[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

What on earth are you even trying to say? You can never win if you don't vote, and you're over here implying that it's a waste of time to do so. Go back to your troll farm.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

Regardless of where the electoral votes go, the breakdown of number of votes is still there and visible, and accessible for all to see in perpetuity. Whether anyone in power cares what those numbers say is another matter, but my vote, and thus my voice, IS counted.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 7 hours ago

It's possible your vote might not ultimately be the deciding vote and that your preferred candidates win easily. But many solidly one colored states have flipped, and the first time it happens it's always close. Why risk it? Most places have a means by which to vote which is easy and accessible - vote by mail and early voting are an option in most places, especially blue states. Generally early voting takes a matter of minutes. Your vote is your voice in politics, don't you want it to be heard?

I live in a pretty red state and typically vote very blue. I vote every single election I am able to, because local elections matter too, and when it comes to president, my voice is going to be counted, even if my state sends their electoral votes elsewhere.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 8 hours ago

Honestly, I kinda hate the big tree in our front yard. It has these tiny leaves and every fall we have to clean the roof and gutters repeatedly until it finally drops everything, because those stupid leaves stick to everything and clog not just the gutters but the downpipes. This tree has caused our basement to flood during fall because one storm can simultaneously blow off a ton of leaves, instantly clogging the gutter, and then pour rain down the front of the house. We spent hundreds of dollars last year on a new gutter solution for 6ft of gutter. You read that right. Six feet of gutter cost us about $450, and they STILL wouldn't guarantee it would fix the problem because of the stupid tree.

We keep the tree trimmed and healthy, but every time the trimmers come out I dream about telling him to cut the stupid thing down. Awnings would be easier -_-

[-] [email protected] 4 points 18 hours ago

Honestly, look into the Breeze litter boxes. They're not automatic or anything crazy expensive, but it really does make a HUGE difference. I've been told by multiple strangers "I thought you had a cat?" after being in my house a while because she hides and the box generally cannot be smelled. If you change the pads regularly (i.e. before they are full), replace the pellets 2-3 times a year, and clean the box itself when replacing the pellets, the only smell you will have is from poop. I personally buy the bioplastic dog poop bags in bulk, and just use those to quickly grab and dispose of it.

When we used regular litter the cats tracked it everywhere, flung it out of the box, and it always had a smell, even when cleaned daily. I have none of those things with the Breeze boxes. We were using two when we had 3 cats and I had to replace the pads every 3 days. Now with one cat I replace the pads every week to two weeks depending on whether she divides her usage or fixates on one. We pick up the poop as soon as we notice it, which is usually very quickly because they can't really bury it as well. I will never go back to traditional litter.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Moats were cool until I learned that toileting holes were often positioned such that the urine and feces wash down into the moat. I'm gonna have to take a pass on that lazy river....

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

My big wool cloak is my absolute favorite winter garment. It is unbelievably warm and cozy, blocks wind better than any other coat I own, and as an added bonus I can wrap someone else up in it with me to keep THEM warm.

I am unabashedly the cloak girl. Bring back cloaks!

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

There are reasons why a business might actually need or benefit from having a single family dwelling in a way that aligns with their business. For instance a local theatre company owns two large homes here so that when traveling cast come for shows they have somewhere to house them without spending exorbitantly on hotel rooms for weeks at a time, and the cast get a more comfortable stay. The homes are typically occupied at least a portion of each month, and everyone involved benefits.

It's reasons like these I wouldn't want to put a total and complete ban on businesses owning single family homes, but in my opinion there should be a reasonable business justification for it and it needs to be very limited.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Not really. I haven't looked into why it caused the issue it did. Presumably it is not actually intentional by MS, and there is some conflict going on that's causing it. I'll eventually get around to trying to let it install that update again, but life has been busy :)

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Unfortunately that "oh but he's so cute I can't help it" crap bleeds over onto those of us responsible owners too. Golden puppies are adorable, and everyone wanted to let him jump on them when he was little. I would stop it at every turn, but it was a constant fight with him and other people trying to fix it. So what I'm saying is, screw those people. They make everyone's life with dogs hell. -_-

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

I recently had to roll back a windows 10 update because as soon as I installed it all of my startup programs stopped starting up at launch. As soon as I removed it, the problem went away.

No Microsoft, you cannot ruin my Win 10 experience to coerce me into migrating. It's gonna be a long annoying fight.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago

I'm of the opinion we just need to stop focusing so hard on raising the birthrate and focus more on taking care of the people and population we have. We don't need more people on the planet - 8 billion humans is plenty. We need to figure out successful economic strategies that don't require perpetual population growth rather than trying to breed our way into economic security.

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