[-] [email protected] 36 points 9 hours ago

Weird how all the evil uber rich are outside the states.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I was having this train of thought listening to the recent season of blowback. Thinking about how all these movements need a flow of cash to really get things working.

I was sorta day dreaming about coming up with some billion dollar idea then just flooding mutual aid groups with cash that could get people floating enough to start wide spread education and organization.

I know too much money can hurt orgs too. I just feel like we need some genuine foundation with average folks getting on board.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 3 days ago

Oh thank God, finally a rational explanation for that debate performance

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

That movie was beyond boring for me. I never understood the hype

[-] [email protected] 23 points 4 days ago

This is probably a terrible idea for dozens of reasons but I cant help but think about it. I don't even smoke anymore.

Weed camps.

The shut-ins are dealing with crippling social anxiety and depression. Gather them in a place where sharing is caring, loosening up and passing the blunt in a circle. A no-pressure zone where they can connect with others and vibe without expectations.

But it's south korea so they'd probably sooner have all these kids commit suicide first.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

I once found myself in the possession of a vintage arcade machine with a big CRT that made it super top heavy. I moved it around a few places but the worst was getting it down a really tight staircase.

I ended up just leaving it there but the landlord was cool about nearly everything and was fine with it because he loved that game back in the day and was happy for it to stick around.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

I really feel like this is going too far on the contrarian end.

Yes foster care and care homes are bad, but I don't think one should pretend that a child growing up in a dual meth-parent household is growing up in a safe and healthy environment.

The kid could be a lot better off with a grandparent, aunt, or uncle. The shit part is you don't know until things are in motion.

That child is not in a good position and i think pretending like they are is the "own the chuds" equivalent to burning your shoes because a gay person wore a similar pair.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Small front wheel + standing position makes them very vulnerable to hitting tiny obstacles and sending the rider over the bars head first into something typically hard and unmovable.

Bicycles on the other hand have a much larger front wheel typically and can roll over obstacles that would take out a scooter operator.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

I think there was a tony hawk down hill game that made extensive use of them for leaning.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Depends. At least one has a company truck that probably has tolls paid for, but the boss wont even pay for new tires so who knows.

The others are more or less contractors and take their own ride in and pay for the tolls.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 4 weeks ago

I know several gen-x and millennial working class folks who need to drive into Manhattan with their tools to do jobs in Manhattan. Offices don't just materialize and sadly its hard to bring ladders and boxes of power tools on the subway.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm trying to set up a somewhat weird network configuration, three interfaces on a pi, an adhoc AP, a wireless lan, and a USB modem.

I want clients of the USB device to talk to clients of the AP, I want clients of the AP to talk to other clients and a single host on the wireless network.

Sorta simple right? Just a couple firewall rules? Well NetworkManager is a land of logical defaults that do not like to be adjusted. I had it working where the AP clients could not reach out to the internet, but could reach the USB clients. NetworkManager automagic'd a NFTables ruleset that doesn't appreciate being changed.

Okay so I'll tell NM to not use a firewall backed in the conf, firewall-backend=none, easy.

But once NM is restarted, the networking is behaving like the firewall is still active, despite NFtables and iptables reporting no rulesets, as NM has taken its ball and gone home.

I can't even figure out a baseline of "what the fuck is going on" because the level of opaque NM automagic happening behind the scenes. I just poke at it and hope something happens. Half the NetworkManager behavior is hidden in dev blog posts that you need to sift through, the official documentation just basically gives the bare minimum info for a feature.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

HF autist, ADHD but sorta medicated(probably too low of a dose).

I've been trying to acknowledge/identify something that I feel has been having a lot of negative effects on my life lately. When I'm working on learning something or solving a problem, I'll often hit a point of frustration where all my interest to move past it is suddenly lost.

This will be something like dealing with something annoying at work. But also in creative pursuits, ie I slacked on practicing guitar for a couple weeks and now some knowledge I had is just gone and I'm frustrated I need to start a few steps back.

Things like games with few save points were never fun for me. On many occasions, I'd drop a game completely after forgetting to save and losing hours of progress.

Basically once I get this feeling of frustration, I glaze over and start feeling really tired and annoyed. Like I hit a wall and the only thing that stops it is going to sleep. A few times I've straight up gone to bed hours early just to avoid simmering in the frustration.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I'm afraid quoting it will hit slur filters but the open sentence is just so brainworms

Yesterday I saw the typical gypsy/Romanian female looking pan handler on route 29, nothing new.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've got a degree in engineering. I love engineering, programming, electronics, CAD and physical prototype design. I love identifying problems and figuring out requirements and designing something to solve it. I know I'm really good at it, but I can only really perform what feels like 20% of the time.

I'll get into some hyper focus for some problem, learn some complex technology, solve the problem, then not be able to look at tech for weeks. This is cool for hobby stuff but man I gotta work too.

I find it nearly impossible to work on things which I don't find personally interesting which isn't good because most "work" isn't interesting whatsoever. I envy people who are able to just go "ah time to do this boring thing" and they just fucking do it. It genuinely feels impossible to just start.

I'm medicated for ADHD but it feels like it only works like 20-30% of the time. The rest of the time my eyes just lose focus and I stare blankly at a screen waiting for hours to pass.

I don't know how to make this work for me either. I know theoretically I could be a prototype engineer, the type of freelance generalist who gets an idea out and disappears but I don't know how to network sufficiently enough to do that. I've got a good job right now, but COL is so high and full remote isn't possible so I'll always be living in a small apartment or be in so much debt I'll never be able to retire.

I want to do more hardware stuff but that's so rarely a remote type job and offices just hurt my soul with how uncomfortable I am all day long. I could probably make a living as a software engineer but I don't know if I'd be able to keep up any kind of pace long term that would let me keep my job.

I almost want to take a stab at doing youtube videos and see if I can make a handful of neat projects that get me a sponsor. enough to score a house in a rundown rustbelt town and be able to fuck off and work at my own pace without the impending doom of rent or mortgage staring me down.

I drink plenty of water, jog when its warm, use a pomodoro timer when I remember. I learned the fundamentals of Rust in a weekend, designed and manufactured a run of PCBs in under 3 months. I just can't keep that momentum going, even if I try to slow down.

thanks for letting me rant. Its not lost on me how privileged I am in this scenario. I'm quite lucky and comfortable but it terrifies me how even someone doing well like myself can't see an exit off this awful ride.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's so easy shitting on techbro VC nonsense that only separates us from our humanity to sell adspace. What actual problems do you want technology to solve?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So quick disclaimer, both my wife and I are on the Autism spectrum, we both figured this out far too late in our 20s and have been working to re-frame our mindsets about it to understand ourselves better.

Recently, she reached out to a Psychiatrist for adhd and PMDD symptoms and was immediately clocked as ASD and prescribed zoloft to help long term with PMDD syndromes.

The first night was absolute hell of mood swings and discomfort so I was looking more into SSRIs, previously all I knew is you cant just stop taking them and they make certain people's dicks stop working.

Strolling into the zoloft subreddit is an absolutely crazy experience, half the posters are like "i'm going insane is this normal?" and they receive responses like "yeah just wait 12 weeks of these symptoms and maybe you'll be cool". The other half of the posts are people post 12 weeks being like "this shit cool", but there's a weird confirmation bias where the people who got off of it are not lurking in the zoloft subreddit. Every once and a while you'll see someone necro-bump a year old post about someone giving it time and they'll be like "oh yeah sorry for the late reply, the drug was incredibly bad for me and I had to get off of it".

My wife was experiencing this out-of-character rage at certain things, but also felt a weird control over said rage and began looking into posts about that and apparently its common? Weird rage too, like being frustrated with fellow ASD people. I started connecting the dots and thinking about people in my life who were on these and holy shit, they're absolute seething assholes to us, is this why? What is this drug???

And this doesn't even touch getting off the drug, apparently the withdrawal is absolutely demonic for many many days. Then you have serotonin syndrome, the endless list of side effects that you have no idea if you'll experience or not because doctors don't give a shit and blood panels for drug reactions are too expensive to bother with.

All this stuff basically points to "neurodivergent people are being tortured with the promise of a semblance of normalcy in order to cope with our capitalist world, and all the "normalcy" is, is the ability to control your emotions externally despite them being wildly out of control internally".

Rip me apart for this all you want but i'm leaning towards crank status being anti-anti-depressants. All this to say I'm prescribed stimulants and i'm grateful I can just take days off or just not take them when I'm happy to be my autistic-adhd self.(I know not all people can do this with ADHD, my heart goes out to them, but it's more an issue with existing at baseline rather than going off wrecking havoc)

psyilocibin therapy needs to become more widespread because SSRIs are far more terrifying than seeing god and your subconscious.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Engineering majors need like 4 years of pure humanities classes to fix what's wrong in their mind. This whole thread is so cruel to op.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

not a lib

Double not a lib

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

long story short, he has a history of it. They've historically resolved after some medical care and medicine adjustment. Its really hard to tell what's happening this time. I think a medication change and some trauma triggered it but it's gotten to the point where he's continuously flinging slurs, hateful comments, and doing some (probably) illegal and heinous shit.

I'm really not sure what to do. I don't want to call the cops but idt it matters because he's gotten several welfare checks already. He's saying everyone is bullying him when in reality, he's the one doing the bullying.

He was already hospitalized, to basically no effect. I know there's not much I can do but it really sucks watching this guy be a wrecking ball through his life, family, and friends.

I really don't want him to get hurt, but I don't want him to hurt others even more. Some advice would be helpful.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

You can repeat "US imperialism bad" as much as you want but learning the play by play is just absolutely mind blowing. Its always so much worse than you could initially imagine.

submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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