
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

It fucking sucks how unusable the internet has become for that sort of thing. Reddit swept up all the old forums, monopolized that kind of community discussion-based information and then completely enshittified it. Maybe I shouldn't say "completely" because they're still in the process of making it worse.

I hope you were able to eventually find information that satisfied you, but in case you didn't already see this elsewhere, it's not color alone that should necessarily be cause for concern, it's also consistency (and by that I mean texture, not regularity). If it's black but normal shape and texture for you, like many others here have said, it's reasonably likely just a matter of something you ate (like the chips you mentioned). However, if the consistency is also abnormal for you, especially if it's really tarry (black tar) then that may warrant telling a med professional irl about it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm not the person you asked, but what foxontherocks said was:

it is hard to tell, but Shanghai seems okay.

I think it's safe to assume the whole comment is about Shanghai.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I remember someone (probably here) saying that the Shadow of Mordor/War "Nemesis System" could have become a widespread gaming system similar to how the unique mechanics of Dark Souls games became an entire genre and now there are all kinds of games that use the system and tinker with variations on it to great effect now called "soulslike." But because WB or Ubisoft or whoever made a show of patenting the system (and apparently won actual lawsuit challenges to it?) there is no genre of "shadowlike" or "nemesislike" games. That it was a clear example of a patent actually depriving us of an entire potential genre of games.

edit: I swear I read this whole thread before commenting but I missed EllenKelly already mentioned it. And yes, it has been discussed around here.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I think we should be careful about saying that sort of thing. Strokes did happen to some otherwise healthy people at that age, it was just rare. The rate of strokes in younger people has been growing at least since the 90s. What would be really helpful knowledge would be to find out what the statistics are on the rate of strokes in otherwise healthy people under 60 over a really long time and see if there's an uptick around 2020. I'd bet anything that there is. The question I'd have is how big the difference is between pre and post 2020.

Edit: Sure enough.

One study published in JAMA in April 2021 found that the risk of stroke was more than twice as high for COVID-19 patients when compared to people of the same age, sex, and ethnicity in the general population—82.6 cases per 100,000 people compared to 38.2 cases for those without a COVID-19 diagnosis.

In another Swedish study published in the August 14, 2021 issue of The Lancet, researchers found that within a week of a COVID-19 diagnosis, a person’s risk of heart attack was three to eight times higher than normal, and their risk of stroke was three to six times higher. The study revealed these risks remained high for at least a month. The average age of people in the study was only 48 years.


As information about COVID-19 has unfolded since the first cases were seen in the U.S., doctors in New York City have been noticing a troubling trend. Some young people who were mildly ill or had no noticeable coronavirus symptoms developed blood clots – and experienced strokes when those clots blocked blood vessels in the brain.


[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago

I wish more people around where I am would ask "how is this still a thing?" It at least means you can give them the answer, exactly like you just did, which might in turn give them something to think about. Instead what I see from most people is more like this kind of sentiment: "Of course it's still a thing, it's just how things are now. Really it's always been like this. Colds happen, flu happens, covid happens. It's a fact of life, get used to it and get over it being a thing. You're still wearing a mask? What are you, some kind of hypochondriac who scrubs their hands raw every time someone sneezes?"

[–] [email protected] 25 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You kinda answered your own question.

then, like, isn’t basically every Western leader + Biden a “war criminal”?


First of all, it comes down to how you define what a war crime actually is and that needs to be pinned down with whoever you're talking to if there is any hope of having a meaningful conversation. Depending on the specifics of the definition, it's not necessarily that Putin isn't one but rather his crimes are so small and petty compared to every single NATO country leader, any leader involved in (for example) the Iraq war, and basically any leader that has taken part in colonialism or US imperialism. Hell, just the sanctions on Iraq before the last war are much greater crimes causing much more civilian suffering and death than anything that Russia (as led by Putin) has done in Ukraine.

To make the term meaningful, I actually don't think Putin should be included under the umbrella. The way Russia has conducted this war is actually astounding in how careful they have been to not cause civilian casualties. I forget the actual statistic here but the civilian deaths caused by the "shock and awe" of the US bombing of Iraqi infrastructure in the first 2 weeks of the Iraq war took something like 6 months or more in Ukraine to reach that same number. Through most of the conflict, Russia deliberately kept Ukrainian infrastructure intact. And fucking Netanyahu? Israel is openly mass murdering children and targeting hospitals and aid workers. They are conducting a visible, unambiguous, full scale genocide. It doesn't get more "war criminal" than that. Anyone, even among hardcore Russia hater libs that say Putin is a war criminal but Netanyahu is not are beyond fucking deluded. They aren't just deeply unserious, they're profoundly flippant.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

See my edit to the OP.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Wait did WhyEssEff say something too, are are you talking about @[email protected]'s post here?

oh, my bad. I see you meant this. Edit again: WhyEssEff is awesome, but I think she gets a lot wrong in that post. Not the least of which being the legality/illegality of the end users using or talking about these sites. And people talking about them is not what gets them taken down.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

Those are copy cat sites. Fuck the Guardian but no, they're not "lying." Fmovies has been shut down for weeks now.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Yeah, I've seen stremio mentioned a lot as the best way to go. It was always just easier to to go a known website, enter in a title, then play the movie. But at this point, with the other options being a bit hit or miss, it might be time for me to stop being lazy and get to using stremio.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

For the post? kitty-cri

Or for the news it brings? yea

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

In addition to that, fmovies being gone is old news. What's new here is knowing what happened to it.


Edit: So it looks like there are a couple posts about how this crackdown is fake news. Even in this very thread, someone is doing that, though they actually don't have a clue as to what they're talking about.

No, this is not fake news. These sites that are still up are not fmovies, which was itself part of a large piracy network, the rest of which has been dismantled as well, as has been discussed in other posts here. The sites still up are merely copycat sites riding the success of fmovies and trying to cash in themselves. Not that there is anything necessarily wrong with that, and if you can still watch movies like you did with the real thing, great. But some of them it appears are not the most scrupulous of pirates and have or link to potentially dangerous malware.

Regardless, please don't jump to "fAkE nEwS!" accusations when you don't know what you're talking about. All you're doing is muddying the waters about what really is going on and possibly leading people to think that misleading, potentially dangerous sites are fine. Don't do that.

So that's what happened to my beloved free treat-dispensing Fmoviesz. It hasn't worked for a month or so, but now there's no more need to speculate exactly why. There has been a huge wave of "piracy" outfit takedowns recently, which is both sad and worrisome and I wonder why this is all happening so all of a sudden. Why the severe crackdown now? Or is it the sort of situation where a big domino fell and they're all connected? They're really making sure any hint of commons gets enclosed and demonize it in the meantime.

I also wonder about the political motivations of Vietnam to go along with this and make the actual arrests. Is it due just to pressure from the west? Does Vietnam have any stake in copyright laws and this takedown, or the precedent of it, does actually benefit them somehow? What's the deal with all that?

From the article:

The efforts marked “a stunning victory for casts, crews, writers, directors, studios, and the creative community across the globe”, said Charles Rivkin, chairman and CEO of the Hollywood trade group the Motion Picture Association (MPA) and the chairman of Ace, in a statement. Larissa Knapp, the executive vice-president and chief content protection officer for the MPA, said the takedown sent a “powerful deterrent message”.

“We look forward to ongoing joint efforts with Vietnamese authorities, US Homeland Security Investigations and the US Department of Justice International Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (Ichip) program to bring the criminal operators to justice,” she added.

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