades with an unusual spike in 2020 due to pandemic stimmies. Why hadn't there been revolts of white workers and youth in the 90s like Black and Latino youth? Economically the situation was worse then. Again we are looking for declines in conditions, not stagnation, for some reason "class consciousness" spiked in spite of increased earnings during the pandemic, you posit inflation economistically, I blame eugenics and national oppression. Your chart enthusiastically removes supervisors, who are a fifth of the workforce (remember 20% of white men don't even participate in labor anymore). There's really no way to see a real decline in US workers if the median and average wages are at a 4 decade high (excluding 2020). It doesn't line up with your hypothesis. Inflation did not peak with wages in 2020, it peaked in 2022, after a spike in real earnings for USians.

More police and settler-vigilante killings year over year since the 70s, police budgets expanding every year. For some reason these things occurred during "bourgeoisification", you never quite explained why that occurred.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

By failing to recognize the role that settlers always play in anti-colonial struggle, instead leaving them to organize themselves spontaneously and reacting to it as it happens.

For sure but you seem to think we avoid working with settlers as a rule. It's worth agitating people genuinely interested in understanding reality and changing it, and people pushed to their limits where revolutionary change is the only thing they are satisfied with. What I'm saying is it's historically clear the base of settlers interested in our struggles has not seen significant motion through time (because they were just as reactionary during the height of exploitation against settler workers). That being said most settlers in Algeria fled, the ones that fought for Algeria earned their place. I expect in our conditions not many fleeing, but also not playing nice.

My contention was you calling socially necessary labor unproductive, when it clearly produces a social commodity. What your proposing reads like a vulgar workerism, almost like Nixonian “hard hat” fetishism, which seeks to devalue socially necessary labor as not being real work and to alienate them from the workers’ struggle.

Yeah this is no such case. I'm only using it insofar as it has been used in the literature. I'm not saying these workers are privileged above productive workers in the US, usually they are not since unions generally are paid significantly higher wages. If there's actually a group I think tends more reactionary, it's the production line workers in the AFL-CIO who practice Imperial workerism that obfuscates their relationship to their colleagues in Mexico and China. None of this is to dismiss or alienate US workers for their jobs, the system of their job economy is the problem. They must have some workerist thoughts if they think they are shunned from being Communists for their jobs.

Furthermore, my hypothesis is that debourgeoisification is occurring due to imperial decline, and that’s the source of inflation and the so-called housing “shortage” and the militarization of police and the chipping away of compromises reached by the labor movement when they chose to become collaborators in exchange for concessions etc etc

So-called shortage yes but remember that the overbuilt and expensive houses are already owned, and if Blackstone bought it, it means someone just profited of their speculation. It means somebody actually "owns" that value, and housing prices have always increased faster than inflation because Imperialists around the world (and 401ks, unions, and CPUSA) buy mortgage packages to park their money in investments outpacing inflation.

Police militarization has always been increasing since the 60s. I've posted the pic elsewhere in the thread but police and carceral spending increases every year outpacing inflation. This is a pre-existing trend. It looks to be more prevalent due to the firepower readily available to would be fighters in the streets as seen in Dallas during the first round of BLM protests. Though the trend has already been there for the likes of LAPD and NYPD.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yes! If the chain of commodity production ended with dumping all commodities directly into the ocean then no value would be created.

Then it's not socially necessary. The manner in which exchange occurs does not matter. Value is produced from the labor not the sales. The value being realized at exchange is not being argued with, but that doesn't mean it was created by exchange. These are two different phenomena.

And as the empire enters decline, who gets to be a “settler” is winnowed away to preserve superprofits for a smaller and smaller cohort. That’s what the inflation is, that’s what the result of dedollarization will be, and instead of trying to analyze and predict where things are going you have consigned yourself purely to reacting to things after they happen.

By building a Nat Lib struggle for oppressed nations? Lmao? Just because I don't seek to organize class enemies doesn't mean I'm sitting around waiting for nothing. And no, just because a settler became a lumpen does not mean their nation has stopped occupying another nation, still a settler. Their national ties form their reactionary tendencies.

As you say, it is socially necessary labor and would still need to be done under Socialism.

Socialism would turn it into necessary labor (socialist planning, as opposed to Capitalist anarchy, this is the fundamental transition away from the prod-unprod relationship in Capitalism). It is not socially necessary labor under capitalism. It's not making the economy bigger, it's redirecting the economy. That being said I doubt the world would like to continue trading US call support for their food stuffs as in the world's current arrangement.

And what about the lowest paid call center workers? They use literal prison labor in call centers, for pennies an hour. Are they petty bourgeoisie too?

Well the vast majority of them are not prisoners (but also prisoners are hired at minimum wage and the state steals the wages, so it's not directly comparable to 3W labor). I source MIM(prisons), a prison movement, who says they are generally not near the means of production in prison. Prisoners' interests are already being agitated for the national character of prison oppression. Prisoners receive 3W wages, so yes they are genuinely exploitated workers and agitating them for JDPON rule is much much easier than other wage workers in the US. I'm sure that MIM(p) considers themselves primarily lumpen-proletarians turned revolutionaries. Once again I have not claimed that call center workers or non-managerial unproductive work is petty Bourgeois, merely that it is semi-proletarian, which Lenin never really differentiates besides when he's picking apart the various parts of the "middle classes". Semi-proletarian only in the case that they are receiving super-profits in their wages (which all except prisoners, children, and migrant workers are), but they are not alone! Productive US minimum wage jobs in a global context are also super-profit spiked wages. If the aggregate worker has no internal or external super-exploitation, i.e. management and sales paid equal as individuals to production line workers, there would be no Semi-proletarians or labor aristocracy, and all would be Proletarian.

Semi-proletarians bring Revisionism into the movement in their focus on Economism. In the case of an Imperial Semi-proletariat, a Labor Aristocracy, these economic demands are born reactionary and reformist. (wage struggles for the super-exploited would be progressive in that they put pressure back on the labor aristocracy).

I need you to know that I'm calling all legal-wage productive and unproductive US labor a Semi-proletarian Labor Aristocracy. I'm not targeting call center workers particularly as opposed to any other US labor, but it's a fact that a nearly entirely (non-direct producing) Semi-proletarian working class is not producing nearly as much as it consumes and this is a problem for such an economy if the ports were subject to blockade. Amazon workers can't ship anything because barely any of it is made here. Call centers have no products to solicit and assist. This is not the same situation if China was blockaded. A sales team isn't going to be able to transition to growing food or mining ore very quickly.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

So! What would you call someone who can’t work in a factory because those jobs don’t exist after de-industrialization, and so they’re forced to work in a call center sweatshop?

Calling them sweatshops is certainly a stretch, averaging $17 compared to 60c in Haitian shops. De-industrialization is the reason why the US is becoming more bourg, its getting wealthier by simply buying more labor in the world.

Value only exists after it has been realized, the realization of value is necessary in the chain of commodity production.

Yes but is value created in exchange or socially necessary labor? These are definitions Marx used. The capitalists speculated on the productive labor, the unproductive labor helps the capitalist realize the profit, the products were already created. Shipping labor is productive in that it is necessary for products to be consumed. A corporation can't expand their products by hiring advertisers and support lines, it only helps them indirectly recover past speculation. Productive labor is the expansion of capital.

There is certainly unproductive work being done in the US i.e. bullshit jobs, but to just relegate everyone who doesn’t work in the Sparks and Steam Factory as “unproductive” is mystification.

You're applying an emotional or moral description to unproductive labor that does not exist in the literature. It's a scientific term.

You are confusing the people who manage the exchange apparatus with the ones who they manage. No one operating the phone in the sweat shop manages anything.

In the sense that there are contractor firms, who speculate on call center labor through contracts rather than them being hired directly alongside productive labor, are producing value for their employer, but this is due to increased Bourgeois cooperation. However, we can abstract conglomerate firms and realize the same productive-unproductive relations remain hidden under layers of Bourgeois contracts. Again this does not matter besides the war strategy that if the US majority is not producing products or components of products, then the real productive capacity of the US is weaker than it looks. This is not a condemnation of the type of labor, it's simply relaying how Capital treats such labor. Such work could definitely become socially necessary in a Socialist world system. Under Capitalism, it is labor that Capitalists do but now can pay it away, which distances them from the petty-bourgeoisie further.

So you can only ever react to conditions as they change. There’s a word for that~

An oppressed national who doesn't expect their oppressors to change their ways because they never have historically unless driven by the force of we oppressed, right in their face? Every revolution needs to slice friend from foe and take control in existing conditions. For now settler workers are enemies. If we are able to advance to a stage overthrowing the land regime, where new contradictions are opened as old ones close, these workers can be won en masse.

When AIM and the Lakota radicals took over the hamlet town Wounded Knee in 1973, they declared the Independent Oglala Nation and held the town for 70 days. During this period they granted citizenship to anyone who wanted it, and most of the town stayed behind even after given the chance to flee, because they knew the army would create a bloodbath if all the settlers were out of the picture. This is the faith we have in settler workers, they will not initiate such acts but many will follow when placed in the middle of a revolutionary moment.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The first and most obvious is that it renders children and disabled people who can’t do “productive” work as bourgeois.

Those that can't work are a strata of the lumpen-proletariat, what separates them is not having access to legal income and consumption (outside of social democracy crumbs). Disabled proletarians working unproductive roles still form an aggregate worker alongside their peers. Nothing in my statement disregards such individuals. Hellen Keller was a professional writer and lecturer, paid for her products, she was petty bourgeois.

The second and more insidious is how you seem to consider customer-facing work as unproductive.

Unproductive labor is all such labor that does not create surplus-value, but helps preserve or appropriate it. Marx:

Since the direct purpose and the actual product of capitalist production is surplus value, only such labour is productive, and only such an exerter of labour capacity is a productive worker, as directly produces surplus value. Hence only such labour is productive as is consumed directly in the production process for the purpose of valorising capital.

Call centers do not create surplus-value, they only help realize surplus-value, this is why they are unproductive. This is not a moral assessment, and it does not mean unproductive workers can't be exploited. Productive and Unproductive workers form an abstract Aggregate or Combined Laborer which must produce surplus-value to be exploited. If unproductive labor pool is paid more than productive labor pool, then there must be super-profits being realized, such is the case of the Aggregate US Worker and the global proletariat. Such a relationship creates Semi-Proletarians and is the start of a Labor Aristocracy or bourgeois-proletariat.

The bourgeoisie are the owners of capital. They’re the investors, the proprietors, and the shareholders. In what world is someone in a call center sweatshop bourgeois?

I didn't call them bourgeois, I said they are moving closer to the bourgeoisie than they are the proletariat and lumpen-proletariat, it's a function of direction. Those that manage bourgeois apparatuses in exchange for wages are also petty-bourgeois. They work directly towards maintaining Bourgeois Rule as a system. I didn't make this definition up. Nobody would ever deny that there are strata of workers wealthier than members of the bourgeoisie, this is due to decaying and rising strata as Capitalism develops.

Never in my life have I seen so many Americans turn on Israel.

I'm sure as much was said about the Apartheid Regime. Wake me when they turn on themselves.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fun fact, Oregon's name traces back to Iberian scouts referring to Celilo Falls "Very Loud Water"

The largest fish migration in the world used to pass through these falls, including the nearly 100 pound "June Hog" strain of Chinook Salmon. That strain has been wiped out by the loss of environment due to damming and fish populations are in a downward spiral to this day

The audio is from a radio show in the 90s covering salmon being added to the Endangered Species Act

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

X-posting late, but in preparation of a post on Captain Cook incoming. CLN posts have been covering a narrative leading into the Occupation of the Wounded Knee hamlet by AIM in 1973.

OG Post on Hexbear: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/3566703?scrollToComments=true

From perspective of @[email protected]:

We last left you discussing the concept of the bordertown and the racialized violence enacted there through settler vigilantism, which is obvious through physical violence. In a new era, however, what about online discourse? This is one thing I’d like to introduce to our discourse and hopefully help settler allies understand when they might accidentally dawn a hood and cape for the state. I see settler vigilantism as synonymous with Kluxism, or at least they stem from the same psyche. The spirit of Manifest Destiny seemingly possesses these settlers to act out in monstrous ways, depriving us and themselves of humanity and life. There are no more bounties to collect for a scalp, so this shows these actions to murder Indians are deeper than just monetary gain. It is always about the land. Briefly we spoke on Raymond Yellow Thunder and Wesley Bad Heart Bull, both victims of settler vigilantism. Raymond died due to injuries sustained in a fight, and Wesley was stabbed in a fight at a bar. Both resulted in AIMs activism, and ultimately pushed them further to Wounded Knee. Raymond Yellow Thunder was killed before the Trail of Broken Treaties in 1972, and inspired the famous “AIM Song” which is actually the Raymond Yellow Thunder Song and should be respected as such.There is a great deal of controversy still surround Raymond’s death, but from every perspective I’ve heard one thing remains true; it is colonialism that murdered him.

Colonialism’s claws come from many directions, and it brings death in a systemic, planned and targeted manner, contrary to Engels' view of social murder. In a colony that target gives a slight reprieve for the colonizing nation’s working classes, and seemingly at the root of every boot strap story, is a mystified deluge of the eldritch horrors of capitalism and colonialism. These horrors which possess, steal, and murder are often described as primitive accumulation by contemporary Marxists (or the motor of capitalism), the tongue-in-cheek humor often becomes lost. Primitive accumulation which once derided the ruling class's view of themselves, now it is used by chauvinists to be synonymous with pre-Columbian political-economy. In the case of the Oceti Sakowin, we remained primitive in the eyes of these chauvinists until 1868. The people who make these arguments don’t seem to realize the cloak and hood they have proudly proclaimed as their own, but to us the colonized, we see the same two mouths our white siblings have become known for.

English is known for its one word with many meanings, or perhaps many words with the same sounds, but each uniquely specific. In the case of Wesley Bad Heart Bull we can see this most clearly in the settler’s courts, which proclaim law and order, but really only on behalf of the landowner. When there is no clear land owner, it's about which party most represents the landowners. In a settler-colony with a case of assault with prior consideration to ‘kill him an Indian’ it is of course manslaughter when you kill somebody who was fighting another person. This is of course sarcasm, generally speaking when you “accidentally” kill someone it is still a degree of murder especially with prior expression to want to kill an Indian, and when the assailant wasn’t involved in the fight. Murdered in the street like so many before and after, and that was a well known fact of life in South Dakota. You could be murdered and like Raymond or Wesley, your attackers might get charged with a small fine and manslaughter, but when you ask every settler when justice comes they all play innocent. This is why AIM went to the streets. When you ask Pine Ridge elders when AIM became a symbol, you are told the Gordon protest. When Russell Means took the Chief of Police’s hat and threw it, David Swallow Jr recounted his feelings as “we can do that?” This is where a fire was reborn that still carries on today, as my nation’s president banned Kristi Noem from our reservation after she tried to stoke xenophobic fears at a rally. We are standing once again, and it is time to stand with us and learn our revolutionary history.

So today on February 6th was the day of the Bad Heart Bull trial in Custer, South Dakota. To this day as landback grows more prominent and our elders and leaders move forward with decade old plans and conversations, the contradictions here grow. Because of this I’ve sought to see the perspective of various communities and generations, on the ‘Indian problem’ as it has always been called here. The Indigenous question is only the colonial question, and the communist movement has had a century, decade, and a year to discuss this since Stalin's publishing on the subject (1913, of course the conversation predates Stalin). One of Lenin’s last works was on this specific topic, and the question of who should be okay with having an autonomous region of their own in a larger state: is one that places great nations at the whim of the nations they oppressed.

Because of the words Lenin has spoken on the subject, people like Ho Chi Minh froze all night just for a chance to see the great man’s body. The pan-African revolution, the third world movement, fourth world theory and so much more have a red light shining on them from the star that is Lenin streaking across the sky: calling us to revolution. We don’t know if that star was shining at the time the molotov was thrown, but when the court house went up in flames, it certainly caused a stir. Nobody knows who threw it either, I’ve talked to a considerable bulk of living participants, but it was thrown after the cops pushed Wesley’s mother down the stairs with a billy club. Only 3 people were going to be allowed into the courtroom, and when Dennis Banks, Russell Means, and David Hill entered the cops stood in the way of the mother of the victim, and brutalized her. David punched that pig-fucker in the face and the riot ensued. Custer is THE symbol of settlement in the Black Hills, it's one of the first towns, and to this day makes its money from exploiting the land and treating it like an amusement park. While people on my reservation don't have water, Rapid City has a water park. Custer had a literal amusement park that flew a replica of the 7th Calvary's flag; we already had the real one, so during the riot that replica flag was also taken. Cy Griffin was a film maker from the video freak movement that was there, he went back to New York and told his friends about everything happening there. A war in South Dakota is how he described it. We call it the Reign of Terror. See, it wasn’t just in the bordertown we were being murdered in the street, on Pine Ridge a seemingly innocuous man named Richard Wilson (only one parent was Lakota) became Tribal chairman. He employed his family (legal in our laws) , began embezzling money (not legal) and established a right-wing paramilitary called the GOONs (Guardians Of the Oglala Nation, questionably legal). The GOONs would enact violence on Dick Wilson’s political opponents by firebombing, drive-bys, and gunning people down in the street. This spurred the organization OSCRO (Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization) to form, and begin collecting signatures to impeach Wilson. They were successful in collecting the signatures, however Dick was the one who presided over the impeachment, and of course found himself not guilty. OSCRO is an often overlooked organization, and I believe this to be the goal of federal agents to remove the grassroots elements from these struggles and obfuscate the lessons we could learn. As mentioned in a previous post, Dick Wilson would oversee the equivalent amount in deaths to Pinochet’s first 3 years. This is in South Dakota, and nobody knows these facts, and pretend colonialism is some bygone era. Because of the fire lit in Custer, in Gordon, in the Pacific Northwest, in DC and so many more places, we see the modern land back movements stem. Those movements stemmed from the wars, those wars stemmed from the early capitalists accumulation of wealth to jump start global capital today. In these circles we see how yesterday is today, and only by understanding both can we move on to tomorrow. We must pull capitalism up from its roots which are soaked in the blood of the colonized, until we do that we are doomed to fail. We mentioned briefly how these concepts go beyond physical violence, and one way is the erasure and silencing of Indigenous and other marginalized voices. This might sound farfetched to the insensitive, but in a critical period of rupture, we have to make sure we don’t get bogged down in what is socially mainstream. If the mainstream is saying our talking points then we have failed to stay at the head of the movement, and are merely another voice consumed into the acceptable protest movement. We have to stand arm and arm with trans comrades as opportunists and state agents both turn their sights on them across the country, seeking to separate them from would-be allies who are worried they will lose mainstream support for daring to stand against the face of oppression. Those who can’t stand in solidarity with everyone, yet voice opposition to Israel in this critical moment, are capitalizing and being opportunists. This has to be combatted. People like Jackson Hinkle make Trans and Indigenous people their target for a reason and you should learn why. Especially if folks like Hinkle can sell stolen Palestinian Gold, and people give passes to communists defending him. The movement is in a critical moment where it has to struggle with the colonial contradictions, failure to do so, means failure to form a vanguard. In our next post we will discuss Captain Cook and his death on February 14th, my birthday is then next so y’know if you like these posts and the work we do I recommend supporting us! We have a linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork with all of our social media, gofundme efforts we are engaged in, a liberapay and a patreon that all go to supporting the work CLN does. This post was short as it's mostly a timely bridge to send us on our way to the real Wounded Knee 1973 post at the end of the month, so lots of learning to do. I also recommend checking out the Indigenous Anti-Colonial Institute podcast and the CLN podcast for more education. Our patreon also has a ton of episodes, and there’s also Marx Madness where we read you theory. Right now we are reading a custom Gramsci Reader that you can check out in our library listed on the linktr.ee. I also want to stress, don't wait for us to learn about this stuff, start with Blood of the Land by Rex Weyler, read the Erdoes biographies, and then ask what a Marxist perspective on this stuff should be. I will be releasing a companion to the book later this month hopefully, of a stream of thought journal kept on my 3rd read through.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

og on hexbear

Sungmanitu of Chunka Luta Network: Would it surprise you that I had more to say? Due to the character limit, this wonderful and relevant story had to be broken into 2; this one I called the 1973 part, well almost. The day I released the first part[hex] was not on the massacre date, but instead the day they assassinated Tatanka Iyotake, Bull Who Sits on Hind-legs or Sitting Bull. This name is given to him by a Canadian Mountie officer ignoring the commands of his higher officers, to offer refuge to the radical band of Tatanka Iyotake who were waiting to rendezvous with Tasunka Witiko, Crazy Horse. This rendezvous never happens as they are able to trick him, arrest him, and then kill him on his way into the jail. If you believe our Medicine Men, he saw this, and on Bear Butte he did only 3 days of a traditionally 4 day vision quest called hembleycha, in hopes he would be spared to finish the ceremonies. Where we last left off was the aftermath of this assassination, where their brother-in-arms Unphan Gleske, Spotted Elk (or “Bigfoot”) then fled to seek refuge with Mahipya Luta, Red Cloud, at Pine Ridge agency. This brings us to the infamous massacre of 1890, but the blowback of this act wouldn’t be faced for another 80 years.

Between then and 1973, we have several land grabs, the kidnapping of children into boarding schools, border towns rising off the exploitation of us and our lands, planned genocide through make-work programs of the New Deal like the Pick-Sloan plan, and so much more happen, that it makes sense why Cap. R. H. Pratt and the common sense of the time acknowledged the “students” openly as hostages.

According to Ezra Hayt, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 1843–1893, “the children would be hostages for the good behavior of their people.” (To read more here is my former employer’s award winning article on the subject of bodies in boarding schools, years prior to the mainstream news of the fact at High Country News and for the full context to the quote)

Even after the boarding school practices mostly ended (I say mostly as the recent federal report shows 90 of those schools still operate), this program of holding children hostage manifested itself in the selling of our children into what amounts to slavery. It cost only $10 to buy an Indian child as recently as 1952, and many who were bought were used as cleaning servants. Instead of this practice ending, it developed into the modern foster care and adoption system we know today. Even my brother has been enslaved in this system. On top of this, you have a continued mass incarceration and atrocious education statistics that all stem from their attempts to “save the man.” The tipping point came in the Termination era and essentially provided a liberally condonable means of genocide, via pen and paper. If it wasn’t bad enough to force different cultures and peoples into conglomerate nations for your convenience in managing our concentration camps, they began to declare nations non-existent or even completely eradicated with the case of the Ohlone and many California groups. The most famous case however is the Pacific Northwest's termination of fishing rights and Wisconsin's attempt to do something similar with the Menominee people, and an added land grab.

In 1954 the Menominee Termination Act would be passed under Public Law 280, which would remove nations' rights to determine their affairs, let alone their futures. In 1963, three Menominee would be charged in violation of Wisconsin state laws, while hunting on land distinguished as Menominee land. They were found not guilty, only to have the case brought to the state’s supreme court, where they ruled that they no longer had hunting rights. The historiography available places the onus of the overturning of this decision in 1968, thanks to the efforts of Ada Deer, who should not go unmentioned. But reformism is hardly why I write and the hunting and fishing rights were not the end-all issue of the Termination of the Menominee (but we will continue in a minute). In the PNW as I mentioned, the hunting and fishing rights issue was rearing its head in the famous fish-in struggles led by Billy Frank Jr who was arrested over 400 times for fishing on the dock his family has lived on since time immemorial along the Nisqually River.

“As long as the rivers run, as long as the tide flows, and as long as the sun shines, you will have land, fish, and game for your frying pans, and timber for your lodges.” -Washington Territorial Governor Isaac Stevens 1855

He wasn’t the only person the promise made was broken, and so it became a form of civil disobedience to fish, and fish they did. They were beaten, threatened, and even people like Leonard Peltier would be radicalized at these ‘fish-ins’. Peltier wasn’t the only one finding inspiration there either; in fact some Oceti Sakowin students attending Berkley at the time were so inspired that they staged an action on Alcatraz, symbolically reclaiming it under the 1868 Fort Laramie treaty. This was in 1965, and most people forget this initial inspiration for the later 1969 occupation on the island. The 1969 occupation utilized the same method of claim, only this time they refused to allow the coast guards removal to be the end. At first, organizers were only going to sail a boat near the Island and then give a press statement on land. But when the boat came close enough, a young Mohawk organizer named Richard Oaks leapt over the edge and swam to the prison. Generally speaking, most people swimming around Alcatraz were swimming away from the island towards their freedom; but to him and everyone who followed, freedom was the prison, so they swam. The coast guard quickly removed them and on land, Oakes read what is called The Proclamation to the Great White Father. I recommend everyone read it for yourself as there is a lot of clever phrasing. Or you can wait until the audio documentary we are making on this era fully releases. The part I’d like to highlight is why they saw this prison as freedom:

We feel that this so-called Alcatraz Island is more than suitable as an Indian Reservation, as determined by the white man's own standards. By this, we mean that this place resembles most Indian reservations, in that:

  1. It is isolated from modern facilities, and without adequate means of transportation.
  2. It has no fresh running water.
  3. The sanitation facilities are inadequate.
  4. There are no oil or mineral rights.
  5. There is no industry and so unemployment is very great.
  6. There are no health care facilities.
  7. The soil is rocky and non-productive and the land does not support game.
  8. There are no educational facilities.
  9. The population has always been held as prisoners and kept dependent upon others.

Further, it would be fitting and symbolic that ships from all over the world, entering the Golden Gate, would first see Indian land, and thus be reminded of the true history of this nation. This tiny island would be a symbol of the great lands once ruled by free and noble Indians.

This place has become a practical Mecca for us and it is no wonder, when we place this occupation in its full historical context, why 71 occupations happened between 1965 and 1973 (and many more after). However this isn’t a story about these 71 occupations; it’s about Wounded Knee specifically (for the 71 story, join the patreon) and the overarching blowback that will be covered in more depth in our upcoming series; yes this is an ad, a 20k word ad. What we want to focus on however is the American Indian Movement. Jumping back to 1968 and over to Minneapolis, a meeting was held after several prison organizers were released from Stillwater prison. Each of them started in boarding school, and ended in prison, before being thrown to the wolves in the Twin Cities. At that time it was routine for the police to systematically arrest Indian bar patrons under drunk and disorderly charges; every Friday at 9pm- you could count on it. They would utilize kettling tactics, driving them from the front out the back, where the van was waiting for a mass booking. Over the weekend, they would be used as slave labor then, released on Monday without seeing the courtroom. This became routine, and must have been informed by some sick joke that we liked keeping the Earth clean. Editorializing aside, this was a systemic issue, and that's how AIM was formed. The night the meeting was held, Dennis Banks was speaking to a coalition of groups in the cities, when a familiar voice spoke up asking, ‘what do you plan to do about those cops?’ That night they formed the red car patrols, and began filming the cops actions, and before long they were at Alcatraz to make connections. Upon doing so, consecutive actions took place. A group known as United Native Americans, led by Lehman Brightman, would stage a takeover of “Mt. Rushmore'' renaming it Crazy Horse Mountain; the sentiment was okay, but really this site is known to my people as the Six Grandfathers. This term refers to the four directions, the sky, and wakan tanka (the great mystery, our closest approximation to a “god” which really collapses the expanse of the idea).

In Minneapolis, you had the takeover of Ft. Snelling. In California, you have a take over of an electric company and enforcement of national sovereignty through the enforcement of tolls on the Pit River nations land. In Milwaukee however is where one of the more important (and ignored) events happen. Herb Powell was a visionary, who after Alcatraz seized an abandoned lighthouse in Milwaukee, which resulted not in eviction, but land back for the very first time in 1970. There they built the first ever Indigenous spirituality based alcohol treatment, that has since spread across the continent, and is the most successful form of rehab for Indian people. They did a breakfast program similar to the Black Panthers, which they learned in Oakland during solidarity trips from Alcatraz, and this is directly where the survival school concept was born. Herb’s wife claims prior to the Nixon admin ending the termination era Then when the occupants were finally removed from the island, a takeover of the Nike missile site was staged due to its closeness to Alcatraz. From 1969 to 1971, Alcatraz was ours. They kept this occupation alive through mailed envelopes of money, solidarity festivals hosted, barges donated by Creedence Clearwater Revival (the barge was then named The Clearwater), and from families who dedicated their time to caretaking the warriors on the island.

The era of Red Power had officially begun, and that’s exactly why, despite in 1971 COINTELPRO and CHAOS were declared over, and the show commission of Church occurred, the program lived on and sought to focus on the growing Red Power movement. Black Power had been so thoroughly entrenched in combating the original forms, it was easily subsumed by the Black elites and whatever homunculus replaced the CIA, FBI, and NSA’s counterintelligence programs. We know for fact these programs merged thanks to the history of AIM. All these fires were being lit across Turtle Island, a national Indian organization, and it was quickly realized that now was the time for unified action, not just the basic call to consciousness (read more in Akwesasne Notes book Basic Call to Consciousness). The International Indian Brotherhood (led by George Manuel), National Congress of American Indians (led by Vine Deloria Jr and Hank Adams), and many other Indigenous led groups that were very wary of AIM joining.

Despite being wary, they were allowed to join and it was common practice for them to send groups ahead to secure housing, food, etc for the children and elders who often came in the caravans with their younger family members engaged in direct action, as they offered support in a variety of ways including moral and inspiration to action. Despite these efforts the Nixon admin pressured the churches and people who agreed to deny us access, and forced elders and children into a dingy basement filled with rats (to read more see Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties by Vine Deloria Jr. Eventually they went to the BIA headquarters in DC, and just never left. It wasn’t supposed to be an occupation, it was supposed to be an airing of grievances that, due to the stonewalling and neglect of the US government, forced these families to occupy. This is obviously not about this story, but it should be noted the Black Panthers and AIM became even closer with offers of dynamite, infiltration of police lines by BPP, and as an alternative to the dynamite strategic pouring of gasoline around building while literal tons of documents about the stealing of land and resources were loaded into a Uhaul to Pine Ridge and sent with various groups they were relevant to. The government claims 700k in damages were done, mind you many of this is “theft” of things they stole from us originally, but with a suitcase full of cash- Nixon sent the Indians home.

For us Lakota, and frankly any Indigenous people, home meant coming back to the same problems the US government just denied to help with (it took the a day to respond to the 20 points of the Trail of Broken Treaties which were all very milquetoast liberal demands, that any communist today should use as a bear minimum for what we should uphold). These problems are still relevant today if you read Red Nation Rising: Bordertown Violence in America by Melanie Yazzie and co. but beyond the explicit state violence, the overall superstructure is built on a phenomenon known as settler-vigilantism where settlers act on behalf of the state, to quell Indigenous resistance. At the center of the bordertown is this phenomenon, and the result is the bordertown becoming more than a place, but an idea. This idea being one that the bordertown arises anywhere settler order is confronted by Indigenous order to paraphrase a line from RNR:BVA. It's the violence the bordertown brings with things like starlight tours (where police in Canada bring Indigenous people who might be intoxicated into the wood to walk miles home during winter, usually dying to exposure) or Indianrolling. Indian is a legal term defining us based on a level of blood quantum, we use this word still as those laws still exist, Indianrolling is when settler vigilantes take it upon themselves to ruthlessly assault or kill Indigenous people in bordertowns or even on our reservations.

The most famous cases relevant to this discussions would be Raymond Yellow Thunder (murdered 1971 prior to the Trail of Broken Treaties, chronology doesn't matter in oral histories, this is written to be an oral history) and Wesley Bad Heart Bull (murdered 1972 prior to the Wounded Knee Occupation).

To go into these important events at the end of this effortpost would cause a disservice and dishonoring of these martyrs. In a time when Palestine is being butchered, I see constantly what happened in the 70s, and settlers here try to downplay the social murder, explicit genocide, and vigilantism (see the West Bank for Palestinian examples where settlers deny ongoing genocide). There is a book called The Death of Raymond Yellow Thunder which is named that because the conclusion is; it wasn’t murder. However, having read the book, his manuscripts, and listened to his cassette interviews which we plan to digitize and release with the help of my nation's college, I do not agree. We will address this in the actual 1973 part, as this is unfortunately the end of our story for now. However please go research this stuff yourself, there are so many sources like Blood of the Land by Rex Weyler, the various biographies of AIM leaders and activists, and so many other resources everyone who organizes in North America should be familiar with- and I would die on that hill gladly. You can find these resources and more in our developing public access library on our linktree, where I will also make the audio files and archive footage I’ve gathered over my 3 year, cross country, investigation of this exact story. A lot of the people we will discuss are family, there is a yearning for truth I have to demystify what is or isn't real, and so I pride myself with being able to openly criticize AIM in a principled way (I have yet to hear someone in the pod sphere actually offer worthwhile criticism beyond the errors of leaders, ya know, like strategy) because I have taken extreme care to meet the people. To hear their story for myself, to gather as much as I possibly can to help the movement advance. I want to see us overcome the great hurdle of American chauvinism, and see the end of settler-colonialism and the global project of Imperialism it helped birth.

The real reason for this post besides more suspense towards the Wounded Knee documentary and actual post, is to talk about our winter fundraiser which the immediate needs have been handled! We were able to get our organizers who deliver and cut the wood a new vehicle after theirs broke down (and 1200 in repairs already this year we fundraised), secure a Uhaul to deliver a ton of wood, pallets, clothes, water barrels, cases of water bottles (water there will give you cancer in 10 years due to Uranium mines runoff, so its only good for washing stuff really. We got it shut down in 2018 but there's been no clean up besides us growing Hemp and Sunflowers) blankets, and whatever else we could gather that could be useful there. We were also able to pay for the cameraman to tag along and document the whole trip, so look forward to that content as it releases overtime. The best way to see these updates first would be our patreon but they take a big cut! So if you dont mind waiting for a public release, liberapay is a much better way to support our efforts directly. Our plan with the money is to enable several organizers to work consistently on our fundraising through other means, and organizing the soft infrastructure to enable a mass org, functional steering cadre, and help grassroots organizers do their thing. We only need 1800/month in order to accomplish this and some peoples allyship is based on whether or not we don’t criticize their favorites; but here at Hexbear and Lemmygrad we seem to have found actual class traitors who see the principled nature of the stances we take. I am sure there is something I forgot to mention but you will hear from us more 2024 and beyond, especially once the 5 year plan is ready for publication.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"x-posted" from https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/62e0ddcf-3213-47d5-8200-c8845ac3faef.png since x-posts don't seem to show up on front pages.

Today we launch the official feed for the Chunka Luta Podcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chunka-luta-network/episodes/Ep-1-New-Directions-e2d11rb/a-aaneqt5 that is replacing the former Bands of Turtle Island pod. BOTI was started to tell the story of AIM, then I got paid to tell that story so why would I keep posting it free if Im posting it free down the line and actually well produced? The last few episodes on the feed will be that story completing a circle I started at 19, and we will start this circle with that same story; the story of Wounded Knee 1973. While documenting this story, somehow I ended up forming an International collective of Decolonial Marxists (MLs to be more correct, as to mean the scientists of Liberation) we have plenty in the pipeline for this podcast so I highly recommend following it and staying up-to-date. You can find all the links at our linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork and find the patreon where you can gain access to content earlier than others, or the liberpay which yknow I can email the content or something early? Idk trying to figure out a work around but they dont take cuts so are urging people support there. On the linktr.ee is also a GFM to help our comrade Juche Gang, or Leaping Larry on Twitch, we already raised 3k before launching the GFM but he still needs help recovering from several storms. Supporting us monthly helps us help Indigenous families like Larry's easier, and enables professional organizing of very successful project so far; so who knows what the future will hold.

The elevator pitch is this: For only 1800 a month we would have 2 full time organizers (paid a stipend of 500 USD/month) and a transcriptionist paid at 2 USD/raw transcription audio minute to the extent their groceries and rent are paid, usually 360-400 USD, and they are always willing to help with admin tasks which has been invaluable behind the scenes this year. The last 400 is for our Media Teams needs, that is $35/month in web hosting, $35/month for a proposed newsletter and zine email thing, $105 for streamyard including taxes (im bad at math though), $100 a month for a constant stream of high quality b-roll, and another $100 for the 1 podcast a month promise we are aiming for, and all extra will be just done by me as time frees up and more of the organization is taken off my shoulders. All extra fund then gained after that go directly into organizing as they have been since restarting the patreon, and this disclaimer is a public accounting of our plans for the money and our current goals. By enable 2 full time organizers you allow another person to pursue the level of organizing capabilities as I have shown is possible over this last year. I will be taking on a second job to supplement the 1100 still needed, but I really hope people recognize how much we have accomplished as a network in a year.

The podcast covers the project briefly, and of course we plan to explain more in a episode coming out next year about everything we accomplished from the 2022 Winter Fundraiser to this current one you can also find at the linktr.ee (the Uhaul part is already paid for so now we are raising for a car, and then a storage container, and then more land to bring into trust and help an elder build a house) theres a lot of moving pieces, and so I am hoping this year in review episode will help explain things better; until then, here I will try to not mess up formatting normally Nikolai helps.

For those unaware the org and year began as I arrived home in the uhaul I raised in response to a devastating blizzard that swept the continent, literally arriving in time to celebrate New Years as we brought my son up to bed. Since then the org has grown to include over a hundred direct organizers, over a thousand associated organizers, and more sympathizers then I care to actually count as I know the number will only grow. In total we estimate around 70k to have been raised and will be hiring an accountant to handle everything that will be posted to the website for public view, bearing in mind the anonymity of individuals and censure of doxxing information. From providing the funds for a traditional ceremony, moving a house for the headsmen of the nation as well as the logs for another home, and are designing a community center we will begin actual construction of next year from which we will build a buffalo prairie to provide food FREELY to the people, and to give them away for ceremony. We will also be building food forests and community gardens to address the food insecurity, and developing a textile mill to process the 40 acres of self seeding hemp already on the land. A lot is happening beyond that but lets wait til things are more presentable before counting our chickens. However til then expect lots of photos and videos, also sorry the website is taking so long we will have update photos soon! Lastly we have a library on our linktr.ee even including the required reading for our organizers and cadre. I look forward to showing you just what we are and that we have a road to follow, thats wide enough for us all to walk to the next world together. We need only build the bridge there, and we have to do it together. As Ngugi Wa'Thiongo says "decolonization is colonizer and colonized..." we must work together to become human again, and it is by landback by which we can reclaim our humanity and dignity

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"x-posted" from @[email protected]

Original twitter thread: https://twitter.com/DecolonialMarx/status/1736248614035272113

There's a lot of misleading things about this presentation; for one only the poorest of people were crossing the plains and Mountains. Instead those who could afford it preferred to sail to Nicaragua and walk across the isthmus, to then sail up to the West Coast. Yes the mountains were tough to pass, but not because they are mountains, but because the easiest paths are controlled by, and tolls are enforce by Indigenous nations across the west. Meaning it was not the Mountains that discouraged them, but instead the idea of following Indigenous laws; i.e. it's a political barrier. This barrier prevents a western expansion preferring instead almost a Roman style, build a fort around your enemy, style of invasion.

Palo Alto was further from the White House than it was from Mexico City. Frémont felt safe massacring unarmed indigenous groups in 1846, but the Anglo settlers were vastly outnumbered, and the tables could turn fast -never mind the European powers and wildcards like Russia and the Chinese. In the West, the United States was out on a limb. What the United States needed was for a bunch of people to go to California and stay there, anchor the territory, and ready it for statehood. The problem was that there were not a whole lot of reasons for settlers to try it. The sea routes around the Cape of Good Hope or down to British Nicaragua and up the West Coast after an overland trek were long, dangerous, and expensive; the Oregon Trail across the continent was even worse. When they got to the California territory, settlers found unsurpassed natural beauty and unbelievable biodiversity, but the pecuniary prospects the only thing that could lure them in large numbers were not all that great at first. There was plenty of land but no one was especially enthusiastic about working it for profit. Indians comprised the vast majority of laborers (as they comprised the vast majority of the population), but their connection to the land always left them an exit if the contracted terms were insufficiently remunerative.

So while people like Leland and William Randolph Hearst's dad fled the eastern side of the Mississippi after ending slavery cut into prophets, it became clear it was very easy to rip people off in California; and anti-slavery laws didn't apply to Indigenous workers who were disregarded as people, so remained a cheap if not free source of labor. A lot of folks then assume the railroad was made to cheapen the costs of traveling to the west, but in reality that was more of a marketing ploy by a group known as the Combine, or 'the Associates' that Leland Stanford would be made a de facto face of, hell he was even made the de facto governor. According to the eugenics science that was pioneered in Stanford University later in Leland's life, he was a great man because of great genetics. In reality it is birth lottery, as is always the case, and a uncanny ability to somehow take credit for everyone else's work making him the best of the capitalists.

He couldn't even pretend to be self made. Even his associates often made jokes about how all of his money is made for him, he doesn't have to do anything. At any rate it was land speculation by which this profit was made, just as George Washington's was made before him, this business was the American dream; the get rich quick scheme. One that practically presents itself to him after squandering the perfect opportunity he had on the Erie Canal. These excerpts come from Palo Alto a must read for movement members today.

After an apprenticeship, he opened his own law office, which suffered from his total lack of German-language proficiency, given that German immigrants formed the bulk of the settler population. A run for district attorney on the progressive Whig line flopped. In 1850 he briefly returned to Albany to marry Jane Lathrop, a merchant's daughter from his hometown milieu. Back in Port Washington, Leland's office burned down, taking with it his law books and legal career, such as it was. Leland's life to that point - he was in his mid-twenties - was a total loss. Despite the cosmic luck of being born alongside the Erie Canal, he'd squandered the little he put together. What he did have left was family, including four surviving brothers. He (scandalously) deposited his new wife back home, and set out to join the rest of the Stanford boys in California. With his family's support, he took the ritziest of the three routes west: a ship down to British-occupied Nicaragua, an overland trek, and another boat up the continent's flank.

Born at the edge of a commercial frontier, Leland was a restless young man, moving from mediocre school to mediocre school, performing in accordance with his surroundings. Leland liked reading more than he liked working, and he didn't like reading all that much. He decided on a career in law, perhaps with a quick transition to politics, a professional path forever beloved by ambitious slackers. A politician needs a good name, and so Leland dropped the biblical Hebrew Amasa, which, fittingly, means "burden." The frontier had lower standards than New York did, so he took the law books his father bought him and in 1848 moved to Port Washington.

Most people didn’t see the value in California 'til after 1848, but those who did saw the same vision the Combine had, and with a very small initial investment of 20k the transcontinental railroad was underway and heavily subsidized to drive the land speculation markets. Because of the rails maneuvering their way into prominence through clever marketing (as it remains cheaper to ship by sea just as it was back then) and began to sell land along the rails to settlers moving across the west.

The next morning the first passenger car passed from the Union Pacific to the Central Pacific tracks, and the inaugural batch of imported tea departed for the East, linking West Coast international trade to the nation’s financial centers via rail. This was more branding than anything else-goods from the East were just as easy to send to New York by boat, especially with the Suez Canal up and running-but the settler nation celebrated nonetheless.

In 1862 is when this happened, and this disregard (or most likely contempt) for Indigenous nations was an obvious underpinning of a long standing California and American history, of working class people organizing genocide campaigns for low wages and poor compensation. By 1866 the wanton murder and economic turmoil brought by the railroads, and the mining oligarchs funding them, are similar to the oil man camp issues we see today. Destruction of land, stealing of resources, rape and murder of women, children and elders; would lead to Red Cloud’s War and the 1868 Treaty of Ft. Laramie which established our nation on the basis of the Missouri and Montana River’s watershed. This was done by extensive multi-year survey but to this day we have Lakota people who are Asian because of Chinese workers who fled to our communities after being sold to white trading posts by their family if debt got to high. A sad reality, but one people forget when they think Indigenous is a race, and that you can homogenize all of us.

It was only the year before the treaty was signed, that Marx wrote his famous Das Kapital, meanwhile the Oceti Sakowin had won a war and wrote the treaty demanding communal ownership of land, continued self-determination, continue denial of the use of the money form in our economy, infrastructure like blacksmiths to create pig iron, and so much more it is no wonder our later leaders like Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull presented a People’s War. Their guerilla tactics being as well studied as anything Che did.

In reality the railroads primary purpose was the destruction of the Plains nations, this railroad wasn’t economically useful UNTIL the genocide and displacement of our nations. This is most exemplified by the fact the 60 million strong continent traversing herd was split by these rail roads, and a Army sponsored campaign (whose motto was ‘one dead buffalo is a dead Indian’) that provided bullets and guns to wantonly murder buffalo to ease the boredom on passenger trains. This is also the history the term ‘removed’ comes from where buffalo hides were valued at the same price as our scalps and were interchangeable, again because ‘one dead buffalo is a dead Indian’.

This railroad was the long standing dream of Indian killers that founded the US, so it should be no surprised when someone like Grant Shows us perfectly the extent that liberalism would never have been enough even if reconstruction went perfectly; and perhaps the words of Harvard fellows and graduates shouldn’t be as valued as they are by Marxists (looking Cornel West as well as pre-Marxist Du Bois being cited by ‘patsocs’ to deny Indigenous sovereignty, or famous NDNs who had fellowships there and now love to let billionaires and actors tokenize them without standing up) This is to say genocide is normal in liberalism and waiting for genocide to begin calling liberalism fascism, misses an important fact, that MANIFEST DESTINY INSPIRED ZIONISM, FASCISM, NAZISM and whatever else you want to call it; America is its origins. So anyway the mountains in the way were the people, the people of the Oceti Sakowin resisting class society being forced on them after already overcoming these contradictions multiple times before.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/3005738

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/1336560

From comrade Sungmanitu:

Last thread we dispelled some major misconceptions of Indigenous people and the founding of America, but what about Western Expansion? How much do you honestly know as a historical materialist? One of the most common misnomers I hear in educating people is “why should we care about something that happened hundreds and hundreds of years ago?” Capital was written 1867, the same time we signed our first treaty. When I say we I do not mean some homogenized conception of Indigenous people, but rather I am speaking specifically about the Oceti Sakowin and the ending of Mahpiya Luta’s (Red Cloud’s) War. Classically the story goes that as the US moved westward they conquered and erased nations in their wake, a seemingly unstoppable machine of capitalist expansion. In reality, the US lost many wars and only won the ones they started by surprise. In our classic conception of manifest destiny, we assume a wave of red, white and blue moving across the continent. In reality the situation was far more complex than what Marx simplified in Capital, and reality shows that the US and Canada (although wanting to) could not move across as a wave due to the level of military and political cohesion among Indigenous nations of the plains.

Instead what we actually see is the coasts be settled first (with some Mexican and Spanish settling occurring in the SW and West Coast, but it's not until the Anglos that we see the full extent of settler barbarity against an “other”- even other settler populations that weren’t Anglo) while the California gold rush starts in 1848, the Trail of Tears had been going on since 1830 and wouldn’t end until 1850. The land was not yet settled and they already were in such precarious positions they sought land across the continent, and worse through the plains. The Oregon trail of course is how we imagine everyone moving west, and that is certainly how worse off settlers would be, the reality showed most people preferred to safely sail to Mexico, walk across, and then sail to California or Vancouver (See Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris for more details).

Famously the “mighty Sioux” as Thomas Jefferson described us, exacted tolls and were expert scouts. Those “sioux” (a Anishinaabe slur adopted by the French) are us, the Oceti Sakowin, and when Louis and Clark set out westward they were told to make sure to become our friends. Instead they chose to try and avoid the toll, only to be caught a few days into our territory. Since then we watched and enacted our toll, and enacted our justice when it was avoided, against settlers passing through. The only issue is nobody who went west ever came back the same way. Muhpiya Luta saw that we were being surrounded, and so he went to the Big White Mountains where the mouths of the Missouri and Montana Rivers. There while they camped they had council and made the decision to make a long journey to pray on what needed to be done. They then went on to follow the watershed of these rivers deeply understanding the bioregion, only we had no way of explaining the science behind these decisions then. They crossed to the south side of the Platte River and followed it east to what is now Council Bluffs in Omaha, and crossed at the trading post that was there to the East River which is a small creek compared to all these others. There is where they began to complete their circle, following the watershed back to the headwaters, and when they arrived back they knew we must go to war.

The Civil War had only ended 2 years prior, and the US would seek to reunite North and South (and incorporate freedmen) by genociding Natives and giving people more “living space” or “living room” to solve tensions and economic hardship. This was also a large driver (as well as the economic turmoil leading up to the Civil War) in the move all the way to California, but some brave patriots would take up the call to fight in the Indian Wars. We get the famous Buffalo Soldiers from this era, and from there a slew of contradictions we face today wrt anti-blackness in Indigenous communities. By 1868 instead of being conquered and forced to sign a treaty as the common myth goes; Grant who was now president would urge the Army to make peace and “give the Indians whatever they want” so we won and wrote the treaty. This is why our oral histories to this day hold up as legal arguments in court, and why the US would renege on the treaty, it was a symbol of how badly they lost. This is our famous Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, and with this treaty the watershed was turned into the Great Sioux Reservation, cutting us off from our siblings on Canada’s side of the line. This of course isn't the first misconception of the treaty settlers tend to have, another is clearly seen by assuming its about only land, which I have demonstrated the selection of land was based on the watershed of two rivers. This wasn’t just some arbitrarily chosen land, but an entire bioregion, and we can see that by the treaty’s stipulation that the border extended to the far side of the River where the tide rises. Along with this very specific border, this was not just a treaty between the US Nation and Oceti Sakowin Oyate (our concept of Nation), but we negotiated on behalf of the other-than-human nations on this bioregion. Most specifically, the buffalo.

Because of this close bond with other-than-human life, there have been a plethora of racist policies enacted against various nations, as well as vigilante actions. In Canada the federal government began relocation of bears to Indigenous land because “we thought you were kin”, and unfortunately they were lying, and in fact that they were being allies. Another example is the infamous “one dead buffalo, is a dead Indian” folklore, that resulted in the transcontinental railroad selling bullets to passengers to wantonly massacre Buffalo. Along with systemic ecocide campaigns, the term ecocide has always been synonymous with the murder of Indigenous peoples and cultures. My favorite is during the 1965 ‘Fish-ins' in the Pacific Northwest, ‘Back to the Land’ liberals and socialists counter protest with signs saying ‘save the fish, spear an Indian’ a slogan paraphrase around the Termination period of the Menominee nation. The only difference was these were conservative “rednecks”, whose bumpers read “save a deer, shoot an Indian” one fact remained the same however- settlers wanted Indians gone.

This fact was well known, the federal government had been powerless to stop settlers from organically organizing themselves into militias, and lynch mobs to kill Indigenous and Black folks. To this day Indian rolling remains a popular pastime in reservation border towns (see Red Nation Rising for more details), but we will return to this idea. In the treaty the US insisted on building first around the territory to assure whites would not enter, and illegally extract resources. This lofty goal was admirable of Grant, as should be expected for a champion of reconstruction, but like all well-meaning liberals- admirable goals of the bourgeoisie does not appeal to an emerging settler-worker. Settler-workers had only one way to achieve success, steal the land and money of those less fortunate, or even just less than you. In a white supremacist society it is easy to find your targets, especially with helpful charts race scientists had made by then. So for white workers in the plains they set their sights on finding gold somewhere closer than California, and folks like John Gordon, would be remembered and revered by their fellow workers for leading them illegally past the forts into Indigenous territory.

This is where the bordertown Gordon Nebraska gets its name, another detail we must remember for later, but it is this citizen organizing themselves to break the treaty without the aid of the federal government that leads to the conclusion that it is not enough to be a worker when claiming to want to liberate all. You must demonstrate an actual desire to liberate all peoples, and not just stop when your life has marginal gains. This lesson we did not learn from the communist movement, but instead we learned it from our own mistakes.

Muhpiya Luta’s War was filled with many atrocities, and so Oceti Sakowin on the Great Sioux reservation were happy to be at peace and have their own nation. What they did not realize was this was a prison disguised as what we wanted. We became an island nation suddenly, only there were no vast oceans. Horses were our vessels, the stars our GPS, and we knew the land better. Because settlers kept illegally entering our lands, the US military eventually decided they were no longer going to uphold the treaty, and congress decided in 1871 they would no longer deal directly with the Great Sioux, but instead introduced the Indian agents. These agents would become the Bureau of Indian Affairs when the department of War becomes the Department of Interior, and Indians to this day would be managed as national parks and wild game is. From there slowly one aspect of the treaty after another was repealed, and when Col George A Custer announced there was gold in the Black Hills officially, a renewed interest in war with the Oceti Sakowin was ignited. The Black Hills War is what it has become known as today, and it is this war where we find the infamous Tasunka Witiko (Crazy Horse) and Tatanka Iyotake (Bull Bison who sits on hindlegs, or Sitting Bull). Tatanka Iyotake was Hunkpapa Lakota, Tasunka Witiko was Oglala Lakota, and they led the radical faction to war by 1976 after a failed summit the previous year with more moderate chiefs (these chiefs would refuse to join the war still). Because these chiefs lacked the foresight to see the word of the wasicu would not be kept, we stopped at only liberating ourselves. It is by embracing the liberation of the Arapho, Cheyenne and others that Tatanka Iyotake was able to bring together a large coalition of bands by the Battle at Greasy Grass (Little Bighorn), and Custers folly would be realized as thousands of warriors road into put an end to the genocidaire.

For his defeat he was granted the rank of General, and now another myth has entered the American psyche, Custer’s Last Stand. The strategy would severely target women and children from that point onward (more than they already were) and after the slaughter of women, children and elders in obscene ways (like using infants as skeets for target practice) peace would be made and the railroad companies interests would continue to dominate, despite overseas shipping being cheaper than ever investing in the transcontinental- but that sure was a great ad campaign. Eventually the Great Sioux would lose its portions in Montana being and Nebraska being reduced to only the Dakotas, until the General Allotment Act of 1887 which helped divide us further into the reservations we see today. The first to be assassinated was Crazy Horse and it was by another Indian working for the BIA on Pine Ridge, my family is rode in his band, then they went after Sitting Bull (by this time that was actually his name as he gets it while running from the calvary in Blackfoot territory in Canada) when that new reached the Mniconjou chief Unphan Gleske (Spotted Elk) who was Tatanka Iyotake’s half-brother, they sought refuge with Red Cloud at Pine Ridge knowing he was one of the last leaders of the Black Hills War.

This wasn’t the only factor at play, but it's an undeniable one, the other two critical elements we must be aware of in telling this history are: the Ghost Dance Movement, and yellow-journalism of a young William Randolph Hearst.

For those unaware of the Ghost Dance Movement, it was a spiritual pan-Indian movement started by a Paiute man named Wovoka who had a vision that stemmed from an earlier vision that his father presumably taught him. This vision was about a violent end to the wasicu’s world, and a return to an Indigenous way of life, but this wasn’t some decolonial movement. It was instead a cultural reaction movement that was the result of the church’s influence on Indigenous communities, and although it dreamed of a future without oppression, it did so through idealized means of a Messiah figure. The Ghost Dance told this history and vision, and was easily adapted into nations beliefs across the US despite Wovoka never leaving his home in Nevada, but much like Marxism, each nation would develop it for their conditions and incorporate it with their other beliefs. By the time the Ghost Dance came around the Lakota people had already had many visions in much the same way, but there was no Messiah who would save us. It is instead the Oyate, the people, who must save themselves. The Ghost Dance particularly focused on the removal of white people from the land, some suggested divine intervention as if judgment day would take away the Christians leaving us heathens to enjoy our lives. The Lakota took our other visions from our leaders like Tatanka Iyotake, Tasunka Witiko, etc and we identified our enemy as the Indian agents. With an increase in hostilities, the US banned the movement and began repressing it along with other things like Sundances. This emergent liberation theology is the primary reason the 1890 massacre happened, but the lesser part of the story is the notorious anti-communist and nazi sympathizer, and media mogul; Hearst.

The Hearst name lasts into this century, and is because of specifically Williams yellow journalism, that helped expand the US empire. Most famously he is remembered for his reporting on Spanish occupation of Cuba, the issues were of course not the practical slavery, colonial violence, or anything real frankly. Instead much like our reactionaries today, he invented fake issues from real contradictions. One of the most offensive was the report of Spanish soldiers molesting Anglo women during inspections of boats, but there were also claims of feeding people to sharks and more. Before Bernays, we had Hearst. Through this journalism the drumbeat of war became louder, and because he was friends with the likes of Teddy Roosevelt (at the time the assistant secretary to the Navy) and the larger ruling class that craved a trans-oceanic Empire instead of one confined to the continent.

So when Teddy’s boss went on a trip leaving him in charge of operations, the USS Maine was stationed in Guantanamo Bay (before the US leased it), and ordered a fleet to begin sailing to the Philippines where the US was funding guerilla’s to destabilize Spanish holdings in the region. All of this without anyone’s approval but his own, as they were conspiring to manufacture consent for the war. The USS Maine caught fire and was blamed on Spain, historians suggest it was actually an engine fire, I suggest it was purposely destroyed to push the goals of the Empire. We get the War and America becomes a global power, betraying Cuban and Filipino “allies” who were really only pawns. This they accomplished with laws dictating the US has final say over decisions in Cuba, and by BUYING the Philippines from under the revolutionaries feet who they used for cannon fodder, as they shelled from warships. Once again this is a longer story for another time, but what I want to stress is this was not the first time Hearst fueled murder to undermine liberation of colonized peoples, nor would it be the last. After the fall of Custer, the General Allotment Act, and around when the Ghost Dance Movement reached the Lakota, we had already mentioned the lust for gold that made the wasicu lose more humanity. The people reporting this to the nation were capitalists like Hearst, who knew the foot soldiers for their accumulation were settlers breaking the law. However it wasn’t enough to have settlers move in, as the goal was to start another war, and take the rest of the land in my educated opinion. Most people are not well educated on the Hearst’s and so we limit our understanding to only the media campaigns that helped build the Imperial order. How many would argue this is an over prescription? But no, when you realize where Moribund capitalism crystalizes, Palo Alto, we have to ask what are the social and material conditions the San Francisco born William Randolph would be shaped by.

This is when all of our stories meet together, the book An American Genocide by Benjamin Hadley was covered by the Citations Needed podcast, highlighting just how common and blaise genocide apologia and support has been in the United States, but focuses on California. Similarly Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris (discussed only briefly really on Upstream podcast) lays out the policies in California, and frankly the crystallization of the banking cartel Lenin imagined, that inclined working class settlers toward organizing militias to kill Indians, of course at the behest of budding industrial titans that lay the folklore for the silicon valley geniuses like Elon Musk and companies like Apple, Bank of America, and much more. One of these budding capitalists was George Hearst, born in Missouri, found his way to California at the start of the Civil War. In Missouri he was already known for prospecting and land surveying, and brought those skills to California where he would become a gold mine owner (he would not do the mining himself of course, just owned the land he let people work) and ranch owner. If you can’t see the easily applicable theme here to the Black Hills, but gold and ranches were the original reason our land was stolen; the oil and uranium discoveries came later. This placed Hearst not only as a part of a family invested in the dispossession of natives from their land, but made his reporting on mining to encourage illegal excursion, as more of a favor to his father’s business instead of some pursuit of reporting the news (an exploration of Hearst’s reporting to come later on the Chunka Luta Podcast). This is of course because like most nepo babies, William’s dad gave him the job after acquiring the San Francisco Examiner. One of the most fascinating aspects of this dialectical relationship comes from the Hooverism that fueled Hearst’s anti-communism, and we would see some of the first examples of red coating happen when he suggest Lakota were all communists (a line we would here nearly a century later at the re-occupation of Wounded Knee) and reported on an ever looming threat on western civilization from a possible national liberation movement. A story as old as time really.

This increased the number of calvary members in the area, many young who had been propagandized by the latest myth of Custer’s Last Stand, and of course many of whom were rebuilding the US through the time tested tactic of Indian genocide. So we return to the band of Mniconjou fleeing Cheyenne River Reservation to Pine Ridge Reservation. This trail is memorialized today as BIA 27- The Chief Bigfoot Memorial Highway, or Bigfoot Trail. This is also the road the organization's land is on. It was the end of December, and considering it was only last year we saw dozens of people freeze to death, that spurred the need for this organization to exist; it comes to no surprise the conditions they fled in were dire. When discussing this topic it takes a great deal of tact, and you should learn about it so you don't post pictures of the mass grave to score clout points or whatever possesses people to ignore the wishes of the survivors and their children and grandchildren who survive them.Politics of Hallowed Ground is where you should begin, but needless to say we will only be brief. The trail took them through the Badlands which to this day are still bad. Jokes aside, Unphan Gleska (Chief Bigfoot) was walking in his too small shoes and caught pneumonia along the trail, succumbing to it before they reached Pine Ridge. The group continued on to the Agency, but before they arrived the calvary intercepted them and brought them to Wounded Knee Creek.

Separating the men from the women, they confiscated the guns and destroyed them, and while camped under a peace flag; they began to dance. Wovoka by the band Redbone captures the feeling a bit as to why, and their song We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee tells the story. I highly recommend you listen to it before we continue. Ghost Dances are very sacred and very serious affairs, people have died continuing them to this day, but the dance simply requires special shirts, a round dance, and tossing dirt into the air. A symbolic gesture, a living history, call it what you will; it wasn’t threatening in the immediate. Nonetheless the reason the shooting started has many claims, some say it must have been one of the men when they confiscated the guns and hid one, some place the massacres start at the confiscation. In reality it was obviously the people who still had the guns. This would be the equivalent of claiming the group you control their access to food, water, medicine, and access to the outside world are at fault for retaliating after the kidnapping of countless children is at fault for resisting your oppression.

Even if we did fire first, the resulting battle (as the government framed it) was certainly an overreaction to what could've been at most one gun- we do see this same tactic again last century during Yellow Thunder Camp led by Russell Means, and again only last decade during the #NoDAPL protests arresting a close family friend through a honey trap (Red Fawn). Instead we call it what it is, a massacre of mostyle women, children, and elderly. There are plenty of accounts of the aftermath you can find elsewhere, but one of the most gruesome scenes is described by my ancestor Tasunka Wasicu (American Horse).

“...When the firing began, of course the people who were standing immediately around the young man who fired the first shot were killed right together, and then they turned their guns, Hotchkill guns, etc., upon the women who were in the lodges standing there under a flag of truce, and of course as soon as they were fired upon they fled, the men fleeing in one direction and the women running in two different directions. So that there were three general directions in which they took flight.

There was a woman with an infant in her arms who was killed as she almost touched the flag of truce, and the women and children of course were strewn all along the circular village until they were dispatched. Right near the flag of truce a mother was shot down with her infant; the child not knowing that its mother was dead was still nursing, and that especially was a very sad sight. The women as they were fleeing with their babes were killed together, shot right through, and the women who were very heavy with child were also killed. All the Indians fled in these three directions, and after most all of them had been killed a cry was made that all those who were not killed wounded should come forth and they would be safe. Little boys who were not wounded came out of their places of refuge, and as soon as they came in sight a number of soldiers surrounded them and butchered them there…”

That very child lived a long time, and many of our leaders today knew her very well. At this time the official history I came to tell, but history doesn’t stop after the moment an event happens. Instead there is a great deal of blowback. Of course the podcast won’t do a season about Wounded Knee, so we will be discussing the blowback on an audio documentary I have been writing for the last 3 years, this piece will be a podcast episode as well, but I wanted to focus on the long history leading up to the massacre as that’s what this anniversary is about. The assassination of our leaders that our org and movement was born from, and the long road it took to get there. If you remember the last effort post was about the real Thanksgiving story, well now we see where that eventually led. There is plenty to the story we have left out, but I think you can see a beautiful mosaic I hope to create to tell the real history here.

The next post will cover the conditions between 1890 and 1973 on Pine Ridge, and settle on the Wounded Knee Occupation History which by that time our audio documentary series should be releasing. The best way to stay informed on its release and to here it early would be the patreon found on linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork but I understand a lot of people here prefer https://liberapay.com/ChunkaLutaNetwork/ which I dont understand well enough, so if you have ideas how to keep ya’ll better informed. Part of my goals next year is to become more active in this space and lemmygrad, but obviously the real life stuff and mainstream social media take up so much time. We do have several organizers engaging here, but we all have lives y’know? When our website launches we will announce on all our social medias, but the public podcast finally launches the 20th, and early releases again will be on the patreon so listening there or the Marx Madness podcast will probably be the quickest ways to hear from us, besides patreon AND Marx Madness is free and educational. So why another post? Well this really about the harshness of winter and our genocide, that continues today both by gun, and through social murder. We are also doing a Winter Drive to help keep folks alive until we can start establishing more permanent changes to ease the struggle there. This would be things like poplar trees for pollarding, preparing dry material in the summer into heating bricks that will help start fires easier but also supplement the wood usage, and of course gather a larger stockpile this year. https://www.gofundme.com/f/deliver-wood-coats-supplies-to-pine-ridge it will only take 4-5k to send 2 organizers in a Uhaul to pick up the gathered supplies and bring it to the reservation. It will take several days so lodging will need to be paid for, gas, and food. A large portion of that (2k) is for more agitprop and paying the camera guy. Plus extra money to support our organizers family as they usually are the childcare, so without them their partner cant work unless they can afford childcare while one of the parents are gone therefore not losing a week of income.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/1336560

From comrade Sungmanitu:

Last thread we dispelled some major misconceptions of Indigenous people and the founding of America, but what about Western Expansion? How much do you honestly know as a historical materialist? One of the most common misnomers I hear in educating people is “why should we care about something that happened hundreds and hundreds of years ago?” Capital was written 1867, the same time we signed our first treaty. When I say we I do not mean some homogenized conception of Indigenous people, but rather I am speaking specifically about the Oceti Sakowin and the ending of Mahpiya Luta’s (Red Cloud’s) War. Classically the story goes that as the US moved westward they conquered and erased nations in their wake, a seemingly unstoppable machine of capitalist expansion. In reality, the US lost many wars and only won the ones they started by surprise. In our classic conception of manifest destiny, we assume a wave of red, white and blue moving across the continent. In reality the situation was far more complex than what Marx simplified in Capital, and reality shows that the US and Canada (although wanting to) could not move across as a wave due to the level of military and political cohesion among Indigenous nations of the plains.

Instead what we actually see is the coasts be settled first (with some Mexican and Spanish settling occurring in the SW and West Coast, but it's not until the Anglos that we see the full extent of settler barbarity against an “other”- even other settler populations that weren’t Anglo) while the California gold rush starts in 1848, the Trail of Tears had been going on since 1830 and wouldn’t end until 1850. The land was not yet settled and they already were in such precarious positions they sought land across the continent, and worse through the plains. The Oregon trail of course is how we imagine everyone moving west, and that is certainly how worse off settlers would be, the reality showed most people preferred to safely sail to Mexico, walk across, and then sail to California or Vancouver (See Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris for more details).

Famously the “mighty Sioux” as Thomas Jefferson described us, exacted tolls and were expert scouts. Those “sioux” (a Anishinaabe slur adopted by the French) are us, the Oceti Sakowin, and when Louis and Clark set out westward they were told to make sure to become our friends. Instead they chose to try and avoid the toll, only to be caught a few days into our territory. Since then we watched and enacted our toll, and enacted our justice when it was avoided, against settlers passing through. The only issue is nobody who went west ever came back the same way. Muhpiya Luta saw that we were being surrounded, and so he went to the Big White Mountains where the mouths of the Missouri and Montana Rivers. There while they camped they had council and made the decision to make a long journey to pray on what needed to be done. They then went on to follow the watershed of these rivers deeply understanding the bioregion, only we had no way of explaining the science behind these decisions then. They crossed to the south side of the Platte River and followed it east to what is now Council Bluffs in Omaha, and crossed at the trading post that was there to the East River which is a small creek compared to all these others. There is where they began to complete their circle, following the watershed back to the headwaters, and when they arrived back they knew we must go to war.

The Civil War had only ended 2 years prior, and the US would seek to reunite North and South (and incorporate freedmen) by genociding Natives and giving people more “living space” or “living room” to solve tensions and economic hardship. This was also a large driver (as well as the economic turmoil leading up to the Civil War) in the move all the way to California, but some brave patriots would take up the call to fight in the Indian Wars. We get the famous Buffalo Soldiers from this era, and from there a slew of contradictions we face today wrt anti-blackness in Indigenous communities. By 1868 instead of being conquered and forced to sign a treaty as the common myth goes; Grant who was now president would urge the Army to make peace and “give the Indians whatever they want” so we won and wrote the treaty. This is why our oral histories to this day hold up as legal arguments in court, and why the US would renege on the treaty, it was a symbol of how badly they lost. This is our famous Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, and with this treaty the watershed was turned into the Great Sioux Reservation, cutting us off from our siblings on Canada’s side of the line. This of course isn't the first misconception of the treaty settlers tend to have, another is clearly seen by assuming its about only land, which I have demonstrated the selection of land was based on the watershed of two rivers. This wasn’t just some arbitrarily chosen land, but an entire bioregion, and we can see that by the treaty’s stipulation that the border extended to the far side of the River where the tide rises. Along with this very specific border, this was not just a treaty between the US Nation and Oceti Sakowin Oyate (our concept of Nation), but we negotiated on behalf of the other-than-human nations on this bioregion. Most specifically, the buffalo.

Because of this close bond with other-than-human life, there have been a plethora of racist policies enacted against various nations, as well as vigilante actions. In Canada the federal government began relocation of bears to Indigenous land because “we thought you were kin”, and unfortunately they were lying, and in fact that they were being allies. Another example is the infamous “one dead buffalo, is a dead Indian” folklore, that resulted in the transcontinental railroad selling bullets to passengers to wantonly massacre Buffalo. Along with systemic ecocide campaigns, the term ecocide has always been synonymous with the murder of Indigenous peoples and cultures. My favorite is during the 1965 ‘Fish-ins' in the Pacific Northwest, ‘Back to the Land’ liberals and socialists counter protest with signs saying ‘save the fish, spear an Indian’ a slogan paraphrase around the Termination period of the Menominee nation. The only difference was these were conservative “rednecks”, whose bumpers read “save a deer, shoot an Indian” one fact remained the same however- settlers wanted Indians gone.

This fact was well known, the federal government had been powerless to stop settlers from organically organizing themselves into militias, and lynch mobs to kill Indigenous and Black folks. To this day Indian rolling remains a popular pastime in reservation border towns (see Red Nation Rising for more details), but we will return to this idea. In the treaty the US insisted on building first around the territory to assure whites would not enter, and illegally extract resources. This lofty goal was admirable of Grant, as should be expected for a champion of reconstruction, but like all well-meaning liberals- admirable goals of the bourgeoisie does not appeal to an emerging settler-worker. Settler-workers had only one way to achieve success, steal the land and money of those less fortunate, or even just less than you. In a white supremacist society it is easy to find your targets, especially with helpful charts race scientists had made by then. So for white workers in the plains they set their sights on finding gold somewhere closer than California, and folks like John Gordon, would be remembered and revered by their fellow workers for leading them illegally past the forts into Indigenous territory.

This is where the bordertown Gordon Nebraska gets its name, another detail we must remember for later, but it is this citizen organizing themselves to break the treaty without the aid of the federal government that leads to the conclusion that it is not enough to be a worker when claiming to want to liberate all. You must demonstrate an actual desire to liberate all peoples, and not just stop when your life has marginal gains. This lesson we did not learn from the communist movement, but instead we learned it from our own mistakes.

Muhpiya Luta’s War was filled with many atrocities, and so Oceti Sakowin on the Great Sioux reservation were happy to be at peace and have their own nation. What they did not realize was this was a prison disguised as what we wanted. We became an island nation suddenly, only there were no vast oceans. Horses were our vessels, the stars our GPS, and we knew the land better. Because settlers kept illegally entering our lands, the US military eventually decided they were no longer going to uphold the treaty, and congress decided in 1871 they would no longer deal directly with the Great Sioux, but instead introduced the Indian agents. These agents would become the Bureau of Indian Affairs when the department of War becomes the Department of Interior, and Indians to this day would be managed as national parks and wild game is. From there slowly one aspect of the treaty after another was repealed, and when Col George A Custer announced there was gold in the Black Hills officially, a renewed interest in war with the Oceti Sakowin was ignited. The Black Hills War is what it has become known as today, and it is this war where we find the infamous Tasunka Witiko (Crazy Horse) and Tatanka Iyotake (Bull Bison who sits on hindlegs, or Sitting Bull). Tatanka Iyotake was Hunkpapa Lakota, Tasunka Witiko was Oglala Lakota, and they led the radical faction to war by 1976 after a failed summit the previous year with more moderate chiefs (these chiefs would refuse to join the war still). Because these chiefs lacked the foresight to see the word of the wasicu would not be kept, we stopped at only liberating ourselves. It is by embracing the liberation of the Arapho, Cheyenne and others that Tatanka Iyotake was able to bring together a large coalition of bands by the Battle at Greasy Grass (Little Bighorn), and Custers folly would be realized as thousands of warriors road into put an end to the genocidaire.

For his defeat he was granted the rank of General, and now another myth has entered the American psyche, Custer’s Last Stand. The strategy would severely target women and children from that point onward (more than they already were) and after the slaughter of women, children and elders in obscene ways (like using infants as skeets for target practice) peace would be made and the railroad companies interests would continue to dominate, despite overseas shipping being cheaper than ever investing in the transcontinental- but that sure was a great ad campaign. Eventually the Great Sioux would lose its portions in Montana being and Nebraska being reduced to only the Dakotas, until the General Allotment Act of 1887 which helped divide us further into the reservations we see today. The first to be assassinated was Crazy Horse and it was by another Indian working for the BIA on Pine Ridge, my family is rode in his band, then they went after Sitting Bull (by this time that was actually his name as he gets it while running from the calvary in Blackfoot territory in Canada) when that new reached the Mniconjou chief Unphan Gleske (Spotted Elk) who was Tatanka Iyotake’s half-brother, they sought refuge with Red Cloud at Pine Ridge knowing he was one of the last leaders of the Black Hills War.

This wasn’t the only factor at play, but it's an undeniable one, the other two critical elements we must be aware of in telling this history are: the Ghost Dance Movement, and yellow-journalism of a young William Randolph Hearst.

For those unaware of the Ghost Dance Movement, it was a spiritual pan-Indian movement started by a Paiute man named Wovoka who had a vision that stemmed from an earlier vision that his father presumably taught him. This vision was about a violent end to the wasicu’s world, and a return to an Indigenous way of life, but this wasn’t some decolonial movement. It was instead a cultural reaction movement that was the result of the church’s influence on Indigenous communities, and although it dreamed of a future without oppression, it did so through idealized means of a Messiah figure. The Ghost Dance told this history and vision, and was easily adapted into nations beliefs across the US despite Wovoka never leaving his home in Nevada, but much like Marxism, each nation would develop it for their conditions and incorporate it with their other beliefs. By the time the Ghost Dance came around the Lakota people had already had many visions in much the same way, but there was no Messiah who would save us. It is instead the Oyate, the people, who must save themselves. The Ghost Dance particularly focused on the removal of white people from the land, some suggested divine intervention as if judgment day would take away the Christians leaving us heathens to enjoy our lives. The Lakota took our other visions from our leaders like Tatanka Iyotake, Tasunka Witiko, etc and we identified our enemy as the Indian agents. With an increase in hostilities, the US banned the movement and began repressing it along with other things like Sundances. This emergent liberation theology is the primary reason the 1890 massacre happened, but the lesser part of the story is the notorious anti-communist and nazi sympathizer, and media mogul; Hearst.

The Hearst name lasts into this century, and is because of specifically Williams yellow journalism, that helped expand the US empire. Most famously he is remembered for his reporting on Spanish occupation of Cuba, the issues were of course not the practical slavery, colonial violence, or anything real frankly. Instead much like our reactionaries today, he invented fake issues from real contradictions. One of the most offensive was the report of Spanish soldiers molesting Anglo women during inspections of boats, but there were also claims of feeding people to sharks and more. Before Bernays, we had Hearst. Through this journalism the drumbeat of war became louder, and because he was friends with the likes of Teddy Roosevelt (at the time the assistant secretary to the Navy) and the larger ruling class that craved a trans-oceanic Empire instead of one confined to the continent.

So when Teddy’s boss went on a trip leaving him in charge of operations, the USS Maine was stationed in Guantanamo Bay (before the US leased it), and ordered a fleet to begin sailing to the Philippines where the US was funding guerilla’s to destabilize Spanish holdings in the region. All of this without anyone’s approval but his own, as they were conspiring to manufacture consent for the war. The USS Maine caught fire and was blamed on Spain, historians suggest it was actually an engine fire, I suggest it was purposely destroyed to push the goals of the Empire. We get the War and America becomes a global power, betraying Cuban and Filipino “allies” who were really only pawns. This they accomplished with laws dictating the US has final say over decisions in Cuba, and by BUYING the Philippines from under the revolutionaries feet who they used for cannon fodder, as they shelled from warships. Once again this is a longer story for another time, but what I want to stress is this was not the first time Hearst fueled murder to undermine liberation of colonized peoples, nor would it be the last. After the fall of Custer, the General Allotment Act, and around when the Ghost Dance Movement reached the Lakota, we had already mentioned the lust for gold that made the wasicu lose more humanity. The people reporting this to the nation were capitalists like Hearst, who knew the foot soldiers for their accumulation were settlers breaking the law. However it wasn’t enough to have settlers move in, as the goal was to start another war, and take the rest of the land in my educated opinion. Most people are not well educated on the Hearst’s and so we limit our understanding to only the media campaigns that helped build the Imperial order. How many would argue this is an over prescription? But no, when you realize where Moribund capitalism crystalizes, Palo Alto, we have to ask what are the social and material conditions the San Francisco born William Randolph would be shaped by.

This is when all of our stories meet together, the book An American Genocide by Benjamin Hadley was covered by the Citations Needed podcast, highlighting just how common and blaise genocide apologia and support has been in the United States, but focuses on California. Similarly Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris (discussed only briefly really on Upstream podcast) lays out the policies in California, and frankly the crystallization of the banking cartel Lenin imagined, that inclined working class settlers toward organizing militias to kill Indians, of course at the behest of budding industrial titans that lay the folklore for the silicon valley geniuses like Elon Musk and companies like Apple, Bank of America, and much more. One of these budding capitalists was George Hearst, born in Missouri, found his way to California at the start of the Civil War. In Missouri he was already known for prospecting and land surveying, and brought those skills to California where he would become a gold mine owner (he would not do the mining himself of course, just owned the land he let people work) and ranch owner. If you can’t see the easily applicable theme here to the Black Hills, but gold and ranches were the original reason our land was stolen; the oil and uranium discoveries came later. This placed Hearst not only as a part of a family invested in the dispossession of natives from their land, but made his reporting on mining to encourage illegal excursion, as more of a favor to his father’s business instead of some pursuit of reporting the news (an exploration of Hearst’s reporting to come later on the Chunka Luta Podcast). This is of course because like most nepo babies, William’s dad gave him the job after acquiring the San Francisco Examiner. One of the most fascinating aspects of this dialectical relationship comes from the Hooverism that fueled Hearst’s anti-communism, and we would see some of the first examples of red coating happen when he suggest Lakota were all communists (a line we would here nearly a century later at the re-occupation of Wounded Knee) and reported on an ever looming threat on western civilization from a possible national liberation movement. A story as old as time really.

This increased the number of calvary members in the area, many young who had been propagandized by the latest myth of Custer’s Last Stand, and of course many of whom were rebuilding the US through the time tested tactic of Indian genocide. So we return to the band of Mniconjou fleeing Cheyenne River Reservation to Pine Ridge Reservation. This trail is memorialized today as BIA 27- The Chief Bigfoot Memorial Highway, or Bigfoot Trail. This is also the road the organization's land is on. It was the end of December, and considering it was only last year we saw dozens of people freeze to death, that spurred the need for this organization to exist; it comes to no surprise the conditions they fled in were dire. When discussing this topic it takes a great deal of tact, and you should learn about it so you don't post pictures of the mass grave to score clout points or whatever possesses people to ignore the wishes of the survivors and their children and grandchildren who survive them.Politics of Hallowed Ground is where you should begin, but needless to say we will only be brief. The trail took them through the Badlands which to this day are still bad. Jokes aside, Unphan Gleska (Chief Bigfoot) was walking in his too small shoes and caught pneumonia along the trail, succumbing to it before they reached Pine Ridge. The group continued on to the Agency, but before they arrived the calvary intercepted them and brought them to Wounded Knee Creek.

Separating the men from the women, they confiscated the guns and destroyed them, and while camped under a peace flag; they began to dance. Wovoka by the band Redbone captures the feeling a bit as to why, and their song We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee tells the story. I highly recommend you listen to it before we continue. Ghost Dances are very sacred and very serious affairs, people have died continuing them to this day, but the dance simply requires special shirts, a round dance, and tossing dirt into the air. A symbolic gesture, a living history, call it what you will; it wasn’t threatening in the immediate. Nonetheless the reason the shooting started has many claims, some say it must have been one of the men when they confiscated the guns and hid one, some place the massacres start at the confiscation. In reality it was obviously the people who still had the guns. This would be the equivalent of claiming the group you control their access to food, water, medicine, and access to the outside world are at fault for retaliating after the kidnapping of countless children is at fault for resisting your oppression.

Even if we did fire first, the resulting battle (as the government framed it) was certainly an overreaction to what could've been at most one gun- we do see this same tactic again last century during Yellow Thunder Camp led by Russell Means, and again only last decade during the #NoDAPL protests arresting a close family friend through a honey trap (Red Fawn). Instead we call it what it is, a massacre of mostyle women, children, and elderly. There are plenty of accounts of the aftermath you can find elsewhere, but one of the most gruesome scenes is described by my ancestor Tasunka Wasicu (American Horse).

“...When the firing began, of course the people who were standing immediately around the young man who fired the first shot were killed right together, and then they turned their guns, Hotchkill guns, etc., upon the women who were in the lodges standing there under a flag of truce, and of course as soon as they were fired upon they fled, the men fleeing in one direction and the women running in two different directions. So that there were three general directions in which they took flight.

There was a woman with an infant in her arms who was killed as she almost touched the flag of truce, and the women and children of course were strewn all along the circular village until they were dispatched. Right near the flag of truce a mother was shot down with her infant; the child not knowing that its mother was dead was still nursing, and that especially was a very sad sight. The women as they were fleeing with their babes were killed together, shot right through, and the women who were very heavy with child were also killed. All the Indians fled in these three directions, and after most all of them had been killed a cry was made that all those who were not killed wounded should come forth and they would be safe. Little boys who were not wounded came out of their places of refuge, and as soon as they came in sight a number of soldiers surrounded them and butchered them there…”

That very child lived a long time, and many of our leaders today knew her very well. At this time the official history I came to tell, but history doesn’t stop after the moment an event happens. Instead there is a great deal of blowback. Of course the podcast won’t do a season about Wounded Knee, so we will be discussing the blowback on an audio documentary I have been writing for the last 3 years, this piece will be a podcast episode as well, but I wanted to focus on the long history leading up to the massacre as that’s what this anniversary is about. The assassination of our leaders that our org and movement was born from, and the long road it took to get there. If you remember the last effort post was about the real Thanksgiving story, well now we see where that eventually led. There is plenty to the story we have left out, but I think you can see a beautiful mosaic I hope to create to tell the real history here.

The next post will cover the conditions between 1890 and 1973 on Pine Ridge, and settle on the Wounded Knee Occupation History which by that time our audio documentary series should be releasing. The best way to stay informed on its release and to here it early would be the patreon found on linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork but I understand a lot of people here prefer https://liberapay.com/ChunkaLutaNetwork/ which I dont understand well enough, so if you have ideas how to keep ya’ll better informed. Part of my goals next year is to become more active in this space and lemmygrad, but obviously the real life stuff and mainstream social media take up so much time. We do have several organizers engaging here, but we all have lives y’know? When our website launches we will announce on all our social medias, but the public podcast finally launches the 20th, and early releases again will be on the patreon so listening there or the Marx Madness podcast will probably be the quickest ways to hear from us, besides patreon AND Marx Madness is free and educational. So why another post? Well this really about the harshness of winter and our genocide, that continues today both by gun, and through social murder. We are also doing a Winter Drive to help keep folks alive until we can start establishing more permanent changes to ease the struggle there. This would be things like poplar trees for pollarding, preparing dry material in the summer into heating bricks that will help start fires easier but also supplement the wood usage, and of course gather a larger stockpile this year. https://www.gofundme.com/f/deliver-wood-coats-supplies-to-pine-ridge it will only take 4-5k to send 2 organizers in a Uhaul to pick up the gathered supplies and bring it to the reservation. It will take several days so lodging will need to be paid for, gas, and food. A large portion of that (2k) is for more agitprop and paying the camera guy. Plus extra money to support our organizers family as they usually are the childcare, so without them their partner cant work unless they can afford childcare while one of the parents are gone therefore not losing a week of income.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/1289451

Aho! Hello relatives, allies and comrades. We are the Chunka Luta Network, this is both our official channel launch video AND our 2024 Winter Fundraiser Drive. We already completed a winter drive for 2023 that somebody else ran, this one came about because our organizers in Oklahoma gather a uhauls worth of wood and winter supplies without us knowing; and suddenly were telling us they're ready to transport. You can learn more at our linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork because YT won't let us post links directly until we are older or hand them a valid ID. So please take the time to copy and paste this, or donate to $ZitkatosTinCan on CA or @zitkato on ven.

In this video we introduce you to Vanessa and Alfred, aunt and uncle of our founder, but more importantly they are leaders in their community who help the people when no one else will. This has been the case for decades now with their family, and the list of accomplishments and great deeds they've done for the people are long and unrewarded. Our organization formed to support leaders like them across Reservations and weld the rural struggle to that of the urban working class. To us this potent combination of knowledge and forces, so long as they treat each other as equals, will help bring about the necessary conditions for liberation. If you enjoyed this be sure to check our podcast or appearances on our own stream and others. Wopila!

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/1157520

When studying the US or Canada, we are not studying a nation, but rather a prison house of nations bent on replacing the native or totally assimilating. Like Israel, this is the stated goal of the US project and it is no wonder why ‘manifest destiny’ bears barely any discernible differences from ‘lebensraum’ or ‘Zionism’. The most important aspect to these projects is the myth making that underlies their so-called rights to the land, and none of them are particularly unique. Instead all find themselves firmly justifying and creating the “white” identity, ever fluid, they pick and choose who constitutes ‘white’ and define it based on exclusion of an ‘other’. This is a trend we see manifest itself in medieval antisemitism which lies at the root of the story of the Zionist entity's creation. We also see the beginnings of whiteness form in the crusades and Spanish Reconquista, which sought to reclaim land they believed to be rightfully theirs. During this Reconquista we would see the same brutality Columbus would import to the “New World” on behalf of Spain, only adding to the rhyming.

This is the prologue to the story of Thanksgiving, and it's a very poignant history as settlers call a ceasefire to celebrate their genocidal Thanksgivings as they always have. Here I plan to cover three major topics, the true history of Thanksgiving, only the surface of the true extent and face of colonial occupation, and the current movement settler-Marxists are alienated from due to one reason or another. It will not have any order and we will revisit topics as I like in a real tradish way, it's gonna be fun. This of course could be a book but we will have to settle for an effort post until I have more time. This prison house of nations of course finds its foundations not in Spanish colonialism, but English, although the Spanish did have to supply what amounts to a venture capitalist endeavor to send Columbus west where most people assumed they’d find another continent or find a path to Asia.

Our first myth we will dispel is the term Indian, commonly we are told Columbus was confused and thought we were in the East Indies or India and therefore the name Indian is just the result of a doddering fool. In reality the term is far more insidious and not the result of ignorance, no, instead it is the result of the settlers dehumanization of themselves as they begin to feed on the blood of the colonized. Russel Means (anti-communist and former leader of AIM) in a speech given in 1980, that would be problematic by today's standards, said: “did we really know what it meant to be Indian?” This question has a lot of layers, you have what does it mean to be a second class citizen? To be actively genocided? What is the origin of the term? “I got a letter while I was in prison last year, from a professor at the University of Turin in Turin, Italy. He said ‘you probably already know this, but I… got to tell you anyway.’ He said Columbus was not looking for India, or the Indies. He wasn’t looking for the far east, but India had not yet been colonized by Britain and there was no such country called India or the Indies, in 1492. India was then known as Hindustan so if he was looking for Hindustan we would be called Hindus, if that is the truth of what the white man has been telling us and the world. But this professor, and I have since got the correct translation from other Italian people, but when Columbus first encountered the red people in the Caribbean he saw them and he wrote in his journals that we were ‘generous to a fault’. That we would ‘share everything’ every one of our possessions, even the clothes off our body, and because we were so generous we would ‘make excellent slaves’. He did take back 500 of us to Spain as slaves. Another tidbit of history did you know that the majority of slaves in America were Indians up to and including the year 1715? Something else they don’t tell anybody else, but we were not a ‘good’ economic risk. Number one we died from all their diseases, or else we’d split for the woods. Economics is whats pressured them into bringing in the African people as their slaves, but up until 1715 we were the majority of the slaves in the United States alone. Getting back to Columbus he called us ‘Indios’ and the correct translation from Italian into English; ‘Dio’ in Italian means ‘God’. ‘In-’ and ‘-s’ with it, put together means ‘people in with God’. That’s the correct translation of ‘Indios’ ‘people in with God’”

There is plenty we skipped, plenty to criticize, but what we have here is a very surface level examination of what being Indian actually meant in full historical context. Russell Means is hardly somebody I endorse, but I will not he is Oglala and is my Great Uncle, and for that I am responsible for demystifying his achievements and must inform people that for one reason or another any good he did, he severely out weighed with bad. My favorite story is about these warriors' courageous efforts to stop a Thanksgiving feeding happening only a few miles down the road. See the land our org acquired with help from donors here, is where this exact scene took place, and is that close to the Means ranch and the LIbertarian project “Republic of Lakotah”. My uncle David Swallow Jr. who we actually do support, was feeding people under the thought “the churches are the only group feeding people today and they lie to us and brainwash us” so he provided a Lakota feed with Lakota spirituality, and an oral history. Russell and company destroyed the feast in protest, I wonder why they couldn’t go to a church instead? He also ran guns to the Contras, but this is a story for another time, the Thanksgiving story makes it in here because of the theme, and because I need a way to talk about the Contra thing despite its brief mention we are just clearly off course.

That brings us to a discussion on the Colonial land divides, which all come once again from the Pope (see there is a theme here in why I claim Reconquista and Crusades as first iterations) and the infamous ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ established over several Papal Bulls meant to settle the squabbles of Empire. First the world is divided between Spain and Portugal, then France and England insert themselves into the equation. This led to a crisis of irreconcilable economic based conflict, that was eased through the idea of terra nullius, nobody owns the land if Christian’s do not own the land. This left the majority of the world conveniently vacant and to be tamed. When there were what appeared to be people “discovered” on these lands, they simply were not people until they accepted Christ, and even then their treatment would make one wonder what the Spanish thought Jesus meant when he said “treat others as you would want to be treated”. Now this seems so far away it's a wonder why I am insisting knowing this is so important, I must refer to the Marshall Trilogy and Ruth Bader Ginsburg's rulings with regard to NoDAPL. What these cases establish is the Doctrine of Discovery is the very basis of not only “International Law” but US Law.

This brought the original settlers of Anglo-America here first with the colony of Roanoke, which ended in the strange disappearance of the settlers as the story goes. In reality this common folklore of the events that occurred comes to hide the failures of English rule, for how could Europeans die but savages be so successful that the settlers starving to make profit for merchant guilds in Europe, would abandon the colony and integrate into the Croatoan Island community. This forced England to launch Jamestown which enabled the cartography necessary for the Mayflower to make its famous journey. The map they used brought them to the Cape Cod area, and yet another piece of mythology comes about. Instead of Plymouth Rock being the first place they landed, in reality, it was first encounter beach where the first interaction they had with Indigenous people would be by the Nausett whose food stores the religious zealots stole, resulting in the chasing of the settlers back to their ship and forcing them to sail to Plymouth Rock.

On their map was the town Pawtuxet, an Indian town with significant population and agriculture. They expected to find people when they came into the town but what they found was an apocalypse unfolding as people had died of disease leaving the town essentially empty with enough room for the settlers to move in. This came after a harsh winter where out of paranoia they turned their fellow pilgrims who died to illness or starvation, into scarecrows armed with muskets to make the Mayflower appear to be well guarded and armed. In their letters they pretend to have dignified them with burials, but when they finally moved into the town apparently emptied by an act of God; the lifeless towns now life filled smoke stacks let neighbors know someone had moved in. “Hello Englishman” was the first words heard by the puritans establishing Plymouth Rock, or more so squatting on existing Indigenous infrastructure. The look on their faces must’ve been one of wonder and fear, but overall it convinced them they were meant to be here.

Thomas Morten wrote in his description of the Indians of New England, 1637; "The Hand of God fell heavily upon them, with such a mortal stroke that they died in heaps as they lay in their houses; and the living, that were able to shift for themselves, would run away and let them die, and let their carcasses lie above the ground without burial. For in a place where many inhabited, there hath been but one left alive to tell what became of the rest; the living being not able to bury the dead, they were left to crows, kites, and vermin to pray upon..." This was Patuxet, and the mandate from God the pilgrims were meant to be there, just look at the timing. The Indian who said “Hello Englishman” was named Samoset, an Abanaki sagamore (a type of sachem or minor ‘chief’) who learned English not from God, but the sadistic acts of a “forward thinking” colonizer named Sir Ferdinando Gorges who routinely kidnapped populations England wanted to colonize, taught them English and transplanted back in their homes to act as translators for future colonizers. This is how he earned his name “The Grandfather of Anglo Colonialism” and also how Tisquantum (often called Squanto) also learned English.

After explaining where they were, and what had happened in Patuxet, Samoset would leave to talk to the nearby Grand Sachem, or Massasoit. As you might notice there are quite a few myths in the making at this point in our story, and one of the oddest ones is the renaming of a man to his title by settlers. A Massasoit was an inter-tribal Chief in charge of settling disputes of a larger federation, and handling redistribution of their tributary system. Even his descendents wrongly name him this due to the profound effects of colonialism on education, but Ousemequin is his true name. They returned with 60 men and signed a treaty formally ceding Patuxet to the settlers. This is then the first treaty, which means it's the first of many to be broken, however the terms were one of mutual defense, and that if an Indian hurt a white man that they should be turned over for justice. This is also where Tisquantum finally meets the pilgrims, he is placed here to act as their interpreter as he was from Patuxet. Unfortunately by the time Sir Ferdinando sends him home to fulfill his destiny, the angel of death passed over Patuxet and smallpox ravaged them. The myth became, “the single most perfect human being on the continent to help the pilgrims” by PragerU and a “...special instrument sent of God...” by Plymouth governor William Bradford.

The spring after the Mayflower returns to Europe, the pilgrims try to pay for looting the graves and food stores of the Nauset people who attacked them on First Encounter Beach, as it is known today. It would then be that fall, prior to the arrival of the next ship the Fortune, that the classically depicted idea of “Thanksgiving” happened. That is a harvest party where Indians and Pilgrims come together in the first ever melting pot! In reality our only written account of the event comes from Edward Winslow who wrote in a letter, “Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, among other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king Massosoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others…” Despite common belief, this wasn’t upon invitation but instead it was Ousemequin upholding their end of the treaty because he believed the settlers were under attack, when in fact they just loved to shoot guns when they partied. Thanksgiving however would be something entirely else, where the devout would spend their day in church giving thanks to God, and was a fast. After this point relations between the settler and the Wampanoag would worsen.

This was primarily because Tisquantum used the English to usurp power from Ousamequin, and collect tributes from other sachem in place of the Massasoit. When the settler found out they switched translators, Tisquantum would die disgraced within a year of that first so-called Thanksgiving. In the summer of 1622, the Merchant Adventurers sent a third ship and established a new colony north of Plymouth named Wessagusset in Massachusett territory (that is the people from whom the state takes its name.) Ousemequin falls ill and is brought back to health by a settler from Plymouth, and then tells the settlers about a plan the Massachusetts had to destroy Wessagusset and Plymouth due to the poor relations that capitalist greed in Wessagusset was causing. Then while Wessagusset was besieged, Plymouth colonists are informed by a survivor who escaped the siege of the situation and a group of men are sent to “negotiate” resulting in the execution of the Masschusette sachems under the guise of peace talks. This then resulted in a power vacuum that Ousemequin used to gain more influence in the region, as in his eyes he was the ruler of these lands and the pilgrims were now part of his people. However the treaty they signed would claim the Womponoag people as subjects of King James. The Merchant Adventurers go bankrupt in 1626, and their debt is then shifted onto the settlers who had yet to turn a profit. The following year the Anglo-French War of 1627-1629 was declared and due to the French domination of the beaver market, and English high society losing their source, the pilgrims then capitalized on this market by expanding extraction into Maine. It would be due to King Charles I’s decision to disband parliament, due to Puritans within voicing discontent over his marriage to a Catholic, that would send 80k Puritans leaving England in the Great Migration between 1629-1640. A thousand of whom would go to New England to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony next to Plymouth. Here John Winthrop, who was the captain of the ship, said the famous line “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world.”

This of course is the real version of the story we tell children in kindergarten as they craft hand turkeys, but in reality the first day of Thanksgiving celebrated by the pilgrims came only a few years after the massacre of Massachusetts' sachems. 1637 during the “Battle” of Ft. Mystic, at the end of the Great Migration, our proto-Zionist found themselves looking more and more to replace the natives instead of living alongside them. It was the Green Corn festival in what is now Groton, CT that Dutch and English settlers surrounded the celebration and ordered everyone leave the Fort Mystic stronghold (at the time one of the largest forts in the world equivalent in military technology to the Europeans besides the guns) and then subsequently massacred them and burned the fort down. After the murder of 700 unarmed women, children, and men the settlers would begin murdering villages wantonly stealing land. Those who survived were sold into slavery, and for a long time ships of up to 500 Indian slaves would leave New England's ports regularly. After a raid in Stamford, CT the Wampanoags had lost, and Metacomet and his people were beheaded, their heads mounted on spikes for decades and at the time kicked down the road like a soccer ball.

That brings us to today. The National Day of Mourning for Indigenous activists, which is a yearly event that's been ongoing since the 1970 Occupation of the Mayflower II by United American Indians of New England (UAINE) and AIM (American Indian Movement) which was one of 71 Red Power occupations that occurred from 1965 to 1973. This event stems from a very specific person named Wamsutta, or Frank B. James, a Wampanoag (you might recall them from Trumps recent attempt to bring back the Termination Era) and is continued by his granddaughter Kisha James (Oglala, Wampanoag) and her parent Mahtowin (Oglala). I will quote heavily from their website, but this began because Wamsutta was asked to write a speech for the 350th anniversary of the landing at Plymouth:

“Three hundred fifty years after the Pilgrims began their invasion of the land of the Wampanoag, their "American" descendants planned an anniversary celebration. Still clinging to the white schoolbook myth of friendly relations between their forefathers and the Wampanoag, the anniversary planners thought it would be nice to have an Indian make an appreciative and complimentary speech at their state dinner. Frank James was asked to speak at the celebration. He accepted. The planners, however , asked to see his speech in advance of the occasion, and it turned out that Frank James' views — based on history rather than mythology — were not what the Pilgrims' descendants wanted to hear. Frank James refused to deliver a speech written by a public relations person. Frank James did not speak at the anniversary celebration.”

Instead the grassroots organizers got in contact with the just budding American Indian Movement, who by this time were regularly doing demonstrations as well as combating police brutality with their Red Car Patrol. From an optics standpoint they even looked like “real life Indians from the movies” to quote my super traditional uncle, and so when AIM came the news focused on them. Now when we remember this moment in time we remember the red paint thrown by AIM onto the sail, even though this was the idea of the grassroots organizers, and the later burying of Plymouth Rock by AIM. That is why I’ve gone around the country the last 3 years investigating the on-the-ground conditions of the current US, while deep diving the radical history hidden from view, and interviewing veterans of the movement as well as current day organizers in 53 reservation communities so far. I want people to hear about the uncommon history of the movement, because I believe it is this hidden history that we will find the answers to overcome our current roadblocks as we recognize how many wheels are being reinvented and lessons we are not learning.

This post is about the true history of Thanksgiving, yes, and that is settler-colonialism. So as settlers everywhere gorge themselves in thankfulness their bombs don’t fall on them, take the time to educate yourselves about this history. Because this genocide didn’t stop, it isn’t 350 years old either. For my people these stories and these celebrations happen much more recently at the end of the 19th century, and as Marx was just about to pen his first sentences of Capital; my people were already waging national liberation against it. This is the project we support that has continued to this day, and we want to bring the communist movement to the head instead of watching as we can’t even find the tail to follow. Right now the western left thinks painting the claws of the Beast is heroic, as they ignore real revolutionaries who have stood and fought the government, while the communists of the time ran when the guns started shooting. It was the BPP who gave us hope the communists might have something to offer and when they were neutralized, the feds turned their scopes on us. I could go on and on and never end, but then you wouldn’t need another post from me. So be sure to follow our other social medias all found under linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork and learn more about our project and program as more details become public.

We really want to encourage people who are unable to organize regularly to donate $5 a month on our patreon.com/chunkalutanetwork or donate to $ZitkatosTinCan on cashapp or @zitkato on venmo. Lastly we were recommended we start one of these https://liberapay.com/ChunkaLutaNetwork/ so please if you have a lot of money and don't know where it will be best used, I highly recommend it come to us. We are building a community center to house 9 people, provide the first ever laundromat to the Pine Ridge reservation, re-establish the former AIM Survival School in Porcupine, building food forests, community gardens and a buffalo prairie to decommodify our ceremonies that ranchers currently profiteer on, we already have provided 2 house for families there, and have kept countless people alive. There are plenty of reasons to support so please ask questions, please come look, and if you don't believe us we can raise money for you to come visit the land base yourself and see first hand what we can publicly do. We don't post much about anything besides our Pine Ridge operations as that is backed with a lot of organic gun ownership due to the people we support suffering under a reign of Terror in the 70s. You see the government installed a dictator and armed his right wing militia with armor piercing rounds on the Pine Ridge reservation, who went on to murder a per capita number of people similar to Pinochet the first 3 years after his coup. This is in your backyard and you ignore it, dont anymore, we will remember.

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submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Article is written in Chinese so the auto translate is kinda wonky. This website belongs to Eric Li. The author is Yin Zhiguang of Fudan University.

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