[-] [email protected] 13 points 8 hours ago

Why would you rather see Trump in office?

I promise to not ridicule you. I am hoping for a well thought out response.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Biden has shown he can do a lot of good. More importantly, we have a literal timestamp in history books of what bad Trump and the GOP is able to do. So then I have a very simple question for you:

Maintain the status quo and work to fix it


Don't vote for Biden or whatever candidate is put forth in his place?

Yes, that is the ultimatum.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

Gonna point out something incredibly important:

This "doubting" needs to stop. We're well past the point where we need to assume malicious behavior, even outstanding and evil behavior. If you are determined to doubt anything, doubt that whatever lengths they are currently willing to go will stop there if they don't get their way.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 8 hours ago

This isn't aimed specifically at you. I'm very likely guilty of this myself.

What you've said here highlights what I feel is the fundamental issue of unity for those on the left: We are all so damned certain we're the smartest in the room, to some extent anyway. We can box up and ship our opinions largely through the use of actual vocabulary. We can do real research. Many more of us have degrees, or are otherwise interested in some more academic form of hobbies, careers, and lend our strengths towards artistic approaches. Now this isn't universal and there are gigantic nodes of people who stand outside this generalization and yet still consider themselves not Republican, if not clearly left-leaning. There is at least a grain of truth for the majority.

It isn't that we bicker. We are so divided that each of the groups we belong to must, in their own way, be correct, or be offended. Just look at Biden: The majority on the Left call for equality and justice for individuals with barriers/disabilities. We yap on and on about their strengths and capacity to be incredible in so many ways. Then the instant Biden verbally fucks up we wholly ignore all the immense good he has done in favor of "Old man can't word properly!" and immediately draw lines.

What the fuck.

Yeah, that's a radical example and somewhat incorrectly used in the context of this discussion, and yet it does highlight why we get so fucked over so often. I've backed up and seen the whole forest for what it is and would really appreciate it if everyone else stopped attempting to cram their oversized heads into the nearest tree, all the while yelling about how their tree is somehow both wholly different and also the best tree. We're all in a fucking forest and Hexxus is torching the place. The problem is even those of us choosing the forest FOR the trees are at risk of being burned. All because the intelligent fools can't hear us yelling while their heads are shoved up an Ent's ass, blind in their false wisdom.

Gah, so angry.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 13 hours ago

Wanna know what happened during the pandemic? All the anti-vaccine and anti-mask idiots came out to play. Most people stayed silent. Didn't want to get involved. Went on their days understandably stressed, though also very aware all the wrong around them.

This is no different. We are all so socially programmed to follow norms that we don't want to upset anyone. We don't want to raise our voices in public. Worried we may get embarrassed. Concerned that we are somehow in the wrong. Terrified that something will be taken from us.

Yet here we are in our passiveness, consistently losing ground to actual imbeciles, racists, and malicious actors. WE allow this to happen. Stand up to them or let their word spread unopposed and allow them to do what they want. Freedom of speech works both ways. So stand up and speak out.


[-] [email protected] 15 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

The optimist in me was so hoping Trump would see the error of his ways after his life was tried and another made forfeit in his stead.

Motherfucker still talking about himself. God damnit. I had a hopeful moment, my bad. Back to Plan A: Big ballsy Biden's bountiful bouquet of blissful banter.

Which, I might add, is currently surrounded by the lackluster looming laughable languid leftist lobotomy of a circus performance, and I'm not only referring to the politicians. stares

[-] [email protected] 39 points 14 hours ago

I feel as if not enough people are saying this.

Infighting is a bane. Back when I was on Reddit I got fucking downvoted into oblivion multiple times for pointing out that the Left's biggest problem, both now and historically, is how we can never agree on anything. That whatever faults the Right has, they will come together just to shit on someone else. If us on the Left stood up in unity we would be a literal human tsunami flooding the bullshit that is the Republican habitual diatribe. Second, and louder, is apathy, as you said.

Starting to wonder if throwing League of Legends level of insults at people might get them angry enough to vote just to show me what's what.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago

We might actually find that hilarious in another timeline.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Maybe. Though I say we just come together, get his ass in, and then in the first year also get his ass out and let the VP or Speaker step in. Like it or not, changing now IS risky and it is arguable whether it's the better choice. I'll go with what the majority chooses because fighting against Trump and the GOP is what's important.

Let me repeat: We are in the game where we must do what the Republicans do and come together against a common enemy. So I recommend everyone agree on a candidate then shut up and checkmark that box. We can go back to verbally juxtaposing our positions through digital larping, or whatever it is we do when most of us forget politics exist for four years.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

We do.

The people who legally make the choices for us never seem to want to present them.

For reasons.

Totally valid reasons.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I do agree. However, dumb is dumb.

The Earth is round. Walls are solid. Being Blue and voting against everyone's best interests is stupid.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It's simple, yes?

We are born to live and in living eventually die. What we do during life makes no difference to us after we are gone, so far as we know. Therefore, in life we find reason to do. In doing, we find purpose. In purpose we find contentment. In contentment we find peace.

Thus life is just a goal to live the best we are able and find ways to be content in that life. This is why there isn't a universal answer: What contentment looks like changes from person to person.

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