
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 hours ago

That's their job, to lie with impunity and to convince you to disbelieve your own eyes.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

144 million is greater than 38 million

Even that understates the disparity. Ukraine certainly doesn't have 38 million now anymore and i highly doubt they had that much in February 2022 either. Their last census was over twenty years ago IIRC.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 19 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ah, i see another location has just become "strategically unimportant".

Nicaragua at the UN (
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"We denounce and condemn the genocide that the government of Israel and its First World allies have committed, are committing and continue to commit against the glorious Palestinian people, against the brave people of Lebanon and against so many other brave, courageous and dignified peoples who refuse to submit themselves to brutality.

We do not and will not keep quiet. We denounce and condemn the aggressions against Syria, Iran, and so many other great and fighting brotherly peoples in all continents.

We do not and will not keep quiet. We denounce and condemn the occupation and usurpation of the rights of peoples and countries such as Haiti.

We do not and will not keep quiet. We denounce and condemn the systematic policy of extermination of cultures and rights that the colonial and imperialist powers maintain against peoples, governments and countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua."


Patria o Muerte ¡Venceremos!

[–] [email protected] 53 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I used to think otherwise but as i've grown older i've come to understand that most of the time the only way that people learn that the stove is hot is by burning their fingers. China's going to need to get burned quite a few times, just like Russia and Iran, before they really understand who they're dealing with. Honestly the only country that has always understood exactly who the West is and how one must deal with them is the DPRK. Everyone else has to learn the hard way, sometimes many times over.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago


[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I’ve seen people accuse him of being a Russian propagandist

If you've never been accused of being a Russian/Chinese propagandist, you're doing something wrong.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It can feel that way because stimulants increase your heart rate. What size was it? I'd strongly advise against drinking an entire large can at once. When it comes to caffeine i find that less is more. I dilute my coffee with plenty of milk and when i do have energy drinks (though i generally try to avoid them) i will water them down in a 50-50 ratio.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The culture war has broken a lot of brains but the key to undoing that is to appeal to people's class interests. They may not consciously understand those interests but they instinctively feel them. They are looking for validation and explanation, but unfortunately oftentimes they will turn to conspiracy theories, identity politics and other forms of magical thinking for answers. Our task is to provide them a real, materialist explanation, but do so not in a condescending way (the most ineffectual way to do class consciousness raising propaganda is to talk to people in the kind of smug, accusatory, "better-than-you" way that liberals do) but in a way that makes them feel seen and feel that their material woes are being taken seriously.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

That is completely understandable. It's impossible as a normal empathetic person to watch what is happening and not feel deeply affected.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 2 days ago (1 children)

They are incapable of comprehending the concept of two sovereign countries that aren't in an overlord-vassal relationship and also aren't enemies, because those are the only ways that the US relates to other countries.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

It's pure virtue signaling. Russophobes competing among themselves who can do the stupidest PR stunt to "stick it to the Russians".


In the wake of the most recent Zionist attacks on Lebanon i have been disappointed to notice an uptick in comrades both here and on Hexbear who are not able to put these events into proper context and are instead allowing their emotions to overwhelm their logic. In times like these one must take a step back and look at the bigger picture, and for goodness's sake stop taking Zionist propaganda at face value.

I think it is worth reading what this article quotes Dugin as saying, because literally every single thing he says in his response to these events is the wrong conclusion to draw from what has happened. Unfortunately some of what a few comrades have written in recent news threads is beginning to sound exactly like Dugin, completely misinterpreting what is happening as the Zionist entity "winning" rather than signs of its terminal desperation, making the mistake of drawing the conclusion that in order to win a war you must behave like the Zionists, and assuming that if the Resistance does not respond with in some big and aggressive way that means they must be losing.

I have also read takes very similar to Dugin's on the Ukraine conflict, also claiming after every hollow Kiev Junta propaganda victory that Russia must escalate in order not to allow itself to be "humiliated". Yet when the dust has settled we have consistently seen that the patient approach has been the successful one, Russia is now in a better position diplomatically, militarily and economically than when it started while the crimes of the Zionists have not brought them any closer to victory. Every leader of the Resistance they martyr brings countless more fighters to its ranks. Every atrocity they commit further isolates them on the world stage. Their economy is imploding and no amount of crimes against humanity will reverse that. They are doing nothing but digging their own grave.


The 294-meter Flying Fish 1 traveled from St. Petersburg to Shanghai in just over three weeks, cutting two weeks off the traditional route via the Suez Canal.

This marks a major milestone for Arctic shipping, with nearly 20 transits expected this year, connecting Russian and Chinese ports through the Northern Sea Route.

The ship, operated by EZ Safetrans Logistics, maintained a steady speed without icebreaker assistance, highlighting how much Arctic conditions have changed.

This news may seem mundane but actually it's pretty historic. Russia and China now have a huge logistical and competitive economic advantage. This transit corridor is only going to grow in throughput volume in coming years. And most importantly it cannot be (easily) blocked by the Western imperialists like the southern straits and canals can.


So the Zionist entity brought Chinese influencers to Israel on a promotional trip, to create a positive image of "Israel" in China… but it seems they invited the wrong guy.


A good summary of the most recent events in and around occupied Palestine for those who have not been quite so diligent in keeping up with the latest news (i know i myself have been experiencing a little fatigue and had to disconnect for a few days).


As usual with this source i will give a content warning that this is a right wing source and if you step outside of their solid geopolitical analysis you may see them say some very cringe reactionary things.

The piece itself is ok, as usual a decent summary of recent events. I could see nothing particularly objectionable, except perhaps for a couple of somewhat unserious terms that a Marxist wouldn't use, such as "totalitarian".

Also, i don't vouch in any way for the comment section, i generally don't read those but it's probably a mix of ok and very very awful, so enter at your own peril. I hope this is enough to address the recent criticism that was expressed here about sharing content from problematic sources.

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