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[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Sorry. I forgot that as a Ch*k it is my place to bite my tongue and just accept my people being butchered and raped on a daily basis while the Japanese fascists debate surrender at a leisurely pace. I shouldnt hope for Japanese morale to be destroyed in a way irrefutable to all but the most insane Japanese militarists (the ones who tried to coup their own God-Emperor to prevent surrender) because that would be downright uppity of me.

Just come right out and say it. Chinese lives don't matter. Maybe after that you can go lecture the Palestinians about how firing rockets at Tel Aviv is bad and wrong because precious Israeli civilians might get hurt.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

the U.S. nuking Japan brought no good

No, look at the passage I cited from the Emperor's surrender address. Tell me exactly what it says.

sure the Clean Wehrmacht exist, but there was still a theater of Nazis getting punished, meanwhile the U.S. granted Unit 731 immunity and Hiro Hito died in 1989.

There was the theatre of the Tokyo War Crimes trials too. Are you seriously this ignorant about the topic and trying to lecture me? The German denazification process was scarcely better than the Japanese process. Von Braun et al was their Unit 731. A bunch of high ranking Nazis got to die of old age too. America can eat shit for letting both the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese off the hook with a slap but Germany didn't get nuked and it was rehabilitated just like Japan. It's almost as if the US was going to rehabilitate both fascist powers anyway, nukes or not.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I don't understand this analysis. Surely it would be easier for the Americans to control and damage the Chinese economy if Xi Jinping and Chinese business leaders were typing out emails and memos on backdoored Microsoft software or iPhones. Forcing Huawei to develop their own tech via hostility means that the Chinese market is lost forever and now the American security apparatus has to deal with an opaque ecosystem they can't backdoor.

I've heard people say that the October Hamas attacks on Israel were so surprising because they were planned entirely via Chinese tech and therefore was not picked up by Zionist elint. I don't necessarily think that's true or even the only reason, but it's not an implausible example of how forcing China to make its own systems is a huge own goal.

All this hostility has just made China more and more self sufficient. I just don't see how that gives the US more leverage than a China which is completely dependent on Western tech.

[–] [email protected] 39 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Western leftists criticizing Deng for his shitty chess moves when it turns out he was playing Go the whole time.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

Under Millei, all Argentinians will be merged into a gestalt consciousness who will be a billionaire.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

We let's have a look at the relevant part of Hirohito's surrender speech to see whether or not the bombs had any impact on his decision to surrender:

Clear as fucking day right from the man himself.

Even if I do have American brain worms (maybe granddad pick some up from a dead yank in Korea), what you're espousing is just Japanese right wing brain worms. Don't take it from me, take it from a Japanese media scholar:

First of all, the narrative of August journalism can be classified into three categories.

The first is the "narrative of suffering" intended to pass down wartime experiences as "victims" of the atomic bombings, air raids, evacuations, repatriations and other grueling ordeals, and the "sacrifices" soldiers had to make, represented by kamikaze attacks and suicidal battles.


In such a context, Japan's invasion, atrocities, colonial rule and other forms of "aggression" are completely receded into the background. Instead, its self-image as victims of militarism is brought to the fore.

This view on war and history was formed due to peculiarities of how post-war Japan was handled during the Cold War.

Japan could return to the international community without facing squarely its war responsibility and pursue its economic growth after the emperor was exonerated at the behest of the United States and Western powers waived their right to claim compensation.

It's so frustrating that even Japanese people can acknowledge that this is their version of the Clean Wehrmacht myth specifically designed by Americans to rehabilitate them in a Cold War confrontation with the USSR but you try to tell this to a leftist and it's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

This is applying post facto knowledge to a decision when assessing it ethically. Even if the Japanese had planned to surrender following the Soviet invasion (there is no evidence that any such decision was made before the atomic bombings) such decision was not communicated to any of the Allied powers. Even if an intention to surrender had been teased at, a surrender is not a surrender until the surrendering side accepte terms and lays down arms.

Even if we accept for sake of argument that the US decision makers thought the bombs had zero military value and were purely for show, how do you think it would have gone down if the US had went to Stalin with this information? Stalin, the man who had been pushing for intensified Allied air raids against Germany and a second front since 1941, would have just been like "oh don't worry about using your new city destroying wonder weapon, I'll just let Soviet soldiers continue to fight and die in a war you could probably end easily"?

It always comes down to this. Chinese lives don't matter, Korean lives don't matter, Soviet lives don't matter. As long as the precious Fascist civilians get to starve to death instead of being bombed, or conscripted into a kamikaze mission, or shot for dissenting instead, it's aaaaaalllll worth it!

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 months ago

There are indeed a lot of shitty therapists out there. Very under regulated profession.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

The firebombing of Tokyo, and the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were totally genocide events.

About as many German civilians died in the storming of Berlin as Japanese civilians from the bombing of Hiroshima. Is the Battle of Berlin also a "genocide" event?

The Japanese military had already been in total disarray since the Nazis and fascists fell and the war was already understood as lost and Japanese military were drafting a surrender.

Where are these drafts now? Surely there would be copies if they were ever sent out. What terms were being proposed? Were the drafts ever approved or even seen by the Emperor and his war council? Someone with a title starting the write a piece of paper is meaningless.

As for all the American historiography of their motivations, I find it extremely convenient that most of them were published or came to light around the time of the Korean War when America was trying to justify the rearmament of Japan. If the Americans are willing to pave over all Wehrmacht atrocities to justify the Bundeswher, I have no doubt that they would be willing to play the heel for Japanese rearmament.

The real proof that can't be fakef that the Americans knew that Japan was not down and out was that planning and logistics for Operation Downfall, the nnvasion of Japan, continued apace right up until the Japanese formal surrender. This included well documented actions like transferring landing ships to the USSR as well as corroborating statements in 1945 given to the Chinese, Soviet, and British governments.

While I do not dispute that American use and targeting of the abombs had political motivations, that does not automatically make inverse true where there was no military reason for their use.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

I am not watching a 2 hour long video. If you would like to summarize his most salient points then I am happy to respond to those points. If me not watching this video is a deal breaker for you then we do not have to continue this conversation.

Your position is identical to the modern, western narrative which was cooked up as a retroactive justification for an obviously unjustifiable act.

I would be interested in these western sources which use the saving of Chinese and Korean lives as an explicit justification for the atomic bombings.

Also, your position is also the position of the Nanjing-denying Japanese far right so... Idk where that leaves us if we apply your reasoning.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago (9 children)

As a Chinese person who's lived in Japan for many years and read about the topic pretty extensively in three languages, I don't think that I need my opinions to be validated by an Englishman.



Honestly, just really dumb of Hoyo and the promotion company to try to sponsor someone with "4Chan" right in the name.


Posting the original Reuters link because it's very useful when sending to libs.

I absolutely despise how every single Angloid "liberal democracy" is constantly looking under its bed for Chinese influence ops but whenever an American or English op gets discovered everyone just pretends it didn't happen.

This one got innocent and vulnerable people in the Philippines killed and Marcos is still lining up the whole country to be Pacific Ukraine.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.


Please immediately report any revisionists imploring you to "let people enjoy things" to your nearest Party Disciplinary Committee.

Link to original (tweet author is an Atlantic Council ghoul)


Chinese influencer sprays "toilet" on steele at Yasukuni War Crimes Shrine, records himself pissing on it, then flys back to China and gloats. Japanese far rightoids malding and seething, with a holocaust-denying plastic surgeon offering 10 million yen as a reward for his arrest.


It's also been reported on Westoid and Japanese media so you can search up an article if you want. Reason I'm linking to the tweet is that it has the video and all the English language news is incredibly biased (i.e. no mention of why a Chinese person might not like Yasukuni Shrine until the very last paragraph).



Dude works for the Australian National University and the Atlantic Council and can't scrape up any better dirt than "textbook girl wear pants now 😭"


Found this because there's a Westoid translation account that somehow thinks that this is a dunk on China.




Party leader doubling down on it:

Leave it to the libertarians to decry kids eating quinoa and sushi as extravagant while they feast on the finest imported American brainworms.


Official Isn'trael Twitter account makes Iran look way cooler by accident.




When Communists hold power, too often we still let libs get away with their petty obstructions and wrecking.


Let's fucking GOOOOO! Unlimited findings of Genocide against WeSSt Germany.

The global south has listened and doubted for decades to the West claiming that international institutions served all equally. Now even they are forcing these institutions to back their empty words with action or be revealed as hypocrites.

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