
joined 3 years ago

Donorcycles: Motorcycle Helmet Laws and the Supply of Organ Donors

the PMC and harvesting organs of alienated people, name a better duo


"I smoked marijuana with the 16 year old, but I didn't inhale" tell it to the judge William.

(I mean crypto in the original meaning of "hidden")


This is the most dialectical game review channel by far, I love how he went from Doom to that Japanese game about dating girls.


nationalist socialists: "These anarchists think having a fat ass is better than not being fat? It's like the leftoids want us to make fun of them"

also nazis: "Mathematical set theory representation of the number of holes a woman has under her waist"

I could not write a better joke about these redditors being disgusting borg abominations. This like the American Psycho male counterpart to the Stepford Wife, no wonder these "patriots" love America so much! They are baffled by the idea that fat asses are attractive probably because as labor aristocrats under late capitalism, they lack the normal desires of normal human beings.

Ask any African villager about the ideal human form and they'll show off their fetish fertility idol (Marxoids don't know what "commodity fetishism" refers to lol) with very wide hips and very thicc legs. Labor aristocrats have the bourgeois morality of thinking anorexics are most attractive.

we should be immobile and weak and universally hated so we can never achieve any goals

isn't it a fact that people are more likely to trust attractive people/people in good physical health?

In fact normal humans who aren't privileged capitalist subjects have an evolutionary attraction to people with meat on their bones. Those "gym-inspiration" instagram models who provide "goals" for neoliberal subjects are not models of health. They are models of capitalist objectification


I haven't always been comfortable with foie gras, though I've spent a good chunk of my life working with it...Later on, as my culinary career expanded, I learned to love it.

finally comfortable with my industrialized fascistic extraction of flesh :amber-snacking:

"Foie gras production should be judged not by the worst farms, but by the best"

lol sounds like a Joe Biden spokesman, fuck off PMC dork


highly experienced warlord who glows in the dark:

While being held prisoner, he and his fellow officers formed a group hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He was released around 1990 in a deal with the United States government and spent nearly two decades living in the US in Langley, Virginia, and gained U.S. citizenship.[7][8] In 1993, while living in the United States, he was convicted in absentia of crimes against the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and sentenced to death.

PMC theology teacher:

Until the outbreak of the revolution in Libya, he lectured on Islamic theology, logic, and spirituality at the restored Uthman Pasha Madrassa in Tripoli, and supervised graduate students at the Islamic Call College there. Before the liberation of Tripoli in 2011, he was appointed by the National Transitional Council as the coordinator of the Tripoli Taskforce. When Tripoli was liberated in late August 2011, the remit was broadened and he was made the lead coordinator of the Libya Stabilization Team. Earlier in the year, he was the coordinator for the Support Offices of the Executive Team of the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya. He is also the secretary of the Network of Free Ulema – Libya.According to the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, Nayed is ranked 50th among the top 500 most influential Muslims in the world.

the cool progressive reformer failson:

He was a part of his father's inner circle, performing public relations and diplomatic roles on his behalf.[2] He publicly turned down his father's offer of the country's second highest post and held no official government position. According to American State Department officials in Tripoli, during his father's reign, he was the second most widely recognized person in Libya, being at times the "de facto" Prime Minister,[3] and was mentioned as a possible successor, though he rejected this.[4] An arrest warrant was issued for him on 27 June 2011 by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for charges of crimes against humanity against the Libyan people, for killing and persecuting civilians,[5] under Articles 7(1)(a) and 7(1)(h) of the Rome statute.[6] He denied the charges

getting strong Hunter Biden vibes from this guy for some reason, not because of the drugs or weird sex stuff, he just seems like a player

(Felix doing Eric Paddock voice) "he's cool!!!"