Your smart TV is a computer of some sorts. You can do shit like watching Netflix with it. If that is all you want to do, why should you use another device with it, that brings no benefits but uses more power?
Yeah, because only stupid people who barely are able to breathe voted your democracy away.🙄
Hm, let's see. Playing TR 2013 right now, I think it could fit. To be honest, after the disaster of the final season, I did my best to forget the GoT series.
Samsung's management should throw themselves out of a very high window.
Tomb Raider (2013). Played it once for a few hours with a friend on PS4, but we never had following sessions. So now I bought it in a bundle with TR 1-3 and play the first reboot game after finishing the remaster of the 1997 title (also for the first time) last week.
Naja, hier geht es aber gerade um ÖPNV! Anders als in den USA, wo sich autonomes Fahren schwachsinnigerweise auf den MIV bezieht, wird in Deutschland gerade super viel mit Bussen getestet. MOIA ist ja auch nur ein etwas zu teurer On-Demand Verkehr.
Wenn wir eine Verkehrswende wollen, brauchen wir auch autonome Fahrzeuge. Das ist sonst leider einfach so teuer, dass niemand das bezahlen will.
Yep. It is a really nice action game with some metroidvania elements. Imagine the 2000s Jedi Knight games combined with the Metroid Prime series. More than worth the few bucks
You are citing one subject here, Palestine. Yes, maybe under Harris nothing would have been different in regards to this. But it is pretty obvious, that under the orange shitstain's regime, many people all over the world will suffer a lot. The point in participating in this election was to prevent that. You didn't vote the special representativefor Palestine or some shit, but the president of the most influencial country in the world. Your actions have consequences. All Americans who voted for Trump or did not participate fucked not only themselves, but also so many millions of other people over, so I really thing, they should go fuck themselves.
This is a very nice mouse. You can buy Li-Ion batteries in an AA format for those, that come with a USB-C slot. I use that setup for more than a year now and am very happy with it.
Die grüne Alsan oder der (leicht gesalzene) Vegan Block von Naturli sind ein perfekter Butterersatz. Bei Margarine greifen wir rein aufgrund des Geschmacks zu Rama.
Yes, the differences are night and day. Every time I want to watch one of the few movies I own on Blu-ray, I turn my old PS4 on and remember how shitty a controller is for media playback and I download the movie and watch it on my Raspberry Pi with Kodi and a proper media remote.
So again: if I just want to watch Netflix, why should I add a console that has no advantages, but uses more power and forces me to use a controller that is nice for many games but shit for watching movies?