
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 months ago

You cannot live off just vodka


[–] [email protected] 20 points 4 months ago (1 children)

said one crew member with the callsign Joker.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Every "down to earth, regular person" progressive politician is multi degree holding ivy league/private university educated

'Regular people' don't run for office

[–] [email protected] 53 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (3 children)

News Bulletin from Washington DC

Former president Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 felony counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree in the state of New York. For the purposes of sentencing, charges do not stack and Trump faces a maximum of 4 years in prison. Sentencing will most likely take months and will be decided by a judge. Given that the 45th president had a legally clean record before this, the innocous nature of these felonies, and his status as a former president he will most likely receive probation and perhaps a fine

For his part, former president Trump claims the trial was a "disgrace" and "rigged" by Joe Biden. This felony does not prevent Trump from running or holding office, and he will be able to vote in Florida as long as he avoids jail time

Polls show that over 50% of voters say they won't vote for Trump if he is a convicted felon, but the reality of that will be seen

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

Even with all that in mind they are still smarter than your average reddit lib

[–] [email protected] 58 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (9 children)

I visit a variety of lib subreddits to keep on an eye on what the libs are thinking and feeling. With a doubt, the smartest of them are r/neoliberal users. They are the theory readers of the liberals, their theory being Milton Friedland speeches, the FT, and German GDP reports. They view the world through an ideological framework, have mostly consistent politics in their heads, and are the mostly likely to criticize Brandon and US economic and foreign policy. They are still Democrat partisans, but more level headed than most other libs. They are also the most willing to read criticism of Israel as long as it comes from mainstream, "credible" news sources since they are all news junkies. They are the most rational about China of all libs, but this is by the standards of libs

The hogs of liberals are r/destiny. Slop addicts whos only driving force is to make marvel quips about palestinians being murdered and being terminally online about getting mad at streamers. They are blue chuds who's only interested is seeing their enemies getting owned. There is no discussion of value on r/destiny, there is no news coverage of Israel, good or bad, at best their is brief twitter clips. they consume no news or information, only pure streamer slop. They are the id of liberal reddit

[–] [email protected] 61 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (9 children)

The New York Times has released a short statement criticizing Biden for "actively and effectively avoid[ing] questions from independent journalists" calling the impact on democracy "troubling"

Full statement

For anyone who understands the role of the free press in a democracy, it should be troubling that President Biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term. The president occupies the most important office in our nation, and the press plays a vital role in providing insights into his thinking and worldview, allowing the public to assess his record and hold him to account.

Mr. Biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit-down interviews with independent journalists than virtually all of his predecessors. It is true that The Times has sought an on-the-record interview with Mr. Biden, as it has done with all presidents going back more than a century. If the president chooses not to sit down with The Times because he dislikes our independent coverage, that is his right, and we will continue to cover him fully and fairly either way.

However, in meetings with Vice President Harris and other administration officials, the publisher of The Times focused instead on a higher principle: That systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations doesn’t just undermine an important norm, it also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability. That is why Mr. Sulzberger has repeatedly urged the White House to have the president sit down with The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNN and other major independent news organizations that millions of Americans rely on to understand their government.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Alternative Reddit Title: 2/3 of Americans are tankies

That being said, only about a quarter support cutting off military aid to both supported countries

Americans somewhat sympathize with israel more, but broadly side with Ukraine

[–] [email protected] 41 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Americans have sides they support but broadly just want violence to stop, at the very least so they don't have to think about these conflicts anymore if not the outright belief that peace is better for the world

[–] [email protected] 70 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Something to keep in mind as we enter electon season and libs ramp up talk about overseas adventures


Archived Washington Post

Obama and top level dems are spooked by how unserious Biden is in regards to a Trump victory.

Former president Barack Obama has raised questions about the structure of President Biden’s reelection campaign, discussing the matter directly with Biden and telling the president’s aides and allies the campaign needs to be empowered to make decisions without clearing them with the White House, according to three people familiar with the conversations.

Obama grew “animated” in discussing the 2024 election and former president Donald Trump’s potential return to power, one of the people said, and has suggested to Biden’s advisers that the campaign needs more top-level decision-makers at its headquarters in Wilmington, Del. — or it must empower the people already in place. Obama has not recommended specific individuals, but he has mentioned David Plouffe, who managed Obama’s 2008 race, as the type of senior strategist needed at the Biden campaign.


Obama’s conversation with Biden on the subject took place during a private lunch at the White House in recent months, one of the people said, a meeting that has not been previously reported. Biden, who has long used Obama as a sounding board, invited his former boss to lunch, and the two discussed a range of topics including the 2024 election.

During the lunch, Obama noted the success of his reelection campaign structure in 2012, when some of his top presidential aides, including David Axelrod and Jim Messina, left the White House to take charge of the reelection operation in Chicago. That is a sharp contrast from Biden’s approach of leaving his closest aides at the White House even though they are involved in all the key decisions made by the campaign.

Obama also recommended that Biden seek counsel from Obama’s own former campaign aides, which Biden officials say they have done, the people said. Obama has been even more explicit with people close to Biden, suggesting the campaign needs to move aggressively as Trump appears poised to quickly wrap up the Republican nomination. His concerns about the campaign structure were not tied to a specific moment, but rather his belief that campaigns need to be agile in competitive races, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential conversations.

Spokespeople for Obama and the White House declined to comment.

Obama has long harbored worries about Trump’s political strength, telling Biden during a different private lunch last summer that Trump is a more formidable candidate than many Democrats realize. He cited Trump’s intensely loyal following, a Trump-friendly conservative media ecosystem and a polarized country as advantages for the former president in 2024.

Obama, who commands enormous loyalty and star power in the Democratic Party, is not alone in worrying about Biden’s weak poll numbers and his unorthodox bifurcated campaign structure.

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager, is based at the campaign headquarters in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, while the president’s top political advisers — Anita Dunn, Jen O’Malley Dillon, Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti — work more than 100 miles away at the White House. That means any important move by the campaign is run by the White House first, prompting concern among some Democrats as they head into a turbulent contest that is likely to require immediate responses to fast-moving developments.

Axelrod said Friday he could not speak to Obama’s discussions with Biden, but that each president approaches his reelection differently, and Biden’s campaign structure may yet evolve. “Jim and I started building the structure in Chicago in the spring of ’11. President Biden has chosen to keep many of his key political advisers in the White House,” Axelrod wrote in a text message. “But by necessity, I would expect several of them will move fairly soon to the campaign itself.”

But some Democrats running on the ticket with Biden are worried. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), who is running for her state’s open Senate seat, has expressed concern to allies that she may not be able to win if Biden is at the top of the ticket, according to people familiar with the conversations. A spokesman for Slotkin’s campaign said she “looks forward to running with President Biden.”


Outside of urging structural changes, Obama’s sense of urgency about the upcoming presidential race has been reflected in his push to raise money for Biden’s effort. He has helped the Biden campaign raise $4 million in small-dollar donations, including $2.6 million through a “Meet the Presidents” contest where donors have the chance to meet Obama and Biden, Biden campaign officials said.

In a statement this summer, Eric Schultz, a senior adviser to Obama, said the former president “looks forward to supporting Democrats up and down the ballot next fall, and no race has bigger stakes than President Biden’s reelection.”

“We place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations,” Schultz said. “We are deliberate in picking our moments because our objective is to move the needle.”

On Thursday, the Biden campaign released a new fundraising video featuring the two leaders. “We need your help to ensure Joe’s leadership continues to guide us forward,” Obama says in the video. “We know the other side won’t rest, so we can’t either.” The relationship between Obama and the man who served as his vice president for eight years is a complex one. The two men developed a strong working relationship and their families bonded well, but aides to both men say the “bromance” depicted in some pop culture accounts was always an exaggeration. These days, Biden and Obama check in with each other periodically, and Obama remains close to many of his former staffers who now work in the White House.

Some Biden allies who have heard about Obama’s musings on their campaign structure are dismissive, still feeling burned by Obama’s decision to support Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election instead of Biden.

The mention of Plouffe in particular irritates some longtime Biden aides, because it was Plouffe whom Obama dispatched to warn Biden that he faced long odds if he decided to seek the presidency in 2016. “The president was not encouraging,” Biden wrote in his memoir, “Promise Me, Dad.”

The Biden aides note bitingly that Clinton, despite Obama’s support, lost to Trump in 2016, a defeat that remains traumatizing for many Democrats. Plouffe declined to comment but has told friends he is retired from active campaign work.

But even Biden is frustrated by his public standing, frequently complaining about his low poll numbers in private conversations with aides. In one meeting shortly before Thanksgiving, he demanded to know what his team and his campaign staff were doing about it. The low approval ratings have persisted despite a humming economy, as the country added 216,000 jobs in December.

Just before year’s end, Biden’s rating tied his record low, with 38 percent approving his performance and 58 percent disapproving, according to a Washington Post average of 17 polls in November and December. Voters, including a majority of Democrats, say they are particularly concerned about Biden’s age and consistently rank it as a bigger problem for the president, 81, than for Trump, 77.

Democrats are also concerned about Biden losing support among younger voters and communities of color because of his handling of the Israel-Gaza war. In December, a New York Times-Siena College poll found that 57 percent of voters disapproved of his handling of the conflict, while 33 percent approved.

Biden’s aides, however, say that if Trump becomes the Republican nominee as analysts on both sides expect, a clear majority of voters will find Biden preferable, given Trump’s chaotic style and anti-democratic tendencies. And in the Times-Siena poll, while all registered voters supported Trump over Biden, those likely to vote favored Biden.

On Friday, Biden held his first major official campaign event, traveling to Valley Forge, Pa., to give a speech blasting Trump as a threat to democracy on the eve of the anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Biden launched his reelection campaign in April, but to date his political activity has largely been confined to fundraisers and a few appearances at political rallies hosted by outside groups.


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The cafeteria menu in the Senate building, which has been serving chinese style cuisine on Fridays as a tradition for over 15 years, changed the name of "Chow Mein" to "Taiwan noodles" in a culinary rebuke of communist mainland China lead by hard line GOP Texas senator Ted Cruz over the dictatorial country's various human rights abuses and democratic crack downs.

The name change was celebrated by Cruz and a bipartisan group of his senate colleagues. The group, which included Democrats Joe Manchin (D-WV), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), among others, held a news conference to celebrate the new menu.

"This action today is a small, but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of communist China. From stealing our technology to the persecution of Christians, if President Biden won't stand up to these international bullies we will" said Senator Cruz, the sub chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. "Don't forget the Ughyers" interjected democratic Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown.

Cruz began the effort by contacting his fellow Texas senator John Cornyn, who sits on the Senate Internal Affairs committee, which among other roles has power over the senate cafeteria. Cornyn circulated a letter suggesting such a move. Cruz said he was following the example of a local restaurant owner in his home state.

"I represent Texas, the state with the most military bases and active duty troops. As I've watched these men and women wave goodbye to their loved ones being sent all over the world to guarantee our security and freedom, I am reminded of the deep love they have for the freedom of this nation and their desire to fight. We cannot surrender our culture to the Marxist menace"

The recent event rings similar to a food name controversy in 2004 when french fries served in the House of Representatives were renamed to "freedom fries" in response to French criticism of the US war in Iraq

"Had I been in congress at the time, I would have absolutely supported the change. Absolutely" Stated Cruz when asked about the similarities.

The name change was criticized by independent Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.

"That's completely ludicrous to me," he said while leaving today's session with a box of donuts in hand.

The United States has accused the ruling Chinese Communist Party of subverting journalism, democracy, and a long list of human rights violations, including what the biden administration has called a genocide against the ethnic Ugyhur group in the eastern Xinjiang province.

Officials with the CCP Embassy in Washington could not be reached for comment.


Imagine US troops fighting in this country.

A heat wave passing over the Middle East sent temperatures skyrocketing to extreme levels in Iran over the weekend — so high that one city almost broke a world record.

The heat index in Bandar Mahshahr, a city of over 100,000 atop the Persian Gulf, reached an astonishing 164 degrees (73 Celsius) on Friday afternoon , according the Weather Channel. The heat index is also known as the “feels-like” temperature, which combines air temperature with relative humidity, which soars during the summer due the city’s proximity to water.

In Iraq, air temperatures continued to exceed 120 degrees (49 Celcius) for the eighth day in a row on Sunday, according to the Weather Channel. The heat had become so scorching on Thursday that the Iraqi government mandated a four-day holiday.

The highest-known heat index — 178 degrees (81 Celcius) — was recorded in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on July 8, 2003.

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