Couldn't disagree more, that sounds hilarious 😄
Dammit, now I want cheesecake 😄
I'm at a ~~:.|:;~~ for words..
Good technique in dance to me is not just someone who can do a perfect tendu, but also someone who can urinate on cue,” Holzinger told the Guardian in an interview earlier this year.
Just your average choreographer 😄
Speaking of, did anyone wake up Green Day?
One of the main things I miss about the place is the ridiculously specific cat subs.
Places like r/torties, r/calicokittys, r/catbellies, r/catsbeingcats, r/roastmycat, r/petthedamncat, r/ooobigstretch and r/blep (last two of which were species agnostic, though) all had The Fabulous Staredycat Sisters in guest star roles from time to time 😄
Sounds like a Debbie Does Dallas spinoff: Winco Does Wisconsin
The lawmakers added that while the FTC is in charge of enforcing the 1974 Equal Credit Opportunity Act, “that authority to challenge conduct under the ECOA does not accordingly permit the FTC to separately challenge conduct as 'unfair discrimination' pursuant to the FTC Act.”
As the late Antonin Scalia (may he roast in piss) would have said: pure applesauce.
Oof! Big roof woof!
Probably, yeah. It's clear that they rely on their voters not paying attention to what they say and do.
The corporations and industries they ACTUALLY work for don't care as long as they avoid or at least delay accountability for them, after all, so they have no incentive to even TRY to make sense.