
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You are. Your government put sanctions on its citizens
in order to spite Russia.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Does anyone know if Reallifelore is CIA/NED affiliated?

I know at least one channel being part of something else in disguise.
China Uncensored is Falun Gong.
In other words the show is made up of cult members
trying to make a buck for their CIA-backed cult leader.

ADVChina I suspect to be a racist fanboy with ambition
went to China to look for his youtube idol,
and it turned out that his idol is a racist too and after some talk the idol became quite fond
of his racist fanboy, and so they decided to make racist content together
and married self-hating Hong Kong Chinese.
They're not CIA/NED assets. Too stupid for that.

But I don't know about Reallifelore, Wendover productions or the Infographics Show.
They feel more than just racist to me, like China Uncensored.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)
  1. We figured out that working together makes a nation stronger faster
    than living under a system that kicks people to the curb or kills them outright
    just because another group of people deem them inferior and a threat to their position.
    And most often these same people also sycophantically and pathetically
    suck up to other people that they deem absolutely superior
    and more civilized to their position, no matter what they do or how absurd.
  2. We are disgusted by the above behavior of in one way or another.
    Either their ruthlessness, their hypocrisy or their sycophantic behavior,
    while still somehow thinking that they are better and more civilized than others.
  3. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
    of economic policies over time and notice that the real rules are:
    "Free market and no handouts" for thee and
    "infinite economic security" for us elite.
  4. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
    of election policies over time and notice that if you live in a "(liberal) democracy",
    as branded by the US, that all the most policies are decided
    by Wall Street oligarchs, even if you're a citizen of France or Japan.
  5. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
    of a violent political event over time by your local media
    and then try to figure out what else you've been lied about
    and notice a running theme of issue #1/2 on a global scale,
    of all "democracies".
  6. If you're a citizen of one of these "liberal democracies"
    and looked towards "nationalists" to address issue #4,
    we have followed and noticed that these "nationalists"
    that complain about "globalism" are just "globalist racists"
    that consider issue #3, #4 and #5 to be a failure of the system in issue #1,
    that is to say, they're being surpassed by a group of "inferior" people
    and that this group of people has to be killed outright immediately,
    before they pose any further threat.

Correct me if I'm wrong or whether Im missing something.

[–] [email protected] 41 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

This is what Victionary Nuland must have meant by "nasty surpises".
Terrorist attacks.
She was talking about terrorist attacks.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

To me it looks more like they want further humiliation for NATO.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ah cool, I've half-constructed one as well two decades ago,
but right now I'm creating an installer for the safe network.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

red liberal?
To me that sounds like someone who seemingly supports a right-wing party, but secretly is communist or socialist.
I think social liberal is probably less confusing for this kind of person, you know, a true and true centrist, not left or right.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

Can you program?

I need some help.
I procrastinate too much as well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)


I hope I'm no longer banned. (Hurray, I'm no longer banned from this place)
I'm looking at @StalinIsMaiWaifu as I was failing with 1, 3 and 4, although that was 20 years ago.

  1. It's not about "talking to people". I'm not good at that, so that didn't work for me.
  2. The biggest win for me was joining the anime/game/book (all-rolled-into-one) club, as it was the ideal social setting for me.
  3. The people I ended up making friends with were those that just joined, because those don't have friends yet and once they do, they no longer look for new ones, just like you would.
    You should look for those people in particular.

Those are the three best advices I could give you.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

Until this year I thought the train was the transportation of the past.

But trains are the cheapest form of long-range transport on land as they are electric that don't need heavy batteries.
The largest competitor to the train is the ship.
Ships can carry lots and lots of containers and don't need any kind of road maintenance.
The only two disadvantages of ships are that they are slow moving and the fact that they can only be cheaper when the cost of gasoline/diesel/bunker fuel remains low.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Russia really needs to understand I think Europe won’t fold easily.

They already do, that's why they keep it at SMO.
You need to understand that they have time on their side.
Russia's current goal isn't to get Zelensky on his knees, but to get the US on it's knees.

And how do you think Europe is building out it's green energy?
Those windmills and solar panels don't pop out of the ground
and with Europe and the US de-industrializing, who do you think is building them?


I would like to start that the reason I find US imperialism especially abhorrent is the fact that the country shouldn't exist in the first place.
It's a settler-colony of which each star in it's represents a genocide of multiple Amerindian tribes.

That said, I'll start with the list of red herrings, because they annoy me the most:

The list of red herrings:

1. The Jewish Occupational Government conspiracy

"It's the Jews! The Jews are really controlling the earth, not the Anglo-Americans. In particular George Soros and the Rothschilds, the latter controlling all central banks and trillions worth of gold secretly in the Vatican."


Ukraine war news commentators and sites I follow.
Exclusively in the chat and comments sections.
These come from US Republican nazis and it's vassals from their empire that hate the Democratic party more than they like Ukrainian white supremacists.


This annoys me first and foremost because it suggests that the real powers that be in the world reside in the EU and I just got to wonder why Italy isn't the richest country in the world?
Also, since if the Rothschilds hide their gold in the Vatican, then why doesn't the European central banks also stash their gold in the Vatican?
I'm sure it's safer over there then to stash it in the US. It's closer to home as well. And which security company is guarding the stash of gold?
Is the best security company in the world a European security company?
If it's an American security company, then why haven't they suggested to the Rothschilds to move their gold to the US?
And what's with the heavy focus on Jews in Europe when there are more Jews living in the US?

The only European Jewish person with some real power is George Soros. But compared to even just the slew of Jewish Americans in the tech sector like Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and others, he's just a small fry.

I think the best conclusion one can get from Jews being rich is that most of them live in the US and in particular New York State, so one of the richest states of the US.

1a. The JOG WEF herring

"It's the WEF! The WEF is really controlling the earth, founded by Klaus Schwab not the Anglo-Amerians. They are responsible for the economic collapse in the EU, by having Germany close down nuclear and coal power plants."


Some of the Ukraine war news commentators dabble in this. I believe at it's core it's PatSoc commentators doing this.
so they don't have to fully blame their own government, and instead can blame foreign elites.
That said, US nazis likely started this.


Klaus Schwab is another Rich Jewish European that is nowhere near as powerful as George Soros, let alone Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Tim Cook, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Fink etc.
He's just the host of an elitist tea party and not the kind that protests against high tax rates, although considering the type of crowd that goes there, perhaps they do.

Closing down nuclear and coal power plants is a good idea. What's not a good idea is sanctioning Russian gas, especially when warning everyone that Russia would cut off the gas in order to severely damage your economy, despite constant reassurance by the Russian government that they would continue all gas flows even during the Ukrainian war.

The reason why it's a good idea, besides the fact that coal is the biggest pollutant on earth and nuclear meltdowns causes land to become inhospitable for a couple of decades, is because for the last few decades, both of these two energy sources have either been stagnant in cost or actually gone up, while natural gas, wind power and solar power all have gotten cheaper to the point that it makes sense to use those instead.

And the argument that the sun doesn't always shine or the wind doesn't always blow makes the so-called pro-economic tough-luck anti-renewable crowd even more hilarious, as wind and solar are doing economically fine in this scenario. When they work, they beat out coal and nuclear power plants completely from running. But for coal and nuclear power plants it's an economic disaster, as the new reality for them is that they can only run 6 months a year, but having to pay the same maintenance cost.

So the so-called "pro-economic growth" side is talking all about how Germany should have just gone for the more expensive energy sources, because Germany needs to maximally sanction Russia at all costs without hurting oneself economically at all times whenever it suits the US.

And it's the US, not the WEF that wanted Germany to close down Nord Stream 2. They have openly stated so.

The whole regret of low coal and nuclear is thus to have wanted Germany to economically shoot itself in the foot before any potential war even started.

1b. The JOG Cultural Marxist herring

It's the Frankfurt school! That's where all the US identity politics stems that causes a US cultural and therefor also economic downfall.


I can't remember anymore.
Likely a debunking youtube video (by Shaun?) of PragerU or SargonOfAkkad,
where cultural marxism was blamed for wokeism.
Yet again, likely started by US nazis,
this time picked up by those who hate communism.


By Frankfurt school these people mean Rich Jewish Academic "Marxist" Germans from the 1920s. I think we're seeing a (💰 ✡️ 🇪🇺 or ☭ = 🚷) pattern here.
I put Marxist in quotes, because they veered off from it quite a lot as most of them were psychoanalytic sociologist philosophers who came up with coining the term "critical theory", which means coming up with an idea of social change, consistently win the argument in discussions and then convince everyone to follow your ideology. So they saw communism as an ideology created this way and thought "we gotta have more of these ideologies so we can make even more social change making the world even better".

This has been picked up by several Anglo-American feminists and LGBT-movements whom, like the Frankfurt scholars, also felt little for class struggle, but came up with their own theories and ideas on oppression.

Instead of dividing people into those who have capital and those that do not and those with capital being exploitative, they have more than a dozen types of divisions put into a progressive stack in which classism takes a backseat to around 10th place in terms of importance. The first place being sexism and second racism.

Conflating Anglo-American feminists with the Rich Jewish Academic "Marxist" psychoanalytic sociologist philosopher Germans at the Frankfurt School during the mid-early to mid-late 20th century and then calling the latter the originators of "Cultural Marxism", which in the eyes of the latter meant practicing a type of research to form your new critical theory, has confused quite at the very least myself into thinking that "Cultural Marxism" acutually means marxism where people are divided into cultural hierarchies (sex, race, oriëntation, physical ability) rather than social class hierarchies.

And thus yet again, it's another red herring.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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